Please note that from April 2025 Council meetings will no longer be held in the Assembly Rooms and will change to the third Monday of each month. For a full list of meeting dates please see the meeting dates page.
REMINDER: Many residents will be aware of the recent report issued by the County Council which placed the future of the Leisure Centre under threat. The review of Leisure Centres has been pushed on to Summer time but the threat has not gone away. Please watch out for any updates in the press or from the Town Council and be ready to comment to support the retention of the Leisure Centre when the consultation goes live. In the meantime please be aware that the use of the centre is monitored and the figures will be part of the County Council's considerations - please try to support your local centre.
All welcome. Please bring hand tools and gloves.
Please do come along, learn how to prune and help look after our community recreation area. Starting at 10.30am. Bring your own pruning shears etc if possible.
The Town Council met on 15th January to set its budget for 2025-26. A budget for the year of £89098 was agreed. In order to hold the precept at the same level as 2024-25 it was agreed to use £13,000 from reserves resulting in a precept of £76,053.04. This would represent a payment of £56 for the year for a Band D property, being no change from the previous year.
Many residents will be aware of the recent report issued by the County Council which placed the future of the Leisure Centre under threat. The review of Leisure Centres has been pushed on to Summer time but the threat has not gone away. Please watch out for any updates in the press or on the Town Council website and facebook pages and be ready to comment to support the retention of the Leisure Centre when the consultation goes live. In the meantime please be aware that the use of the centre is monitored and the figures will be part of the County Council's considerations - please try to support your local centre.
This is an outline for a joint project between Presteigne and Norton Town Council and Sheep Music to build a permanent store on Went’s Meadow.
Went’s Meadow is used as the location to hold community events put on by Sheep Music and the Carnival, as well as one off events and performances.
In 2019, in an earlier joint venture between the Town Council and Sheep Music, a Community Barn was built to provide a permanent venue for their events which avoided the need to rent marquees and other equipment, such as staging and flooring, in order to put them on.
The proposal is to build another smaller permanent structure next to the barn which will have the dual use of providing on-site storage for all the equipment needed to put on these events, which is currently stored off site, and to provide a space for serving hatches for either a bar or food. We would also apply to buy some new and additional equipment to encourage more community-based events down on the field by making it easier to set up and run such events.
BUILDING THE STORE: Sheep Music will take responsibility for building the Store. The plan is for it to be built by the community as was the Community Barn. We have talked to lots of people in the community willing to help, from experienced builders to enthusiastic amateurs.
FUNDING THE BARN: The project cost is £30k. We are applying to the National Lottery Awards for All for £20k. The Town Council is providing £3k, Sheep Music and the Carnival Committee are contributing £1k each and the final £5k will be sought from community contributions once the Lottery Funding has been secured.
TIMESCALE: It is hope to have a decision from the Lottery and the planning permission by the end of March. Construction would start in April and it is hoped to have the new store ready for the 2025 Carnival.
The plans are available to view in the library window or you can view them by clicking on the link here, and if you think this project is a good idea, please could you sign the form in the library. Any comments are welcome.
For more info contact; Cllr Colin Kirkby, 01544 267811
At the September meeting of the Town Council, Nicholas Rogers and Leigh Harling-Bowen were co-opted to represent the Presteigne Ward.
Details of candidate sites put forward can now be viewed on the Powys County Council website -
Sites put forward for Presteigne and Norton are -
1. Former Kayes Foundry Presteigne. Area (hectares) 2.39. Existing Land Use(s) Former Foundry Site. Proposed Use Open Market Housing, Affordable Housing, Specialist Housing (including for older people and those with disabilities), Retail.
2. Land adjacent to Walkers Meadow, Knighton Road, Presteigne. Area (hectares) 2.14. Existing Land Use(s) Agricultural Land. Proposed Use Open Market Housing, Affordable Housing.
3. Land adjacent to Long Meadow, Slough Road, Presteigne. Area (hectares) 1.6. Existing Land Use(s) Agricultural Land. Proposed Use Open Market Housing, Affordable Housing.
4. Land adjacent Maes Corton, Presteigne. Area (hectares) 1.75. Existing Land Use(s) Agricultural Land. Proposed Use Open Market Housing, Affordable Housing, Green Infrastructure / Open Space.
5. Land at Mynd Road, Norton. Area (hectares) 0.33. Existing Land Use(s) Agricultural Land. Proposed Use Open Market Housing.
6. Wills View, Norton. Area (hectares) 1.28. Existing Land Use(s) Agricultural Land. Proposed Use Open Market Housing, Affordable Housing.
7. Extension to Jacks View. Area (hectares) 0.29. Existing Land Use(s) Agricultural Land. Proposed Use Open Market Housing, Affordable Housing.
Presteigne town centre is to see improvements, that will add to its appearance, after a funding bid submitted to Powys County Council was successful. Presteigne and Norton Town Council is to receive up to £50,710.80 towards the cost of refurbishing 10 business frontages on High Street, Broad Street, Hereford Street and Green End. The funding is being provided in the form of a Welsh Government Placemaking Grant, through its Transforming Towns programme, in this instance, for up to 70% of the total cost.
The town council is working as a facilitator for the scheme, in partnership with the county council.
“We all want our Powys town centres to thrive and get plenty of footfall,” said Councillor David Selby, Powys County Council’s Cabinet Member for a More Prosperous Powys. “These improvements will enhance the appearance of Presteigne’s High Street, and we hope that results in more trade and an added sense of pride.
“This work has been made possible thanks to our five town centre liaison officers who are supporting economic development across the county in 18 towns.” Presteigne and Norton Mayor, Cllr Trevor Owens added: “The town council was fully behind the scheme to help local traders and business owners receive funding towards the upkeep of their shop fronts. "It is all part of making the High Street more appealing to both local people and those visiting Presteigne - if more people are inclined to visit, this can only benefit those running businesses in the town". "Well done to all parties involved in securing this grant, particularly the businesses for buying into the scheme and our Town Clerk, Tracey Price who has worked tirelessly on this on our behalf."
Presteigne and Norton Town Council applied for the Placemaking Grant on behalf of the 10 businesses. It will not be retaining any of the money, only holding it until paid invoices for the work have been received.
The Transforming Towns programme in Mid Wales is supported by Powys and Ceredigion County Councils’ Economic Development and Regeneration Teams.
The Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns programme is focused on supporting the vibrancy of our town centres, developing green infrastructure, enabling job creation, and improving community facilities and access to services. Bringing empty properties back into beneficial use is a central pillar of the programme, and Mid Wales has been allocated £7m since 2022 to deliver town centre Regeneration projects.
The Placemaking Grant is designed to be flexible, and delivered through the local authority, to support smaller scale interventions (up to £250,000 grant) that help improve town centres.
Transforming Towns is a Welsh Government programme providing £100 million to town centre regeneration in Wales. Town and city centres are an essential and personal part of Welsh heritage and community, and the Transforming Towns programme is dedicated to serving and connecting the people who live, work, learn and spend leisure time in them.
Week beginning 26th August, 2024 Jo Lewis of Mid Wales Tourism will be in Presteigne promoting their new app for businesses etc. This is currently free and MWT will help with initial set up.
Jo will call on as many businesses as she can but if you are particularly keen to know more please email the Town Council on including your contact details and I will see that these are passed on.
More information here.
Congratulations to new Mayor, Cllr. Trevor Owens and Deputy Mayor, Andre Van Huls who were both elected at the Annual Meeting of Presteigne and Norton Town Council held last night.
The path opposite St Andrews church running past Fold Farm and along the River Lugg was blocked in 2012. The Town Council is still trying to get the route put on the definitive map. To help it do so it needs more witnesses. If you remember using the path between 1992 and 2012 and would be willing to sign a witness statement or like more information then please contact Cllr Colin Kirkby on 01544 267811 or
All welcome to help with a general tidy up on the site on 20th April, 10am to 4pm. Bring your own gloves/tools. Contact Cllr. Fiona Preece if you need any more information -
New rental year starts on 25th March and there are vacant plots waiting. Please email the Clerk to the Council on for information on how to apply. Annual rent is £28.
There are currently two vacancies on the Town Council, one for Norton Ward and one for Presteigne Ward.
Could you join us and contribute to your community? Closing date 31st March.
Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to find out more via or via facebook messenger.
Letter attached here. Please reply by 20th February 2024 if you are interested in attending a meeting to discuss.
Following the resignations of Cllrs Bamford and Poster the Council has now co-opted Colin Kirkby and James Ramsay to the Council.
At the meeting of the Council held on 17th January a budget for 2024-25 was set at £75,752.32 which would produce a payment for a Band D Council Tax property of £56 per year. This represented an increase of £2 after a number of years with the precept being held around the £54 for a Band D property. Full budget will be available in the accounts section of the Town Council pages on this website.
Congratulations to Cllr. Trevor Owens who was elected Deputy Mayor for the remainder of the current municipal year at the meeting of the Town Council held on 15th November. A former Town Mayor, Cllr. Owens was in previously in office as Mayor during 2019/20 and 2020/21 and Deputy in 2018/19.
Unfortunately the project is currently on hold due to changes in the funding system at UK Government. Further news as soon as we have it but all those registered should have been emailed. The County Council has issued an update which can be seen here.
At the Annual Meeting held last night Cllr. Beverley Baynham was unanimously elected as Mayor/Chair of the Town Council for 2023/24. On her election Cllr. Baynham thanked Cllr. Edwards for her hard work as Mayor over the last year and thanked Members for her election.
Deputy Mayor/Vice-Chair is Cllr. Rose Bamford.
The Town Council set its budget for the coming year at a meeting held on 18th January. A total budget of £77,325 was set. It was agreed to use £4400 from the reserve held for the public toilets resulting in the need to precept £72,925. This would result in the payment per year for a property in Band D for Council Tax would be £54. This amount is unchanged from 2021/22 and 2022/23. Full budget can be seen on the Council Accounts page of the website -
Next Local Development Plan for Powys - this affects sites Presteigne and Norton. If you wish to become involved or have a site to put forward please see the information below.
Powys Local Planning Authority (LPA) have opened the Call for Candidate Sites. The process enables all interested parties to submit potential development sites for inclusion in the Replacement Local Development Plan (Replacement LDP). It will then be for the LPA to assess the Candidate Sites to determine if they are suitable, or not, for inclusion in the Replacement LDP.
Submissions are invited for sites for housing, employment, and other needs, as detailed in the Guidance Notes published alongside the submission form.
The Call for Sites is open for six weeks from 1st November to 13th December 2022.
The Candidate Site submission form and supporting guidance are available electronically online at: The online form enables site proposers to produce and submit a map, obtain constraints information, view guidance notes and upload supporting documentation.
The Council encourages site proposers to complete the submission form online, however paper copies are available in the following libraries:
Brecon, Builth Wells, Llandrindod Wells, Llanfyllin, Llanidloes, Llanwrtyd Wells, Machynlleth, Newtown, Presteigne, Rhayader, Welshpool and Ystradgynlais.
The contact details and opening hours for each library are available at
Site proposers must use the standard submission form (electronic or paper) and should ensure that their form is fully completed in line with the published Guidance Notes.
Completed Candidate Site Submissions Forms and supporting information should be returned to Planning Policy by 5.00 pm Tuesday 13th December 2022 using:
Online: By completing the electronic form at:
Email: or
Post: Planning Policy, Powys County Council, County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, Powys. LD1 5LG
If you have any questions on how to complete the submission form or about the Candidate Site process in general, please contact the Planning Policy Team at: or 01597 826000.
As part of a Welsh Government and Woodland Trust initiative, every household in Wales will be offered a tree, free of charge. All trees planted will also contribute to the National Forest for Wales.
The first 5,000 trees were given away in March 2022. And there will be 295,000 more trees available between November 2022 and March 2023. You’ll be able to collect trees from pickup from hubs across Wales. YOUR LOCAL HUB IS IN PRESTEIGNE – SEE BELOW.
All trees will be native, broadleaf species that will grow into small-medium sized trees suitable for gardens and smaller spaces. They’ll come with planting instructions so you can give them the best start. As they mature they'll lock up carbon, fight the effects of climate change and support wildlife.
Have a tree posted or let us plant one for you - so that everyone in Wales has the chance to contribute to the National Forest for Wales we’ll also be offering the opportunity to have a tree posted to your home. Or you'll be able to request we plant one on your behalf if you don't have the space yourself.
For more information on the giveaway see our terms and conditions or get in touch.
By email: By phone: 0330 333 3300
See below for your local hub - Presteigne & Norton Town Council
Location: Site will be at Old School, Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AR. Accessible on foot or by car. Pay and Display Car Park immediately adjacent.
Opening times: Sat 10am-12pm, Weds 4-6pm each week from 19th November to 14th December.
A warm welcome to three new Members for the Town Council -
Lewers Firth
Andre Van Hul
John Wilding
The first meeting for the above will be on 19th October.
A warm welcome to three new Members for the Town Council -
Juliet Gray
Jem Poster
Mark Price
The first meeting for the above will be on 17th August.
Powys County Council has commissioned Rose Regeneration to produce an Investment Plan for Presteigne, Norton and the surrounding area. Rose Regeneration has created this survey to help the development of an evidence base of need and demand from inhabitants in the area. Please note that any references to Presteigne below includes Norton and the surrounding area.
We want to hear from you how you think Presteigne might benefit from inward investment in order to build on its strengths and to realise its full potential as a thriving and sustainable market town.
The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes for you to complete. We will treat all responses as highly confidential and will release the results over the course of the Summer.
Thank you very much for your input.
Please complete this if you can it will help inform the production of the plan and see your views are considered.
Exciting news - we have reached the 20% level of property registrations and the project can now go to the next stage - to putting together a funding application for submission to UK government. This will take a few weeks and following submission it takes an average of four months for the application to be considered (it can be less, it can be more). Please continue to encourage registrations.
Vacancies on the Town Council following May elections: Norton Ward - Three Spaces Presteigne Ward - Three Spaces
Please get in touch by emailing if you are interested in becoming a Town Councillor. Or speak to one of the current Councillors to find out what being a Councillor involves -
Leon Abecasis, Rose Bamford, Bev Baynham, Trevor Owens, Fiona Preece, Mark Williams, Deb Edwards.
As there were insufficient nominations to fill the places the following persons have been elected unopposed -
Norton Ward - Deb Edwards. Three places remaining.
Presteigne Town Ward - Leon Abecasis, Rose Bamford, Beverley Baynham, Trevor Owens, Fiona Preece, Mark Williams. Three places remaining.
The remaining places will be filled by co-option by the Town Council. Interested persons can contact the Clerk for more information on how to do this.
Notice of election can now be seen on the home page of the website.
In May 2022 all current Community Councillors will be automatically stood down and formal elections will be held to chose a new Council. Nomination papers will need to be submitted by anyone interested in standing for election and there is a strict timetable for receipt of those papers by the County Council Elections Office. Papers will be accepted from 15th March until 4pm on 5th April.
For more detailed information and to request a nomination paper pack please see link below -
Raising awareness / promotion videos – Community and Town Councillors
One Voice Wales - with assistance from Welsh Government - has published a video to promote and encourage individuals to stand for the local community and town council elections in May 2022. The video, is available here in Welsh and English:
The video can be found at the following links -
English -
Welsh -
Raises awareness of the role and contribution community and town councillors make to society
Shows how community and town councillors are well placed to know the priorities and needs of their local area and how councils can collaborate with local partners to achieve positive change
Explains the importance of diversity in local government
Explains the challenges councillors face and the support available to them e.g., through training programmes provided by One Voice Wales
Outlines the skills, knowledge and experience gained through the role and their wider application in other aspects of life and employment, the exposure to a range of unfamiliar issues and a greater understanding of how local democracy works
Explains that everyone has skills to bring to the role of Councillor from their daily life e.g. organisation, communication, problem solving etc.
The Council budget for 2022-23 financial year has been set at £84,944. Part of this spend will be met using Council reserves with the precept (as added to Council Tax bills) being £70,647. This equates to a Band D equivalent payment of £54 per year. For the full budget see the Council Accounts page of the website.
Letters due to go out in the next few weeks. Ultra fast broadband project to bring a future proof fibre to the premises (100mb minimum) connection to the area.
Details below for a short term temporary closure of footpath PR1809(A), which is needed to allow for grant funded surface improvement work to be carried out on the path.
Duration of temporary closure: There will be up to three closures, affecting weekdays only with the path being open at weekends. These are as follows.
From Monday 27th December to Friday 31st December 2021; From Monday 3rd to Friday 7th January 2022; and From Monday 10th to Friday 14th January 2022. Extended to 31st January.
Paths to be closed: Footpath PR1809(A) at Clatterbrook, for a distance of approximately 350 metres.
Alternative route: From point A (SO31216403) go north to Green End, then east to Joe Deakins Road (B4355), then south east to point B (SO31566402). The reverse route applies.
Map here
The path will be reopened on weekdays as soon as work is complete; in the meantime, we thank you for your patience.
A warm welcome to our new Councillor, Kate Van Den Ende whose first meeting will be on 15th December.
BBC Radio 4's topical discussion programme Any Questions? is coming to St Andrew's Church, Presteigne, on Friday December 3rd. A panel of guests from the worlds of politics, media and elsewhere will be here to answer questions posed by you the audience on the night. Questions can be submitted by any audience member from the moment the doors open at 6.30pm. The live broadcast starts at 8.02pm. If you would like to come along then sign up now: tickets are free and will be available from Tuesday 16th November at 9am on eventbrite. Just go to If you need any further information please phone Emma Lilley (and not the church) on 01544 267462.
Message From Inspector Adam Ellis, Dyfed Powys Police
We are aware that there are a number of reports that motorists are ignoring the no entry signs leading into Hereford Street, Presteigne. We are keen to emphasise that any motorists found ignoring the “No Entry” signs could find themselves liable to a fixed penalty notice or prosecution. We hope that by working with the local community, highlighting the changes and addressing any concerns we can prevent re-occurrences and avoid enforcement, thank you.
Update from Welsh Water: Our work at Norton WwTW has been making great progress, and we are currently on track to complete our work and reinstatement by the end of October – two months ahead of our original schedule. This week, we’ll begin moving our large cabins from the site and reinstating the wastewater treatment works. A small team may need to return after October to complete some minor reinstatement to the nearby private land – this is to ensure reinstatement to the land is done during the most suitable weather conditions that allows the grass to grow.
Work at Presteigne Wastewater Treatment Works is also making great progress and is on track to be completed by the end of Spring 2022. Further information about this work and why we are doing it can be found on our dedicated web page –
Welsh Water also encourage local residents to sign up to the In Your Area section of their website ( where they can receive email alerts about work and operational incidents in their local area.
Following the resignation of Lisa Veary the Town Council has a vacancy on the Presteigne Town Ward and following the initial notice no formal election was called. The Town Council may now proceed to co-opt (choose) someone to fill the vacancy. Interested persons may contact the Clerk for more information( via email to for Members to consider. Closing date 31st October, 2021. Candidates Guide here. Please see section one of the guide for the information needed by the Clerk to put an application forward.
One Way Trial: Hereford Street, Presteigne: The County Council has announced that subject to the completion of the necessary preparation work, the one-way system trial on Hereford Street will go live the w/c 27th September.
Upcoming short term temporary closure of public rights of way, which is needed due the Vintage Sports Car Club Welsh Trail Motorsport Event on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th October 2021.
By way of explanation, Powys County Council adopted a revised protocol for authorising motorsport events on 3rd March 2020, which now requires that public rights of way be closed for the duration of a motorsport event. Further detail can be found at:
Duration of temporary closure: 2 days - Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th October 2021. Plan attached.
31st October - Norton Bonfire and Firework Display
6th November - Presteigne Fireworks (organised by Sheep Music)
More details will be provided by the Organisations nearer the dates.
The Council is seeking quotes for its grass cutting for 2022 onwards. Interested persons should contact the Clerk for more information. Telephone 01547 528575 or email
Presteigne Cemetery: On 18th August at 5.30pm there will be a short dedication ceremony on site for the new Presteigne Cemetery extension and members of the public are welcome to attend. Please note the Council asks that you continue to observe social distancing and will ask for contact details so that you can be contacted in the event of any infection following the event. These details will be destroyed after 21 days. This will be an outdoor event.
Thank you to all those who turned out to help with the orchard pruning on the Council's Went's Meadow at the weekend. 15+ people turned up and a good job was done. Again thank you to all the helpers.
Quotes sought for tree works on Went's Meadow/Eddie's Meadow, Presteigne. Please email the Clerk for more information - Works to take place in the Autumn/Winter months.
Insurance documents and risk assessments will need to be supplied.
Community Orchard Pruning at Went's Meadow on Sunday July 4th from 11am (till about 1.30pm). Can you spare a couple of hours to help us get Went's Meadow Community Orchard into shape for the coming apple season? Andy Dodgson will be on hand to give us all a refresher and show us how to prune the trees. All welcome: bring your secateurs, loppers, pruning saws. The session should last a couple of hours and will hopefully – weather willing – be fun!
Congratulations to new Mayor, Cllr. Fiona Preece and Deputy Mayor Cllr. Deb Edwards on being elected to office at the meeting on 19th May. Thanks to outgoing Mayor, Cllr. Trevor Owens for all his hard work during the past two years.
Please see full details and approximate timetable here.
Welsh Water work in your area - As you may be aware, WW are currently investing over £8 million to upgrade the assets at both the wastewater treatment works in Norton and Presteigne. Work is about to begin at Presteigne WwTW, and we wanted to let you know what you can expect. Presteigne WwTW On Monday 7th June 2021, we will begin our work at Presteigne Wastewater Treatment Works which is located within the private land adjacent to St Andrew’s Football Club. WW anticipate that our work here will take approximately one year to complete. To access our working area, we will be creating a temporary access track via a private access off the B4362 so disruption should be minimal to local residents. Our construction traffic will be using the track to access our working area, but you may continue to notice our operations team travelling via Clatterbrune to access our operational assets. We will begin constructing this track in June, and it will remain in to place until we have completed our work. We’ll be working with Morgan Sindall and their subcontractors to help us get the work done, so you may notice their vehicles in the area. They’ll be working Monday to Friday between 8am and 5.30pm. However, there may be times when they will need to work during the weekends and outside of these hours to get the work done as quickly as possible.
Olivia & Marie. Welcome to our new venture everyone! We are Sister Act, now offering cleaning services to you. Some of you might know us, we are local to the Presteigne area, we are sisters who are passionate about cleaning! If you have any queries, please contact us on the details below. Olivia & Marie 07463 783915
Royal Oak. Our takeaway Sunday roasts are back. Collection from the pub or free delivery available within Presteigne and surrounding area. Orders to be in by Friday 3pm.
Leon’s Supper Club is back! Book now for our Spanish nights. Friday 21 & Saturday 22 May and Friday 28 & Saturday 29 May 7pm £30 per head - bring your own drinks. Above the Salty Dog, 14 High Street, Presteigne. For reservations (bookings for tables of 4 maximum). Tel: 01544 727486 / 267720 or 0780 5727 486.
The Warehouse. We have just been to the warehouse to empty our donation bin which was full and overflowing. Please could we ask you NOT leave your items if our bin is full as bags of books have been left outside and have been soaked with the rain and are now ruined. For now we are not accepting any more books, DVDs or CDs due to lack of space. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Bea’s Care Services. Hello friends. Just wanted to share and tell you all about my year. Cannot believe that I launched my business just over a year ago, just as the 1st lockdown had started. Since then there have been ups, downs, turn arounds. Business has been slow, then busy. But I wouldn’t have changed any of it. I’ve met and loved so many people. Been part of so many lives. I feel so privileged to have made a difference in these so trying and difficult times. Who could have predicted any of this. But a year on I’ve never been busier, never happier never prouder of what I’ve been able to achieve. How many lovely families I’ve been able to support. Can’t wait to see what the next 12 months has to offer me.
Royal Oak weekly meat raffle and bonus ball are restarting this weekend. Meat raffle tickets can be purchased from a member of staff or via bank transfer. The raffle is drawn 1pm every Sunday with various prizes of steaks, burgers, sausages and joints of meat. All proceeds are going to be split between the local food bank and air ambulance for the time being. £1 per go. The bonus ball is every Saturday for which we have a few numbers available. It's £1 per week per number with a chance of winning £50 if your number comes up on the lotto draw. Get in touch for any more information 01544 260842
Erika at Kukulclean. We are a professional oven and house cleaning service, based in Knighton but covering the Presteigne area. Single ovens £45 Double £60 Ranges from £80. Give us a call or a WhatsApp on 07950 332535
The Mens Shed is re opening on Monday the 17th May thankfully with many members eager to get back to renewed friendships and insults, all in the best possible taste of course! Interested? Email John on
Weobley Ash Meats. So our little shop has come on a long way in the last 12 months. Our new deli counter is being built, a separate kitchen for our cooked and baked goods and a new chilled fruit and vegetable room. Prepared on site with our own pork from our rare breed Welsh pigs shall be scotch eggs, sausage rolls, faggots, pork pies & a selection of cold meats.
Royal Oak Steak night will be returning this Wednesday. Limited spaces available so booking and pre ordering is required. Message us or call 01544 260842 to book.
Sharon. Great news ! The Farmers Inn will Open on Wednesday 19th May. We look forward to seeing you all soon. Welcome back.
The Warehouse Book and DVD Sale continues this week so there is still time to stock up. All fiction and non-fiction books only 10p each! Also - adult/child DVDs only 10p each!! Boxed sets 50p. Stock up now. Ideal for your holiday cottage or caravan. Many new, never opened.
Amanda’s Bread. Dear Amanda's Bread Customer, Julian and I shall be baking to order next week, with deliveries on- Saturday 15th May to Presteigne and the surrounding area. If you would like to put in an order please get in touch by the end of Monday or asap, thank you. Tel. 01588 660296 email
Leon’s Food to Order. We’re repeating last week’s Meal deal. Order any of our delicious Indian or Thai curries - and get a free portion of fragrant Basmati rice. All curries are gluten-free. Order these specials, and other dishes from our menu online at
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. We are all ready to welcome you back to our new outdoor cafe! Don't let the forecast put you off- our new, extended deck area is covered and page 3 of 5 heated! Your favourite coffee and treats await you along with a new Spring Menu full of light lunch options- hopefully see you soon? The Gallery and Cafe are open Wed - Sat, 10am-4pm.
Salty Dog. We’ll be closed over Bank Holiday Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th May, then open as normal.
Mandy. LOW IMPACT dance sessions, optional toning weights, re-starting Memorial Hall, Presteigne, Thursday 10-11am from Thursday 13th May. Contact Mandy 07538 218273 or for more information.
The Warehouse. This week only, all books are 10p each in The Warehouse and the charity shop. Stock up now for your summer reading. Meanwhile, please could we ask you not to donate any more books for the foreseeable future. We are absolutely swamped with them and do not have the room to store any more. We will have to refuse any that are brought in unfortunately so want to avoid you making a wasted journey. Thank you.
Aardvark Books & Café. May News! We are open on Bank Holiday Mondays - so next Monday 3rd May, the Bookery will be open 10am - 4pm for browsing our many #books , with takeaway coffee and cakes outside - in the sunshine we hope! And we will be open on Bank Holiday Monday 31st May too - more chance of sunshine then perhaps? - but definitely lots of books, with coffee, tea, cakes! Also news of our Car Boot on Sunday 30th to come.
The Mens Shed. Finally we are going to be allowed to re open the Shed. We will be opening our doors on Monday 17th May at 10am. There will be a QR code check in linked to the NHS COVID-19 App in the entrance vestibule. Because of limited space we would ask all visitors to wear a face mask and use the hand sanitiser provided in reception. Thank you in anticipation for your custom. For more information call John on 01544 232750....and, now we’re out of lockdown, The Mens Shed will be eagerly manning a stall at the Knighton Community Hall market on Saturday 22nd May. Come along and see what we have for sale, it will be great to meet people again and have a chat.
Jesi. I am a Yoga Teacher & new to the area! I am currently teaching online on Zoom, but I'm also in the process of setting up group classes in Presteigne for when restrictions have lifted. I take a traditional yet unique approach in my teaching - I like to find playfulness as well as sincerely working on our spiritual growth & our body's well-being! I teach a variety of different styles of yoga & meditation, as well as 1:1 sessions and regular workshops! If you fancy trying a Zoom class, see here for info & booking: omrunayogaweekly or if you are interested in classes in Presteigne, please get in touch via my website or Facebook Namaste!
Leon’s Food to Order. New Madras and Korma curries added to our menu for this week’s Indian and Thai curry Meal Deal. Order any of our delicious curries and get a free portion of aromatic Basmati rice. Go to
Amanda’s Bread. Julian and I shall be baking to order next week, with deliveries on :Saturday 8th May in the Knighton / Presteigne / Kington areas. If you would like to put in an order please get in touch by the end of Monday 3rd May Thanks.
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. See our FB page or call us 01544 260600 for the day service menu for next week. We are open Tuesday to Saturday this week from 10am - 4.30pm serving brunch, lunch, tea/coffee, cream teas and cakes. Let’s hope the weather gets better. ...from Sarah at Slix. Thank you for all your entries to our fun GIF and comment competition, on Hairstylist Appreciation Day, to show our appreciation to you, we loved them all! The winner was chosen by a random wheel spinner and is... Charlotte Marklew-Davies. Congratulations!
G&A Catering. Apologies for late notice but we are CLOSED today Monday 3rd May.....Open again tomorrow at 8am - 2pm. Also hosting our "Time for a Cuppa", raising money for Dementia UK tomorrow from 11am, lots of lovely cakes, Tombola and Wonderful Raffle - 32 prizes to be won
Just a reminder it's Presteigne Food Market on SATURDAY 1st May. Two new stall holders attending our very well supported local market :-Filled bagels, and herbs and plants from Knighton - along with the ever faithful: Makis- Hot drinks and crepes - Presteigne Honey - Continuum Conceits - Survival - Celia's Cosmetics - Hay Charcuterie - Wegnalls Farm Butchery - Planet B - Dugan's Patisseries - Khesh's Indian Delights - Primrose Organic Veg - Planet and Plate - this month shake drinks derived from beans, come and be adventurous! and a very big welcome back after a little break to Amanda’s Bread who will also be selling Weobley Ash Apple juice on their stall. Hopefully the sun will be shining! Look forward to seeing you all.
Royal Oak. We will be reopening the beer garden on Monday 26th April at Midday. Due to limited space, table bookings are advised but we can accept walk ins until we're at capacity. Walk ins will be based on a first come first served basis. Most of the previous Covid guidelines are still in place. Main ones being: Face masks to be worn on entry. Track and trace details to be provided. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week, we'll be open from 4pm. We look forward to seeing you all and can't wait to be back doing what we love.
Helen Roberts Fitness - outdoor class @ the Barn. If everything goes to plan we will be back on for Wednesday 28th April. 45min class 6.30pm only £4.50. All you need us a mat and a bottle of water. Get in contact to book on! Can't wait to see you all 07775 520968.
Radnorshire Arms Hotel. Finally after so many months, we will be OPEN from today for food and drinks. Who else is as excited as us?
Emily George. Outdoor Zumba is back. At the Barn in Presteigne: Monday 7:30-8 from the 10th May. £3.50 per class or £9 for a block of 3. Thursdays 5:55-6:25 from the 6th May £3.50 per class or £12 for a block of 4. Please do let me know if you’d like to book on as spaces are still limited! We also have spaces available in our senior dance classes in Knighton and Presteigne! Classes include: Musical theatre: where we take a song from the shows and put together a routine; Senior hip hop: where we focus on hip hop and commercial style routines; Tap; Senior dance: where the focus is on a variety of different styles. Ideal age is from age 8 upwards! Get in touch if your child would like to join! ...from the Bleddfa Centre. We are delighted to announce our reopening date 29th April ... we have a garden for café guests, serving teas, cakes, & scrumptious snacks. Yvonne Crossley’s exhibition will be on display. Thursdays-Sundays, we open at 11am, close at 4pm. A warm welcome awaits!
The Dukes. If all goes well we are looking forward to reopening on the 17th May and welcoming you all back to the Dukes !
Weobley Ash Farm Shop. Finally our new deli section will be opening shortly. A fine selection of our own cold Meats, cured Meats, cheese, scotch eggs, sausage rolls and condiments. All hand made on the premises.
Amanda’s Bread. Dear Amanda's Bread Customer, Julian and I shall be baking to order next week, with deliveries on- Saturday 1st May to Presteigne and the surrounding area. We shall also be at Presteigne Food Market with our bright orange gazebo on Saturday. If you would like to put in an order please get in touch by the end of Monday 26th April, thank you. Tel. 01588 660296 email
Wild Thyme. Back again! New takeaway menu for this week...Hope you’ve all been okay. Re-opening inside dining from mid May.... Call to reserve a table 07854 428668
Nonna Caterina. We are back! Hello to old customers and welcome to new ones, in our new area around Kington including Presteigne! We’ll be delivering our heat at home, handmade Italian food to your door, each Friday! UK aubergines from our friends at The Tomato Stall are here for the summer and therefore, so is our much loved Parmigiana. Handmade pasta with local duck eggs, Hereford beef and local free range pork along with organic veggies. We are also delivering whole salami from wonderful Will at Shropshire Salumi (some of the most authentic we have found!) and focaccia from our lovely friends at The Bakers' Table. Orders in by Tuesday pm please. DM our FB page or email via the website
Leon’s Food to Order. This week’s Meal deal. Order any of our delicious curries - Chicken/Prawn/Vegetable Tikka Masala or Kashmir Lamb/Prawn/Vegetable Rogan Josh, and get a free portion of Basmati rice. All curries are gluten-free. Order these specials, and other dishes from our menu online at
Presteigne Leisure Centre. We’ll be reopening on Monday 3 May and can’t wait to see all of you back in the centre. We’ll be opening with all the safety & hygiene measurements that were in place before lockdown. Over the coming days we’ll be updating social media and our website with revised timetables and opening hours so be sure to check back regularly. We look forward to seeing you on Monday!
The Warehouse. It was fantastic to be open again. Thank you to all our customers for coming along to buy, browse or just to say hello. Our opening hours for the foreseeable future are Monday to Friday 10-3.30, Saturday 10-2.
Aardvark Books & Café. We are delighted to welcome you back from today! Bookshop and Cafe are open - we have tables outside for coffee and cake, and lots of books and new greetings cards inside where it's a bit warmer. Wood burner is lit (it is still April after all!) and we are ready....
The Royal Oak. We're excited to unveil our two new additions to the Oak during this lockdown. Visit our FB to see our very own heated Guinness Snug, and Beer Garden Bar. We hope to make use of this new bar area during busier periods and it also enables us to hire out the garden area for private functions.
Andy. Hi all, just a quick update to say that it's that time of year again when i'm out and about mowing lawns etc, but can be available if you are in need of a load of seasoned logs for them cold evenings, just drop me a message or ring me on - 07976584404 day or 01547560476 eve, thanks Andy.
Alithea & MidWales Mindfulness. Take a look at my upcoming courses: Mindfulnessbased cognitive therapy is a tool that can help us learn to recognise and understand our thought and feeling patterns, enabling us to cultivate a healthier relationship with ourselves and become more resilient to life's ups and downs. MBCT course starting April 21st.
Weobley Ash Farm Shop. Locally made benches, more garden furniture to come over the next 2 weeks, Inc handmade BBQs, charcoal & hanging baskets. Call 01544 598120 ...from The Workhouse Gallery & Café. Newsletter out now! (link below) Not receiving updates from us? Make sure you sign up on the website to receive the newsletter directly to your inbox[UNIQID
Chilvers Country Store. Spring bedding and basket plants have arrived!! Loose onion & shallot sets, runner & broad bean and pea seed in stock. Loads of quality "King Seeds" packets available. Fantastic bulb sets (dahlia, begonia and loads more) all available now!! Multi Purpose & Potting Compost, Decorative Bark and Top Soil all in stock ready for you!!
Jesi. I am a yoga teacher & new to the area! Just putting some feelers out, looking for interest in my yoga classes, 1:1 sessions & workshops! I take a traditional yet unique approach in my teaching - I like to find playfulness as well as sincerely working on our spiritual growth & our body's well-being! I am fully invested in the progression & support of each & every individual client of mine. I am currently teaching online on Zoom but I'm looking into venues to hire once restrictions for group classes have lifted (all government guidelines will of course be adhered to) for multiple weekly classes in different styles of yoga as well as 1:1 classes, and workshops. If you fancy trying a Zoom class with me, find all info & booking ability here: If you are at all interested in classes in Presteigne please leave me a comment on this post/like, follow & msg my business FB: Om Runa Yogapage.
PNCS Charity Shop - spring/summer clothing, some really lovely clothes from well known brands Fat Face, Sea Salt, Next and more. Last chance to get autumn winter clothing at either £1 or £2 ...from Leon’s Food to Order. This week’s Special - Rabo de Toro con salsa de vino tinto. Meltingly tender oxtail in a Rioja sauce. Bite-size oxtail slowly braised in a rich Rioja red wine sauce, cooked with onions, carrots and garlic - £7.50. Great served with crusty bread, creamy mashed potatoes or saute potatoes. Order from our full Spanish, Moroccan and Thai menu online at or phone 01544 262164 or 07805 727486 on either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and collect between 9 am and 5.30 pm on Thursday, Friday or between 9 am and 4 pm on Saturday. All of our Food to Order dishes are easy to reheat, assemble and transport.
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. Spent the morning finishing some garden jobs as I prepare to open in the garden in hopefully one weeks time. No takeaway this week but day service menu Monday to Friday and am happy to supply this as pick up as well with advanced notice. See our FB page for full menu.
Presteigne Bowls Social Club will be re-opening for outdoor service under cover (marquee) from 7.30pm next Monday evening, following on from the official opening of the bowling green at 6.30pm. Interested to take up bowls ? Call into the Social Club next Monday night or contact Dave on 07969 203339 or email
The Royal Oak. Reopening update. We are still awaiting confirmation, but if we do get the go ahead, we will be reopening the beer garden on Monday 26th April until Thursday 29th April for drinks and basket meals. Due to family commitments we will then close after Thursday 29th and reopen the doors on Wednesday 5th May for the foreseeable... Fingers crossed. Who's looking forward to a beer garden pint? 01544 260842
from Presteigne Bowls & Social Club. Breaking News! 2021 Membership Fees have been confirmed at a heavily discounted £10 which includes Social Club fees! Non-playing membership remains at £5. Following on from recent lockdowns and the shorten season last year, the club are keen to have as many existing and new members as possible take advantage of the facilities which include the green and the Social Club on Hereford Street. The bowling green will officially reopen within the next few weeks with all necessary Covid precautions and rules in place. Interested to join, or just try bowls out ? See our FB page or contact David on 07969 203339 or email
PNCS. The Charity Shop reopened today Monday April 12th at 10.00am. sanitiser is provided upon entry and we ask that face masks are worn. We can now allow 2 people in the shop at at time, Social distance rules still apply. We look forward to welcoming you back. The Warehouse also reopened today Monday 12th April. We are looking forward to welcoming you back and have been busy sorting the many donations we have received. Lots of lovely items to browse. Good selection of men's clothing, lots of DIY items, work bench, garden tools, BBQ, steps, wellies, shelving, and much more. We cannot reserve items so come along a grab a bargain!
Co-op Kington. Just a reminder that we offer Click and Collect with Co-op’s first ever dedicated parking bays to allow fully contactless collection. Simply visit, place your order and then at your collection time park in the spaces provided (along the side of the store) call the store on 01544 230190 (there is a poster with this number on in the spaces) and your groceries will be brought out and placed in your car without the need for you to get out! We look forward to seeing you through your car window and everyone keeping safe!
Leon’s Food to Order. Two Meal Deals this week - Moroccan marinated salmon with free couscous, and cod loin & chorizo bake with garlic fried rice - plus a full menu of Spanish and Thai dishes. Choose your main course and dessert and book your order Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday online at or phone 01544 262164 or 07805 727486. Choose to collect either Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. See our FB page or email us for menus for next weeks Friday takeaway and the daily hot food service. The Friday takeaway will be the last for a few weeks as I work out if this is possible to continue while I am open. The daily service will continue and I am happy to do any of these meals as takeaway either as a complete meal or just as a main. I also have a good selection of curry in the freezer. DM me if you want more information. 01544 260600.
Liv. My Voice Yoga sessions are currently online via Zoom. Adult sessions are every Tuesday 6 - 7pm, Mums/dads and Babies/tots every other Thursday 11am-12pm. For more info and/or to book, please contact Liv via email or via the website
Weobley Ash Farm Shop. Empty egg boxes needed. If any of our customers would like to return any egg boxes, particularly 1/2 dozen boxes we’d appreciate it.
Jessica Fallon. Enjoy musicals and dancing ? I run a dance fitness class Tuesdays 6.30pm on zoom. Come and have a go. Send message on my FB page using FREE code.
Lockdown Dhaba. This is going to be our last menu for a while! We are pleased to share that there will be a Lockdown Dhaba baby joining the crew in July. We wanted to keep cooking a little longer but the last few weeks it's been getting harder, so we figured now is a good time to stop. We hope to start up again when baby is around six months, (approx January 2022) and we will start back monthly for a while to see how we go. In the meantime we will have a think of what opportunities there may be to do something on a smaller scale, any ideas let us know! I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all your support! This has been a long held dream and you all made it come true. Enjoy your summer!
Sal at Wild Card Tattoos. Good morning folks, finally some good news about reopening again. It looks like I am allowed to reopen from the 12th April. I have messaged all those who have previously paid deposits and need line checks (please check your inboxes) For those wanting to book in for a consultation please DM me (a consultation is still £5). I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Grace Beauty. “A Thyme for change”. Our family is fortunate to live in the countryside just outside of Presteigne, between the villages of Kinsham & Lingen, where we have a calm, rural setting. It is only through taking a step back that we realised the importance of this beautiful surrounding and how we would like to share this space with our wonderful clients. Therefore, from 1st of September 2021, our new salon 'Thyme' will open its doors to you all to share this special location and allow me to work from home. We are incredibly excited to bring this modern, sustainable salon to everyone and we hope you enjoy the peace and tranquillity. Grace Beauty gift vouchers will of course be accepted at Thyme. If you are unable to make the move with us, please contact us to book an appointment before we relocate. Grace & Rhi
Delphine at St Michael’s Hospice Shop. We will open on April 12th at 9.30am. Donations can be brought in during trading hours. Social distancing will be in place with 3 customers allowed in the shop at one time. We look forward to welcoming back all our loyal and patient friends and customers.
Lynne at The Warehouse. Great news, The Warehouse will be reopening on Monday April 12 at 10 am. We look forward to welcoming you back and thank you for your support. Lots of new displays to browse and many bargains to be found. We are accepting donations but ask you to make sure that they are saleable as it does cost us to dispose of unsuitable items. We are able to collect larger items if necessary but appreciate it if you are able to bring them to The Warehouse during opening hours. Opening hours will be Monday to Friday 10am-3.30pm, Saturday 10am-2pm.
Presteigne Leisure Centre. With the First Minister of Wales indicating the reopening of leisure centres in Wales from 10 May (hopefully!), we’re as excited as you are that we can soon get you back into your local community leisure centre where you can exercise in the pool, the gym and outdoors again. Our site teams remain on furlough so are unable to answer phones, emails and social media messages but we will be issuing more information on our website and social media as soon as we are able but please stay patient.
Presteigne & Norton Community Support. Our office will reopen on Monday 12th April. We look forward to seeing you all soon. ...from The Workhouse. Happy Easter from all of us at the Workhouse! Only 10 more days until the gallery can reopen on Wednesday, the 14th of April!
Small Breeds Farm Park & Owl Centre. Check our new updated website to see full details for opening on Monday April 12th.
Presteigne Local Food Market. NEXT SATURDAY 3rd April----9 till 1 Memorial Hall Car Park. To entertain children up to the age of 10, an Easter special WILDLIFE TREASURE HUNT. A small gift will be presented to all children completing the competition correctly! Even more stalls this month with their fantastic local produce. We especially welcome back Primrose Organic Veg and a new and exciting stall from Richard - Planet and Plate. The regular stalls also present will be; Dugan's Patisserie, Khesh's Indian Delights, Alex's Continuum Conceits, Celia's Cosmetics, Presteigne Honey, Hay Charcuterie, Survival, Weobley Ash Apple Juice, Planet B, Wegnalls Butchery, and Makis with hot drinks and crepes. Look forward to seeing you all for some special Easter food and gifts on offer.
The Workhouse. Socialising outside is definitely the new normal but there's no reason we can't be warm and colourful while we're outdoors... Check out these gorgeous new knits from Elin Manon's Carmarthenshire studio on the website https://
Alithea at Mind Wales Mindfulness. This time last year I was half way through teaching a Mindful Self Compassion course, when an alien term was introduced..... "lock down". Who knew back then quite what that would mean? For me of course, it meant that I had to very sadly cancel all of my courses for the year. I have, like many of you been on hold since. I have not however been idle. With the help of a local web designer, I now have a beautiful new website - thank you Sally Butler!. All of my courses have also been adapted to be Zoom friendly. If you are interested in Mindfulness and Mindfulness in Nature (Shinrin Yoku), take a look at my upcoming courses and events.
Richard, Man With A Van. Need something moving ? Contact us for light removals, deliveries, house clearance etc. We are licensed waste disposal contractors, reliable service, fully insured, competitive rates, many years experience. Call 07765 480872, 01544 350559 or email
Chilvers Country Supplies. We will be open over Easter as follows: Friday 2nd April - Closed , Saturday 3rd April - Open 9am - 1pm, Sunday 4th April - Closed, Monday 5th April - Closed, Tuesday 6th April - pen as normal (9am-5pm)
G&A Catering Easter opening hours...Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd, Sunday 4th, Monday 5th - Closed, Tuesday 6th - Open (Normal hours 8am - 2pm) 07487 246276 ...from Amanda's Bread. Please order on Monday or asap for deliveries on Saturday 6th March to the Presteigne area. Email asap, thank you.
Leon’s Food to Order. We have just added Vegetarian Wellington to the special Easter Sunday lunch menu! Carrot and Cashew Wellington - puff pastry filled with mushrooms, spinach and cashew nuts and topped with carrot, orange and ginger-spiced marmalade. Served with wild mushroom gravy. Choose your main course and dessert and book your order now online latest 1pm Thurs 1st April or phone 01544 262164 or 07805 727486. Choose to collect either Frid 2nd or Sat 3rd April.
Russell Fletcher, Presteigne Driving School. Waiting on next review from Welsh government but hopefully looking at starting back 12th April ,as soon as i have confirmation i will be in touch with you all.
Downton Delights. Easter bundles. have arrived on the website from bunny in a box to sweet filled baskets. Limited stock on some items, grab them while stocks last! Check them out on the home page
Knighton Community Market. Hi Everyone - hope you've had a lovely weekend and are enjoying this sun today!! As you are all probably aware, the latest lockdown updates show that all non-essential shops cannot reopen in Wales until 12th April - so that means we won't be holding any indoor markets until the 24th April at the earliest - obviously dependent on how the figures go. I am looking into other options and will update as and when.
Weobley Ash. Easter orders. Book you Easter orders for a great Easter meal. Pre order whole legs, bone in or rolled, shoulders bone in or rolled, lamb, hogget & mutton. Turkey whole birds, crowns or legs. Free range duck and chicken. Call 01544 598120 or email to book. Free delivery on all orders over £40 in the UK.
Hannah. Hair by Hannah is now taking bookings for Norton/Presteigne and knighton areas. Fully mobile service inc cuts, colours and blow drys with OAP rates. Contact me on 07508316692
Judge’s Lodging. Our Community Survey is well underway. If you live locally, or have a connection to Presteigne, please do take the opportunity to have your say, if you haven't already done so. It only takes a few minutes and would help us hugely: English
Intaframe Picture Framing. New Spring Offer. We are slowly and cautiously moving out of lockdown here in Wales. In order to celebrate this event I am re-introducing my Spring Offer. 15% OFF all picture framing work until Sunday 30th May 2021. Until we can open properly, I'm happy to accept your artwork at my front door. If you have an idea how you would like it framed I will put together some samples and send you photographs on email for your consideration. 01544 267733
Katie at Holding Umbrellas Foundation. We are back to baking cakes for Weobley Ash Farm Shop. Delivered each Thursday, to help towards donations for needy people in Myanmar. This week we have made these yummy muffins in 3 delicious flavours, lemon drizzle, ginger and chocolate chip. Only £1 each. Check out our page to see the people that we are providing food aid to in Myanmar.
the Royal Oak. Well it's one year today since we had to close our doors for the first shutdown and who thought we'd still be living like this. Hopefully now there's light at the end of this tunnel with the ongoing hard work being done by the NHS vaccination programme. Just to keep you all updated if you can't keep upto date with it all. Currently Wales is still on a different path for reopening hospitality to England. It looks like our next review date is the 22nd April, for which we expect them to open up outdoor hospitality end of April/early May at the earliest. Then all being well indoors will reopen shortly after and we can all look forward to a good 'normal' summer! Stay safe everyone. We look forward to welcoming you all back.
Leon’s Food to Order. Easter Sunday 4th April. A special menu for a celebratory Easter Sunday lunch. £13.95 per person. Brisket of beef cooked in a rich red wine gravy OR Turkey crown with a cranberry and port gravy, served with Cauliflower cheese, Honey roasted root vegetables, Roasted Hasselback new potatoes, plus choice of desert. For full details and to order online go to or phone 01544 262164 or 07805 727486, and choose to collect on either Friday 2nd or Saturday 3rd April. Orders must be in by 1pm on Thursday 1st April.
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. See our FB page for my afternoon tea menu for Easter Sunday - orders will be limited so book early to avoid disappointment. Delivery in Presteigne or collect from the café between 1 and 2pm. £12 pp. 01544 260600.
Wild Thyme Italian. See our FB page for the full takeaway menu but if you would like to order the braised lamb shanks for Easter weekend please let me know this week. 07854 428668. Order by 10pm Wednesday and Thursday for collection between 6 and 7pm on Friday and Saturday respectively. Thank you!
Presteigne & Norton Community Support. The transport scheme is still available for health appointments, but the High Street office will not be open to the public until Monday 12th April. If you require transport please email or contact us on 01544 267961. There is still time to join our Annual fundraiser Community Draw. Please contact us on above telephone number or email. Thank you for your continued support.
Judge’s Lodging Community Survey. We need your help! The team at The Judge’s Lodging is considering how we can become a better community resource and as part of this we want to understand how people value the Judge’s Lodging and to explore new activities. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete, we promise. English https:// Cymraeg 8B8BYW8
Maggie. Lock down for barbers has ended. The Barbers shop opposite the Library is available for full time or part time rental. Possible 'rent a chair’. Call me on 07952972746.
The Warehouse. We have been busy reorganising and tidying up ready for reopening as soon as we are allowed - unfortunately it now looks as if we’ll have to wait until April at the earliest - watch this space ! The collection box will stay in place for your donations but PLEASE, if it’s full, don’t leave items outside as they will get wet and be unsaleable. And PLEASE don’t leave large items such as furniture or electrical white goods outside either - if they get wet we then have to pay to dispose of them. So a donation then costs us money!
Amanda's Bread. Please order today or asap for deliveries on Saturday 20th March to the Presteigne area. Email asap, thank you.
Presteigne Methodist Church will be opening again on Sunday 21st March. The service is at 10.30am. Many thanks, Beth.
Aardvark Books & Café. We have Cookery books coming in - a really eclectic mix! Also interesting geology books, and much much more! Keep checking our website for all the books we have available! Our shelves at the Bookery are filling up in many sections.
Weobley Ash. Looking for a post-Mothers Day Gift with a difference? We offer butchery courses for lamb and pork or a sausage making course.Prices from £49-£69 including all equipment and meat to take home. Call 01544 598120 or book or call into the shop.
Grace Beauty. Following the announcement from the Welsh Government this weekend we will remain closed until the provisional date of Monday 12th April. We will update you when we are starting to take bookings from this date. We are almost there! Looking forward to seeing everybody very soon. Keep safe and happy! Grace & Rhi xx ...from Amy, Mobile Hairdressing & Barbering. My appointment book is now open - looking forward to getting busy making people pretty again. Call 07812163344.
Sarah at Slix Hair Studio. Fabulous news!! We have been given the key to our padlock and to start using our scissors once again !! We are delighted to say that the government has given us the go ahead to reopen on Monday 15th March!! Due to the high volume of calls / messages we are receiving please be patient with us. We are currently working through our priority list of clients canceled from December due to the government lockdown. However all our clients are important to us therefore if you would like to make an appointment please either ring the studio on 01544267381 Or call or message our Slix Mobile :- 07983355125. Our team at SLIX are very much looking forward to welcoming you back and offering you some long awaited pampering once more.
The Workhouse. Hope springs eternal! We will see you in a month...Reopening day: Wednesday,14th April 2021. Newsletter out now ...from Sal at Wild Card Tattoos. I am so looking forward to the 12th April, however I will let you know when I will be taking bookings again as I don’t want to jinx anything just yet as I assume it still depends on the covid situation closer the time. Much love to all my past, present and future clients and hopefully I will see you all again soon.
Leon’s Food to Order. This week’s Meal Deal is Lomo Abodado con Chorizo, with a free portion of garlic fried rice (delicious marinated local pork tenderloin cooked with chorizo, white wine, fried tomato sauce, herbs and paprika) - £7.50. Choose your Meal Deal or other dishes from the menu online at – and submit your online order on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. You can collect and pay for your food between 9am and 5.30 on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday from The Salty Dog in the High Street - 01544 262164
Rose Cottage. Thank you for all the lovely messages from my afternoon tea customers they are very much appreciated. See our FB page for the Friday menu and the day service menu for next week or call 01544 260453.
Lockdown Dhaba. Order now by email to for delivery 27th March. Jalfrezi back on the menu this week, this is more of a stir fry style dish with sliced onions, tomatoes and peppers and fried paneer. Pumpkin sabji for the vegans. The side dish is sour lentils, which work well with the tangy and slightly spicy jalfrezi. Pudding is carrots, the best! We've got one more menu after this (10th April, then we are having a week off, back on the 8th May). Happy spring friends!
Marion at The Retreat. It looks hopeful that I am going to be able to reopen for massage treatments from Monday 12th April. The Welsh Government review on 1st April will page 4 of 5 consider whether close contact services can reopen from 12th April if public health conditions continue to be favourable. There is obviously an element of keeping fingers crossed, but I think I can be bold enough to start taking appointments. Session times will be changing as I am going to do a little less massage work going forward. If you would like to come regularly, it may be worth booking at least one appointment ahead. Sessions will be available on Mondays at 6 pm and 7.30 pm, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 11 am, 12.30, 2 pm and 3.30 pm plus one Saturday per month with the same time slots. If you feel ready to resume massage treatments, please email or call me to arrange your appointment - or 07816 981454.
PNCS. Provided that the current regulations allow, we are hoping to reopen both The Warehouse and The Shop on Monday 15th March. In preparation for this, our donations box is back outside, at the front of the Warehouse. If you would like to leave donations, we will try to empty the box as often as possible, but please do not leave items outside as they may get wet before we have chance to retrieve them. It would also be very much appreciated if you could make sure that any items that are donated are suitable for resale. It does cost us money to dispose of unsaleable items ! We are really looking forward to reopening and seeing you all. Here's hoping it will be the 15th March !
Leon’s Food to Order. Mother’s Day Menu £14.95 pp. Roasted local pork tenderloin cooked in an apple cider gravy. Honey roasted parsnips and chantenay carrots. Braised red cabbage. Garlic and rosemary roast potatoes. A classic cheesecake marbled with a Baileys ganache. Plus, a free box of locally made chocolate truffles. Orders for collection on either Friday 12th or Saturday 13th March must be in by 1pm on Thursday 11th March. To book your order, please either go to our website, call 01544 262164 or text Mother’s Day to 07805 727486 and we will call you.
Presteigne Local Food Market. A big THANK YOU to our new stall, Dugan's Patisserie, for joining our team of stall holders on Saturday, and to all our "good spirited" customers in supporting us all on such a lovely sunny Saturday morning! Thanks also to the great team of Committee members & volunteer stewards, without them the market wouldn't be possible. Our NEXT market will be Saturday 3rd April 9-1. Easter Saturday Bonanza !! See you all then.
Downton Delights. We’ve got you covered for Mother’s Day! Check out our Vegan, Gluten & Dairy Free Indulgence Box! The perfect gift product-page/mothers-day-vegan-gluten-free-dairy-free-indulgence-gift-box
Sargeants. Good Morning. For any students starting back to school/college from March 8th we can provide a pass for the remainder of the term if one is required. Also a reminder that fares can be paid by card on our contactless set up.
Weobley Ash Meats. Stunning locally-made chopping and cheese boards in-store. A great Mother's Day gift. All local wood, each board tells a story and we can tell you which local estate the wood has come from.
Sylvan Skincare. Delighted that three of our face creams are winners in the Beauty Shortlist Awards 2021 - Editor’s Choice: Pure Face Cream, Rejuvenate Face Cream and Nourish Face Cream. The international Beauty Shortlist Awards are 100% independent and spotlight and support natural, ethical and sustainable brands. Our face creams are made with #plantbased ingredients and are super gentle. Silvan Skincare is proudly vegan & all of our products are certified as cruelty-free under the Leaping Bunny programme.
The Oak. The Oak Sunday roast will be back for Mothers Day on Sunday 14th March. Free delivery within Presteigne and surrounding areas or pick up is available from the pub. Mains: Choice of Beef, Turkey or Vegetarian Wellington; Puddings: White Chocolate & Raspberry Cheesecake or Caramel Apple Pudding. 1 course £9 (child £6); 2 courses £13 (child £10). Please note meals are served for reheating at home at your own convenience. To order, please message us on FB or leave a message on 01544 260842 and we will get back to you.
G&A Catering. Ger and Mairi's feet haven't touched the ground this morning. Our homemade cakes are bringing customers in by the dozen! Happy Friday!!!!! Rocky Road, chocolate and coconut sponge and a good old school favourite. Good work ladies!!
Seconds & Co. We've got some great website offers on some 150/155mm boards this week. 150/155mm Cavity Wall Boards - £6, 150/155mm Foil Faced Boards - £31.50. Still plenty of other offers on the website too! Contact: email, website or call 01544 260500.
Amanda's Bread. Please order today or asap for deliveries on Saturday 13th March to the Presteigne area. Email asap, thank you
The following Presteigne shops are operating order & collect, and/or delivery options for those having to self-isolate: Salty Dog - order & collect 262 824; Carini’s - order & collect 260 026; Deli Tinto - order & collect plus home delivery 260 534; Lorna’s - order & collect 262 727; Spar - order & collect plus home delivery 267 328; Premier - order & collect 267 702; Weobley Ash - order & collect plus home delivery 598 120.
Presteigne Local Food Market. Looking forward to seeing Customers, old and new this SATURDAY 6th MARCH at the Memorial Hall ! Hoping to welcome a NEW STALL, so watch our FB page later in the week for the Stallholders who will be attending.
G & A Carpet and Beds. We continue to arrange measures and installations throughout the Lockdown period even though our showroom is currently not open to the public until the non essential restrictions are lifted, but we can arrange for sampling to be collected or delivered, if required please contact us on Facebook or email We hope to reopen on March 15th but in the meantime we continue to follow the national guidelines and we can still assist you in all your flooring requirements - thank you for your continued amazing support. Stay safe, Graham & Amy .
Victoria Fish Bar. New Food Added To The Menu - Lemon Sole, Skate Wings, Southern Fried Chicken Meal 3 piece or 5 piece, Mexican Style Lamb Burger.
Downton Delights. Our Mother’s Day S’mores Kit. All your favourites in one box perfect for a night of toasting. Shop here mother-s-day-s-mores-box.
G & A Catering. We would like to thank all our customers for their continued support and thank you for the huge success with the Valentines theme night we held - we really enjoyed cooking and serving you. Look out for what we have in store for March.... You have asked and now you get - we have introduced The Big Breakfast available Weds and Sats. please look out for our specials over the next few weeks. Open as usual 8-2 Monday to Saturday - loyalty cards still available for our regular customers.
Wild Thyme. This week’s takeaway special: Braised lamb shank with red wine, olives, tomatoes and capers, accompanied by saffron risotto! Order on our FB page, to or 07854 428668
Weobley Ash. Mothers Day Gifts. We have a range of oak/elm cutting boards and cheese boards. All locally made using wood from Stokesay Court, Harley Estate, Downton Estate and Ludlow. Each board is unique and finished in olive or sunflower oil.
Sarah at Slix. Dear Clients, I hope you are keeping fit and well during these ever changing unprecedented times. Please accept my sincere apologies in not having made contact earlier, this was due to illness and needing to take time to recuperate. I had hoped that as you had experienced in past lockdowns where we had looked after our clients on reopening and booked you in a fair and orderly manner that you knew we at Slix Hair Studio would do the same after this lockdown too. As with previous lockdowns if you had an appointment booked with us you are classed as a priority client and we will be in contact with you in due course to offer you a booking when the government gives us a definite go ahead. If you did not have an appointment however would appreciate an earliest available appointment to tend your lockdown locks please notify us by text message or phoning 07983 355125. We will endeavour to attend to each and everyone of you precious clients in due course, please be patient with us while we attend to you all in a fair and sensible manner. Thank you in advance for your kind understanding. We very much look forward to welcoming you back to Slix Hair Studio in the not to distant future. We have very much missed you. Take care & Stay safe. Sarah Morgan xxx
Amanda's Bread. Please order on Monday or asap for deliveries on Saturday 6th March to the Presteigne area. Email asap, thank you.
Leon’s Supper Club. Happy St David's Day. ! This week's Leon's Food to Order Meal Deal is: Slow-cooked beef cheeks, meltingly tender, with a rich, deep flavour, cooked with red Rioja, cocoa powder, carrots, peppers, onions, tomatoes, herbs and garlic - £7.50 with a FREE portion of creamy horseradish mashed potato. Order by phone 01544 262164 or online on either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, and collect between 9 am and 5.30 pm on Thursday or Friday, or between 9 am and 4 pm on Saturday. All our Food to Order dishes are easy to reheat and assemble.
Lockdown Dhaba. Order now from our vegetarian or vegan menu for delivery on 13th March - go to Email for more info.
G & A Carpet and beds continue to arrange measures and installations throughout the Lockdown period even though our showroom is currently not open to the public until the non essential restrictions are lifted, but we can arrange for sampling to be collected or delivered, if required please contact us here on Facebook or email we hope to reopen on March 15th but in the meantime we continue to follow the national guidelines and we can still assist you in all your flooring requirements thank you for your continued amazing support #fatheranddaughterteam #smallbusinesspresteigne #inittogether Stay safe, Graham & Amy
G & A Catering would like to thank all our customers for their continued support and thank you for the huge success with the Valentines theme night we held we really enjoyed cooking and serving you. look out for what we have in store for March.... You have asked and now you get we have introduced The Big Breakfast available weds and sats please look out for our specials over the next few weeks. Open as usual 8-2 monday to saturday . loyalty cards still available for our regular customers.
Downton Delights. We have a lovely selection of Mother's Day gifts at Lorna's sandwich shop this week, but limited stock only available for the next week or so as we will be making room for Mum’s sweets and treats, so act quickly, when they’re gone they’re gone.
Lyonshall Garden Centre. It’s time to decide what to sow and grow this year https://
Rose Cottage Café & Flowers. Hi all. Orders now being taken for Mother’s Day for both flowers and afternoon tea - just send us a message on FB or give us a ring on 01544 260600 and let us know how we can help
The Retreat. See giveaway on the Silvan Skincare Instagram page! Please head over there for a chance to #win a relaxing bundle of Pukka Teas, Soothe Face Cream, Sleep Balm and Soothe Face Oil worth £64 - lovely for yourself, a friend or Mothers Day. Link for giveaway is Competition closes Sunday 28 February.
The Real Wine Company. Joining us for our Two-wine-Fridays online tastings? On the 26th of February, we're making Diane & Mathieu’s Tarte à la tomate Provençale from Château d'Or et de Gueules. Get your ingredients, find the recipe and watch the video https://
Amanda's Bread. Please order on Monday or asap for deliveries on Saturday 27th February to the Presteigne area. Email asap, thank you.
Leon's Food to Order - this week’s Chef's Special! Carrilleras de Tenere con vino tinto. Meltingly tender beef cheeks, with a rich, deep flavour, slowly cooked with Rioja red wine, cocoa powder, carrots, peppers, onions, tomatoes, herbs and garlic - £7.50. Great served with, chips, creamy mashed potatoes or our garlic rice. Order online here https:// or phone 01544 262164 either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and collect between 9 am and 5.30 pm on Thursday, Friday or between 9 am and 4 pm on Saturday. All of our Food to Order dishes are easy to reheat, assemble and to transport.
Weobley Ash Meats. It's our Birthday. COMPETITION. To celebrate our first 12 months of the shop being open we're giving away a whole beef rump. Simply "Like and Share" this post on our FB page and the winner will be drawn this Friday at 6pm. GOOD LUCK!
Shepherds Ice Cream. We're back out delivering again - order now for delivery March 3rd - Kington, Presteigne? Walford, Leintwardine. Order via our website, there's a couple of lovely specials on there too.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. What a glorious day we had yesterday... there are hopeful murmurings for a non-essential shop reopening date for the gallery and our new deck is being transformed into a beautiful rain-proof oasis for the eventual reopening of the cafe! In the meantime we can explore this beautiful country we live in with the help of our two favourite books on the subject! Our book section on the website has great choices for sunny days outside and rainy days on the sofa or at the sewing table! https://
Jenny. Do you need a bit of help with domestic care, general cleaning, household chores including shopping and collecting prescriptions ? I’m NVQ qualified in Health & Social Care. Friendly and caring service. Call Jenny 07837 043732 or email
Chilvers Country Supplies. Lambing time is fast approaching if not already underway for some of you! Organisation is key for a less stressful lambing season which is why we’ve got all of the essentials here at Chilvers Country Supplies, Presteigne. Call into the shop, call 07798 928909 or drop us a message on FB for more info on our products or for a copy of our competitively priced lambing price list.
Rose Cottage Café. See our FB page for the full menu for Friday’s takeaway menu and also the day service menu. Next afternoon teas on Mother’s Day 14th March. 01544 260600 or 07903 778645.
Mark at The Real Wine Company. Our Friday wine tastings via Zoom is back! And this time you won't only meet the winemaker, but we will also pair a dish with each tasting (and share the recipe with you beforehand). Watch this video to find out more > tTDBaBseE5s
Leon’s Food to Order. This week’s Meal Deal - order Gambas Pil Pil and get a free portion of garlic fried rice. Order online or phone 01544 262164 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and collect between 9 am and 5.30 pm on Thursday, Friday or between 9 am and 4 pm on Saturday. All of our Food to Order dishes are easy to reheat, assemble and to transport. Submit your online order on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, collect and pay for your food between 9am and 5.30 on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday. 01544 262164 Thank you so much for your amazing support for last week's Valentine's Day Food to Order.
Pippa at Lockdown Dhaba. On the menu this week, my personal fave Saag Paneer... This is what I always order when eating Indian food in a restaurant or takeaway. Saag Aloo for the vegans, and a new side dish, Chana Dal. See for menus and to order now for delivery on Saturday 27th February.
Weobley Meats & Farm Shop. Reopening Friday 19th Feb. Good news, we're opening for business again this coming Friday from 9am. You can pre order for collection, we have a full range of Pork, beef, lamb, mutton, chicken & chicken fillets. Extra-aged beef steaks - fillet, rump, ribeye and sirloin that couldn't find love for Valentines. We look forward to seeing you all soon. Email orders to
Jessica Fallon’s School of Dance. If you love to sing and dance then come and give panache dance fitness a go. Easy follow along routines, keep fit at home, lift your mood and fun. Tuesdays 6.30pm on zoom. First rehearsal free. Great music from stage and screen. Send a message on FB for your free code.
Weobley Ash Meats & Farm Shop. ** SHOP 10 DAY CLOSURE** Unfortunately we have had a member of staff test positive to Covid-19. The source we know came from outside of the shop, but following Government guidelines we are now closed for 10 days and a deep clean will be completed. All members of staff have been tested and returned negative and we shall be retested before we reopen. Our customers, with many of them being elderly, are our main concern and we cannot take the risk of remaining open. We thank you all for your custom and your understanding and hope to see you all when we reopen in 10 days time. Thank you.
Chilvers Country Store. We are excited to announce that we are now a drop off point for Brilleywood Rug Wash & Repair. Bring your [horse] rugs to us at Chilvers Country Supplies, Presteigne, to be picked up and taken to Brilleywood for a revamp!! Phone Emma on 07837 166896 for more info or phone 07864 910193 to speak to the Brilleywood team direct.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. Newsletter out today- make sure you're on our mailing list to keep up to date with our latest news!
Aardvark Books & Café. New books have just arrived for February - well, new books in boxes in the warehouse- many more books on the floor! - these are just new to Aardvark. Quite a lot of nice secondhand paperbacks as you can see, enough to keep Mr Aardvark’s paws busy for a bit - keep checking our website to see what we have in stock!
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. See our FB page or call us for this week’s menus for both takeaway Friday and the weekly menu for the day service. Order your St Valentine’s Day afternoon tea for pick up or local delivery - *Option 1 £10 per person (scone, jam and cream, chocolate &raspberry box, strawberry meringue, mini cheesecake, lemon & blueberry sponge, carrot & ginger cake, and bakewell slice with a round of mixed sandwiches) or *Option 2 (add small sausage rolls and Quiche £12.50 per person). Orders by 1pm on Friday 01544 260453.
Andy at Logs & Maintenance. Hi all, more seasoned hardwood brought in today, lovely and dry, been dry stored in buildings for a considerable time, ready to burn now, can be cut and split from 8 to 18", FREE delivery up to 10 mile from LD82ED, small charge for further distance (price given when applying for a load). 07976 584404. Thanks.
Leon’s Food to Order. Valentine's Day Special. Carrillada de Cerdo con Pôrt e Miel. Order “Pork Cheeks with Port and Honey” and get a Spanish Almond Tart with chantilly cream or Crema Catalan FREE. If you would like to sign up for our newsletter - please fill in the form on this link: Thank you for all your support and some BIG LOVE to you all too.
Amanda's Bread. Please place your order for delivery on Saturday 13th February to the Presteigne area - email or call 07759 939526/07718 704814 asap, ideally by the end of Monday 8th February, thank you.
Downton Delights. We are fully stocked at Lorna's sandwich shop, with all your Valentines treats with prices starting at £1.00 also our Valentine pic & mix packed bags as well. Call in and grab a 1kg bag for only £9.00 ½ kg for £5.00 and a grab bag for £2.95 these are exclusively for Lorna’s and are limited stock. What about a packed chocolate box with a beautiful wooden hanging heart for £5.00 - lovely gift for that someone special. Don't forget to pick up your lunch whilst at Lorna's too.
Weobley Ash Meats and Farm Shop. Freezer deal. £50 of frozen meat for £35.00. Beef, pork, lamb joints, mince, dice, steaks, sausage, chicken whole or fillet. Call 01544 598120 or call in, open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday.
Freedom Leisure. Challenge yourself with this fantastic free home workout https:// Join us every Wednesday. Always warm up first.
Lyonshall Nurseries. In February the first welcome signs of spring start appearing in our gardens and there’s plenty to do to get ready for the coming year. Read our top 15 page 3 of 4 gardening jobs for February.
Mid-Border News. We are now putting together the spring issue of your local community magazine MidBorder News (copy deadline 15 February) and we are working hard to promote local businesses, services and community groups. We have a new listings style Business Directory: only £10 for 40 words (charities etc free); we have redesigned the front cover; and we have upgraded our online package to include live links so that readers can click through to websites, email etc. If you have a local news story or would like an ad, contact us on you like to say thank you to someone? Our Diolch Fawr corner is the place to do it. Just email us the name of the person or organisation etc to whom you'd like to say thank you and your reason why. The best one wins! We will print it alongside a pic of a lovely bunch of flowers
The Stagg Inn. Our Sunday lunch takeaways are back to keep you warm this weekend. For Friday & Saturday we’ve got you covered with a beef & mushroom pie and everyone’s favourite - fish & chips. Full menu and to order
Weobley Ash Farm Shop. Egg boxes needed ! Please return any empty egg boxes when you next shop with us - thank you.
Seconds & Co. We have LOADS of good offers on at the moment. Head to our website to have a look at them all! Call: 01544 260 500 or email
Presteigne Local Food Market. Looking forward to your valued support, as always, on Saturday, Feb 6th. The Food Market, operating under Covid safe regulations, will be outside the Memorial Hall from 9am-1pm. Stall Holders present, selling their local products and produce will be; Survival - Fletcher's Honey - Alex's Chocolates - Amanda's Bakery - Khesh's Indian Delights - Hay Charcuterie - Wegnall’s Farm Butchery - Celia's Cosmetics - and Planet B for your eco-friendly products and refills! HOT DRINKS available to purchase.
Leon’s Food to Order. This week's Food to Order Meal Deal! 6d2a4aa22cd2/this-weeks-leons-food-to-order-meal-deal-paella?e=8310709b6b ...from Lockdown Dhaba. On the menu this week, aubergines mashed with potato and spices, paneer with peas and semiya - vermicelli pudding. Order Monday - Sunday, for delivery Saturday 13th February by email to
Mid-Border News. Hello all you talented people. We are redesigning our front cover. We need a photograph! A beautiful view or landscape would be nice. The bad news: we can't pay you - we're a non profit and have no budget. But we will credit you and link to your facebook page, website etc. The magazine is in print and online and comes out at the beginning of March; the copy deadline is 15 February so if you'd like to see your work on our new front cover get in touch asap! email
Mark at The Real Wine Co. We've got six more Friday night tastings lined up and we'd love you to join us 19th Feb / 26th Feb / 5th March / 12th March / 19th March / 26th March. Don't worry if you can't join us, you can still enjoy our tasting videos - email:
Weobley Ash Meats. Chicken kebabs back by popular demand. Sold individually. Pork and beef kebabs coming next week. Great in the oven or under the grill. Fruit and veg arrived. Chilli, ginger, cauliflower, cabbage, savoy Cabbage, carrots, broccoli, Leeks, onions, swedes, potatoes, grapefruits, Pears, apples, Satsumas and bananas. Call 01544 598120 to reserve.
Rose Cottage Flowers and Café. See our FB page for the takeaway menu for the coming Friday, or call us on 01544 260600. Afternoon tea orders for Valentines Day now being taken. Have also included the day service menu for this week - any enquires for this please phone the Day Centre on 01544 260267.
Amanda's Bread. Julian and I shall be back baking to order next week, with deliveries on Saturday 6th February to the Presteigne area. Unfortunately, we will not be at Presteigne Farmers market Saturday this month. If you would like to put in an order please email asap, ideally by the end of Monday 1st February, thank you.
How have communities (offline and online) helped to tackle loneliness during the Covid-19 pandemic? How could critical work to tackle loneliness be better supported?
Your opinions, ideas and experiences will be key in making sure important learning from this difficult time can be used to make positive changes moving forwards.
Make your voice heard, by completing this 20 minute survey before Friday 5th February 2021:
This research is being carried out by the Wales Centre of Public Policy ( and is funded by the ESRC and Welsh Government. The WCPP brings together evidence, people and expertise to help inform policy-making in Wales. To find out more about the research, watch this video:
Jessica Fallon. Happy snow days. Super excited to be delivering a brand new dance fitness class on zoom directly to your living room -first class free -no experience needed -burn calories -feel good -tone and trim up -increase fitness levels. -suitable for everyone . Featuring iconic soundtracks from both stage and screen... come and join in the fun. Simply page 3 of 4 ‘like’ my FB page, message for your code and share. jessicafallondance/
G&A Catering. You are what you eat, so lets talk sweet! With valentine's day just around the corner G&A Catering are giving you a helping hand with a present for a loved one... We are offering a box lined with tissue paper, filled with sweets and sealed with a bow, plus a card ready for you to write! At just £5 a box! Please message or ring G&A catering to pre order a box as there is limited availability. Open: Mon - Sat 8am - 2pm. Call or Text; 07487 246276
Amanda’s Bread. Julian and I plan to resume baking for delivery/collection each Thursday / Saturday [ed. Saturday in Presteigne] in the week beginning Monday 1st February 2021. Our home deliveries proved popular last year, so we are happy to be able to continue delivering this year. We will also aim to have a stall at local markets, as and when they are held.
The Retreat. The sale runs throughout lockdown, or while stocks last, with discounted prices of between 10 - 50% off the usual retail price. It includes Silvan Skincare, Pukka Teas, Elsa, Helios, essential oils, yoga mats, foam rollers and more. Everything can be locally delivered or left at the Deli or The Salty Dog in Presteigne High Street for collection. Please call or email to arrange, or 07816 981454. Alternatively I can post with 2nd class postage added. Full list on the link below:
Lockdown Dhaba. We've got a new website and new menus ready to order for delivery January 30th. Go to
Elwyn. Bennetts Electricals shop is closed but customers can still access our services either by calling me on 01544 267477, or by shopping direct for your washing, cooking, and cooling appliances on line through the Euronics website
Kington Coop. The Kington Coop is undergoing a major refit which will have lasted for about 8 weeks by the time it’s finished. On the one hand, this means some empty shelves and things not being where you expect them to be. On the other, it’s a welcome investment by the Coop in one of our most important local shops. Such a comprehensive refurbishment is scheduled many months ahead and thus cannot take account of lockdowns. So please be patient: the staff have more work to do and have, unfortunately, been on the receiving end of some stroppy customer behaviour. They are doing their best and we as customers should do the same. Wear your mask, wash your hands, keep your distance and be polite. Thank you.
Leon's Food to Order - menus here: Order our Thai meets Indian Curry from the online menu and get a free portion of aromatic jasmine rice. Order online or phone 01544 262164 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and collect between 9 am and 5.30 pm on Thursday, Friday or between 9 am and 4 pm on Saturday. Plus...large white polystyrene boxes with lids free to anyone who can use them. Call in or telephone the Salty Dog 01544 262824.
The Workhouse Gallery. We have added a 'lockdown shop' to our website and will add more products for you to buy from home throughout the coming days and weeks. Starting out with some fun stationery sets hand picked by the team! collections/lockdown-shop/products/brighten-up-your-desk-set.
Weobley Ash Meats. We have a local delivery service and a national courier service. Meats cut to size, fresh or frozen. Call 01544 598120 or email
East Radnor Leisure Centre. In line with the Welsh Government update this afternoon (08.01.2021), our facilities in Wales will remain closed. Our COVID guarantee means that page 3 of 4 members who pay annually or by direct debit for membership, including swimming lessons and those with prepaid bookings will not lose out. There is no need for you to do anything, more information is available here: As outlined previously, we’ll be in touch to provide notice on any future payments and reopening information as soon as we have a confirmed reopening date. Stay safe, we look forward to seeing you soon.
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. Here is next Friday’s menu for takeaways, the day service menu for next week is liver and bacon casserole, turkey chestnut and cranberry pie, cobbler topped fish pie, and roast chicken with all the trimmings plus desserts each day. Thanks to everyone who ordered this week making it one of the busiest so far.
Wild Thyme Italian. See our FB page for our new takeaway menu for the coming weekend. Call 07854 428668 to place your orders by 10am on Wednesday and Thursday for collection (between 6 and 7pm) on Friday and Saturday.
Presteigne Tyre Services Ltd. During this third lockdown we will remain open for any vehicle issue that is classed as essential such as MOT test, flat battery, tyre punctures etc. Please help us to stay open by remembering : HANDS – Sanitise hands when entering our reception. FACE – Wear a face covering at all times to protect yourself and our staff. SPACE - 2m social distancing. And please consider if your issue is important. If is not then help the NHS and stay at home. We are taking all safety precautions to be Covid Secure so please ring to make an appointment first. Thank you and Stay safe. Nigel & Jackie 01544 267240
Bea’s Care Services. Still looking for someone to care for your loved one?Give me a call. Telephone 07816 370853 ...from Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. Carla is now doing a limited flower delivery service please ring 07903778645 for more information.
The Retreat. The New Year's Sale runs throughout January, or until stocks run out! Please call or email if you would like to arrange local delivery or collection from The Retreat, or 07816 981454. Or I can post with 2nd class postage added.
The Stagg Inn. Our restaurant might not be open this Valentine’s Day, but you can still treat your special someone to the full Stagg experience. We’re offering a three course menu to cook at home, with collection available on 13 & 14 Feb. Order yours here https://
Aardvark Books. Unfortunately we have to close to the public from today owing the National lockdown restrictions. But! We are still working online behind our closed doors and are available by phone, email or website as before. So if you have book needs, get in touch! Tel. 01547 530744,
The following Presteigne shops are operating order & collect, and/or delivery options for those having to self-isolate:
Salty Dog - order & collect 262 824;
Carini’s - order & collect 260 026;
Deli Tinto - order & collect plus home delivery 260 534;
Lorna’s - order & collect 262 727;
Spar - order & collect plus home delivery 267 328;
Premier - order & collect 267 702;
Weobley Ash - order & collect plus home delivery 598 120.
Deli Tinto. Please note a change to opening times - now 9am-3pm Monday to Friday, and 9am-1pm Saturday, closed Sunday.
Sargeants Buses. Road Closure B4355 Knighton will be in place on the 11-15 January (8am-6pm) for works to resurface the carriageway. The 41 service will not be able to service Norton during the dates and times above and will instead go via Whitton and Monaughty to Knighton. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. For information call 01544 230481.
Weobley Ash. From Thursday we shall resume full local delivery to vulnerable and shielding. We have plenty of meat, vegetables and food staples.You can send orders to or phone through on 01544 598120.
Leon’s Food to Order. Spanish and Thai dishes by Leon for you to enjoy in the comfort of your own home. There are two different menus available to collect from The Salty Dog on the High Street - menus here: We've done all the hard work for you - all you have to do is follow our heating instructions on the container labels. Order online or phone 01544 262164 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and collect between 9 am and 5.30 pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Delicious food to create a Leon's Supper Club home dining experience! Don't forget to follow us on Facebook here to see all our news and events.
Helen at the Food Bank. Dear Supporter of Food Bank. Happy New Year to you all - I hope you all are doing well and keeping safe? See for the latest FB news sheet – feel free to share amongst your contacts and social media etc. As you will see we definitely do not need any more food or toiletries - we are stuffed to the gunnels! Hopefully by the end of February we will have used the surplus....This has been a Christmas like no other at FB, and people have been amazing with the incredible donations of cash, food, gifts, vouchers, hampers and overwhelming thoughtfulness towards others. Thank you all.
Lorna's Sandwich Shop. Every Thursday Hot pork rolls served with stuffing and homemade apple sauce - ready from 11am. The shop will be open as usual during lock down from 8am to 2pm Monday to Friday! We can do this, stay safe everyone from all at Lorna's
Arrowfield Vets. COVID-19 Update. Following the announcement of the new English lockdown yesterday evening and to best protect our clients and staff, we are moving back to an increased emphasis on remote consulting and prescribing. We will of course continue to see patients needing necessary veterinary care. However, this may mean altering some previously booked appointments. We will contact you as appropriate but if you don’t hear from us, your appointment will go ahead as planned. Medications will continue to be available for collection / posting throughout lockdown and so there is no need to panic order. Further guidance may follow from the RCVS. We will update you on this if any further changes are needed. Please phone or email if you have any questions or concern. Thank you for your continued understanding and support. Team AVP
Presteigne Baptist Church. We are regrettably suspending services until the end of January due to the current climate. It will be kept under review and posted on this site. Enquiries:- For more information or help please phone the Church Secretary 01544 267378.
Grace Beauty. Dear Clients, What a start to the year, but this was very much expected and we must think positive and hope this will be the last lockdown for us. Living on the border has caused many issues these last few months, my children attend school in England which means they will be at home until February half term at the earliest. I have made the decision that the salon will remain closed in line with the English lockdown regardless of any differing stance for Welsh businesses. Whilst the Welsh lockdown may run inline with England’s, I felt it best to make our intentions clear from the outset. I am so thankful for our wonderful clients and your loyalty means so much. I think we are all riding this storm together and praying for sunnier days. Clients concerned with gift vouchers, of course we will extend expiry dates. If you have a voucher which has already expired and been extended you are very welcome to spend on a product from the salon. If you have any other queries please get in touch but for now please bare with us while we contact clients. If you have an appointment with us between now and the end of February please respond to this post so we know you have seen the message regarding your cancelled appointment. Forever grateful of your loyalty and support. Grace.
Freedom Leisure. Workout at home. 2021 is here and we’re ready to crush New Year’s resolutions with you! Join us every Wednesday for free home workouts. Try this great core workout today: Always warm up first. Share with your friends and post a picture of what your home workout looks like below!
The Royal Oak. Well 2020, to say it has been a strange year would be an understatement. We would obviously love it all to end so differently with everyone bringing in the New Year with a few beverages at the pub, but the main thing is that everyone is safe and well. We are hopeful that 2021 will be a better year and we'll have some "normality" back. Here's to good health and happiness and we look forward to seeing you all again when we can. Happy New Year from all of us at The Oak.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. A new day, a new dawn and a new year... Nature is providing some glorious natural firework displays and hopefully (eventually) the year ahead will bring change. Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Bea’s Care Services. Due to unforeseen circumstances I currently have a few spaces. Call me for a chat 07816 370853.
Weobley Ash. Happy New Year. What a year its been, thank you for all your support and we look forward to seeing you all in the new year. We are closed at present but reopen this Friday 8th January. You can still pre order by calling 01544 598120 and leaving a message, email us at or PM us on Facebook.
G&A Catering. Hello all, We hope you've all had a very Merry Christmas!! With just five days until we open for the new year (Mon 4th Jan). The G&A Catering team would like to ask you for your help in making sure we are keeping everyone as safe as possible, so can we please ask... you wear a face mask when ordering, paying and collecting food from the counter... you stand back behind the barrels when waiting... you keep 2 metres from other waiting customers. Thank you all, we look forward to seeing you soon!
Marion at The Retreat. NEW YEAR'S SALE! I am taking the opportunity to clear the shelves and am offering the products below at discounted prices of 20-50% off the usual retail price. Please call or email if you would like to arrange local delivery or collection from The Retreat, or receive by 2nd class post (added) or 07816 981454.
Victoria Fish Bar. Happy New Year. Hope you've all had a good Christmas. We are back open (from Saturday) and now will be opening on Wednesday as well. New opening hourse: Wednesday-Saturday 12-2pm & 5-9pm, Sunday 5-8pm.
Freedom Leisure. We wish all our customers a very Happy and Healthy New Year. We all look forward to what we hope to be a better 2021, with our leisure centres open and our teams back doing what they do best - delivering an outstanding community leisure service.
Lyonshall Nursery & Garden Centre. Happy New Year! We wish all our customers the best for 2021. We will re-open on Saturday 9th January.
Arrowfield Vets. We would like to wish all our patients and their owners a very happy and prosperous 2021. A big thank you for your continued patience, support and understanding through these unprecedented and difficult times. Stay safe, Team AVP
Wild Card Tattoos. Well 2020 certainly has been a strange year, let's hope 2021 is better and I get to open again soon. Thank you to all of you who have been for ink, returned for more ink, liked and shared my page #supportsmallbusinesses.
The Salty Dog team. A very, very happy new year to all our wonderful customers, thank you all for supporting us during 2020, we look forward to seeing you soon, take care.
Presteigne Bowling Club. Happy New Year!!! To all our member and followers, thank you for your support in 2020! At times we didn’t think we would see a bowl on the green but we managed to get games in! Look forward to seeing you all again in the Spring!
Andy Price. A Happy New Year to you all, and welcome back to Logs & Maintenance - let's hope 2021 is a better year for us all, I am now taking your orders, and will resume delivery from Mon 4th Jan. I have seasoned hardwood in stock and more being del in over the next couple of weeks. There are three ways to order, either by - pm, or mob on 07976584404 or if you prefer to call of an evening 01547560476 - thanks for your continued support. Andy.
No. 7 Massage and Osteopathy. Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and hopeful New Year. We would like to thank everyone for their support and kindness during the last year. Number 7 will remain open during the tier 4 lockdown in January and we will continue to practice with a simple and safe approach in the clinic, providing much needed healthcare. Claire Williams, Massage Therapy 07969 569140. Richard Hughes, Osteopath 07961 352056.
ERDC. Happy New Year from everyone at Home Support. Special thanks to the staff that have been on call over Christmas & New Year. We’ve responded to 5 emergency call outs via Care Line and delivered over 30 meals these last few days!
Wild Thyme Italian. Happy New Year to everyone!!! Just a reminder to say we’ll be restarting our preordered takeaway service next Friday and Saturday 8th and 9th of January.
Lesley at Rose Cottage Café. So on to the new year, see our FB for Friday’s menu for food to reheat at home. As well as this I am back doing hot lunchtime meals for the day service Tuesday to Friday and this week it’s Cottage pie, Roast ham and parsley sauce, Chicken, bacon and leek pie and Pork and sausage casserole all with potato and veg and a homemade dessert. For more info on the day service meals call 01544 260267 or 01544 260360.
Richard Studer. After the premature closure of the exhibition at The Judge's Lodging I've opened a new online Gallery and Shop. Lots of new and unseen work for sale as well as a gallery dedicated to my opera designs and images - perfect Christmas gifts for the music lover! Cards, prints, small gifts, framed/unframed works as well as a good smattering of humour to brighten our new lockdown! I will deliver personally on orders over £20 within a 5 mile radius of Presteigne to guarantee delivery before Christmas. There's something for everyone so please check it out and tell a friend - 10% discount to readers of PACDG newsletter with code OPERA2020 until January
Grace Beauty. I don’t know where to begin. We are absolutely devastated we are having to close the salon a week earlier than planned. My heart goes out to all businesses who are effected, we all had a little glimmer of hope for a busy run up to Christmas which has now been shattered. We had such a full diary next week and we are so very sorry to all clients having to cancel your appointments. Our phone line is very busy, if you are happy to send us a message to confirm you have seen our status about your cancelled appointment we would be very grateful to save a little time. We are able to send out e-vouchers so please do get in touch if there is anything you need. Sending all my love and hope for 2021. I can’t thank you all enough for your continued support. More than ever this year. Grace x
Kirsty’s Hair Studio. Yet again we are forced to close our doors - a date hasn't yet been given for when we can reopen. I will in time be contacting people who are booked in the new year.
No. 46. Hello all! Unfortunately today’s post isn’t the good news we were hoping for! page 3 of 8 After the governments announcement yesterday deciding to close the hospitality industry down (yet again), we have decided we will not be opening again now until after lockdown. Obviously we are gutted as the Christmas period is usually one of our busiest times and we will miss seeing all of you over the festive period! But we hope you all have the best Christmas after such a terrible year! Thank you for all the support throughout these difficult times! Hopefully 2021 will be a better year, and we can’t wait to see you all again when we re-open! Until then Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year from all of us at No.46!
Andy Price Firewood. Hi all just to let you know that i'm fully booked up until Wed, so at the moment Christmas Eve is still free but that can change on a daily basis, I will then be closing until the 4th Jan ! Hope you all have a joyful Christmas, and a better 2021.
the Rad. Following on from the announcement we will be CLOSED from Monday 21st Dec. We hope everyone tries to make the most of Christmas, and has a great new year! Lets hope 2021 is a much better year! Much love from all the staff at The Radnorshire Arms .
Victoria Fish Bar. Christmas Opening Hours. Tuesday 22nd 12-2pm & 5-9pm; Wednesday 23rd 12-2pm & 5-9pm; Thursday 24th 12-2pm & 5-8pm. Then closed until 2nd January. We would like to thank all of our customers for supporting us through these very difficult times. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
B W Roberts. Garage Opening hours for Christmas. 24th to 28th Dec Closed. 29th - 31st Dec 9am-12noon. 1st Jan Closed. Stay safe everyone xx
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. Due to the new restrictions that have been placed on us by the Welsh Government the flower shop and cafe will now be close until further notice. All flower and wreath orders will still be honoured for both delivery and collections, as will takeaway food orders. Carla will still take orders for Christmas but on a restricted basis. Late change: We are sorry that due to problems with getting flowers because of ferry port closures we will not be able to take any more orders. All orders already placed will be honoured but please bear with us if things are slightly different because of shortages. Carla & Lesley wish all our Customers a Happy Christmas and hope we will be able to see you all soon.
The Retreat & Sylvan Skincare. For Christmas delivery please select Royal Mail special delivery at checkout on our website and place your order by 12pm on Wednesday 23 December. We are still offering free delivery on all UK orders - perfect for a treat for the post Christmas Welsh lockdown
Halo Hair Studio. I’m so sorry to all my clients that have booked in with myself next week for their hair appointments..I’m truly gutted that we have been made to close , If we had more than 7 hours notice we could have worked something out but unfortunately we were not given the choice, and for that I’m truly sorry. This year has been sent to try us and I would like to thank each and every one of you for your loyal support and friendships. I couldn’t do it without you. Halo Hair Studio would not be here if it wasn’t for you all. I really do appreciate it and would like to also wish you all a merry Christmas and fingers crossed that next year will be a better one for us all. Take care all you lovely clients - I hope to see you all in 2021, Ruth Xxx
Russell Fletcher at Presteigne Driving School. So after the Welsh government’s announcement today I am now unable to teach until lockdown is over. I’ll keep you all posted on updates and wish all my students a very merry Christmas & a happy and healthy new year.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. Well, we didn't see that coming... Due to the new Welsh Lockdown, today was our last opening day in 2020. A big thank you to all of our customers for your wonderful support this year- you have made a very tough 2020 much nicer. In an effort to help those of you who didn't quite finish (or start !) your shopping you can still use our click and collect option on the website...or for things you've seen in our newsletter or in store, email before 1pm on Christmas Eve and we can arrange a no-contact payment and collection for you. Have a safe and happy Christmas.
G&A Carpet & Beds. So another lockdown begins tonight for us in Wales and we are sad not to personally wish our customers a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Both Graham and Amy have loved seeing you all through a very strange 2020, Thank you for all your lovely comments, presents and cards and we genuinely can not wait to see new and old faces in 2021. We’ve always been a “Glass half full” type of family business and always trying to make something out of something bad. Think Positive, stay strong and keep going - you’re all doing great! Please try as we will to have a amazing Christmas. Thank you Again.
Ian in the Presteigne Barbervan. Well I’m shut down till next year - hope you have merry Christmas - stay safe one and all.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. In line with the announcement by the First Minister, all leisure centres in Wales are now closed from midnight on 19th December rather than on Christmas Eve. Centres will remain closed until the situation changes.
Wild Card Tattoos. It looks like I am closing earlier than originally planned, I will be in touch with anyone who has an appointment booked as soon as I know when I can reopen. ...from Marion at The Retreat. It is with sadness that I need to close the massage clinic once again. With the tier 4 restrictions, I think it is realistic to assume that these will continue well into the new year & at this stage, I can’t make any bookings for Jan. If you would like to book for Feb, let me know and we'll keep fingers crossed for that. It is possible that remedial massage therapy for specific conditions/injuries will be permitted but, until that has been clarified, I cannot see people on that basis. However I am available for online or telephone advice, please do contact me directly. Thank you so much for your support, and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, With best wishes in this difficult time, Marian ...from Nicky Tranter Tree Care. Any wind blown or storm damage trees call 01547 520075 or email - on call 24 hours.
PNCS. Due to the Welsh government guidelines, The Warehouse, Charity Shop and the PNCS Office in the High Street will be closed until further notice. If you have any donations for the shop or the Warehouse, could we ask you to PLEASE HOLD ON TO THEM until we reopen. The Community Transport Scheme however WILL continue as usual. All appointments from 23rd December to 4th January will need to be phoned through by the 23rd December. Any appointments after the 4th Jan will need to be phoned or emailed through until we re-open. Tel: 01544 267961. Email: We would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Year. Thank you for your continued support in these difficult times.
Elda at The Coffee House. Hi everyone, unfortunately with yesterday’s announcement we are being forced to close The Coffee House from tomorrow until a further update is made. If you would like any Coffee Beans / Grounded Coffee, you can message me on here, or they are selling at Weobley Ash Meats and Farm Shop. We would like to thank all our customers for a tough year and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
G&A Catering. We are OPEN Monday (21st) and Tuesday (22nd) this week. Then we will be CLOSED from the Wednesday 23rd Dec until Sunday 3rd Jan. Open for business as normal on Monday 4th Jan 2021 - opening hours will be 8-2 Monday thro Saturday.
The Salty Dog. Christmas opening times: 24 Dec 9 to 5.30pm; Frid 25th to Tuesday 29th CLOSED; 30th-31st 9 to 5.30pm; New Year’s Day-3rd Jan CLOSED; 4th Jan 9 to 4pm. PLUS - Egg boxes needed, please, please !!!!
SPAR. Christmas opening times: 24th 7am to 10pm; 25th 10am to 2pm; 26th 9am to 9pm; 27th to 31st 8am to 10pm; 1st Jan 9am to 9pm; 2nd Jan 7am to 10pm. ...from the Royal Oak. We're going to miss seeing all of you over the festive period this year. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Fingers crossed for a better 2021!
Arrowfield Vets. Please make sure that all your pet’s repeat prescriptions are ordered by 12 noon Tues 22nd December so that they will be ready for collection before 12 noon on Christmas Eve. See our FB page or call details of opening times over the next weeks.
Library. Following the Welsh Government announcement all library buildings are now closed, and will remain closed until the Welsh Government guidance changes. Remember, you can join the library and download eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines for free, and library members also get free access to from home – go to our library catalogue for more information. All books are still being automatically renewed and you won’t be fined. For help or advice about your library, contact 01597 827460 or
The Farmers Inn. We would like to Wish all our customers, staff old and new a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and better New Year. We will miss you all at our Christmas and New Year celebrations and all the frivolities. We will see you all in 2021 as soon as we are allowed.
Sylvan Skincare. For Christmas orders, which can be sent directly to friends and family, please order by midday Wednesday 23 December (or earlier if possible) with UK Special Delivery. For a Welsh or London and South East lockdown treat, FREE delivery is still available for post-Christmas deliveries. The gift sets are already beautifully wrapped, but we can wrap any product for example the hand cream and send together with a handwritten greeting (no extra charge). Please leave a message at the website checkout if you would like your purchase gift wrapped together with your greeting and the address to send it to. Thank you. https://
Mary at Deli Tinto. Christmas Opening Times: 22nd & 23rd Dec 9-5; 24th Dec Xmas Eve 9-4; Closed 25th - 29th Dec; Open 30th & 31st Dec 9-4; Closed 1st Jan; Open 2nd January 9-1. For Christmas Shopping, we’re now offering the chance to browse the whole shop at your leisure. Contact us to book a half hour slot on a Wednesday,Thursday or Friday evening between 4 and 6pm. If you're self-isolating or just wanting to keep trips into town to a minimum we're continuing to take orders for collection or delivery. n.b. Deli Tinto Christmas Hampers available now - ask in the Deli or contact us / tel. 01544 260534.
Presteigne Tyre Services. We will be closed from 5 o’clock tomorrow 23rd Dec until Monday 4th Jan. We will still be available for emergency’s and to make appointments for the new year. Please call us on 07831615675. We would like to thank our customers for sticking with us throughout this tough and challenging year. Merry Christmas from all of us at PTS.
Presteigne Carnival. LAST CHANCE to enter the Best Dressed Christmas House Competition. ‘Ten of you have entered...And to you we say “You’re great!”...To those who are still considering...Hurry up before you’re too late!!” Judging Sunday, 20th December once dark. Good luck and Thank you for entering, you’re all stars ! Any other entries, please ring or text on 07766 152000. For those darling people who have entered the Best Dressed House Competition, just to let you know that if you see a lady with a camera on a tripod outside your house, it’s the lovely Laura Shepherd, who is very kindly taking photos for us to use on FB and social media, and hopefully the Mid Wales Journal! Thank you Laura.
David at the Bowling Club. LAST CHANCE to enter our Xmas Draw, which will close this Saturday 19th December - if anyone wants tickets, contact Dave Weale, Helen Weale, Jenny Freddy Davies, Sharon Duggan, Janine Johns, and Carol Hancocks, or message through our FB page. £1 each or £5 gets 2 free, or £10 gets 5 free.
PNCS Warehouse. We seem to be having problems viewing and answering our messages. Sorry if we haven't replied but could you contact us during opening hours 10am-4pm. Our telephone number is 07496 732067. Thanks.
Anna - still looking for your Christmas Tree ? Shop locally-grown Christmas trees next weekend - all trees are grown locally in and around Presteigne so no miles involved, plus trees can be chosen and cut on site if required. Weekday collections can be arranged. Christmas trees are available to buy and order from Greenfield roundabout, Presteigne from 10 am-4 pm approximately. All trees are available for delivery for free in a 3 mile radius ,netting can be provided. Cut trees Norway spruce 4-15ft, £15-40 approximately - Potted trees with roots, Norway approx 4ft, £20 - Potted nordmans / frazers up to 4ft, £25 - Christmas tree water holders to prolong the life of your cut tree, hold up to 7ft, £15. Wholesale also available.
Amanda's Bread. We will be delivering as usual this coming Saturday to the Presteigne area, and in Christmas week either on Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd or Thursday 24th December (to be confirmed when you order). If you haven’t already ordered pls contact us urgently. We need to express gratitude to all our customers for continuing to order from Amanda's Bread throughout the year. Thanks to your enthusiastic response and our little gang of local producers, we have been in a delicious whirl throughout the year that has taken us completely by surprise and quite taken our breath away! If we don't see you over the next two weeks, we send you our best wishes for 2021. Amanda and Julian.
G&A Catering. Festive night THIS FRIDAY!! 12 midday - 8pm. You can book a time slot and phone orders are welcome to reduce waiting time! Our normal day menu will be available until midday this Friday - Festive night times have changed to longer hours due to the demand now the schools are closed. See our FB page for menu and details.
Weobley Ash. Great hand made Christmas cards from Marion Rowlatt, 6 cards for £5 or Winter Scenes £2 each. Open 7 days a week through out December ...from Presteigne’s Barber in the Barbervan. I will be open Christmas week Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th till 2pm, and then closed, reopening on the 7th January. Bookings only on 07977 000741.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. Our Swim School will be breaking up for Christmas on Saturday 19th December, restarting again on Monday 4th January 2021. We really do appreciate and thank you for your support in 2020. Our Swim Program was adapted in order to follow COVID-19 guidelines and we’re glad to say this hasn’t affected demand for lessons, swim teacher motivation and student learning. We wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. If you have a friend/s who are considering enrolling their children in Swimming Lessons, please share our details with them.
Royal Oak. Our takeaway Christmas Dinners are proving to be very popular. They're great for a hassle free dinner and for those family members you may not be able to meet up with under the current circumstances. The following puddings are also available: Christmas Pudding & Brandy Sauce; Malteaser Cheesecake; Apple & Berry Crumble with Custard. All puddings £4.50. All mains are £11 each. Get in touch to book your dinner. 01544 260842. Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to do the Taco Special this coming Thursday and the kitchen will be closed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will hopefully rearrange it for another date.
Weobley Ash Meats & Farm Shop. Our gift vouchers can be used on any in-store purchases, including gifts, meat, drinks and vegetables. Valid for 12 months from purchase, a great Christmas gift. REMEMBER..Christmas Orders close on Wednesday 16th December. Currently available, limited large turkeys, Turkey crowns, plain or stuffed wrapped bacon. Pork gammons and honey roast hams. Beef joints, rolled sirloin, fillet, topside and silverside. Order forms online at, call 01544 598120 or come into the shop.
Presteigne Primary School. Our friends in the PTFA are organising a raffle for school funds (all the money goes to benefit the children). Please contact them using the Facebook page if you would like a ticket. RAFFLE 50p a ticket. We have some AMAZING prizes - A MOT voucher for Auto works - A fuel voucher for B.W Roberts and Son - Royal Oak voucher - Lots of bubble baths, wine, chocolate, perfume and lots more. (All prizes are being quarantined).
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. For this week's 12 ideas for Christmas check out our newsletter (link below). Our suggestions are selling out quickly so make sure you're on our mailing list for more great ideas next week!
PNCS our transport office in the High Street will close on Wednesday 23rd Dec at 12.30pm and will reopen on Monday 4th Jan at 9.30am. Anyone requiring transport through the Christmas closure will need to ring their appointments to the office before Wednesday 23red December. Thank you, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The Warehouse. We will close on Wednesday 23 December at 3.30p.m. and reopen on Monday 4th January at 10 a.m. We would like to thank you all for supporting us this year. Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. The final 6 for this week's ‘12 Ideas for Christmas’ gifts: we have haberdashery, books, patterns and sundries, hand knitted children's jumpers and booties, clever reversible dresses and trousers for little ones, and lanterns fit for a Christmas Kasbah!
Weobley Ash. Christmas Trees Offers. £5 gift voucher with 6ft tree @ £27.95. £8 gift voucher with 7ft tree @ £36.95. Plenty of trees to look at, can open and re-net if required. Plus hand-made local Christmas Wreaths in store, all one size but various styles @ £14.50 each. Open 7 days a week throughout December.
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. See our FB page for Friday’s menu for this week and don’t forget we are open in the cafe Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 3.30pm for brunch, lunch, coffee, tea, cakes and scones. Afternoon tea vouchers now available to purchase in the cafe.
Jonathan. Presteigne's Pop-Up Christmas Shop popped up on Friday and will open every day - except Sundays - until it Pops Down on Christmas Eve! It's in Presteigne's Barber Shop, next to St. Michael's Hospice Shop, and contains all kinds of Christmassy Goods and Gifts. Local authors, artists and craftspeople have brought their products in for us to sell. YOU, too, can bring new, or homemade, items in to sell as well, receiving 50% of the sale price, with 25% going towards the running costs of the shop & 25% to St. Michael's Hospice. Come on in for a unique Presteigne Gift, support local producers and give to our very own St. Michael's Hospice. All in one Pop-Up Christmas Store. For further information call 01544 260800.
Amanda’s Bread. We are continuing to deliver on Saturdays to the Presteigne area, alongside attending local markets. This coming week we shall be at Knighton Market on Saturday morning. If you want to place an order for Saturday 12th December, get in touch asap using the contact details below. (If you miss the Monday deadline, still get in touch and we will supply your order if we can. Let us know if you plan to collect from the market when you place your order, otherwise we’ll deliver as usual, thank you. Do spread the word about these local markets! See below for contact details.
Hampers from Amanda's Bread - a choice of 3 different hampers containing a range of local produce. Order by Monday 14th December for delivery / collection in week beginning Mon 21st December. Get in contact for further details - email :, phone/text 0775 993 9526 or 0771 870 4814.
Wild Thyme. Our opening hours for this week and next are daytime only, as we are operating within the Wales restrictions, Friday and Saturday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. We hope to be open for evening bookings in the week before Christmas.
Workhouse Gallery & Café. From today we are unable to serve alcohol in the café in line with Welsh restrictions. We are also limiting café table size to 4 customers per table to maintain safety and keep within current regulations. Thank you for your support and patience.
The Warehouse. Great news, we are now able to take your donations once again! Thanks to everyone for bearing with us for a few days. It has given us the opportunity to catch up and clear the backlog. ...from Beth about Lloyds Bank opening hours over the festive period. Monday 21st December open as usual 9.30-3.30 / Friday 25th December closed (Christmas Day) / Monday 28th December closed (bank holiday) / Friday 1st January closed (bank holiday) / Monday 4th January open as usual 9.30-3.30pM.
Chilvers Country Supplies. Christmas Opening Hours: 21st to 23rd - Open as usual; 24th - Open 9am-1pm; 25th to 28th - Closed; 29th to 31st - Open 9am-1pm; 1st to 4th - Closed; 5th onwards - Open as normal (9am-5pm). We recommend that any pet, equine & livestock feed that may be needed over this period is ordered early to avoid disappointment. We will put in our final feed order on 16th December so please let us know before then - phone Dan on 07798928909 / Emma on 07937166897 or call into the shop on the Presteigne bypass!
Royal Oak. This will probably will be our last takeaway Sunday roast offering until sometime after Christmas/New Year. Free delivery is available to Presteigne and surrounding areas or collection from the pub on Sunday morning. Get in touch to book your hassle free roast dinner T: 01544 260842
The Salty Dog. Lovely polystyrene boxes for free, at the Salty Dog, first come first served! See our FB page for photos.
Presteigne Tyres. If you have seen the weather you will of seen the snow is on it’s way. Snow tyres on the shelf and ready to go. Give us a call to book in 01544 267240.
The Bleddfa Centre. We are open, we can assure you, as little ‘retail’ galleries are allowed to open, just not heritage ones. We are sad for our fellow venues, but are pleased to be able to welcome you at Bleddfa
The Radnorshire Arms. A quick update! We cannot sell any alcohol over the next couple of weeks, however, we have decided to stay open as normal with the restricted opening times. Our Opening times are: Monday & Tuesday - CLOSED; Wednesday to Sunday- 12:00 till 18:00 (Food Service times: 12:00 till 17:00). We do advise strongly, if you wish to come and dine, please book a table to prevent disappointment 01544267536. Our rooms will still be open for residents who wish to stay with us!
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. The 12 ideas for Christmas... Each week in the run up to the 25th of December we will share 12 ideas for gifts... This week for our first 6 ideas we suggest: beautiful dried hedgerow wreaths from forij, the best copper scrubbers - gentle but efficient, fancy matchboxes with vintage prints, aprons designed and made at The Workhouse, desk tidies made from circuit boards, an amazing variety of glues and pastes, and ornate bags made by a woman's collective.
Presteigne Building Supplies. Christmas Opening Hours - Thursday 24th 7.30am-1pm. Closed Friday 25th through to Saturday 2nd Jan. Open Monday 4th Jan 7.30am-5pm. We would like to thank everyone who has supported us during this very difficult year. Merry Christmas. Stay safe.
Weobley Ash Meats. Pubs and restaurants are starting to re-open and this is putting real pressure on turkey and whole bird poultry. PLEASE place poultry orders asap, we will not have whole birds available to walk in customers if not pre ordered. Other beef, pork, lamb and turkey crowns need to be ordered by 16th December. Order forms are available at or call the shop to place your order. Thank you.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas. Don’t let Christmas get in the way of a good workout! Join in December and only pay £10 with nothing more to pay until 2021! We are also throwing in another offer for you! Join our swim school now in December and pay just £5 until 2021. Call the centre on 01544 260302 or email us at for more information.
G&A Catering. We are now open FRIDAY NIGHTS 5-8pm (From this Friday). Opening times: Monday: 8-2, Tuesday: 8-2, Wednesday: 8-2, Thursday: 8-2, Friday: 8-2 and 5-8pm, Festive night Friday 18th!!! 3-8pm.
Leon’s Supper Club. Chicken and chorizo paella, yummy! enough for two people for just £6.00, plus Slow braised pork cheeks, cooked in a Oloros sherry sauce, delicious! find them on our website or just call me on 07805 727486.
Royal Oak. Once again the Oaks doors are shut. We hope to have some kind of festivity in the pub this Christmas but we are now in the hands of Mark Drakeford. Stay safe everyone. Hopefully we will see you all again soon.
Arrowfield Vets about Avian Flu. The chief Veterinary Officers for England, Wales and Scotland have announced new measures to protect poultry and captive birds. From 14th December, it will be a legal requirement for all bird keepers to keep their birds indoors and take appropriate steps to keep them separate from Wild birds. You are advised to follow the strict updated biosecurity measures in order to limit the spread of and eradicate this highly infectious disease. Bird keepers are advised to be vigilant for signs of disease and seek prompt advice from the surgery if you are concerned. For more advice please see the following link GOVUK
Jonathan & Maggie’s Pop Up Christmas Shop. Presteigne's Barber Shop will open on Friday, 4th December, as a Pop Up Christmas, Art/Craft, Gift Shop for the few weeks until Christmas Eve. If you have unwanted gifts/new items, arts or crafts you've made yourself, or any other items of quality, please let us have them to sell on your behalf. 50% of the sale price will go to you, 25% towards the running costs of the shop and 25% to St. Michael's Hospice. Volunteers, to staff the shop, are also needed. Please contact Jonathan on 260800.
Weobley Ash Meats. Stuck for a present this Christmas? Our Butchery Classes will be available to purchase from next week. Pork or lamb butchery class, sausage making & bacon curing. One-to-one or two-to-one tuition, hands on, meat included to take home. All class vouchers are valid until used. Look out for the release next week. Plus......Christmas Trees Now In - 6ft £27.95 non drop, 7ft £36.95 non drop. FREE £5 or £8 shop voucher with all tree purchases valid for use January and February 2021. Local Delivery can be arranged. Open from 9-4 Monday to Saturday.
Grace Beauty. And the winner of our gorgeous Elemis rose collection is...Claire Davies! Congratulations. Thank you to everyone who entered. Also - see our FB page for a little idea of the stock we have left for Christmas. We can deliver if you are unable to get to see us at the salon. Thank you for all your support and for shopping local. It really means so much.
Rhiannon at Presteigne Library. Available from the library now, Christmas book bags! Containing a selection of children's Christmas books, plus some seasonal games and colouring sheets. To order, please email
Pauline at Pear Care Services. Hi everyone I have many years experience in the Care sector and decided to go alone, feel free to get in touch if you or someone you care for needs some help to stay at home, I also help with befriending, shopping, dog walking home help, I look forward to hearing from you. Call/text 07805 282462 or email
Anna. Shop local and support small business. Christmas trees are available to buy and order from Greenfield roundabout, Presteigne, this weekend from 10 am - 4 pm approximately and every weekend thereafter. All trees are available for delivery for free in a 3 mile radius, netting can be provided extra . Cut trees Norway spruce 4- 15 ‘ £15-40 approximately. Potted trees - Norway up to 4ft £20, Potted nordmans/frazers up to 4ft £25. Christmas tree water holders to prolong the life of your cut tree up to 7ft also available £15. Wholesale also available.
Kington Golf Club. Golf restarts on Wed 2nd December. Come and enjoy four months golf at the best winter course in Herefordshire with Winter Membership at just £190, and receive a £135 credit towards 2021 fees. Contact
Royal Oak. Welsh Government news feels like another knife in the back for the industry we love and it's bitterly disappointing that we are forced to make the decision to close our doors for a third time this Friday at 6pm. Under the new restrictions it won't be feasible for us to open. What is a pub without beer? Unfortunately there is no clear date for when these restrictions will be eased. For those booked in for our Christmas Day takeaways, that will still be going ahead regardless of whether the pub is open or not and bookings are still being taken for it. We will also endeavour to do some more takeaway offerings during these testing times. We once again thank you all for your continued support and will keep you updated.
The Farmers Inn. We will close on Friday 4th December at 6pm until further notice. To all our customers that have booked for Sunday Lunch this week, this will still continue. We thank those of you that have supported us this year & hope it won't be too long until we return. ...from Sam at No. 46. Here we go again! We imagine you have all heard the news this afternoon. Restaurants and bars have been told to stop serving alcohol and close by 6pm as of Friday. After having some long discussions we have decided we just cannot justify remaining open under these difficult circumstances! So from 6pm on Friday will be closing our doors once again. We will also be closed tomorrow (sorry for the inconvenience). It’s now a waiting game for updates on the 17th. We will be doing some pop up takeaways over the next couple of weeks! And will be open Wednesday and Thursday 3pm - 9pm and Friday 12pm - 6pm this week! Hope you all stay safe and well and we are thinking of all the other hospitality industries in this difficult time! Thank you all for all the ongoing support and we hope to see you all soon.
Lorna’s Sandwich Shop. Festive rolls available every Thursday through December served with a pig-in-blanket. Hot pork rolls still being served every Thursday.
The Stagg. Order now for our Friday & Saturday night takeaways! This week bibimbap is back on the menu, along with our delicious homemade sourdough. Order here: https://
MidCounties Co-op. Donate to our Food Bank Fund to help support our partner food banks over Christmas & into the new year... You can also help the vulnerable in your community by donating essentials to food banks by dropping it off at your local Midcounties Food store [i.e. Knighton Coop but you can also drop off Food Bank donations at Presteigne Spar].
Presteigne Local Food Market. Our Christmas Market is Saturday 5th December inside the Memorial Hall 9am-1pm ! Festive Xmas trees for sale outside the Hall and to warm you while you drinks and freshly made sweet and savoury crepes will be available from our Chef Yerasimos. Look forward to seeing you all. Keep watching for updates on the Stallholders who will be attending.
Rhos Organics. A reminder that we have our organic fruit & veg market stall outside Daphne’s in the High Street every Thursday 10am-12.30pm.
Virginia who is now selling her Contemporary Sustainable Clothing from No. 50 Broad Street (just down from the Assembly Rooms) on Wed & Frid from 10am-1pm, and 2-4pm, and on Sat from 10am-1pm. Contact on Instagram virginia.stockley.number50 ...from Rosamund who now trades from The Old Shop at 47 High Street (next door to Spar). Open on Wed/Frid/Sat from 10.30am-5.30pm. Orders taken 07977 715423, 01544 260777.
Katie and the Holding Umbrellas Foundation. Every Thursday, we will be sending a small delivery of yummy goods to the ever amazing Weobley Ash butchers in Presteigne, at their shop up on the Industrial Estate. Massive thanks to their ongoing support for helping to source good quality ingredients at cost price and now giving us a weekly outlet. So wonderful to know that we have the support of the local businesses in Presteigne in our goal to help those in need back in Myanmar.
Weobley Ash Meats & Farm Shop. Gifts for stocking Fillers, cakes, biscuits, fudge, organic apple juice gift sets, jams and chutneys gift sets, cheese biscuits. Stock arriving daily, new cup, mugs and teas sets arriving Monday. Open from 9-4 Monday to Saturday. Call 01544 598120 or email WE WON The Three Counties ‘Pig Farmer of The Year 2020’. We’re all super pleased and so glad you all enjoy our Welsh rare breed pork. It's been an incredibly tough year on us all, let's hope 2021 is a better year. Thank you for all the nominations, Weobley Ash Meats.
Grace Beauty. We have a few openings available next week. Give us a call, message on FB or email if you would like an appointment. X ...from Lockdown Dhaba. Just a quick note to let you know we are having a break now until January. Thanks so much for all the support with this little venture so far! We’ve had lots of fun with it. We’re working on a website which will make ordering and paying easier, and sorting out some new menu combinations for next year. Wishing you all a wonderful festive period!!
Helen at The Hat Shop. It’s with a mixture of emotions that I post to inform you all that I have recently agreed to sell up after 8 years and to let you all know I will be closing on Friday 4th December. I know some of you had already read in the community news that I had retired!! (I’m not that old!! Lol). It was not my intention for you to hear this 2nd hand but I was preemptied by this post. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my loyal customers, family & friends who have supported me over the years. My biggest thanks go to all my staff who have helped me over the years, I could not have done this without you all. I also send my best wishes to the new owners & hope that will be as happy as I’ve been. I look forward to seeing what they do & will be in for a meal which I haven’t had to prepare. Thank you all. Helen
A reminder on the normal schedule for local Markets -
Presteigne Local Food Market - 1st Saturday of each month, 9am - 1pm
Knighton Community Market - 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month, 9.30am-12.30-m
Kington Friday Market - every Friday, 9am-1pm Kington Country Market - every Friday, 9am-12noon
Kington Art & Craft Market - 3rd Saturday of month, 9.30am-3pm (+ Nov 28th and Dec 12th).
The Royal Oak. Tables are starting to fill up for Wales v England this Saturday at 4pm. Special offer again of basket meal and a drink for £6 during the game. Book yourself in to avoid disappointment. Hassle free Christmas Day lunch.This is for collection or free delivery available on Christmas Eve. Puddings and extras can be provided if you want to over indulge. To book please ring us in 01544 260842 or message us on FB. Payment to be received by 21st December to confirm booking. And....Fish Fryday is back this week with a special of beer battered cod burger, chips & onion rings for £8.50. Get in touch to book a table or takeaway slot.
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. The menu for Friday is on our FB page, any orders by 11 am on Wednesday please. We are still doing homemade soup and baguette or cheese scone with dessert and cream or custard for £6.95, so why not pop in for lunch. Booking advised as we only have a few tables.
Weobley Ash Meats. It looks like there may be more families able to meet at Christmas, if this is the case any Christmas orders already placed with us can be amended this week. The cut off for certain cuts, namely beef rib joints, beef fillet, whole turkey, geese and Cockerel will need to be ordered by this Friday please to ensure delivery. Beef, pork, mutton and pigs in blankets will be available without pre-ordering. To order call 01544 598120 or email to place your order. Order forms available under Christmas tab from
No. 46. So to go with our new opening hours we have our new “Adult winter warmers” perfect for the cold weather! We will have this menu throughout the winter ! So if you fancy one of our delicious hot drinks (with a bit of a kick) then pop in to No.46! Don’t forget we are serving food every weekday evening between 5pm and 8pm!! Available to eat in or takeaway!!
Presteigne Tyre Services. Just a reminder that during this pandemic we are open as usual to keep you and your vehicles safe on the road. Please contact us on 015442672
Bianca at Bea’s Care Services. Hi everyone. Hope you’re all keeping safe out there. Due to a change in circumstances I now have available spaces for calls mid-morning, afternoons and evenings (week days only). If you need me to support a loved one tel. 07816 370853 or email me
The Workhouse Gallery & Café.The Cambridge Imprint Advent Calendar is now live on our website along with a few more additions if you are doing your shopping remotely this Year
Autoworks. Now carrying out free winter checks. Don’t get caught out this winter. All your motoring needs - MOTs, servicing, repairs, tyres, batteries, exhausts, brakes. Pop in or call 01544 260280
The Radnorshire Arms. Christmas update. After lots of consideration, we have decided we will not be offering Christmas dinner this year. The bar will be open Christmas Day 11:00-14:00, Boxing Day 12:00-16:00. December 27th we will be closed. Please book a table if coming in for drinks to prevent disappointment. Any enquiries, call us on 01544267536.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. Nominations are open for the Swim Wales Virtual National Awards 2020! Would you like to acknowledge a Freedom Leisure Swimming Instructor? Nominate your ‘Swimming Teacher of the Year here:
The Bleddfa Centre. We are looking for a long loan/donation (or purchase) of a pop-up gazebo/marquee to use in our café garden, and for events. If you have one lurking, or know someone who does, please let us know... Thank you!
The Royal Oak. See our FB page for our Sunday Roast menu for this week. Available to eat in or takeaway with free delivery within Presteigne and surrounding areas. To book call us on 01544 260842
Leon’s Supper Club. You can now order our Thai food online at or phone us on 01544 262 164 or 0780 5727 486.
No. 46. So here at No.46 we have decided we are going to switch up our opening hours! Starting tomorrow, we will be opening from 3pm - 9pm Monday - Thursday! We will also be serving food every evening starting tomorrow between the hours of 5pm and 8pm! Available for eat in or takeaway! We understand this is a big change, however we believe it’s for the best and we hope you all do too! Make sure to follow our page over the next few weeks for some fun new winter deals and Christmassy additions to our menus! We look forward to seeing you all!
Broadaxe Farm Xmas Trees & Wreaths. We are starting to have enquiries about Christmas trees and wreaths... we are officially open from Saturday 28th November but if you fancy having your tree, wreath or hazel heart sooner please get in touch via our FB page or call 01544 267031.
Presteigne Little People’s Playgroup about their Christmas Holiday Club. Please could all spaces be booked by Friday 27th November. Call 01544 262130 or message on the FB page. Thank you.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. Black Friday deals - Monday 23rd to Monday 30th November - Monthly membership - First 3 months for just £19.99 a month! Annual membership - Get 12 months for the price of 9! Pop in to the centre next week or call us on (01544) 260302 for more information or to sign up to one of these fantastic offers!
PG Timber. Call us on 01544 260339 or 07974 954526 to get your orders in before Christmas.
Amanda's Bread. We have a full range of cakes, vegan pasties and preserves available this week. Please order asap for delivery to Presteigne area on Saturday 28th November, thank you, and remember, we will be at Knighton Market on Saturday. Contact Details: email Amanda on, phone / text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814 for full product list and to order.
Presteigne Repair & Skill Share. REMINDER: Our next session is on Saturday 21st November under cover (with usual virus precautions) in the garden of the Radnorshire Arms (unless the weather is really really bad!). Please wear a face covering. 10AM TO 12 NOON.
The Warehouse. More items are being put out for sale every day. Come and take a look and get a bargain before it has gone. Lots of Christmas decorations, toys, men's clothing, beds, glasses, crockery, furniture, and much more. All electrical items are PAT-tested. New opening hours until Christmas, Monday to Friday 10-3.30 and Saturday 10-2.
Marian about Silvan Skincare at The Retreat. Gift sets, balms, body oils and more. Silvan Skincare is handmade in Presteigne with the highest quality organic and sustainable plant-based ingredients. We can send your present directly to your friends or family, beautifully wrapped together with a handwritten greeting (no extra charge) - free UK delivery on all orders too. The skincare and body products are certified as cruelty-free under the Leaping Bunny programme and our range of balms and lip balms are registered with the Vegan Society. Our gift wrapping uses fully recyclable paper and card with biodegradable wood pulp ribbon. Please call
or email to arrange local delivery or collection from The Retreat, or 07816 981454. Or alternatively order online and leave a message at
checkout if you would like your purchase gift wrapped together with your greeting. Thank you.
Maggie Wood. The shop (opposite the Library) that is currently Presteigne Barbers is available for long term or short term rental. Currently equipped as a Barbershop but could easily be adapted for other usage. Possibly a pre Christmas opportunity if anyone wants to do a 'pop up' shop ?? Call or text Maggie on 07952972746
The Hub, New Radnor. The Hub is open again every Friday...6.30-10pm. Food from 6.30pm. This week there is free range chicken pie, or leek and cheese pie, with coleslaw and beetroot salad cooked by Alison Spalding. It will be delicious. Groups of max 4 please. Table service only.
The Radnorshire Arms. Just a reminder - Due to covid rules we are following, and having a maximum capacity in place, please can we advise, anyone who is wanting to dine, to book a table. We can only allow 4 to a table. This is to try and prevent disappointment. To book a table, please call 01544 267536.
G&A Catering. American Night Round 2. After great demand all we can say is, you ask - you get...Monday 30th November 5-9pm. See FB page for details. Pick up slots available.
The Stagg Inn. Our weekend takeaway menu is now available to order!nTry our new crispy tempura soft shell crab. Or warm up with our tasty guinea fowl and smokey pit beans. Click here to order now
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. From filled croissants for brunch, homemade soups, toasted sandwiches, coffee, cakes and afternoon teas to gifts, flowers, homemade jam, Christmas wreaths and arrangements we have got it covered, plus curry takeaways on a Friday and delivered hot food on a Tuesday to Friday, we are here to help. Pop in and see what we do.
Deli Tinto. Our new sign, looking fab, finished and hung today adds a finishing touch to the Deli’s new paintwork. Thanks Owen Rimington and Nick Close. We’re very happy with the new look!
Weobley Ash. Regardless of the weather you'll be dry at Weobley Ash Meats, the marquee is up for Christmas shopping and loading. We don't have a valet service but we do guarantee a smile. Open from 9-4 Monday to Saturday or call 01544 598120 to book a home delivery.
Pauline at Pear Care Services. Hi everyone I have many years experience in the Care sector and decided to go alone, feel free to get in touch if you or someone you care for needs some help to stay at home , I also help with befriending, shopping, dog walking home help , I look forward to hearing from you. 07805 282462 or email
Amanda's Bread. We have a full range of cakes, vegan pasties and preserves available this week. Please order asap for delivery to Presteigne area on Saturday 21st November, thank you. Email for full product list and to order.
Weobley Ash Meats & Farm Shop. With 5 & 1/2 weeks till Christmas we are working hard to ensure you have the quality meats and vegetables you require. We have 2 weeks to take guaranteed orders on turkey, poultry & gammon joints or hams. You can view our Christmas order forms on our website or call into our store to collect.
Leon’s Thai Food to Order. See our FB page for the full takeaway menu. Order Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday for collection from The Salty Dog in the High Street on Thursday, Friday and Saturday respectively. To order email or call 01544 262164 or 07805727486
The Town Council is pleased to report that a small area of woodland has been created by the Council supported by some very willing volunteers. A mix of oaks, hazel, rowan, hawthorn, birch, crab apple and blackthorn donated from the Woodland Trust were planted with the help of Piet, Kate, Rolly, Hilary, Richard, Jenny and Ally. Special thanks to David Hiam who owns the field and has allowed it to be used for this purpose.
The Royal Oak. Steak Night returns tomorrow (Wednesday) night from 5pm. All of our steaks are on at discounted prices and served with all the trimmings and our homemade double cooked chips. And we’re back to doing Sunday lunches again this week. Tables available to eat in or free delivery/collection to eat in the comfort of your own home. Any dietary requirements please don't hesitate to ask and we can accommodate to your needs. To book message us on FB or call 01544 260842.
Lyonshall Nurseries and Garden Centre. Hello everyone. Little update on the roses. They’re here all potted up and ready to go. Fruit canes are ready also. We are open as usual 10am to 4pm. See you soon.
East Radnor Day Centre. When was the last time you REALLY moved? We understand the pressures and limitations that day-to-day life currently presents, but we also know how important it is to move and keep active. Get in touch with us directly by calling us on 01544 260302 or email us at . You could also go online to to register your interest. Don't forget we've got a new day time class on Wednesday mornings. FIT IN 45 with Kerrie 9.15-10am. Call now to book in (01544) 260302.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. We look forward to seeing our customers who are out of lockdown and are happy to help those of you who are not by phone or email. Weds-Sat 10am-4pm. Call 01544 267 864 or email
G&A Catering. Just to clarify now Welsh lockdown has finished, our opening hours are 8am-2pm Monday to Saturday. Next themed night to be confirmed.
The Warehouse. Don't forget we are also open now on Thursdays throughout November and December.
The Salty Dog. Because of the English Lockdown we will only be having fish on Fridays and Saturdays for the next month, so get it while you can.
Wild Card Tattoos. Well I’m pleased to say I am back open for business. (After two lockdowns with no financial support whatsoever) vouchers are available to buy starting from £5
upwards, payable via bank transfer and can be emailed for those in England. Please get in touch via my FB page if you would like to book in for a consultation or for ink.
Anna at Kington Arts & Crafts Markets. Just a reminder that the November Markets have had to be cancelled because of the England lockdown but the Markets will run in December.
Knighton Community Market. Hot off the press...just heard we're allowed to hold our regular full market next weekend !! So all your favourite foods and crafts will be our FB page for a list of who's attending ... Still have to follow social distancing, one way system and masks have to be worn...we will have someone on hand to take track and trace info before entry...thank you for your continued support :)
Laura and Forget-Me-Nots. A Massive Thank You to Lorna for displaying my Christmas Cards in her lovely Sandwich Shop in Presteigne. Perfect time to pick up a card or two whilst getting your lunch. Available from Monday!
Ian in the Barbervan. Reopening next week, Thursday Friday and Saturday phone, text 07977000741 or messenger me on FB.
Freedom Leisure at the East Radnor Leisure Centre. We will be picking up where we left off ! Swimming lessons will be starting back Monday, if you are interested in signing up then please get in touch once we reopen. Contact us on 01544 260302 or at
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. If you are looking for flowers, cake, lunch, afternoon tea or takeaway curry and lots of other things we would love to see you.
Grace Beauty. My little Christmas Fairy has done a wonderful job bringing a little bit of joy and happiness to the salon ready to reopen again on Monday! A little early, but think we all need a little sparkle in our lives at the moment.
The Royal Oak. International Rugby is back at the Oak this Friday with Wales v Ireland at 7pm. We'll have tables available to book inside and under the marquee outside. Due to current circumstances, we will be asking for £6 per person deposit on booking in return for a drink and basket meal during the match, or 2 drinks for those who think 'eating is cheating'. Choice of sausages, nuggets, or curry, all served with chips.
The Farmers Inn. We will be open from Tuesday 10th November and look forward to seeing you.
Amanda’s Bread. Please get in touch if you want to place an order for delivery to Presteigne area on Saturday 14th November using the contact details below. See our FB page for our full range of breads and savouries available to order. On Saturday morning you will find us at Knighton Community Market. Let us know if you plan to collect from the market when you place your order, otherwise we shall deliver as usual, thank you. Thank you for the responses we have received about the idea of Hampers containing a range of products from Amanda's Bread and other local producers. More information soon. Contact Details : email Amanda on or phone / text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814
The Hat Shop. I am open from 9th from 10am for teas, coffees, cakes and light lunches.
PNCS. Both the Charity Shop and The Warehouse re-opened on the 9th, fully restocked. Come and see the many items we have for sale and grab a bargain including, in The Warehouse - furniture, kitchenware, glasses, crockery, electrical items, Christmas decorations, lighting, menswear , baby items, toys, and lots of odds and ends in the men's shed. Something for everyone. Please remember your masks - hand sanitiser is also provided for everyone's peace of mind. We look forward to welcoming you back.
Kirsty’s Hair Studio. Hi all you lovelys. I can't wait to start back tomorrow the same rules will be in place when entering the salon. Face coverings to be worn at all times. Sanitise on arrival. Please knock before entering to ensure no one else in salon at the same time unless able to keep a 2m distance safely. If popping in for skin test or to buy products a safe 2m distance from other clients will be assured! Drinks are allowed to be brought in if in a disposable cup or bottle. Thank you so much for you all being so great and taking on the rules together, we will beat this and will be sat having a coffee and natter together again soon I'm sure of it. Stay Safe.
Emily D’s bookshop: Virtual Christmas Party this Thursday 12th at 8pm on Facebook. There will be games, prizes, opportunities to see the range of books from Babies to Young Adult (which can be enjoyed by adults). It is not a video event so you can enjoy it on your sofa in your pjs if you like, just follow this link to join in.
Presteigne Local Food Market. Looking forward to your valued support in these unprecedented times! Presteigne Local Food market operating under Covid safe regulations will be outside the Memorial Hall car park this Saturday, 7th November from 9-1 with: Fletchers Honey, Alex's Chocolates, Weobley Ash Juice, Mary's Dried fruit/pulses, Khesh's Indian delights, and Wegnall's Farm Butchery who will all have their local products for sale.
Debbie at Presteigne Carnival. Big Big Thank-you to Blakemore Foundation, the charity arm of Spar, for their very kind donation of the money for the Christmas hamper for our Best Dressed Christmas House Competition. Also, very excitingly, we’ve had our first entry! Please either message through FB or ring/text me on 07766 152000 to enter! Please include your name and address. So exciting....
Rhiannon at Presteigne Library. Powys Libraries are able to pick up where they left off on 23rd October, following the fire break, which is very positive news. It may take a week or two to clear the Order and Collect orders which have come in over the last fortnight, and get back up to speed, but at least we can look forward again to resuming covid-secure services for our readers. Order & Collect and all of the e-services will remain available, for anyone who is isolating or otherwise unable to access a library, and we are happy to help people to set up the e-loans on their devices if they contact us on
Radnorshire Arms. We are back open as normal from Monday 9th November! We still have guidelines to follow, so please remember to wear a mask when entering the building. It is advisable to book a table if your coming to dine. We look forward to seeing all of your faces very soon!
The Warehouse. Great news for our customers! We reopen on Monday 9th November Come and buy your Christmas decorations. Many electrical items for sale, coffee makers, kettles, toasters, food processor and more. All PAT tested. Our menswear is looking good! Ready for reopening, we have been sorting and tidying the many shirts, jumpers, jackets, suits, coats, scarves, hats and shoes! To give you extra time to snap up those Xmas bargains, throughout November and December we will also be opening on Thursdays. Our opening times will now be: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10am-3.30pm, and Saturday 10am-2pm.
Arrowfield Vets. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we enter a second period of lockdown in England we will continue to
operate within the Government’s guidelines for veterinary practices. We will continue to provide veterinary care and treatment and will continue with the procedures put in place to minimise the risk and to protect the wellbeing of our team, and you, our clients. The overall message of the national lockdown is to stay at home although members of the public are permitted to travel to access veterinary services. We will assess cases in that context and, in some cases, it will be appropriate to delay seeing a pet for the duration of the lockdown. We would ask that you respect our decision in these cases. If your pet is already booked in for an appointment/procedure one of our team will contact you and discuss options, please bear with us as we work through the lists! We will continue to offer phone triage consultations as we did in the previous lock down, these will be chargeable and payment will be taken at the time of booking, before the vet phones you. As before if then deemed necessary an appointment will be booked
at one of our practices. As the Welsh restrictions are easing on Monday 9th Nov we are able to make routine appointments for our Welsh clients at our Presteigne branch, as available. Any patients requiring further treatment can then be referred to Kington as necessary. Stay safe.
Seconds & Co. We are Open and Delivering or of course you can Collect. As part of the supply chain to the construction industry we will stay open to service our customers but we would ask the you use our hand sanitiser stations keep your distance and wear a mask. We would also point out that our drivers will only do kerbside deliveries and that 2 people are on site to accept deliveries so that contact with drivers are kept to a minimum.
Maggie about Presteigne Barbers. Unfortunately Sharlene is finishing at the Barbers in the near future. There might still be a few appointments after lockdown. Call Sharlene on 07377519597. She thanks everyone for their custom and says she will miss you all !!
.Chilvers Country Supplies. Congratulations to all of our winners - All prizes are ready to be collected from Chilvers Country Supplies, if for any reason you are not able to receive your prize, please get in touch with us via the FB page or phone 07837166896.
The Royal Oak. As the firebreak ends this weekend we prepare to reopen our doors again. We will reopen at 4pm this Monday. Due to the current climate, after this first week back we have taken the decision to close on Mondays for the time being. The new guidelines for pubs have at last been released and here is a brief breakdown of the new guidelines to be in place:
* Please wait behind the barriers at the bar until you are meet and greeted by a member of staff. The track and trace form will be on the bar in the waiting area for all patrons to sign in.
* It is now a maximum of 4 people per table unless all visitors in your group are from the same household. If from the same household then that number is unlimited to allow families to visit
together. * Only patrons living in Wales are allowed to visit the pub during the English lockdown. * New guidelines recommend you to pre book tables and for specified time periods. Walk ins
will be allowed if we're not at capacity.
* Social distancing of tables, sanitiser stations and many of the other previous rules will still be in place.
* The updated rules will yet again be placed on the tables so you can get acquainted with them. Please adhere to the government guidelines to enable a safe environment for all. Thank you for your cooperation!
Andy Price, Firewood. Hi all just a quick update, as a few customers have asked whether I’m still delivering logs due to the Lockdowns, as I see it, firewood comes under Essential needs as that's the only form of heating some rely on, so with that in mind I will still be delivering throughout the winter months being mindful of social distancing, I will except cash / cheque left in an envelope, or if you would prefer to pay by BACS just ask for my Bank details when ordering, thanks for your custom and stay safe. Andy 01547 560476, 07976 584404.
Arrowfield Vets. Following the government announcement on Saturday, we are still awaiting guidance from our professional body regarding the second lockdown on Thursday. Currently we are open, so please attend all booked appointments and operations as normal unless we contact you. We will keep you updated as and when we get information. If you require any further advice please do not hesitate to contact the surgery. We thank you for you patience and continued support during these uncertain times. Stay safe, Team AVP
Wild Card Tattoos. My diary is open again from the 9th November when the Welsh firebreak is over. If you would like to book in for a consultation or for ink then drop me a message on my FB page. (A non refundable deposit is required for all bookings) vouchers will be available to buy starting from £5 upwards. Please note I cannot and will not quote or price via any pics sent via messenger or email
Grace Beauty. Another hurdle for us to jump! If you are booked in with us between Monday 9th November-2nd December and travelling across the border from England then please get in touch so we can reschedule your appointment. We are sorry for the disappointment, but it is important we follow the latest guidelines. Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe and well. X
Marian at The Retreat. Update on new COVID related business changes: As I am preparing to return to work at the end of the Welsh circuit break, new lockdown rules are coming into force that will affect clients who live across the border in England. Any appointments with me between Monday 9th November and Wednesday 2nd December will need to be rescheduled to December for people who reside in England. Please get in touch to move your appointment if this applies to you. I will be open for Welsh residents only, as long as I am permitted. I am available for any online/telephone advice and self-care and exercise suggestions to help with injury or pain, get in touch if I can help. Stay well and thank you for your continued support. Marian contact or 07816 9814
Presteigne Gates. To All Our Customers. We will remain open as usual over the next 4 weeks of lockdown. Masks must be worn in both the office & on the yard. We should not have to ask, it is now a legal requirement & puts our staff in a difficult position to do so. You may be asked to leave the premises if you can’t stick to the rules. It is to keep both staff & customers safe! We ask that you only come to the yard to collect items, please do not come just to have a look around as we are trying to reduce the amount of people coming to and from the premises. We will see how it goes Thursday & Friday and if it does get too busy in the yard we will have to change to having to book time slots to collect items. This is to keep both our customers and staff safe. Many Thanks Beth & John
The Royal Oak. We will be doing takeaway Friday night and Saturday night, Sunday lunch. Please book 01544 2318
John at The Mens Shed. Between the end of the first lockdown and start of the Welsh one the Shed opened but only for 4 members at a time due to inherrent risks and ability to safe distance. However we were unable to open to the public. We were considering opening on the 9th Nov but with England now going into lockdown we have decided to play safe, seeing as infections are rising, and so will remain closed until the situation improves. Please visit our new website for all the information about us.
Editor of the Parish Magazine (November issue just published by email). It is the aim of this Parish Magazine, (almost) once a month, to represent not only your parish churches but to offer another forum for those who have something to announce or to report. Sadly I do not have the means to email these eMags to all our 500 or so subscribers. But I hope it reaches some of them. Anyone who wishes to be included in, or deleted from, our emailing list should let me know on If our traditional December/January issue can be compiled and distributed, then hurrah! If not, then email will again keep us in touch. The deadline for copy or artwork for our December issue will be Wednesday 23rd November. Artwork must fit the width of an A5 (portrait) page - and even then I need a line for the page number. Submissions and enquiries to:
No. 7 Massage & Therapy. Perhaps a thought for Christmas....... A therapeutic massage with warming oils including ginger & arnica for soothing tired muscles. Christmas Gift Vouchers available for Massage Therapy, from Number 7 - contact Claire on 07969 569140.
G&A Catering. Specials Night. And here it is, the one we've all been waiting for .... Mexican Night!!! Monday 9th November 5pm - 9pm. Time slots are booked up from 5pm - 6pm already! So time slots AVAILABLE are from 6pm to 9pm, make sure you get in quick to avoid the wait!! Walk ins are also welcome but please bear in mind there maybe a waiting time for you. 07487246276.
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. I am pleased to say that as of next week I will be taking over the cooking of the meals for the East Radnorshire Day Centre service. If anyone knows of someone this would be a help for then please phone the day centre on 01544 260267 or 01544 260360. ...from Victoria Fish Bar. Unfortunately we are experiencing some problems with our card machine and are unable to make any card transactions until further notice so the shop will now only be accepting cash. Sorry for any inconvenience caused hopefully we will have this sorted very soon.
Weobley Ash (Pumpkin Competition). We Have Winners ! Sam Price 1st Place, Finley Dyer 2nd Place, Jacob & Jayden joint 3rd place. Well done, such a great effort from you all, we had so many people enter. Prizes ready for collection from Monday morning. PLUS We're open tomorrow from 9-4 and fully stocked. Bread, veg, fruit due in Tuesday morning, plenty of meat, sausage, burgers, dice, mince and more. We never ran out last time and won't this time, that's the beauty of shopping local and knowing where you food comes from. Call 01544 598120 or email to place an order or book a delivery slot.
Amanda’s Bread. If you want to place an order for delivery in the Presteigne area on Saturday, see item list and prices on our FB page, and get in touch asap - email or phone / text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814.
The Royal British Legion. Every poppy counts. Please support the Poppy Appeal and ensure that veterans and Service families are looked after no matter what challenges they, and the country face.
Weobley Ash. Our Christmas Savers Club is running to help spread the cost. Simple to set up and pay weekly, forms in store and on our website And a reminder...Spooky!!! Halloween special !!! Mums and Dads this is the last week and chance to enter our great pumpkin competition for the kids. Best 3 carved and most creative will be drawn to have them displayed in store on the 31st - 3 hampers are to be won. Simply purchase from the store or outside the store and post pictures on our Facebook thread. Good Luck!
No. 46. So we have decided to do takeaway this Friday and Saturday between 4pm & 8pm! We have reduced the menu for takeaways to make it easier! See our FB page. Orders will be taken through the phone on 01544 598 291 and we will be answering from 3pm onwards! You will not be permitted to enter the premises, so collection will be through the back door! (Entrance through the side gate). We are super excited to serve you all again! See you all soon.
The Radnorshire Arms. Over the 2 weeks Lockdown, we are offering a Takeaway Menu see our FB page. Please pay by contactless card, order over the phone 01544 267406. ...from The Hub, New Radnor. Great news.
Radnor Valley Amenity and Recreation Centre (that is the Old School Building....the Hub) has been chosen to be one of three local community organisations to receive donations from Kington Co-op loyalty card scheme. The money will be spent to improve disabled access, lighting & other improvements. Use your card to nominate us...there is a Co-op app which is simple to use, and we will start to earn money straight away.
Rhiannon at Presteigne Library. The library will be closed during lockdown, and we ask that you please keep your books at home for the moment. All books are being automatically renewed, so there's no need to worry about fines! You can still access via the library website, and borrow e books and e-audio books! The first pick up day for Order & Collect books will be Wednesday the 11th of November, so get your orders in before then!
Chilvers Country Supplies. **Like, Share & Tag a Friend competition**As we weren’t able to have an official open day here at Chilvers Country Supplies, Presteigne, we’ve decided to celebrate by running a very exciting ‘Like, Share & Comment’ competition as our way of saying thank you for all of the support we have received throughout these tough times! There will be 6 categories altogether and you can enter a MAXIMUM of 3. See our FB page for details, prizes and how to enter. You must enter by Thursday 5th November as the winners will be chosen and results posted on Friday 6th November. Good luck!!
Lockdown Dhaba. Our next delivery weekend will be Saturday 14th November which is Diwali! The festival of light. See our FB page for our Vegetarian and Vegan menus, they are a page 2 of 4 bit different this time – 8 courses including samosas and masala chai, chaat, main, side, rice and bread, dessert and Indian sweets. Along with your meals you will also receive a Diwali lamp – called a diya – along with a tea light and sparkler so you can celebrate the festival of lights in sparkling style. Any questions please let us know! Take care, Pip and Gurd, Instagram: @lockdowndhaba, Facebook: https://
The Stagg Inn. CHRISTMAS AT HOME. We’re fully booked for lunch on Christmas Day, but now you can have the full Stagg experience at home. We’re offering a three course menu for you to collect on Christmas morning. Everything will be ready prepared and simple reheating instructions will be provided, making your day as relaxing as possible. Order yours here: We will only have a limited number of meals available, so order early to avoid disappointment.
Presteigne Tyres Ltd. Hi Everyone, we will remain OPEN during the next two weeks Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm. We are COVID compliant and are taking the necessary safety precautions and will be here to fulfil current bookings and new emergencies, however if you wish to discuss or re-arrange your booking contact us on 01544 267240. Please remember that any MOT TEST due in this next fortnight should be done as there has been no extensions granted this time! Thank you all for your support, stay safe. Nigel & Jackie
Dani at Daphne’s. Here is the way we will operate for the time being. Take Away ONLY, serving from the stable door on the High Street. We cook from 5-9pm Thursday - Saturday and 5-8pm on sundays. To order call 07377909216 FROM 4PM on days we are open. We will be offering pizzas, salad, ice cream and bottles of beer, cider, wine and apple juice for take away. The menu can be seen in the window of the shop or online. Card payment preferred please.
The Radnorshire Arms. Through the two week 'fire-break', we will be offering a takeaway service COLLECTION ONLY on food and drinks. Orders have to be through the phone 01544 267406. See our FB page when we finalise what we can do as takeaway. Fish and chips, chicken or veg curries will definitely be on the takeaway menu. Lets hope this is only for two weeks. God bless!
Elda at the Coffee House. I'm afraid we will be closing The Coffee House until Monday 9th November due to the lockdown in Wales, we hope you all stay safe and hope to see you when we reopen in 2 and a half weeks.
Presteigne Gates. To All Our Customers. Presteigne Gates will remain open over the next two weeks! We are just over the border in Herefordshire, England so there is no need to close. We would like to remind you all that when coming to the yard that you must wear face coverings and keep your distance. Thank you.
The Royal Oak. For those on our bonus ball list it will be stopped at last Saturday and be restarted the Saturday after we re open. The meat raffle will also not be held this week and tickets already purchased will be kept in the draw for our first Sunday back. Meanwhile...Happy Lockdown Part Two. The Oaks doors are now closed again until Monday 9th November. Our social media will now be turned off until early next week to take a break from reality. We will get back to any queries then and give an update with regards to if we are able to offer any takeaways during our lockdown. Thank you all for your continued support, it's greatly
appreciated. Take care and stay safe! See you all again soon.
Weobley Ash. We have RC SWIFT BAKERS bread in u pto 6 days a week. Please ring through your orders and we can have in for the next day. ALSO GLUTEN FREE BREAD, please order 2 days in advance, loafs, sticks, rolls the range is vast. Free local delivery during the next 2 weeks, simply email or call 01544 598120 to order and pay over the phone, delivery normally next day. Shall deliver to the wider area at cost. ALSO we will now be open on Mondays starting tomorrow until after Christmas. 9-4 6 days a week.
GA Catering. You ask, you get...We will now be delivering FREE of charge (Presteigne only) throughout Covid lockdown. Being added to the menu from Monday is.... Vegetarian Burger, Vegetarian Sausage, Onion rings. That's Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm & Saturdays 8am - 3pm.
The Judge’s Lodging. Lockdown Bear is back! Do give him a wave when you walk past us! Stay safe everyone.
David at Presteigne Bowls Club. The news has been confirmed and it’s incredibly hard but the Social Club will now be shut again for the required two weeks from Friday.
Marion at The Retreat. We will be closed for 2 weeks from 6pm this Friday in accordance with the Welsh Government's Coronavirus circuit break. Marian will be in touch to rearrange the appointments during this lockdown period. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
David at The Judge’s Lodging. Opening hours this week are Wednesday-Friday 10.30am - 4.30pm. Please do come and visit as we have had to bring forward our winter closing to this Friday due to the Lockdown in Wales. Our Halloween Ghost hunt is ready to welcome you and don’t forget it’s FREE ENTRY to residents of LD8 postcode. May we take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting the Museum during our autumn opening especially to the museum’s Volunteers who have kept our visitors and staff safe under difficult times. It’s not our last opening of the year though - we look forward to welcoming you all back to the museum at the end of November for two long weekends of ‘art@TheLodging’ - a grand exhibition and sale from 24 artists (including our previous artists in residence Simon Dorrell and Matthew Wood). The exhibition covers all three floors of the museum and runs Friday-Sunday, 27th Nov - 6th Dec. See you soon, Diolch The JL team.
Leon’s Supper Club. HALLOWEEN NIGHTS. Due to the recent announcement by the Welsh government regarding the lockdown, unfortunately we have to cancel. So sorry! BUT... please order now for Halloween Night #2 on the evenings of 13th and 14th November. Ring 01544 267720 or email
East Radnor Leisure Centre. The announcement made by the First Minister of Wales at lunchtime today, means we are once again having to close our leisure facilities from 6pm on Friday 23rd October. We will reopen on Monday 9th November when we look forward to welcoming everybody back. We would like to reassure all our members and those customers who have bookings in place over this period that you will not be financially disadvantaged by this short closure. Please bear with us while we work through what needs to happen and we will be providing more information on how this will be managed shortly.
Ian, Presteigne’s Barber. With the fire break beginning on Friday I will be contacting anyone booked in after that to rearrange for when I can start back. I’ve a few spaces left for this Thursday and Friday if you are in need of a cut. Stay safe everyone follow the rules and see you soon.
Weobley Ash. Remember we have a great pumpkin competition for the kids. Best 3 carved and most creative will be drawn to have them displayed in store on the 31st and 3 hampers are to be won. Simply purchase from the store or outside the store and post pictures on our Facebook thread. Good Luck.
Sharon at PNCS. Our shop and Warehouse will close on Friday afternoon 23rd October and re-open on Monday 9th November. Community Transport will continue through lockdown, telephone calls only to 01544 267961 - messages can be left on the answer machine. We have a limited amount of volunteer drivers so please give us as much notice as possible. Many thanks, Sharon Jones, General Manager.
Chilvers Country Store, Presteigne. We will remain OPEN throughout the 2 week Wales lockdown, but face coverings and social distancing must be adhered to. We will once again be offering a delivery service on all our goods. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support and wish you and your families all the best over the next few weeks. Thank you, Team Chilvers. Dan 07798928909, Andy 07791096941, Emma (Presteigne) 07837166896, Tess 079741293
PBS. Coronavirus Update. Due to the Welsh government lockdown we will be open to TRADE ACCOUNT HOLDERS ONLY for essential items from Saturday 24th of October until Monday 9th of November. Sorry for the inconvenience. Stay safe.
David at the Victoria Fish Bar. We will remain open during the 2 week lockdown in Wales. Opening hours Thursday to Saturday - 12-2 & 5-9, Sunday - 5-9. If you would like to phone your order through first our number is 01544 260565. Thank you to all our customers who have supported us during these tough times
Deb in Norton. Due to the latest announcement by the Welsh Government the Norton pumpkin carving competition will still go ahead.nThe Witches will be able to fly as it is essential work that can not be done from home.mPlace you pumpkins in a place they can be viewed from safely at 6pm on October 31st. Open to all age groups. If you live out of the village & would like to take part. Drop me a message.
after the lockdown. llowing yesterday's ‘firebreak’ announcement we would like to reassure our Welsh clients that we are still here for you but under altered conditions from 6pm Friday 23rd October. Emergency 24 hour care continues unchanged from Kington. For nonurgent cases appointments can be made for telephone consultations. Please also make use of email to send pictures and videos for these as necessary. If as a result of the telephone consultation it is deemed in the best welfare of your pet to be seen, then an appointment will be made for this at Kington. Prescriptions can be dispensed to collect from our Presteigne branch ( during more limited hours) to minimise unnecessary travel, or alternatively these can be posted to you. Vaccinations: For Dogs and Cats: derogation has been given from the pharmaceutical companies to delay booster vaccinations for up to 3 months without needing to re-start a course, so these should all be able to be caught up with
after the lockdown. For our farming clients, essential work continues as usual! Once again, thank you all for your
continued support and patience in these unprecedented times. Team AVP.
G&A Catering. Over lockdown we are going to try new opening times. From Monday 26th - Friday 6th Nov we will be open 8am - 6pm. (Pre orders can be made earlier as and when required). We have a fabulous new childrens menu served through half term (Wed 21st - Fri 30th) available ALL DAY. We also have some super sharing boxes served from Mon 26th - Fri 6th from 3pm - 6pm!! And finally our next Specials night will be Monday 9th November!! Keep an eye out for the menu!
Radnorshire Arms. As most of you have most likely heard already, Hotels, Bars and Restaurants have to close in wales for two weeks. This means, Friday 23rd October at 18:00pm, we will be closing for two weeks. Lets hope everyone stays safe!
.The Farmers Inn. We will close on Friday 23rd October at 6pm and re-open on Monday 9th November. Thank you to all our customers for your continued support.
Helen at The Hat Shop. During the next two week lock down, I will still be providing take out meals for the community care (Day Centre) to deliver. I also deliver to a couple of other vulnerable people within walking distance of the restaurant. I will be there Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday if anyone wants this service. I charge £6.50 for a two course meal which I deliver or they can go through Community Care at the Day Centre via Bev Baynam.
Carini Butchers. The shop will remain open as normal during the next fortnight and, as for the previous lockdown we will be operating a call-and-collect service on 01544 260026,
and we can also do local deliveries for vulnerable and shielding customers.
Bennetts Electrical. The shop itself will be closed for the period of the firebreak but we can take orders for key products by phone 01544 267477 or by email to
Lorna’s Sandwich Shop. We will remain open as normal over the next two weeks, Monday to Friday 8am to 2pm. If you’d like to call-and-collect please ring 01544 26272. Jacket Potato available everyday with fillings of your choice. Perfect on a cold wet day. See our FB page.
Deli Tinto. We will be open normal hours over the firebreak fortnight. If you need to call-and-collect rather than coming into the shop you can do so on 01544 260534. We may also be able to deliver locally to vulnerable customers.
The Salty Dog. We will be open as usual Monday through Saturday over the next two week. If you are reluctant to come into the shop, you can order & collect by ringing the shop 01544 267720. We can also deliver locally to vulnerable customers. Don’t forget, you can still order lovely ready meals from Leon’s Food to Go - see our FB page or visit the website for details. Choose your dishes from the menu and submit your online order on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday by 5pm. You can collect and pay for your food between 9am and 4pm on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday from the shop.
Lesley at Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. The shop and cafe will be closed from Friday evening until Tuesday 10th November. I am available for any catering requirements if anyone requires takeaway afternoon teas, and will be putting out a menu for both the Fridays that we are shut. There will be no flowers available during this time. Thanks to all our customers for your continuing support over these difficult times.
Claire & Richard at No.7. Good morning!! It has been so wonderful working from Number 7 this month, thank you everyone! Due to the 2 week firebreak lockdown in Wales, running from Fri 23rd Oct to Mon 9th Nov I will temporarily be unable to practice Massage, and will be very happy to begin again on Mon 9th Nov! During this time if anyone would like to contact for info/advice please call Claire Williams on 07969569140 or 01544267172 thank you.
Very fortunately Richard Hughes is able to continue with his Osteopathic Practice at Number 7, and can be contacted on 07961352056. He practices osteopathic medicine (including craniosacral work) treating musculo-skeletal conditions, sporting injuries, stress-related issues. Please feel free to call Richard to discuss. Take care.
Andy at Courtyard Antiques. Back in the shop Wednesday and Friday 10am till 4pm......then it be the LOCKDOWN in Wales for two weeks.
Rhiannon at Presteigne Library. The library will be shut from the 23rd to the 9th of November in accordance with directives from the Welsh Government, so during this time the Order and Collect service will not operate. You will be able to pick up books again from the 11th of November, so get your orders in before that date! During lockdown you can borrow ebooks and e-audio books as usual through our app, Borrowbox, including the pick for Powys' first online book club “Skinful of Shadows” by Frances Hardinge.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. Back to our full menu including light lunches this week! We will be open Weds- Fri this week and then close for 2 weeks from Saturday, 24th October in accordance with the Welsh Government's circuit breaker plan. Let's all give this a go and on Wednesday, 11th November we will welcome you back to a shop full of wonderful products and some holiday sparkle! In the meantime there are 3 days to shop in store this week and you can always shop online: Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Radnorshire Arms Hotel. Please like and share our new FB page! We want to make sure the residents of Presteigne are aware we do food on a Monday and Tuesday evening. Monday evenings are CURRY NIGHTS! Curry and pint for £9.95. We also offer takeaway curry for collection only ... and on Sundays we have a roast on the menu for £9.95 - Turkey / Beef / Pork / Tomato Aubergine & Courgette Bake (vegetarian). We cater for Gluten free! To book your table, call 01544 267536.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. Another new day time class coming to East Radnor!! Wednesday mornings now sees a fabulous FIT IN 45 class with Kerrie starting next week! Wednesday 21st and 28th October @ 9-9.45am then from Wednesday 4th November it will be @ 9.15-10am every week. There is still time to book in for our half term activities! There is only a maximum of 10 children allowed in each multi-activity session, so grab your space now. Cost : £5 per day of all 3 days for £12.50. Call the centre on 01544 260302.
Weobley Ash. The judges decisions are in. We've a finalist in the Three Counties Farming Awards pig farmer of the year!!! Now we wait.. We have a great team here at Weobley Ash Meats with plenty of work done behind the scenes. Here's hoping... Through out the lockdown we shall be open Monday to Saturday and include free local delivery, all the staples inc meat and veg will be fully stocked. Prices shall remain the same, plenty of free parking and hand washing facilities. Call 01544 598120 or email to order or call in, the rule of 2 people in store applies
No. 46. Don’t forget that our new menu is available to eat in or takeaway! Have a look at our BBQ pulled pork burger and our loaded BBQ pulled pork fries!! Give us a call on 01544598291 to order your takeaway or to book a table to eat in! As I imagine you will have seen, we will be closing again 6pm Friday until 9th of November! We will be open our regular hours until then for eat in or takeaway! We will keep you updated with information if anything changes over the next few days! See you all soon!
Amanda’s Bread. If you want to place an order for delivery in the Presteigne area on Saturday 24th October, see item list and prices on our FB page, and get in touch asap - email or phone / text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814 page 3 of 4 ...from Kirsty’s Hair Studio. Hey lovelys, you may have noticed a lot of hairdresser’ posts regarding another short lockdown. I am awaiting the announcement this evening to see what we can and can't do - by the looks of this, if it’s going to happen, it will be from Friday this week - please get in touch if you would like a appointment this week 07961 113776
Wild Thyme. Book a table at Wild Thyme before the 6:00 Friday lockdown. Or just come for a drink... Staff permitting we will be opening longer during the day on Friday for early dinner reservations. Takeaway available as normal.
Grace’s Beauty. Here we go again - we will be in touch over the next few days to rearrange your appointment if you have anything booked in the next couple of weeks xx thank you for your support as always x
The Royal Oak. The news has been confirmed and it's disheartening to have to close our doors again this coming Friday at 6pm but its been deemed necessary for us to do so. It's been testing and stressful times for many businesses and these last few months we've been very grateful for all your support in getting us back up and running! Albeit this is going to be a short closure we will keep you updated with any takeaway offerings whilst we must close our doors once the dust has settled. It'll be business as 'normal' until we have to close. Team Oak
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. All our afternoon tea is homemade here at Rose Cottage. Book yours now £10.00 per person to takeaway and £12.50 to have here ...from Weobley Ash. Weobley Ash Meats Christmas gift vouchers and 2021 calendars should arrive in store this week.
Presteigne Fire Station, Kington Fire Station and Knighton Fire Station who recently undertook a 24-hour exercise relay in support of the The Firefighters page 3 of 4 Charity. They have already raised more than £1,600 but you can still help by donating here:
Amanda’s Bread. If you want to place an order for delivery to Presteigne area on Saturday 17th October, please get in touch asap email Amanda phone/text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814. Thank you. ...
Lockdown Dhaba. Hello! Hope you are well and feeling suitably autumnal. See website and FB page for our vegetarian and vegan menus for Saturday 24th October. Please let us know if you’d like to order, by Sunday (18th). Have a fabulous week!!! Pip and Gurd.; Instagram: @lockdowndhaba; Facebook: https://
The Royal Oak. Fish Fryday special. Two for £12 deal for eating in or takeaway on our Fish and Chips this Friday. Message on FB or ring to book a takeaway slot or a table to eat in. ...from Cathy at Rotary.
As Christmas approaches far too rapidly, the Rotary Club of Knighton and District has produced a collection of six charity Christmas cards to raise money to support local groups that help their local communities. These unique cards are based on the artworks of the talented artist Jane Wells of Leintwardine and are available from Angela Ellis by phoning 01547 540504 or emailing her on Each card has a greeting inside that says “Seasons Greetings, Christmas 2020, Stay Safe” A pack of 6 cards, 4inch by 6inch, of two different designs with envelopes is £3.50 or 3 packs (which will provide all six designs) for £10. Postage costs will be calculated by weight. Payment can be by BACS transfer to the Knighton Rotary charity account or in cash if collected. For information and card images, see
No. 46. So we are super excited to finally announce our new menu here at No.46! Starting yesterday, we have a brand new winter menu featuring our new list of burgers. We will be serving this menu lunchtimes Monday till Sunday and on Friday and Saturday evenings. It will also be available to take away! Pictures of the new menu to follow shortly on FB. If you would like to be one of the first to try out our new menu, don’t forget to book asap.
G&A Catering. We offer hot food from 7am - 2pm. Breakfast all day along with Burgers, hotdogs & chips Monday to Friday - card payments accepted, Pre orders are welcome - call or text 07487 246276 FB or Insta Message. Come and see us - we are located @ G & A Carpet and Beds on the industrial estate in Presteigne.
Grace Beauty. I’m dreaming of a local Christmas. Before heading to Amazon or to the high street elsewhere, have a little thought for your small local independent shops and businesses this Christmas. Support them where you can, even the smallest purchase can make a big difference. We are offering a personal shopping experience this year where you can stay home and be safe! We want to help take the stress away from panic buying online or heading to busy shopping centres. We can mix and match any products, treatments and gift vouchers to create a unique and personal gift that your loved one will adore. Let us know who you are buying for, any ideas you may have and a budget and we will do the rest - small businesses need you - more than ever!
The Salty Dog. The Pumpkin Man’s made it back! and he’s all Covid secure - come get your pumpkins at The Salty Dog.
G&A Catering. New to Presteigne. Catering van permanently located at Unit 8 Presteigne Ind. Est. Open from 7am - 2pm Monday - Friday. Don’t forget you can message us on Instagram, FB call or text 07487 246276 to place orders to save you waiting.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. We’ve loved having you back at our centre since reopening! Check out this short video to find out more about the safe reopening of our centres across the Freedom Leisure group. THANK YOU for your support!
Amanda’s Bread. If you want to place an order for Saturday 10th October, please get in touch asap using the contact details below. (If you miss the usual Monday deadline, please still get in touch and we will supply your order if we can.) We intend to continue with our weekly delivery to the Presteigne area on Saturday alongside attending local markets. Email us for the Product List for our full range of breads and savouries available to order. Contact Details: - email Amanda on: or phone / text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814. Thank you, Amanda and Julian.
Weobley Ash. Its a strange year with planning having to be done well in advance, so were sorry but the Christmas Order Book is open. The Christmas savers club is live, pay as much or as little as often as you like. Call 01544 598120 or email for an order form and to open your savers account.
Leon’s Supper Club. It’s a Halloween Night Special - Friday the 30th and Saturday the 31st October. 5 Courses £30.00 per person, bring your own drinks. Fancy dress optional. Bookings on: 01544 267720 or 01544 262164.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. The cafe will only be serving coffee and delicious cakes this week. (And our full drinks selection) We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Presteigne Local Food Market. Just a reminder about this Saturday’s Local Food Market 3rd October in the Memorial Hall from 9am to 1pm. Stallholders attending this Market include: Presteigne Honey, Alex's Chocolates, Amanda's Bread, Elise's Bakes, New Leaf Creams, Mary's Dried fruit/Pulses, Weobley Ash Apple Juice, Planet B Refills (bring along your containers), and Wegnall’s Butchery with their "Gold Star" prize winning traditional sausage from this year’s Great Taste Awards. Look forward to seeing you all.
PBS. We have Track & Trace QR codes now showing at all entrances in to PBS. We would like as many customers as possible to check in using your app before entering. Many thanks. Stay safe.
Royal Oak. Saturday 10th October we'll be holding a Taco Night. Available to eat in or takeaway. Booking is essential and pre orders welcome to ensure you don't miss out on your filling of choice.
Mark at The Real Wine Company. Our Zoom Online Wine Tastings are back for a new season! With 6 new tastings coming up, let's see if Rachael Youmans-Smith (our co-host) will auction off another bottle of wine from my fridge ;) Watch, like, comment, and subscribe >
Lockdown Dhaba. Hello Friends! Please see our FB page or contact us for our vegetarian and vegan menu for 10th October. This menu can be made gluten free, please let us know when ordering if you want a gluten free option - we are taking orders until Sunday (4th October). Looking forward to cooking your dinners next week!! Also we will be in touch soon to let you know about a special menu we are planning for Diwali – 14th November so keep a look out! It will be a different, bigger, celebration menu! We are having fun planning it. Pip and Gurd, Lockdown Dhaba. Also on Instagram and FB.
Claire at No. 7 Massage & Osteopathy. We are very happy to return to work from our new premises Number 7, Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne, Tel: 07969569140. We offer Remedial Massage with Claire Williams 07969569140 /01544267172 and Osteopathy with Richard Hughes 07961 352056. We have both enjoyed working in Presteigne for over 20 years. Treatments provided help relieve musculo-skeletal conditions, injuries, and stress-related conditions. Number 7 is open Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm, eve appts & Sat appts also available. Please contact us for any advice or further information.
The Judge's Lodging. "Let the Prisoners go free...!" A release from Lockdown special with free entry to all residents of LD8 Postcode throughout October. Whether you're new to the museum or a long standing supporter come and experience this Victorian gem on Presteigne's Broad Street. We are fully Covid secure and waiting to welcome you all as a last hurrah before winter closing. Our self service tea room is up and open with tasty treats from Lorna's. Open 10.30am - 4.30pm Wed - Sat until 31st October. Just bring along a used addressed envelope or utility bill as proof of postcode to claim your free entry and audio tour of this very special museum at the heart of our community.
Weobley Ash. We are offering a full phone order and delivery service for the following areas: Presteigne and surrounding areas including Radnor, Kington, Knighton, & Shobdon. We
have a full supply of beef, lamb and pork, vegetables and incase of a local lockdown basic everyday cooking ingredients and of course toilet rolls. Open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday. Call in, hand wash facility and 2 person rules apply or call 01544 598120 or email to book a delivery slot.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. Swimming lessons have returned. We are looking for children of all ages and abilities to join our Swim School programme. To help provide you and your child with a safe visit we have enhanced our cleaning between each swim session, maintaining social distancing throughout and we have reduced class sizes. If you are interested in starting swimming lessons or you were on lessons prior to lockdown and don't think you have been contacted then please call the centre on 01544 260302, or private message on FB.
Presteigne Local Food Market. Just a reminder about next Saturday’s Local food Market 3rd October in the Memorial Hall. 9am-1pm. Look forward to seeing you all. Will update on Stallholders attending nearer the time!
Presteigne Repair & Skill Share. Do you need PAT-testing for your home office electrical and IT equipment, or perhaps for a student going off to a uni Hall of Residence. We can do the PAT testing for you. Contact Rolly on or 01544 260766.
Powys Library Service: People who need to use the computer at Presteigne Library (including printing, scanning and copying) can now book an appointment for an hour on a Wednesday afternoon, with the workstation cleaned thoroughly after each user. The Order-and-Collect book bag scheme is working well in Presteigne, and the librarian will shortly be using her excellent knowledge of her readers to make up the packs locally. We envisage that we will keep this service running for some time into the future, for those who are vulnerable and are choosing to continue to isolate for their own safety, and as the situation remains so unpredictable. If there are residents that you think would benefit from using this scheme, but may not be aware, please don’t hesitate to let them know about it. Please note: the library is currently closed apart from computer bookings while we make it safe for borrowers, so please call our library line on 01597 827460 or email us on to order books or make an appointment.
No. 46. Hello everyone! So, following the Welsh minister's speech there are going to be a few changes to the way we do things here at No.46. So I would just like to break these things down to you! It is now table service only, so you are not allowed to order any drinks at the bar. So when you enter No.46, take a seat at a table and we will be with you as soon as possible! Please be patient with us as we are a very small team of staff and will do the best we can to serve you as quickly as we can! Also, the overnment has now set a 10pm closing time for all bars and pubs in wales. Therefore on Fridays and Saturdays last orders will need to be in by 9:15pm and we will be asking you to leave before 10pm. (Normal closing hours at 6pm on weekdays) Please don’t be offended by this, or take it out on our staff as this decision is unfortunately out of our hands! Obviously we understand these new rules are not ideal and we appreciate all of you guys being patient with us and continuing to support us! Thank you!
gather for the evening service in St Michael's Discoed for the first time since lockdown! As ever, mber (Trinity 16) - 11am Morning Service (Common Worship) in Presteigne, nd 6.30pm Harvest Holy Communion (Common Worship ) in Discoed. It will be wonderful to gather for the evening service in St Michael's Discoed for the first time since lockdown! As ever, all are welcome at both services, but social distancing measures will be in place, you are asked to sanitise your hands on entering and leaving the churches, masks must be worn unless you are exempt, and sadly we cannot sing our much-loved harvest hymns. But we will be singing them in spirit!
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. Need some good news? Our newsletter is out today
East Radnor Leisure Centre. Badminton is back. We are kicking off the return of badminton with a great offer! £1 per court - Offer available until 27th September so book in now! Give the centre a call on 01544 260302 to find out the availability and any changes following COVID 19 guidance. Plus, Saturday morning sees the introduction of BODY BLITZ with our new instructor Helen! Come and give it a go @9:15-10am. Call 01544 260302 or message on our FB page to book your place!
Helen Boley. New Pilates Class in Presteigne. New Pilates Class in Presteigne at the Assembly Rooms. Come and try my COVID secure and socially distanced pilates for all levels class. You do need to book. Starts next Thursday 1st October 9.30am to 10.30am. More details on my website . To facilitate simpler payment and keep everything cash and paper free, you will need to use a website called Gymcatch To book and pay for any class, including my online classes, you will need to go to the website or download the app to your mobile phone or tablet and search for helenbpilates (all one word).
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. Busy week, helped by the lovely weather, not looking so bright for next week so maybe only able to use indoors. See our FB page for Menu for Friday takeaway curry and for the following weeks meals as well. Wednesdays we will be doing a homemade soup and dessert special for £7.50, details to follow.
Len at Presteigne Taxi Service. Hi sorry for all the inconvenience, Presteigne Taxi service is back up and running, we are taking bookings so don't hesitate to call us for a quote 07572 112757 - we look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your support, Len.
The Royal Oak. In the constant cycle of ever changing government guidance, we want to try and keep you all updated as much as possible. You are now required to wear a face covering whilst you are not seated at a pub in Wales. That means on entry until seated and if you have to go to the toilet etc a face covering is to be worn. Thank you all for your continued support during these testing times. Plus 2 pint takeaway beer containers now available at the Oak. Purchase them for your night in or they can be ordered until stop tap to take home with you once you are finished (takeaway beer must be off the premises by 10pm!). Please abide by current guidelines when drinking at home.
Nicky Tranter. All types of tree and hedge work plus stump grinding. Please call 07758 180669 or email
The Farmers Inn. We’ve been keeping an eye on the news like the rest of you, so we can run our pub safely and securely for all of us. The Welsh Government have announced that we have to stop serving alcohol at 10pm with a drinking up time of 20mins. We will now be operating table service only which means no one can stand at the bar to order a drink. A member of staff will take your order and serve your drink to the table. Please be patient with our staff. We will be asking you to wear a face mask when moving round the building.... Toilet, smoking. The mask can be taken off when you are seated at your table. We already have a trace and trace system in place this is to keep you and us safe so please continue to do this. This is now Law. We also encourage you to use the NHS Covid-19 App - our QR code is displayed around the building. We are not allowed to book tables of more than 6, tables should be people who are in the same or extended households. Lastly but most importantly we would like to thank you all for your continued support in these difficult times.
East Radnor Leisure Centre.
Updated FITNESS CLASS schedule. Monday - Spin 45 - 5:30-6:15pm; PIYO - 6:45-7:30p. Tuesday - Fit in 45 - 6-6:45pm. Thursday - Kettlebells - 7-7:45pm. Friday - Body Blitz - 9:15am-10am. Saturday - HIIT - 10-10:45am. All classes need to be booked and paid for in advance, call (01544) 260302 now.
Weobley Ash. We have 7 week old weaned Oxford Sandy Black piglets for sale, some gilts to breeding quality and/or meat pigs. £40 each for meat pigs. We offer a discounted cut and pack rate for anyone who buys them for meat. Call 01544 598120 or email to reserve or make appointment to view.
Knighton Community Market. We are back in the Community Centre this next Saturday 26th for our Community Market!!! Confirmed vendors: Malcolm's pottery, Lou's Baked Treats, Amanda's Breads, Mr Grump Pies, Muckleton Meats, JAM Designs, Mick's plants, Richard's Knife Sharpening, Jan's paper quilling, Khesh Indian Delights, Craftique, Aloli Skincare, Honey, Tid's Massage, Malcolm's stone carving, The Forest Small Holding meats,
Sue's quilting and cards, TVEG, Wild Welsh Wool, Beci's bodyshop, Busy Bee. Strict guidelines are in place and need to be adhered to so everyone can enjoy a safe shopping experience. In order to enter the building we are required to record your name, contact number, address & email(if you have one), this is held securely for 21 days Sadly if you are not willing to provide this information we are unable to permit you to access the building.. We are restricted to how many people can be in the hall at one time, so you may have to queue outside for a few minutes while others are shopping. We will have 21 stalls selling a wonderful array of products, from food to crafts and more besides. With the new ruling now in force face masks MUST be worn at all times whilst in the building (some exemptions apply). Public toilets can be found directly outside the building - there are no toilet facilities available inside the building during the market. We look forward to welcoming you back on Saturday, if you have any questions please drop me a message on our FB page.... thanks for your continued support - Lou and the market vendors!
Mandy. I am finally able to resume exercise classes at the Memorial Hall on Thursdays 10 – 11 am. Low impact dance to music with optional toning sticks/dumbbells and a good standing stretch at the end. Contact Mandy 07538 218273 , 01544 387958 or for more details.
Chilvers Country Supplies. We now have 25kg bags of ESTIMA POTATOES for sale at Chilvers Country Supplies, Presteigne. To enquire, phone Dan on 07798 928909 or call into the shop on the Presteigne bypass.
Freedom Leisure East Radnor Leisure Centre. The sports hall is finished! It's sparkling! The work carried out has been funded through the Freedom Leisure and Powys County Council partnership. We are now taking bookings for anyone looking to hire the hall - for more information on what you need to do or whats available please contact the centre to discuss on 01544 260302 or email at Plus - Squash is back! We are happy to announce that we are able to welcome back the hire of our squash courts! Please be aware we are following COVID 19 rules so please call the centre for more information on 01544 260302.
MidCounties Co-op. You can receive 10% off every Tuesday if you're over 60 and a member! Offer available in selected stores only (ed. includes Knighton). Terms & Conditions apply:
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. See our FB page for the menus for the next two Fridays, orders for Friday by Wednesday 11am please. Looks like it’s going to be a lovely week so why not pop down to our lovely garden for morning coffee, lunch or cream tea - we are open till 5pm Tuesday to Saturday.
Chilvers Country Supplies. Commercial Rabbit Pellets. We have 10 bags of commercial rabbit pellets, dated until 14th October 2020. Ordered in specially but customer no longer wants it. Now on offer for £8 per bag. Call into Chilvers Country Supplies, Presteigne or phone 07974129392
Pauline at Pear Care Services. Pear Care provides local care to your door - if you need a little help at home, personal care, shopping, home help, dog walking or respite, give me a call: contact me on 07805282462 or or find me on Facebook.
Maggie at PCCS Books. As it's the 'back to college' time of year, we are offering trainees and students an additional 10% off our (already discounted) online prices at Just use the code Academic2020 at the checkout. Offer ends October 31st
Freedom Leisure - East Radnor Leisure Centre. Your fitness has never been more important! Here’s an offer which gives you a terrific saving, flexibility and the incentive to get started. Pick up this great offer on our multi-site memberships! 3 months for £89.
The Royal Oak. Back on draught by popular demand - Stowford Press & Robinsons Flagon Cider. Note that the kitchen will be closed this Sunday but for Sunday 27th September we are doing a one off 'Eat Out To Help Out' special offer on our Roasts to eat in or takeaway. 20% off our normal prices advertised. Tables are limited to eat in to adhere with current guidelines. To book message us on FB or call 01544 260842.
Mid-Counties Co-op. You can receive 10% off every Tuesday if you're over 60 and a member! Offer available in selected stores only
Presteigne Little People Playgroup. Please keep spreading the word that UNTIL OCTOBER 24th 2020, every time Co-op members shop at Co-op, 1% of what they spend can be donated to Presteigne Little People. To find out how you can vote for us over the next few weeks or become a Co-op member, please click on our unique link below: https:// Please spread the word to friends and family across the UK. This is an amazing opportunity for us to raise much needed funds for our setting!
Presteigne Repair. On Saturday, 19 September, Radnorshire Arms 10 - 12 noon Presteigne Repair are holding a 'BRING IT & LEAVE IT' event in the Radnorshire Arms garden. Outside but under cover, with virus precautions in place, so please wear face coverings. Fill in your contact form, talk to a fixer and if its a simple repair we'll do it there & then. If that's not possible a fixer will take it home to sort out and contact you to arrange collection. We can mend small household items such as toasters, hairdryers, vacuum cleaners; do sewing, patching & mending of clothes; repair broken ornaments, toys & small furniture - chairs, tables, lamps. Don't bin it - bring it! If the weather is really bad we will : 01544 267997 Physically distanced but socially connected! Many thanks to the Radnorshire Arms for welcoming us into their garden.
The Royal Oak. Individual table buffets available for special occasions to adhere with current Covid guidelines. Get in touch for more details and any queries. We have an extra TV set up out under the marquee to allow further spreading out of customers for sporting events. Table bookings are available to ensure a space in front of one of our TVs. ...from No. 46. Whether you want to enjoy the sunshine with a refreshing milkshake or one of our delicious cocktails then we’ve got you covered here at No.46! And don’t forget we are doing any two cocktails for £8!
Helen. How you can help Knighton & East Radnor Foodbank Covid-19: Autumn Appeal. Donation drop off points in Presteigne: Spar & Baptist Church - Thursday 10 -11.30. Thank you for the splendid donations of cash and food received during the Covid-19 emergency. We are now building up a reserve of food for when we expect an increase in requests during the winter months & the end of the furlough scheme. However, we still need some items, but please note we can only accept food items that are well within their use-by date. We need: Tinned Cold Meat, Tinned meatballs/hotdogs/stewing steak, Tinned peas/carrots/sweetcorn (Please: no more soup, baked beans, chickpeas, kidney beans, pasta, rice, tinned tomatoes or tuna, thank you!). Tinned Fruit, Tinned Custard, Tinned Rice Pudding, Cereals – especially child friendly! Jam/Chocolate Spread, Peanut Butter, Biscuits (Please: no more porridge or muesli, thank you!). Toiletries for men & women, Deodorant, Shaving Razors/Shaving Foam, AntiBacterial hand soap/wipes, Washing up liquid/Washing detergent, Anti-bacterial cleaning spray, Bleach/ toilet cleaner. If you would prefer to give a small cash donation, this will enable us to page 3 of 4 purchase fresh milk, bread, cheese and eggs & to buy fresh vegetable/fruit vouchers to include with individual food parcels. You may prefer to set up a regular donation to support our work by completing a Standing Order or a Stewardship form (with Gift Aid). Ask Helen for more information, call/text 07731 524 058; or email
Wild Card Tattoos. I still have a few appointments left for September, which will be at discount prices (this includes any consultations made in September with bookings for ink made in October) please message my FB page if you would like to book in. ...from Leon’s Supper Club. Tables still available for Thai Nights - 2 on Friday night and 4 for Saturday night, give me a call 07805 727486.
Lockdown Dhaba. Hello Everyone. Hope you are enjoying this last bit of sunshine. See FB or email us for the menu (and vegan menu) for Saturday 26th September. Have a great couple of weeks! FB:
Bea’s Care Services. I’ve had a short, well needed break. I’m now back and raring to go. Give me a call with any of your home care needs on 07816 370853.
Repair Presteigne. We are back !! - weather and Covid restrictions permitting, on Saturday 19th September 10am to 12 noon in the garden of the Radnorshire Hotel under the big awnings, all suitably distanced, with all necessary Covid precautions.
Bring Site. Unfortunately Powys CC have now removed the WEEE small electricals recycling box from the Bring Site...and it won’t be coming back !!! This now means you have to take all broken electrical items to your local HWRC, either at Llandod, or Kington or Leominster. If the item works, and is saleable (not just junk) then please take it into the PNCS Charity Warehouse for them to sell. Fortunately the Book bank, clothes bank, and the drinks container recycling bins are not operated by PCC and will remain at the Bring Site.
John at The Dukes. We are now open and our opening hours are 12 - 12 Monday to Saturday and 12 - 2.30pm and 7 - 12pm on Sundays.
Knighton Market. Our next market will be held on 26th September from 9.30am til 1230 pm back in the community centre!! We will have to adhere to very strict C19 requirements including:- track and trace information, a strict one way system, 2 metre distancing, masks are not compulsory, but you are very welcome to wear one, you must remain courteous at all vendors and other customers alike, there will be a limit to how many may be in the building so this may mean that you have to wait outside briefly, we are not permitted to have the cafe open currently and public toilets are found directly outside the building for your use.
So after all that we can't wait to welcome you all back and we thank you for supporting all of us as small business holders....this is our livelihood and we hope you enjoy the products we bring
you. Any questions please message on Facebook....See you soon.
Rhos Organics. We are in Presteigne (outside Daphne’s) every Thursday from 10am to 12.30pm and we are also happy to do regular veg bags for people, or take orders as well. Call
01547 528315, or email
Grace’s Beauty. From tomorrow we will be adding in a temperature check in our pre-treatment screening. We are working as hard as we can to keep everything clean and sterilised, and feel the temperature check will heighten safety in the coming weeks. Many thanks for your support. Plus...As we are running by appointment only at the moment, we have introduced an e-voucher so you can purchase from us at any time and print off at home. Give us a call to order an e-voucher. They make the perfect present.
Weobley Ash. Meat Boxes - beef, pork, hogget or mixed - 4 ppl £60. Free local DELIVERY or £5 per order. Call 01544 598120 or email
The Hub, New Radnor. We are opening the bar on Friday nights 6.30-11pm. Socially distanced tables etc. Hobsons Best on draft.
Learn Welsh Cymru. Welsh classes will be starting up again in the area from the 21st of September, and there's a 50% discount available on the entry level classes in Presteigne and Knighton! All classes will be on Zoom to start with, until at least Christmas, and we'll be returning to the classroom only when safe to do so. Please feel free to contact me via Facebook, or the Learn Welsh department Aberystwyth University on 0800 876 6975.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. We've had some lovely comments from returning customers in our first week back and we're soooo happy to hear them "Love the set up guys, easy to follow and stuff to clean down in the gym! Awesome job " "I love the new, modern showers. They look great." "The centre feels so clean and safe, really enjoyed my visit today."
The Royal Oak. Apologies to those we turned away last Sunday. Booking in early is recommended to avoid disappointment. Our roasts are available to eat in or takeaway with free delivery within Presteigne and surrounding area. For any dietary requirements please ask as adjustments can be made.
.Lynne at the Methodist Church. Just a reminder that the church has reopened and there is a service every week on Sunday at 10.30am. All Covid guidelines are, of course, in place. Thank you! Lynne.
Amanda’s Bread. Dear Amanda's Bread customer, Thank you for ordering produce from Amanda's Bread. If you want to place an order for Thursday 10th September or Saturday 12th September, please get in touch on Monday 7th September using the contact details below. (If you miss the Monday deadline, please still get in touch and we will supply your order if we can.) We intend to continue with our weekly delivery to the Presteigne area on Saturday alongside attending local markets (Montgomery this weekend). Email us for the Product List (updated 30th August '20) for our full range of breads and savouries available to order. (A couple of prices have been amended.) Contact Details: - email Amanda on: or phone / text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814. Thank you, Amanda and Julian
The Farmers. Please note changed opening hours - now Mon (closed), Tues/Wed/Thur 1pm to 9pm, Frid/Sat 1pm to 11pm, Sunday 12pm to 6pm. Food served Tuesday thro’ Sunday. Booking still essential for food and drink due to social distancing measures.
Rhos Market Garden - organic growers and providers. Our fruit and veg stall continues at the Assembly Rooms, every Thursday 10am to 12noon. Contact
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. As of this week I am going to be changing the Friday ready meals to lighten my load, as the Cafe is really busy and afternoon tea, both have in and takeaway, has really picked up. So week 1s will be curry and week 2s will be other savoury. I do have some frozen meals available and can always make a tray ( 6 portions ) of a particular dish if requested. Hopefully this way I can continue with my takeaway service and this does not inconvenience anyone too much. See our FB for more information.
Kirsty’s Hair Studio. Appointments available this week. Direct message on FB to book.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. We are so happy to be back open! And we are glad to have seen so many of you already within our first week of opening. See our FB for details of our programmes for the Gym and Swimming Pool. These slots must be booked and paid for prior to your visit. Your well-being, as always, is very important to us which is why we have enhanced our cleaning procedures to keep you as safe as possible during your visit. To book into any of
the slots shown on FB please give the centre a call on 01544 260302
Planned PCC Highways work on the High Street. To those asking about what is intended, please see the PCC street plan on the Town website The TC hasn’t heard anything yet about when PCC will start work, although the new 20mph speed restriction is already applicable and in force.
Richard at the Presteigne Local Food Market. The Market will be back indoors in the Memorial Hall this Saturday, but apart from that it's all as usual - 9am til 1pm, stewarded, and page 2 of 4 socially distant, etc. In addition, this Saturday there will be a grand weigh-in for all participants in the Presteigne Allotment's potato growing competition.
East Radnor Leisure Centre. Welcome back everyone. Visit our Facebook page where Leanne shows you what East Radnor Leisure Centre will look like for reopening from Tuesday 1st September. Our swimming pool, gym and fitness classes will reopen on Tuesday. This is part of a phased return. Booking is essential. Please phone on Tuesday (01544) 260302 to book your slot.
Amanda’s Bread. If you want to place an order for Saturday 5th September, please get in touch using the contact details below. (If you miss the Monday deadline, please still get in touch and we will supply your order if we can.) We intend to continue with our weekly deliveries on Saturdays alongside attending local markets. This coming week we shall be at Montgomery Market on Thursday morning and Presteigne Food Market on Saturday morning. Let us know if you plan to collect from either market when you place your order, otherwise we shall deliver as usual. Thank you. Contact Details - email Amanda on or phone / text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814
No. 46. Hello all! We would like to say thank you to all who have supported us through the ‘eat out to help out’ scheme! And for those of you who have continued to support us through the rest of the week! We hope to continue seeing you all after the scheme has finished! Apologies to those we turned away last Sunday. Booking in early is recommended to avoid disappointment. Our roasts are available to eat in or takeaway with free delivery within Presteigne and surrounding area. For any dietary requirements please ask as adjustments can be made.
The Royal Oak. Some additions to Wednesday’s Steak Night this week. Stilton sauce, creamy Stilton mushrooms and scampi added to make it a surf 'n' turf. All steaks served with all the trimmings and our homemade double cooked chips. Booking recommended. Call 01544 260
Leon. Spanish Night 11th and 12th September. 5 courses £25.00 per person. Menu to follow - see at the Salty Dog or on Facebook. Bring your own drinks. For bookings tel. 01544 262164 or message us on Facebook.
Weobley Ash. Great selection of fruit and vegetables in store today, cauliflower, runner beans, baking potatoes, broccoli. Diced and mince meats, joints, gammon, chicken and chicken fillets, bacon, sausages and burgers. Open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday
Pear Care Services. Do you need help at home to live the way you want? Hi, I’m Pauline, I’m an experienced healthcare professional offering one-to-one help at home such as personal care, shopping, cooking, befriending, dog walking and more. I have enjoyed working as a healthcare assistant in the NHS for many years as well as volunteering For a home -from -hospital befriending service and supporting people with mental health problems. I am also a dementia champion. I have started offering help at home because I enjoy getting to know people I support over time and helping them to live the way they want to. I live near Presteigne and in my spare time I enjoy walking, painting and crafts and photography. I have a current DBS and liability Insurance. Please contact me on: or 07805282462 to discuss your needs, all confidential and tailored to individual requirements.
Chilvers Country Stores. New Stock in the Equine Department. The equine department is rapidly expanding at Chilvers Country Supplies with an exciting range of new stock including rugs and tack! We now stock lightweight turn out rugs, 200 combo turnouts and Tempest Original fleece coolers alongside a range of tack from full bridles to leather/nylon head collars and much more! For more info or if you’d like to see if we can order something in specifically for you we would love to be a help so please don’t hesitate to phone 07837166896 or come and have a look for yourself at the store in Presteigne.
Lockdown Dhaba. Hello! We are back and feeling refreshed – kind of !Our next menu is out (see Facebook, Instagram or email us) - as we’re a bit late sending it out it’s available to page 3 of 4 order from today until Monday. It will be delivered chilled on Saturday 12st September. Lots of love! Pip and Gurd, Lockdown Dhaba., Instagram: @lockdowndhaba, Facebook:
Carrie at Chip ‘n Scan Powys. Taking bookings now for the next few weeks... Microchipping and ultrasound pregnancy scans. I’ll come to you....for your ease, reduce cross contamination, less disruption to your fur-babies! 07594434470
Wild Card Tattoos. Two years ago today I opened my little tattoo studio, it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster so far this year so I’d just like to say a massive thankyou to all of you who have followed my page, booked in and returned for more ink. For all of this month, anyone who books in for ink will get a discount.
Aardvark Books & Café. September! The Aardvark bookshop and café (in Brampton Bryan) are open as usual now, 10am-4pm Tuesday-Sunday, and our big Aardvark warehouse sale is on all this month: sale books are 50p each, hundreds of bargains to be had!
East Radnor Leisure Centre. We're super excited to be opening on Tuesday 1st September and getting you back to exercise at your favourite Leisure Centre. Our gym / swimming pool and exercise classes will be available. Our programmes are shown below. Due to limited spaces these all must be booked in advance. We are also operating using card payments only. We will be taking bookings from Tuesday so give us a call as early as possible. We have been working hard to plan how we can re-open safely and with the necessary social distancing and hygiene measures in place to provide you, our valued customers, with the reassurance we know you need to come back. We will be posting further information on facebook and on our website. Keep an eye out for further updates. With regards to fitness classes we have the following to book in for: *Fit in 45 - Tuesday 1st September @5:30-6:15pm *Kettlebells - Thursday 3rd September @5:30-6:15pm Classes for the following weeks will be reviewed. Thank you everyone for being patient with us and we look forward to seeing again next week!
Bea’s Care Services. Hello everyone. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything. I’ve been busy with my wonderful clients. I really couldn’t wish to have nicer people to be working with. Just thought I’d let you know that I have few morning and afternoon spaces. Also page 2 of 4 a limited amount of evening spaces. So if you’re in need of any sort of support give me a call or just email me on Bea x
No.46 Wine Bar. Our phone line is now working again at No.46! However our phone number has changed, now 01544 598291. We have updated our info to include our new number. Meaning you can now call us for bookings and any other queries!
Knighton Community Market. Saturday 29th August from 9.30 until 12 noon Knighton Community Market in the car park of Knighton Community Centre Our confirmed vendors so far are The Pie Creator, Malcolm's Stone Carving, Wendy's Knitted Items, Hil's cakes, Jenny Knoll Farms, Amanda's Breads, Wild Welsh Wool, Berriew Cider, Mick's plants, John's Honey, Craftique, Caws Marmahs, Lou's Baked Treats, Melts and More Wales, Richard's Knife Sharpening, Malcolm's Pottery, Jan's Cards and quilling...... social distancing must be adhered to and a one way system is in place. See you Saturday!
The Retreat. Marian will be working Mondays and Fridays at The Retreat in Presteigne. For appointments please email or call 07816 981454. ...from The Warehouse. We have a selection of beds and mattresses, all good clean condition, double and single divans, single slatted and others coming in this weekend, including a trickle bed. Prices from only £10. Also many wooden headboards in stock. Come and take a look , make a reasonable offer and get a bargain.
Chilvers Country Supplies, Presteigne. Bulbs glorious bulbs!!! Lots of different varieties in stock at Presteigne store! Daffodils, crocus, hyacinth and more!! ...from Carrie Pearson. Please give your babies half a chance of being reunited with you....microchip your cats and dogs and keep the details up to date!! Chip and Scan Powys 07594434470 ...from Weobley Ash. Hogget and mutton chops, Barnsley chops, leg, shoulder, dice and mince in store. Open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday.
Arrowfield Vets. We have recently had a small number of clients unhappy over not being able to accompany their animal inside the practice. We would like to tell you why at this moment in time we are still asking clients to remain outside:- We have 8- 10 vets, 5 nurses and support staff working across both our branches at any one time. Our vets will see approximately 50- 60 patients per day, so if every person accompanied their pet into the practice, the risk of COVID is greatly increased. This is due to the inability to properly socially distance whilst examining and treating your pets as well as factors such as minimal ventilation in consult rooms and trying to protect vulnerable members of staff whilst allowing them to give the best possible treatment to your pets. Under the current track and trace regulations if one of our staff gets COVID then potentially our whole practice would have to close for 14 days whilst everyone isolates. This is because when our staff are examining, blood sampling and operating on your pets we are in very close proximity. Rest assured, your pet gets plenty of attention and cuddles from our nurses whilst in the practice! ( And dare we say some are even better behaved without their Mum and Dad with them! We don’t want to work like this for any longer than we have to but at this moment in time we need to protect each other. Please be polite to our staff, especially those on reception and understand why for now, you will not be allowed in with your pets. Many Thanks Team AVP.
Roger, editor of St. Andrew’s Parish Magazine. Print editions of The Parish Magazine are back! Thank you to all who have been involved in writing, editing, printing, collating and distributing our September issue. If you do a delivery round, you will find your named pile at the back of church for collection. Some single copies are also available. Don’t forget to sanitise your hands when you go in to pick your magazines up!
Weobley Ash. Thank you all for the nominations, we'd love to win against such tough competition. You can vote for us by following the link below awards/tcf/nom-farming-hero/ (ed. see this in the County Times - “Aden Foster and his wife Rosario have been nominated as Farming Heroes, but to many people in their community they are Covid heroes. The couple had just opened a shop to sell their farm produce when the coronavirus pandemic forced the UK into lockdown. All their business plans went out the window as suddenly they had a new task – providing a vital service to local families struggling to food and supplies. The pair launched a free delivery service and expanded the range of products” etc.)
Wild Thyme Italian. We’re adding this (Tuesday 25th daytime) and Bank holiday Monday 31st day and evening to our open days. So please come along and take advantage of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme.
leon’s Supper Club. Saturday night is fully-booked but there are tables still available on Friday night. Call in at the Salty Dog or call 01544 267720. Note that The Salty Dog will be closed on Monday 31st (Bank Holiday) and Tuesday 1st September.
Spar Presteigne. It’s competition time! SPAR are giving away a YEAR’S supply of Treasury Wines on their website! To enter their giveaway simply hit this link and fill in the form Good Luck! Entry closes midnight Monday 31st August 2020. 2 winners will be chosen at random. You must be 18+ to enter. Full T+C’s can be found here:
Olwen at Presteigne Baptist Church. Just a reminder that the Baptist Church in Hereford Street is now open for worship from 10.30am through to 11.45am. For more information or to book the Church or hall please call Olwen on 01544 267 960 ...from Weobley Ash. 15 % off all Luctonian members orders including Christmas. Simply show your membership card and ID to claim. Call 01544 598120 or email to order or call in, we're open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday
The Royal Oak. We have limited tables left to eat in for our Sunday roast this week. The menu is still available for takeaway to be delivered or collected from the pub. Free delivery within Presteigne and immediate surrounding area. Message us on Facebook or call 01544 260842 to book.
Dale at The Royal Oak. The Nigel Powell bench sits proudly outside the Oak (see the Oak’s Facebook page for photo). A special thank you to Adrian Pearce for making the bench, Bill Davies of Knill Farm for the donation of the slab of Oak for it, Dougie Preece for staining it, Ben Crane & John Hewins for fitting it in place and lastly to everyone for all the generous donations. We have rounded it up to a £1000 to be donated to the Welsh Air Ambulance in memory of Nigel.
No. 46 Wine Bar. So, we have been busy baking at No.46 again!! We have some lotus biscoff cheesecake and some chocolate brownies for you guys to enjoy! Remember these are available to eat in or take away! You can also enjoy these with your favourite tea, coffee or hot chocolate for only £4 with our Coffee & Cake deal!! We are open Monday to Thursday 12-6pm Friday and Saturday 12-10pm. n.b. we are still collecting the crisp packets (ed. these go for recycling providing funds for the Guide Dog charity)
Nicky Tranter Tree Care. All types of tree and hedge work - Stump grinding - Cherry picker and man hire - Chipper and man hire. Please call 07758180669 or email - thanks
Wild Card Tattoos. I still have appointments available on the following days for ink Wednesday 26th August @11am; Thursday 3rd September @ 1pm; Wednesday 9th September
@ midday. If its only a consultation please pm me to sort out times/dates, evening appointments are available for both ink and consultations.
Leon’s Supper Club. Don’t forget Tapas Night on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th August. Booking recommended. Call in at the Salty Dog or see Facebook page for the menu or
to book.
Radnorshire Arms. Opening day getting closer - excitement mounting! Friday 21st at 12noon.
Leon’s Supper Club. We will be open every Friday & Saturday evening, starting on the 28th August - the menu will be a 6 course Spanish fish and seafood tapas menu - we will also be open every Sunday for a Spanish Sunday lunch, served from 2pm till 6pm. Menus to follow - see The Salty Dog Facebook page. Bookings recommended, please contact us on 01544 262 164 or 0780 5727 486. n.b. This will be the last Burger Weekend ... To place your order call any time between Monday and Friday this week or before 12 noon on Saturday. 01544 2621
Wild Thyme Italian. This week’s takeaway menu is ready for your orders - see our Facebook page. Just as a reminder, the restaurant is open this week on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, lunch and evening. However Wednesday evening is fully booked except for outside tables!
The Hat Shop Restaurant. An update. We are open during the day 9.30 till 2pm. Evenings we will only open if pre-booked due to a staff family bereavement. We thank you for understanding at this difficult time.
Emily D’s Bookshop - books for babies to young adults. If you are looking for gifts; birthday presents, wipe-clean, jigsaws, lift the flap, puzzle books, noisy books, height charts, flash cards, language cds, xylophone/keyboard books, fiction and much more! I have also started a Facebook book club reading the young adult fiction which is also enjoyable for grown ups! Contact me for more details 07808474288 or Facebook: Emily Douce Independent Usborne Organiser.
PNCS Warehouse. Lots of new items of furniture in today from a house clearance. Dining tables, wardrobe, chests of drawers, mirrors, shelves, coffee table, chairs and lots more. Come in and take a look they are getting snapped up!! We do have to quarantine these until Friday but you can buy and pay for them now. We cannot reserve anything unless it is paid for because there will be lots of interest. Pictures to follow on our Facebook page!
Alex Gooch Artisan Baker. It’s back to normal service for us on Broad Street every Saturday morning from 9am onwards, selling pre-packed bread selections at £10 a bag, and pre-selected pastries at £10 a box.
THE BRACKEN TRUST CANCER SUPPORT CENTRE IS A REGISTERED CHARITY BASED IN LLANDRINDOD WELLS. It supports anyone affected by cancer (including those who have experienced a bereavement) in the Mid Wales and border areas. It provides information, advice, complementary therapies, counselling and a range of activities which encourage people to manage their condition and maintain an excellent quality of life. During the Covid-19 lockdown, staff have been unable to provide face to face contact; however, the nursing and counselling staff have continued to provide telephone and / or face to face support via electronic communication methods (depending on the patient’s preference). This level of support will continue for the foreseeable future. We are slowly opening The Trust and are currently offering face to face support to specific groups of patients (by appointment only). We are also accepting new and self-referrals and are following strict processes to maximise the safety of staff and visitors. We plan to extend face to face support to all patients over the next few weeks, as restrictions from Welsh Government lift, and hopefully extend those opportunities to our hubs in Llanwrtyd Wells, Llanidloes and Knighton. OUR DROP IN FACILITIES ARE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLESO IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES OR WOULD LIKE FURTHER INFORMATION: PLEASE TELEPHONE: 01597 823646 (BETWEEN 9A.M. – 5P.M. MON TO FRI); EMAIL: NURSE@BRACKENTRUST.ORG.UK; OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.BRACKENTRUST.ORG.UK
Martin at The Radnorshire Arms. WE ARE OPENING! We are pleased to announce that we will be reopening The Radnorshire Arms Hotel on Friday 21st of August at 12 noon when we will be serving a range of keg and cask beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks - all welcome! Food service will start from Saturday 22nd August. Our opening hours: Food: Monday/Tuesday (closed); Wednesday/Thursday 12 to 2pm, 6 to 9pm; Friday 12 to 3pm, 6 to 9pm; Saturday 12 to 9pm; Sunday 12.15 to 3.30pm Bar: Monday to Thursday 12 to 10pm; Friday/Saturday 12 to 11pm; Sunday 12 to 5pm. We looking forward to seeing you !
Bring Site. The drinks carton dumpsters have been emptied so if you’ve been hoarding cartons in the meantime, you can now take them up for recycling. We’re still waiting on the contractors to empty the Books and the WEII (small electrical items) containers which are both already overflowing! so please store these items at home for the moment - and please don’t leave them by the containers where they can get damaged by the weather and then be useless for reuse or recycling purposes (you might even get fined for flytipping if spotted). We’ll keep you informed when the containers are emptied and available again.
the Original Presteigne Barbers (opposite the Library). Open Monday and Friday all day. Evening appointments are also available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All by appointment only. Please call Sharlene on 07931239381
No. 46 Wine Bar. Unfortunately at the moment, we will be cash only for up to seven days! We will let you know as soon as the card machine is up and running again! We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may cause!
Lockdown Dhaba. HOT. This weekend, sunny sunny bbq! Next weekend, thunderstorms and.... curry! You can order your vegetarian curry feast until tomorrow, and we will deliver it, rain or shine, next Saturday. Email to find out more page 2 of 3
Rosamund. Just today ...hello, glad to be open again ...But most importantly l want to say a big thank you to everyone who has come in wearing masks a shop its lovely to see old customers again, nice as it is ...we want you to be safe
Amanda’s Bread. If you want to place an order for Saturday 15th August, please get in touch on Monday 10th August, using the contact details below. (If you miss the Monday deadline, please still get in touch and we will supply your order if we can.) Please check our Product List (updated 26th July '20) to see our range of breads, cakes, savouries and preserves available to order this week - email Amanda on : - phone / text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814.
The Judge’s Lodging. The Judge's Lodging is coming back to life! Thank you to Charlotte & Conor for letting us host your wedding this lovely weekend. You helped us feel 'normal' once more and got us raring to go to see visitors again...more news very, very soon!
The Royal Oak. Our outside area is now fully under cover to allow eating and drinking in the garden no matter the weather. Fish Fryday is on tomorrow for eat in or takeaway. Booking advisable! Bookings also being taken for this week's Sunday Roast to takeaway. Free delivery available or pick up from the pub. There will be no Sunday Roast next Sunday the 16th August unfortunately.
East Radnorshire Day Centre. Whilst in lockdown we’ve had new flooring at the Centre! Making use of the building being empty and getting ready for when we can welcome
people in once again.
Grace’s Beauty. We now have contactless price lists in the salon, simply scan the QR code on the posters with your camera app (newer smartphones) or a QR code app + it will pop up with our latest price list!
Wild Thyme Italian. This week we will be opening our restaurant doors with a safe distanced seating arrangement. We will have outside space too if the weather permits.
This first week we will be open for morning coffee, croissants, brioche and cake etc. then a light lunch menu. Wednesday evenings will start next week to enable you to take advantage of the Eat out to Help out scheme. We will be open lunch and evening On Friday and Saturday commencing this week. Looking forward to seeing you back.... oh! I nearly forgot, takeaway service will continue too!
No. 46 Wine Bar. For those of you who haven’t visited us yet since reopening, over lockdown we have been super busy re-vamping our garden! All the tables and chairs have had
a fresh coat of paint, as well as the fences, posts, walls and toilets! We hope you all enjoy the new space and can’t wait to see you all soon!
Ian in the Barbervan. Ring to make an appointment either in the Barbervan or a home visit on 07977000741 please remember to bring a mask and sanitise your hands on entry.
Selection of American crew products for sale.
The Workhouse. Newsletter out now- sign up on link below to receive regular updates.…
The Coffee House. Hi Everyone, hope you are all keeping well. The Coffee House is now opening back to usual hours of Monday - Saturday 8.30-3. We are excited to announce
that we are taking part in the Eat Out to Help Out scheme running Mondays - Wednesdays throughout the whole of August. This will introduce 50% off all food and drink when consumed on the premises, up to £10 off per person. When coming into the Cafe please wait to be seated. For any bookings or questions please ring 01544260055. Thanks Lucy.
Dale at the Royal Oak. As we can't always rely on the British summer weather there's some temporary shelter erected out back (in the beer garden) before a more permanent fixture is put up shortly. Thanks to Steve Kay for letting us borrow it. Next week we're moving back to pre lockdown opening times with food available Wednesday onwards. Opening Monday to Thursday at 4pm; Friday to Sunday at midday. Table service out in the garden with booking still page 2 of 4 advisable for the next week and the anticipated return of indoor service from hopefully August 3rd onwards. This week's specials: Wednesday - Steak Night (limited space); Friday - Fish Fryday to eat in or takeaway; Sunday - Roast dinners for takeaway or free delivery available. We highly recommend booking early for Sunday roasts as demand has been high. To book, call 01544 260842 or message us on Facebook. ...from The Workhouse. New newsletter out now! Link here: that-personal-touch?e=267b90ac27
Wild Card Tattoos. Roll on Monday (re-opening!). For those who have booked in and not paid any deposit please do so ASAP to secure your agreed appointment time/date. Thank you, Wild Card
Amanda’s Bread. If you want to place an order for delivery in the Presteigne area on Saturday 1st August, and you missed the Monday deadline, please still get in touch and we will supply your order if we can - email Amanda on : - phone / text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814. Amanda's Bread now has a page on the Taste Montgomery website. Please click this link Amanda's Bread
Grace Beauty. Final preparations are being made ready to reopen our doors from Monday 3rd August. We will be in the salon on Saturday making our way through our list of clients. If you do not hear from us please give us a call on 01544 260 440. We are still awaiting clearer guidance as to whether we can carry out treatments on the face. We will update you as soon as we have clarification.
Salty Dog. New Opening Hours - Mon/Tues 9am-4pm; Wed/Thur/Frid 9am-5.30pm; Sat 9am-4pm - and at long last we will be having Fresh Fish in this Wednesday !
Wild Thyme Italian. A big thank you to all our customers during the last 4 months who’ve supported our takeaway service on Friday and Saturday evenings... hopefully it’s kept us all sane ! See our Facebook page for the latest menu with a couple of NEW additions - call/ text 07854 428668 to order. We will be updating soon about re-opening plans for August!
The Harp, Old Radnor. As of 7th of August we will be opening our doors to welcome you back to The Harp. We want your return to be as enjoyable as possible but we also have to keep everyone safe, therefore there will be some measures in place in order to do so. To begin with, opening times will be Friday evening, Saturday all day and Sunday until 6pm, until the demand requires us to open more often. Tables for evening meals and Sunday lunch must be pre booked and pre ordered. From 12pm to 5pm on Saturday we will be offering a sandwich and snack menu only, this is available for you to just turn up, although booking will ensure you get a table - no table, no service. Tables will be outside ONLY, unless the weather is terrible, then we will move you inside so please bring coats and/or blankets to keep you warm. Tables are available for a maximum of 4 people only and we will be relying on customers to ensure that they are complying with guidelines on social distancing. A small number of tables are available to be booked for drinks only, these can be reserved for a maximum of 2 hours. Our staffing will be at a minimum to protect ourselves and others, so please be patient, we are all learning a new way of working and are trying our best to make your visit as 'normal' and enjoyable as we can. Menu to be posted soon. More information is on our website. For bookings, please email us at Thank you for your understanding and we cannot wait to see you!
The Stagg Inn. Up to £10 off on Wednesdays in August. We’re delighted to announce that in August will we be opening on Wednesdays for lunch and dinner to enable our customers to take advantage of the Government’s ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ Scheme, which offers 50% off food and soft drinks to a value of £10. To book, go to book/
Weobley Ash. Ageing mutton, we hang for a minimum of 3 weeks, although some are wrapped in muslin cloth and hung for 9 weeks.The hanging is the key to good tasting meat, and a great carcass to start with. We are able to supply wholesale aged mutton carcasses. page 3 of 4 Piled high with fruit and veg, milk, butter, cheese, eggs, Marphona potatoes, new potatoes (Maris) and baking spuds. Open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday.
Eat out to Help Out scheme. To find out which restaurants near you are taking part, visit for more information. The scheme will run every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between August 3 and 31, 2020. The scheme will get 50 per cent off your food and non-alcoholic drinks up to a total value of £10 per person if you eat or drink in (so excluding take-aways). The discount also applies to children. It can be used as many times as you like. According to the UK Government website: "You don’t need a voucher to use the scheme and you can use it at the same time as other offers and discounts. There is no minimum spend. Alcoholic drinks and service charges are excluded from the offer." Currently, four places in Presteigne are in the scheme - Royal Oak, Wild Thyme Italian, Workhouse Gallery & Café, and The Coffee House plus, further afield, The Stagg in Titley, and The Banc, Horse & Jockey, and Little Black Sheep Café in Knighton. ...from Ian in the BarberVan. Appointments available for Thursday (home visits ) Friday and Saturday in Presteigne. 0797700074.
Arrowfield Vets. Attention horse owners. In the last couple of weeks we have seen some incredibly high worm burdens in horses. Some of these horses will actually appear completely normal and in good body condition hiding that they are carrying such a heavy burden of worms. If anyone has any concerns or questions regarding worming horses please give us a call on 01544 230567 or send us an email at
Presteigne Local Food Market. We are back this Saturday 9-1pm. Stalls outside and social distance measures in place! Great local produce available. Look forward to seeing you all
Presteigne Tyres. Since re-opening on 1.6.2020 we have been very busy and so from Monday 3rd August our new opening hours will be Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
(closed for lunch 1.00 to 1.30pm). Please ring Nigel or Jackie on 01544 267240 to book in for MOTS, car servicing and repairs, puncture repairs, new tyres and wheel alignment.
REMINDER.…from 1.8.2020 the MOT 6 month extension rule no longer applies and your vehicle must be tested by its due date so Book In Soon! It has been great to see old and new
customers again and we thank you for your loyalty and support during these unusual times and for adapting to our new procedures. We continue to follow Government guidelines and clean and sanitise all vehicles, workshops and reception areas and operate a one in one out system for social distancing measures. We look forward to taking your call.
The Royal Oak. We're excited to be a part of the 'Eat Out To Help Out' scheme. This means our Wednesday Steak Night has become even cheaper! All customers including children are eligible for 50% off of their meals and soft drinks up to a maximum discount of £10 off per person. This will be starting as of next Wednesday 5th August and run every Wednesday throughout August. Booking is recommended to avoid disappointment!
The Hat Shop. Just registered for the Eat Out to Help Out, details to follow.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. A superb opportunity to rent a highly efficient & ecological building, consisting of four office and/or studio spaces. Available to rent as a whole building or on individual room basis. Studio 2 is next to The Workhouse Gallery group of business premises on Presteigne Industrial Estate. Other tenants working from individual studios/workshops on the site include artists, designers, makers, writers & musicians: a wonderful chance to become part of a creative and thriving environment. For more information contact: Sara Bamford 07495 249636,
Weobley Ash. It's looking like a bbq wkend, Making kebabs, burgers, bbq packs this week. Please place orders for weekend collection of bbq boxes or kebabs to avoid
disappointment. Kebabs 4 x pack £7. Bbq pack £45 - 2 x 4 pack of kebabs, 8 x burgers, 24 sausage, bbq chicken wings and bread rolls. Call 01544 598120 or email to reserve.
The Salty Dog. See our Facebook page for our Saturday night burger take away menu, phone 01544 262164 or 0780 5727 486 to book a slot. Meanwhile, at the Salty Dog........ fresh
fish makes a return !!
Grace’s Beauty ref Facial Treatments. We are back in the salon taking bookings. We are so excited to see everyone. However, although there is no outright ban, the Welsh Government Guidelines strongly recommend avoiding treatments performed on the face. We will currently be pausing bookings for this category but this will be reviewed on a regular basis. We want to keep all our clients as safe as we possibly can. When guidelines are clearer we will hopefully open up our treatment list fully to enable facial treatments to go ahead. We hope you understand our decision for the time being. This is a new way of working and there is lots to take in for everybody. Please be patient. We can’t wait to welcome
everyone back.
Dale at The Royal Oak. As of Monday we are allowed to open up for indoor service. Not much is changing in the way we currently operate as we are still keeping it continental with
table service being the new normal. It's definitely keeping us all fit. Our table capacity has been slightly reduced inside to enable social distancing and the one way system around the pub will still be in place. Booking is recommended to ensure a table is kept but walk ins are still accepted if we're not at capacity. Thank you all for your continued support.
Lyonshall Nurseries & Garden Centre. We have in stock some lovely oak whisky barrels. Perfect for planters. £75 each or 2 for £130. They won't be around for long !!
Royal British Legion. At the moment the legion is remaining closed as refurbishment work is still being carried out as we get nearer to reopening we will update this page - thank you.
A reminder - If you require a wreath for remembrance please contact Eve and Peter by Monday the 3rd of August as they need to order them by Wednesday please call them on 07802
276559 or 01544 260009 as requests after this time may not be able to be met.
Presteigne Library. Hi there to all library users. I’m not sure how many of you are in the know about the order and collect service for library books, available now, from Presteigne Library. Start with the PCC library service, and follow the web form, selection of books from Llandrindod, and request collection from Presteigne library. There is also a notice in Presteigne library window if you need more info. Keep the library going until we can be there in person!
Grace’s Beauty Saloon. It has been a tough 4 months for so many. We have missed our clients so much and can’t wait to get back to the salon very soon. We are waiting to see if Wales will follow England in avoiding any facial treatments for the time being hence delaying booking until we get confirmation. We will be in the salon over the weekend of 1st August making appointments for the following week. Phone line 01544 260440 will be very active from Saturday 1st August. Please bare with us, we have a massive list to get through! So looking forward to seeing everyone very soon. Take care xx
Don’t forget two-hours free parking in both Presteigne’s Pay & Display carparks starts today, Saturday 25th and continues until the last day of the summer holidays, Bank Holiday Monday, 31 August.
Ian, Presteigne Barber. Some spaces available for Thursday( home visits or in Norton), Friday and Saturday in Presteigne still only appointment only. Bookings taken via messenger or on 07977 000741.
Chilvers Country Store, Presteigne. New fresh plants in at Presteigne! Great selection and most of them are yet to flower! Pop in and take a look.
Salty Dog. Pitch Farm Cherries, Park Farm Berries, Moorcourt Strawberries and Cherries, Local Tomatoes, Beans and Peas, Flat Peaches, Flat Nectarines and Greengages in and around The Salty Dog. ...from Weobley Ash. Free store parking and hand washing facilities. Fine selection of fruit, vegetables and meats. Beef, pork and mutton joints, kebabs, sausages, steaks and chicken. Open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday. Or call 01544 598120 to order.
MidCounties Co-op, Knighton. You can receive 10% off every Tuesday if you're over 60 and a member! Terms & Conditions apply: Diamonddaydiscount/ ...from the Royal Oak. See our Facebook page for this week's Sunday Roast menu for takeaway. Available for pick up at the pub or we can deliver in Presteigne, Norton and a couple miles radius of town. Booking is essential as we do fill up fairly quickly.
Presteigne Gates. As of 24th July, we ask for all customers to wear face masks when coming to Presteigne Gates as you are aware we have a shop which most customers enter to browse and pay for items. So we would like ALL customers to wear them. You could be fined £100 for not wearing one. We should not have to ask you to wear them, it is now a legal requirement, it puts our staff in a difficult position to have to ask - and would you also make sure you are using hand sanitiser provided. This is to help keep both staff and customers safe as we have a lot of people from different areas coming to the yard. Many Thanks , John
The Original Presteigne Barbers. Opposite the Library. We are offering appointments all day on Mondays and Fridays and some Evenings. Call Sharlene on 07931239381 or email page 2 of 4 ...from Sarah at Slix. With much appreciation to all the lovely grateful clients that have been “‘Coiffured & Pampered” by us during the first week of our “ Relaunch “. Thank you for all your good luck wishes and support, it truly means so very much. We are looking forward to seeing all other pre-booked clients in turn and tending to your lockdown locks! All guidelines to enable a safe, relaxing, pampering experience are sent out on confirmation of your booking. With temperatures taken by our new infra red gun and details taken for track & trace PLUS Barbicide Covid-19 hygiene course taken by staff. This will ensure a relaxed uplifting experience once you step through the door. Contact via call or message on 01544267381 / 07983355125. With much appreciation to each one of my fabulous team of staff who are working and adapting professionally to our new regime. Its great to be back together again doing what we know and love best, our brilliant skilled profession. With gratitude, Sarah Morgan.
The Salty Dog & Leon’s Food to Order. Dear Lovely Salty Dog Customers. Please forgive the lack of updates recently. New Opening Hours Monday and Tuesday 9am until 4pm; Wednesday to Friday 9am until 5.30; Saturday 9am until 4pm. We are still boxing up orders if you need it. Hopefully we will be having some FRESH FISH back in in a couple of weeks’ time. So, watch this space! In the meantime, we do have 6/8oz portions of fish in the freezer and a lovely selection of smoked fish from Severn on Wye. Leon and Ross are still busy doing Ready Meals. Please go to to order. In addition, the Dynamic Chefs are doing Hot Take-away Burgers on Saturday Night between 6pm and 8.30. picking up from Leon’s Supper Club (above The Salty Dog) Menu also attached. Please Call 01544 262164 or 0780 5727 486 or Facebook message Leon’s Supper Club. Thank you so much for ALL your support. Take Care, The Salty Dog Team xx
Presteigne Bowls Social Club. We are now re-open ! Please adhere to the one way system, entrance through the front door. Please use the hand sanitisers provided and be aware of social distancing guidelines. Contactless Card payment now taken.
Ian, Barber. Appointment only for time being. Couple of spaces for haircuts home visits or in Norton message on here or phone 07977000741.
Mark at The Real Wine Company. Hello everybody, Mark here. We took our summer tastings online, and we are officially on YouTube now! Sit back, pour a glass, subscribe, watch and enjoy. First up, an introduction to our "Three Wine Fridays". Watch > https:// ...from PBS. Please give as much notice as possible for any deliveries required as we are still experiencing a high demand due to COVID-19.
Royal Oak. For beer follow the yellow and black road !!! If a member staff isn't at the bar, follow it to the beer garden where you'll be seen to.
St. Andrew’s Church. We’re reopening for Sunday Worship. Following the announcement by the Welsh Government that church services may recommence, we’re going to be holding a service of Holy Communion (from the Prayer Book) in St Andrew’s Presteigne on Sunday July 19th at 11am. It will not quite be what we’re used to – there can be no singing, the seating is 2-metre distanced (though members of the same household can sit together), we’ll be using disposable service sheets, and all necessary hygiene precautions will be in place – but it will be a joy to welcome everyone who wants to come. If you would like more details of our precautions, please get in touch with me, but rest assured we are following all the required procedures and doing everything we can to keep our congregation safe. Rev Steve.
Russ at Presteigne Driving School. GREAT NEWS!! Finally we have been told driving instructors can start teaching again in Wales on the 27th July!! I will be in contact with all pupils, please bear with me! Changes: Face masks will need to be worn while in the car, please bring your own if possible. Hand sanitizer will be available to use before, during and after lessons. The car will be completely sanitized after each student. If you are feeling unwell or have a temperature you MUST let me know so we can rearrange your lesson. If you do develop any symptoms of Covid you MUST inform me as soon as possible. Cheers guys.
Dale at The Royal Oak. Thank you all so much for your continued support, you have been fantastic and we are truly grateful to you all. Now we are exploring the next stage, we know that we can count on your understanding and patience in order to keep The Royal Oak safe for the future. We will be opening the BEER GARDEN on Wednesday 15th July 4 - 9pm, then Thursday 16th 4 - 9pm, Friday 17th 4 - 10pm, Saturday 18th 12 - 10pm, and Sunday 19th 12 - 6pm. If you feel unwell or have any symptoms of Covid 19 please do NOT come to the pub! Bookings will be taken for tables in the garden on 01544 260842. We hope to start food next week. Your patience will be appreciated as this is as new to us as it is to you, we will find a way forward that works both for us and you. We look forward to seeing you all soon. Team Oak.
The Warehouse. We would like to thank everyone for the many donations we have had so far. We have had a huge amount and are struggling at the moment to cope with storing the items, so if at all possible we would like to ask if you could hold on to any donations for a few more days to give us time to catch up. That would be a great help. Also we are unable to take child car seats, bike helmets or crash helmets as we are advised not to sell them for safety reasons.
The Royal Oak. This week's takeaway Sunday Roast menu is now available. Free delivery within 2 miles of Presteigne and pick up slots available at the pub. The beer garden is now open but we will still be doing it just for takeaway this week. To book call us on 01544 260842 or message us on here.
Spar Presteigne. We’ve got surplus food that needs rescuing! Download the free Too Good To Go app to reserve a Magic Bag of surprise, unsold food :
Arrowfield Vets, Presteigne. We are now able to re-open our Presteigne branch for limited consult times starting from Monday 20th of July! The consultation times for next week, will be as follows: Monday - 9 till 10am ; Wednesday - 9 till 10am; Thursday - 4:15 till 5.30pm; Friday - 9 till 10am. You can contact us to book an appointment for your pet using our Kington phoneline 01544 230567 to ensure we book you in promptly. To keep you and ourselves safe we will continue to collect your pet from you outside the practice. Our staff will be wearing PPE whilst with clients outside and keeping a safe distance apart, we please ask that you also help to keep to these guidelines whilst at our practice. When arriving for your appointment, please either telephone the practice or ring the intercom to let us know you’ve arrived and give your
pet's name, surname and the car you are in so we can easily locate you. Please watch out for surgery times going forward through the coming weeks. Thank you for your support and
cooperation. Arrowfield Veterinary Team.
Ian the Barber. The last few days have been hectic especially as the council have ordered me not to continue on the recycling car park after I’d been told there was no problem -
to counter this I’m offering to do home visits with or without my trailer or for you to come to where I park the trailer. I’m looking for somewhere to work from in Presteigne. Call 07977 000741
The Workhouse Café. From this week we'll have outside tables for you to enjoy your café treats.
Amanda's Bread. Dear customer, If you want to place an order for delivery to Presteigne area on Saturday 11th July, please get in touch on Monday 6th July, by email to Amanda on : or phone/text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814 (If you miss the Monday deadline, please still get in touch and we will supply your order if we can.)
SPAR Presteigne. Competition time! Win a drinks fridge, perfect for watching the sport at home. To enter go to Good luck! Closes midnight Sunday 12th July, 2 winners chosen at random. Must be 18+ to enter. Full T&C's:
Presteigne Bowls Social Club. Improvements have taken place over the last few weeks at the social club with new windows making a big difference! The club will soon be open
with plans underway! Watch this space.
Presteigne Driving School. Hello all, I know there is still a lot of questions and uncertainty about when driving instructors can start teaching again in Wales. As soon as I hear anything (hopefully this week) I will be one of the first to let you all know. Many thanks for your cooperation.
Kirsty’s Hair Studio. Great first day back - of course, typical Kirsty, forgot any before and after photos as usual!!! I'm so overwhelmed by the amount of support from you all and how
you've all waited to long to see me. For info and appointments call 07961 113776.
Weobley Ash. Fresh fruit and veg in today - New potatoes, cooking potatoes, jacket potatoes, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, salad tomatoes, spring onions, water melons, salads, Moorcourt cheeries, Strawberries, Peaches, nectarines. Chiller full of midweek meals, whole chicken, chicken fillets, bacon, gammon, belly pork, chops, sausage, burgers, mince beef and dice. Open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday, just call in.
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. Thanks to everyone that ordered food, it was the most we have sent out since we started. See Facebook for the menu for Friday, orders by 11am Wednesday please. So excited to be opening the garden next week and with the news today that we may be fully open the first week in August if all goes to plan. Will be posting the new Cafe menu in the next couple of days. Hope the sun shines and we will see you all in the garden soon. Call 01544 260600 or email
Presteigne Little People’s Playgroup. We have limited vacancies for summer holiday club. We are open 7.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Ages 1- 12 years Mon 27th July – Tues 1st September £4.50 per hour. C-CASS and 30 hour free childcare offer accepted. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. Limited Spaces Available Contact Sam 01544 262130 or
Leon’s Supper Club. This Saturday night, Leon's Supper Club is proud to present a pop-up takeaway from - BARRY'S BURGERS - Gourmet burgers, fries and sides. Serving times are between 6.00 and 9.00pm, this Saturday 11th July - Call us any day this week between 9am and 4pm on 01544 262 164 to place your order. Get in early to avoid disappointment!!
Weobley Ash. Chiller is full of midweek meats, whole chicken, chicken fillets, mince beef, dice beef, pork chops, loins and joints, small beef and pork joints, lamb chops, mutton
joints & rumps. Fresh Veg - Wilja potatoes 10kg new in, Moorcourt Strawberries, Moorcourt Cherries, Peaches, nectarines, bananas, oranges, Green Cabbage, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, Royal Jersey New Potatoes, Leeks, carrots, spring onions, and more. Plus..Is it national kebab
day? We've got chicken Mediterranean kebabs, piri piri chicken kebabs, beef Argentina kebabs, bourbon bbq sticky chicken wings in stock. Please order where possible but we shall have some for walk in customers. Open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday for walk ins. Call 01544 598120 email to reserve a delivery slot.
The Original Presteigne Barbers. The barber shop on Hereford Street in the town centre will be open next week starting Monday 13th July. Then on MONDAYS and FRIDAYS.
By appointment only. Please call or text SHARLENE on 07931239381.
Aardvark Books. We are open! Mr Aardvark and R are ready to welcome you for a new Aardvark experience, socially distanced Covid-safe aardvarking! We have books, greetings
cards, gifts, and also can offer takeaway coffee, tea and fresh slices - tiffin, brownie, flapjack and more- thank you to Jo Bebbington of The Loft. It’s going to be an emotional day
Workhouse Gallery & Café. Newsletter out now- are you on our mailing list? We send regular updates as things continue to change- sign up on our website to receive newsletters.
Royal Oak. This week's homemade Sunday roast offering for takeaway is shown on our Facebook page. Free delivery available within 2 miles of Presteigne in takeaway cartons or plate up slots available at the pub from 11:30am until 1pm if you wish to bring your own plates. To book and for any other questions or dietary requirements: Message us on Facebook or call 01544 260842.
The Warehouse. We are receiving lots of great donations which are quarantined for 72 hours before being put for sale. We therefore have many new items to display every day so come along and grab a bargain! Selling fast and cheap!
Sal at Wild Card Tattoos. Today the Welsh government have confirmed I am able to reopen my tattoo studio from the 27th July. See my Facebook page for full details. Hey folks, I am pleased to announce that all being well (no further spike in covid cases)the Welsh government has stated my studio can reopen on the 27th of July. I will be following government guidelines and I have a made a few changes. For those booked in before covid - there is no need to message me, I have my list of your names so I will be in touch with dates, times etc. I will continue to keep to my previous high standard of hygiene procedures, cleaning before and after every client. Please come alone to your appointments as I have no separate waiting area. When you arrive- I will be providing face masks for each client to wear. I expect you also to wash your hands and sanitise them.
Chilvers Country Store. Wellies, boots and more!! Children's and junior wellies, ladies wellies and mens all in stock! Rossi boots in stock and selling fast! Also ladies suede boots still
selling at the offer price! Something for everyone! Call in to Presteigne and see for yourself....
Spar Presteigne. Introducing our new mix & match BBQ Deal! Choose 2 meats, 2 sides and a packet of rolls - all for just £7! Pick it up this weekend. Varieties as stocked. Subject to
Yen Robinson. I am having a CLEARANCE SALE of porcelain wall lights at the 'Old School' in Lingen. 26th and 27th of July from 10 to 5 both days. There will be reduced table lamps and other smaller bits and bobs too. Disabled parking only. Its 50 yards walk from the church car park.
The Royal Oak. Positive news at last!! We finally have some indication of when we can open for service. As of next week the beer garden can be open and from the 3rd of August we
will hopefully be opening our doors fully for indoor service. Once the guidelines are digested and implemented, we do hope to open up for beer garden service sometime next week. Watch this space! As we slowly gear up for opening again, one change we can all make when visiting The Oak is entering your contact details via our QR code or the website to help with the NHS
track and trace. We will kindly ask each time you visit the pub you do so. We do hope we never have to access the information but we have to put measures in place in ase. This could potentially save a life and help deal with a possible local outbreak.Thank you and stay safe.
The Hat Shop. Good news ! We can open on August 3rd. Details yet to be confirmed. However I will be doing take outs from Monday 13th, all homemade. See Facebook page for
Hannah Lewis. I'm now offering appointments for all aspects of hairdressing in and around Norton, limited availability. If there are any Elderly or priority friends/family members that
can't get out I will do my best to fit you in and anyone else whose hair has got out of control during lockdown!! Full PPE worn and given during appointments.
Broad Sheep. The Broad Sheep July 2020 special edition is online now - click here to view.
Presteigne Library. It is now possible to order books to be picked up at Presteigne library, either by going to or calling 01597 827460 monday - friday, 9am - 5pm. You will then be given a date to collect your books on a saturday morning between 10am and midday from the library. If you are shielding, please let us know, and one of our volunteers will deliver your books to you. Please do not put returns through the library door; all books are automatically renewed and will not accrue fines, but they will get stuck under the front door and cause a hazard if returned improperly. Thank you!
Rose Cottage Flowers & Café. Lots of lovely country style flowers coming in for Carla to make in to beautiful bouquets for you to pickup or order to be delivered. Plants for indoors
and out are here too. Food orders still being taken for pickup or delivery on Friday. Great news - as we are lucky to have enough outside space the Cafe will be open outside only from Tuesday 14th July. Also, see our Facebook page for next Tuesdays menu for delivery. Let’s hope the sun
starts to shine.
Presteigne Local Food Market. A very big thank you from all of the Stallholders for supporting us yesterday. You are amazing, it was so good to see you all and be able to supply
our lovely local produce again! Thank you to those involved organising the market and meeting the requested regulations( certainly not an easy task). We were blessed with the weather, after an unfavourable forecast! A few gusts of wind on occasions when we thought we were going to experience a bit of "ballooning" with the Gazebos, but all went very, very well. Thank you all!
Small Breeds Farm & Owl Centre. Great News! You can now visit the goats and sheep in their enclosures - they can't wait for all the extra attention. See website & Facebook.
Amanda's Bread. Dear customer, If you want to place an order for delivery to Presteigne area on Saturday 11th July, please get in touch on Monday 6th July, by email to Amanda on : or phone/text Amanda on 0775 993 9526 or Julian on 0771 870 4814 (If you miss the Monday deadline, please still get in touch and we will supply
your order if we can.)
Lockdown Dhaba. Hello from Lockdown Dhaba! Our next vegetarian set menu (vegan options available ) is available to pre-order for delivery on Saturday the 18th July – please see
our Facebook page for menu details £16. Set Menu: Starter - Mumbai Bhel Puri Chaat: Main: Channa Masala; Sides: Aloo Gajar, Jeera Rice, Batura bread; Dessert: Gubab Jamun.
Ordering is open until Friday evening (10th July). You can email us directly to get your order in on We had a lots of fun preparing your food, and meeting you out on delivery. Thank you for all the love and kind words! Pip and Gurd.
The Royal Oak. Thank you to those that ordered roasts yesterday, we hope you all enjoyed. This week's menu will be posted tomorrow but we're excited to bring back Fish Fryday
this Friday. Takeaway slots available for pick up at 10 minute intervals from 5pm till 8pm. To book or for any other questions: Message us on Facebook or call 01544 260842
SPAR Presteigne. We’re on a mission to reduce our food waste. That’s why we’ve partnered with Too Good To Go: the free app that lets you rescue unsold, surplus foods from
this SPAR store. Download the app to reserve one of our Magic Bags of surprise, unsold food:
Leon’s Food to Order. Our eclectic range of delicious Spanish and Moroccan dishes are now available to order online. See the full order & collect menu on our Facebook page or
visit our website Information/order 01544 262 164.
Ian, Presteigne Barber. With a week to go before I’m aloud to start, please remember to book your appointment, bring a mask and provide contact information. To book message on
Facebook or phone 07977000741.
Elda’s. Hi Everyone. Hope you are all keeping well and safe. The Coffee House will be opening on Friday 3rd of July and Saturday 4th of July, for takeaways only. 8:30am til 2pm, serving hot drinks, sandwiches and other meals upon request. Also selling Colombian coffee grounds and beans. Any questions or if you want to ring orders through please call 01544260055.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. New beautiful slip trailed pottery from James BurnettStuart, delicious pea and mint soup on today's cafe takeaway menu, and new fair trade jewellery in from Just Trade using the amazing hand carved tagua nut - handmade in Ecuador for a fair wage.
PNCS Warehouse. OPEN TODAY !!! Opening times 10am-3.30pm. Limited to 5 people at a time. Hand sanitiser at the door and a one way system in place. We have an amazing selection of mirrors in, all types and good prices, come and take a look. Stay safe everyone by maintaining social distancing. All donations are quarantined for 72 hours. Looking forward to welcoming everyone back.
PNCS Shop. Also OPEN TODAY. There are couple of notices up that if you could read will help make the shop operate in a safe and effective way for customers and staff, hand sanitiser is available for use on entry and exit, and the shop is well stocked with lots of lovely summer clothes, toys, books, and bric a brac. Mens clothes can be found at The Warehouse. We look forward to seeing you.
Castle Ring Oak Frame. New website - new blog. Head over to read our new blog about last week's frame raising and do please stay a while to browse our brand new website!
Weobley Ash. We shall be at Presteigne Market this Saturday from 9-1. To kick off the first market we have some 9 week aged (hung for 9 weeks in our own chillers) mutton. The marbling and taste is stunning. We have chops, joints, dice, French trim racks, Barnsley chops, shoulder, bone on or bone out, mince and mint and feta lamb burgers. Card payments taken We look forward to seeing you all
Charlotte. Mobile Hairdresser. Level 2 & 3 Qualified in Women’s Hairdressing. I charge 50p per mile when travelling over 8 miles outside of Knighton. I am currently taking bookings from July 16th following government guidelines. Appropriate PPE must be worn by both myself and my clients. PPE can be provided if you do not have any. Please contact me to book your appointment. Please feel free to ask questions or ask for details about how I will follow guidelines during your appointments. Please check out my page to see pictures of my work
Rosamund about the Museum/Gallery at Whitton - this year's Museum exhibition, Gallery and classes at the Old School, Whitton will be postponed until August when we hope to be able to announce revised dates. We will be taking precautions very seriously as we would like to ensure that everyone remains safe. However, we would love to reopen for late summer, this will mean that we will need extra volunteers , if anyone is interested in History or the Arts please contact Rosamund on 01544 260777 . We may have some research positions for anyone who would like to be involved but is hesitant to take on a role dealing with the general public. We would be particularly interested to find someone Welsh speaking to help with translation.
Russell Fletcher, Presteigne Driving School. Hello everyone, bit of info for you .. driving lessons and theory tests can start again on July 4th and driving tests on 22nd July - but for ENGLAND only ...we in Wales still have to wait to get the go ahead from Welsh Government...I will be in touch with all students individually as soon as ...thanks Russ
Weobley Ash. Beef boxes for 4 £60, 5 ppl £75. Mixed meat boxes from £60. Breakfast box - sausage, dry cured bacon, eggs, beans £15. Open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday. Delivery available. Call 01544 598120 or email
Rosamund about her new Shop at 47 High St. Opening from 10.30am to 3pm on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Allowing one couple or family group at a time, Hand sanitiser for use at the door. We will be staying on until 5.30pm for people to visit by appointment. We will be using the side door as it is easier to maintain social distancing from the High St . We will be unwrapping a new selection of rugs for Wednesdays opening and have a nice selection of antique Welsh blankets and vintage cushions, sold to support the Museum. We are happy to discuss curtain orders and will be able to visit customers' homes to install, as soon as it is deemed safe.
Sarah at Slix Hair Studio. We are currently awaiting to hear from the Welsh Government on 9th July with a possible 13th July reopening date but we are currently taking bookings on 07983 355125 having been working hard behind the scenes for the last month preparing in many ways for the RELAUNCH of our fresh new look studio! Hygiene has always been paramount at Slix Hair Studio, however extra attention has be paid to the safety and relaxation for client’s visits with compulsory masks/temperature taken on arrival/use of hand sanitisers plus other guidelines given on making a booking. The staff of SLIX HAIR STUDIO are very much looking forward to getting our garden shears all oiled and sharpened in preparation for beautifying all our lovely clients from Presteigne, Norton and surrounding areas. Sarah
Message from the Mayor of Presteigne and Norton Town Council:
Recent incidents in Presteigne High Street regarding the potential temporary widening of the pavement for pedestrians due to the Coronavirus pandemic have led to unfortunate incidents of alleged physical and verbal abuse of Powys County Council employees.
I am told this matter is now in the hands of the Police so it would be wrong of me to go into any detail that might be deemed prejudicial to any potential official action. However, while the Town Council is fully aware this is a highly emotive issue it doesn't condone in any way the abuse of employees who are simply going about their daily job. After all, it wasn't their decision to put out cones – they were doing as they are instructed by their management team and to abuse those on the ground is both misguided and unacceptable.
The Town Council is very well aware of the struggles faced by many businesses on the High Street and is working hard behind the scenes to liaise with Powys County Council officials to resolve this issue.
Presteigne High Street has coped admirably during the lockdown period, through a combination of the excellent work of the volunteers outside the shops and good old Radnorshire common sense.
The opening of so-called non-essential businesses is being cited as the reason for the need to increase the pavement area and, for the businesses concerned, I sincerely hope it will lead to an increase in footfall - whether it would be enough to justify the proposed measures is one of the issues that will be debated fully when the Town Council meets on Wednesday, 8 July after which our views will be passed on to senior Councillors at Powys County Council.
Trevor Owens, Mayor, Presteigne and Norton Town Council
In order to discuss the proposed temporary changes to the High Street from the County Council the Town Council will be holding a special meeting on 8th July. Members of the public may listen to and view the meeting and details will be on the main Town Council page tomorrow. Anyone who wishes to submit views may do so via email (given the time scales) to
Presteigne & Norton Community Support. We have more beautiful sweet peas for sale, only £2.00 a bunch - part of the annual fundraiser for community transport - please put
the money through our letterbox. If you picked up sweet peas while the shop was closed and were unable to pay, please just pop the money through the letterbox now. The PNCS office will re-open on Wednesday 1st July.
Royal Oak. Takeaway update - as of next Sunday we'll be doing Sunday roast to take-away. Beef, pork, nut roast + roasties, veg, yorkshire pudding + dessert. 1 course £9 / £6
(child), 2 courses £13 / £10. We will be operating a delivery service within 2 miles of Presteigne. The roast dinners will be served in takeaway containers or you can arrange a time slot to turn up with your plates and we can plate it up for you. Plate up slots from 11:30pm till 1:30pm. The meals will be dished up and delivered cold for heating up at home when you are ready for them. For more information or to book your dinners you can message us via our Facebook page or call 01544 260842. Please leave a voice message if there is no answer as we are not always at the pub at the moment. For any dietary requirements just let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.
The PNCS Warehouse. OPENING FRIDAY 3rd JULY. New opening hours are Monday to Friday 10-3.30 Saturday 10-2. Lots of new donations, kitchen items at great prices. Why not
come and have a browse ! We have new window displays with some lovely items. Come along and grab a bargain. Our man cave has had a much needed tidy up, gardening items,
decorating and tools - lots of odds and ends - many items from 20p only. Demi-johns and glass jars now in. Many different sized glasses, stock up now, only 30p each!! Ideal for those socially distanced drinks in the garden. Vintage wicker picnic basket with two bottle holders £6, bargain! We have an assortment of exercise equipment, get fit in the comfort of your own home. Four green plastic garden chairs £1 each. Hostess trolley £10 PAT Tested. Two pine kitchen chairs, good condition, only £4 each! Our menswear section is fully stocked with jackets, trousers, shorts, shirts, t shirts and shoes. Come and find a bargain!
Richard Pitt, Presteigne Local Food Market. We’re finally back this Saturday, July 4th. 9am till 1.00. All stalls will be outside and adhere to social distancing. Any further information please message me and I will endeavour to answer your questions. Sorry to have been missing for a few months during this very uncertain time, but stall holders are waiting to
welcome back old and new customers.
Wild Thyme. It’s that time again! Latest slightly tweaked menu (on our Facebook page) for this week’s take-aways ... collection Friday and Saturday.
The Stagg. NEW TAKEAWAY MENU AND PROCEDURE. Our takeaway service will be running as normal on Friday evening, but as the restaurant reopens on Saturday there will be
some changes from then onwards. There will be dedicated parking spaces for takeaway collection at the bottom of the car park for customers who wish to stay in their cars and have
their food brought to them. If you would like to enjoy a drink before collecting your takeaway you’re now welcome to park anywhere and come into the bar. If you know you’re likely to do this before ordering, please leave a note on booking system and we will try to reserve a table for you. Order now at Our restaurant menus for re-opening will be released very shortly - keep your eyes peeled!
Weobley Ash. We have 6 parking spaces plus kerbside parking in front of store, and outside hand washing facilities for all customers. Open Tuesday to Saturday 9-4 for walk ins, call 01544 598120 or email to place box orders. Fine selection of fruit and veg, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, Jersey potatoes, root veg, cauliflower, cabbage. Beef, pork and lamb, mince, dice, bacon, joints and chicken.
Wegnalls Farm Butchery. Update!! To our lovely customers this Saturday the 4th of July we will be back at Presteigne Local Food Market. We look forward to seeing you all
Below is the link to the designs for the changes which will be implemented shortly in Presteigne High Street, to enable social distancing. This is an unprecedented time and the measures the authority is taking in towns across the county are in accordance with Government guidance and legislation, to ensure social distancing can be maintained as more stores and businesses reopen, and with the anticipated increase in footfall as and when travel restrictions are eased in the future. The work will be undertaken on 30th June and will involve the removal of the on street parking (the disabled parking bays will remain but may be relocated slightly) to establish wider footpaths on either side of the High Street. Traffic cones will define a central highway for traffic passing through the street. The two parking spaces opposite the Farmers Inn will also be removed. Please note, stores will be permitted to temporarily move the cones for deliveries - provided the public (who may be queuing in the space) are not put at any risk, and the cones are put back in place after the delivery has been made. Once this first step has been implemented the measures can be refined as required, and Powys County Council look forward to working with the County Cllr, town council and community during this process. The Town Council would like to hear the views of as many residents and businesses as possible and will discuss possible solutions at its meeting on 15th July once a trial period of the PCC measures has been completed.
Please note - for every two spaces lost on the street a parking space will be allocated in one of the town car parks and parking in those spaces will be free for one hour.
Link to map for Presteigne here.
The Royal Oak. Just a gentle reminder to those collecting beer tomorrow. It's a 3L limit per person and the vessels for filling up must be resealable! I'm afraid no turning up with your own glasses for filling up, we are not allowed to do so. Markings will also be placed on the floor to queue at a safe social distance. Please after collecting the beer vacate the area as this is for home consumption only. We have gained the relevant permissions to do this but if people don't adhere, we will have to remove the alcohol from them. Thank you for your cooperation.
Weobley Ash. Alex Gooch bread in today, fresh fruit and veg, Hereford steaks, burgers, kebabs. Cutting some great Hereford beef today, rump, fillet and sirloin. Bbq boxes to order, kebabs, chicken, pork and beef. Order if possible please, walk-in available from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday. Call 01544 598120 or email .
JP Turner. Kids Corner. Got a budding gardener at home? We have the kit to get them involved... find the children’s corner in store, which has everything your little ones need to get them started and learn about the garden! #gardencentre #gardening #activitiesforkids #shoplocal #familybusiness .
Lyonshall Nurseries. Local strawberries are here, only £2 a punnet.
Zany Lady Brocante (Broad Street). Open now Monday/Tuesday/Friday 10am to 3pm. Two people only in the shop please, with masks. Lots of interesting things, some at 1/2 price. Call 07968 842219 for information or appointment.
Ellie Mattheson (Broad Street). Open on Mondays by appointment only. Tuesday to Friday 9.30am to 5pm, Saturday 10am to 4pm. Customers 1 in - 1 out please. Thank you.
PNCS The Warehouse. We are pleased to announce that we will be opening our doors again on Friday 3rd July. Our opening hours have changed slightly and we will be open 10-3.30pm Monday to Friday instead of until 4.30pm. Saturday is unchanged 10-2pm There will be government Covid-19 restrictions and safety measures in place. The number of people in the warehouse will be restricted to 5 at any one time. All the donations will be quarantined for 72 hours before they are sold. Hand sanitiser will be at the door for everyone to use before entry and we would ask that touching items be kept to a minimum if not purchasing. We welcome all donations and look forward to seeing our customers again. The PNCS charity shop will reopen next week Friday 3rd of July. Shop hours are as follows: Monday to Friday 10am-12.30 and 1-3.30pm. This allows for a clean and restock.. Saturday 10am-12.30pm. We ask you please NOT to take any donations into the shop as they need to be quarantined before sorting. Hand sanitizer and paper towels are there for customer use, handling of goods should try to be kept to a minimum. Only one customer at a time. All procedures are there for everyones’s safety. We really look forward to seeing you again !
Chilvers Country Supplies. Longhorn and George Mudge shearing vests available in store! Large selection of shearing supplies in stock, including hand pieces, shearing machines, combs and cutters, clothing etc. If we haven't got what you are looking for, let us know and we can order it in within a couple of days!
The Salty Dog. Dear Lovely Salty Dog Customers, We are closing the kitchen next week for some essential repairs (plus the ‘old man’ needs a break). But we will be taking Ready Meal orders for the week beginning 22nd June. We will carry on with the order and collect/delivery for as long as you need to be shielding /self-isolating or just don’t feel comfortable hanging around us too long. But due to changes in the rota, e-mails will only be answered between 4pm and 6pm every afternoon. Please bear this in mind when ordering. We would like to take this opportunity to Thank You All so very much for your support (and cakes). Opening Times Monday to Saturday, 9am until 4pm. Love from The Salty Dog Team x
Food Bank. Dear Supporter of Knighton & East Radnor Food Bank, Please see the attached list of food and other essentials we currently are short of:
Tinned Cold Meat, Tinned meatballs/hotdogs/stewing steak, Tinned Fruit- not peaches please, Tinned Custard, Tinned Rice Pudding, Tinned Evaporated Milk, Cereals – child friendly!, Jam/ Chocolate Spread/Peanut Butter, Children’s snacks or treats for lunch boxes, Fruit squash, Toiletries for men & women, Deodorant, Shaving Razors/Shaving Foam, Anti- Bacterial Hand soap/wipes, Washing up Liquid/Washing Detergent.
We are always grateful for food donations, but if for the next few months, you could please avoid giving soup of any description (I have only counted the tomato soup so far & we have over 200 tins between Knighton & Presteigne FB!). Also, please, please, no more tins of baked beans ( we have hundreds!), mushy peas (in huge tins, eeek!), spaghetti hoops (would anyone like 6 catering- size tins, please?) or Longlife milk (too many to get though!). Also, a gentle reminder that we never give our friends out of date items, so please do check the use by date. Otherwise we have the problem of disposing of them. The food, not the friends! Finally, thank you for your help and support during the Covid19 emergency and for working with myself and my volunteers, in providing a “lockdown” version of Food Bank! We hope to revert to our
usual opening arrangements at the end of this month and will be asking everyone who comes into the food bank to wear a mask and to use the hand sanitizer provided. That way we will keep us all safe and well. With grateful thanks, Best wishes to you, Helen.
Amanda's Bread. We have a full range of cakes, vegan breads and pasties, and preserves available this week. Email for full list and prices to on Monday 15th June or asap for delivery to Presteigne area on Saturday 20th June, thank you.
Mark at The Real Wine Co. Make Friday a Wine Try Day. Join our online tasting. If you've already ordered, thanks, see you on Friday! If you haven't:
1. Watch our sneak peak video here
2. Then order your 12 mixed bottle Spring Tasting case here
3. Meet us (and the winemakers from around the world) online for our Friday
night LIVE tasting where we'll be opening three wines from the case week by week and
drinking them (virtually) together!
We will be recording the Tastings, so if you miss a week you can watch it on Catch-Up. Our first three-wine Friday Try-Day will start at 7.00pm on Friday 19th June, then every Friday
thereafter so, if you'd like to join us you'll need to order your tasting case by Wednesday 17th June to ensure it arrives in time. Check out the “Refer a Friend” link on the website for a £5 coupon for anyone new to The Real Wine Company when they buy, plus a £5 Thank You to you for the introduction. Refer a Friend here. Make the most of our free delivery by entering 'freeshipping' at checkout. For every case ordered we'll be making a £5 charitable donation to Captain Tom's NHS Campaign. We look forward to sharing some really lovely, summery wines with you soon. Mark, The Real Wine Co
Rose Cottage. List of sandwiches below - if you have already ordered please have a look and message me on Facebook. Still taking orders for Father’s Day with limited spaces left, £10.00 a head minimum of 2 people. Scone with homemade jam and clotted cream. Chocolate and raspberry box. Bakewell slice. Strawberry meringue. Summer fruit cheesecake. Coffee and walnut cake. Lemon drizzle cake. All homemade + a round of sandwiches on white or brown bread choose two fillings per person from the following:
Chicken and bacon mayo, Tuna and lettuce, Smoked salmon, cream cheese and cucumber , Ham, Cheese, Brie and cranberry, Roast beef, Egg and cress. All can be with salad if required.
High Street shop volunteers: just to let everyone know that we're making some changes to the hours we help manage the door queues at Spar and Premier. From next week there'll be fewer afternoon shifts during quieter periods. As ever we'll be liaising closely with the shops and keeping an eye out in case we need to revise our thinking. (The shops' limitations on customer numbers remain in place - max five in Spar; three in Premier.)
The Salty Dog. A correction to the earlier item. Please note that we are now CLOSED on Sunday. We will continue to offer an order-and-collect service for as long as people need it but with collections now on Saturday between 1 and 4 pm (instead of Sunday). The shop will be open from 9am until 4pm every day except Sunday - note that afternoons are quieter for those who do not want to queue.
Weobley Ash. £20 + £30 veg boxes in stock. Fruit and veg, Inc 2 punnets Strawberries. Rain doesn't show much improvement, so we have bbq boxes to order but Beef Boxes in stock. Grass fed Hereford beef, 4 ppl £60 5 ppl £75. Joint, dice, mince, steaks and burgers. Still have sirloin 4 for £20 fillet, ribeye and rump in stock. Order for collection or delivery call 01544 598120 or email
Deli Tinto. More cheese Gromit? Did you know we sell delicious local cheese? We stock a brilliant range of Welsh and English Cheeses. Well worth a trip to the shop to check out, never mind the moon!!! Look for Vegan or dairy free options? We have a great range available, drop in and take a look.
PBS. We are now opening again on Saturdays 8:30 - 12:30. We are still only letting 2 customers in the shop at one time due to social distancing measures. Please be patient if asked
to wait outside.
The Royal Oak. Our doors may be closed but we continue to have work done to the pub in preparation for when we can reopen. Thanks to Dave at Border Floor Restoration the bar tiles have been brought back to life.
PNCS. If you need community transport, even though the Office is closed, please note you can leave a message on the answer machine for transport appointments at the office on 01544 267961 or you can email Sharon on
Sargeants Buses. Forward planning, With the expected increase of passengers with the schools, colleges and more shops opening from Monday 15th June 2020, to make sure that all passengers are safe on all journeys across our services we will be insisting that mask or face coverings are mandatory across all journeys, failure to comply with this could mean refusal to travel on that day. Please do not abuse the drivers we are only doing as the Government has instructed.
Weobley Ash. Alex Gooch bread fresh in this morning. Tables bending under the weight - new potatoes, mushrooms, fruits, melons, caulifl ower, broccoli, bread, rolls, croissant, plums, peaches, Strawberries 2 for £5, Sirloin steaks 4 for £20, Chicken - fi llets and oysters, Hereford Beef boxes £65, Bbq packs from £45. Order for collection or delivery on 01544 598120
Wild Thyme. Collect a pre-order take-away menu from outside the shop. Order before 10pm on Wednesday (for Friday collection) and before 10pm Thursday for collection on Saturday. Collections between 6 and 7pm. Order at 07854 428668...from Slix. For any haircare needs, advice, appointments during lock down ... please call us on 07983 355125. Thank you.
Reminder on opening hours: Deli Tinto Mon - Frid 9am to 3pm, Sat 9am to 1pm (closed Sun): Post Office Mon - Frid 9am to 3pm (closed Sat/Sun) : Salty Dog Mon to Sat 9am to 4pm (closed Sun, except for pre-ordered collections)
Hat Shop. An idea for Father’s Day (on our Facebook page). I put this together today as an example of cake I could supply if pre-ordered for Father’s Day on 21st. I would need orders by Wednesday 17th and they would be ready for pick up Saturday morning. £12 each. Choice of fl avours plain, choc, lemon. 01544 260017.
Chilvers Country Stores. Wide range of pet food and bedding - including dog, cat, small animals, and fi sh. Hedgehog food now in stock! New in this week: Poultry feeders and drinkers, Household products - washing powders/liquids, dishwasher tabs, cleaning products, washing up liquid + fabric softeners. New bird feeders in stock!! Lots of plants still available. Sorry, no compost at the moment but it is expected any day! Special Offers for June include:Free box of Wagg dog treats with every 15kg bag of Dr John's Flake or Dr John's Hypoallergenic dog food purchased! Ladies seville suede boots...was £100.0, NOW - £90.00!!Come and visit our new store on the Presteigne bypass :).
Lockdown Dhaba. Our first menu is available to pre-order now! See our Facebook page. Orders can be placed until Sunday 14th June, and it will be delivered Saturday 20th June. Please email your order through to Any questions give us a shout!
The Salty Dog. Change to our opening times. We have decided to open from 9am to 4pm Monday to Saturday starting this week. We’ve also added a couple of new dishes to Leon’s Food to Order. See our Facebook page for the full take-away menu. All our meals are made fresh to order. Order from the list below on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday by 5pm and collect between 1pm and 4pm on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday Many Thanks – The Salty Dog.
Rose Cottage Flower Shop & Café. We will be offering afternoon tea delivered on Father’s Day 21st June, all homemade £10.00 per head minimum of 2 people to include chocolate and raspberry box, strawberry meringue, mini scone with jam and cream, summer fruit cheesecake, coffee cake, lemon drizzle and bakewell slice and a round of sandwiches. Thank you, Lesley.
Amanda's Bread. We have a full range of cakes, vegan pasties and preserves available this week. Please order TODAY Monday 8th June for delivery to Presteigne area "on Saturday 13th June, thank you. Email to order.
The Workhouse. See our Facebook page for our latest newsletter. Thank you all for your patience - we are eagerly awaiting the Welsh government's announcement about when we will be allowed to reopen the shop. In the meantime we are totally redesigning the space to work in this new world we live in and we think you will be pretty impressed with our efforts! We have also made some exciting additions to our webshop:
Weobley Ash. Beef Boxes £60 4 ppl, £75 5 ppl - Steaks, joints, burgers, mince, dice, all grass fed Hereford beef. Call 01544 598120 or email
Presteigne Spar. Are you looking for some baking inspiration or have a socially distance birthday coming up? Why not try our easy lemon drizzle cake? A light citrus sponge with a sugary topping, simply delicious and a firm favourite.
Presteigne Freegle. Most of our free reuse groups are open again now including Presteigne Freegle serving everyone within 15 miles of’s FREE and there are no queues! If you’re not already a member, sign up at . Freegle is an easy way to rehome unwanted clutter or to find something you need for free.
Wild Thyme. Red and yellow miniature plum and cherry tomato plants for sale at Wild Thyme.... self service of course!
Chilvers Country Store. Available now •Pet food and supplies •Agricultural supplies •Gardening supplies, compost and plants •Equine feed and supplies •Garden machinery repairs and services • Range of bird feed - peanuts, niger seed, sunflower kernels and wild bird seed all available in small bags or 20kg bags. •Animal health. Plus new plants arriving at Chilvers all the time! Compost, bedding plants, fruit and vegetables, flowers and shrubs.. pop in to our Presteigne Store on the by pass to have a look! Delivery available, call Dan: 07798928909.
Lorna’s Sandwich Shop. New salad boxes available, 5 fillings for £3.50.
Arrowfield Vets. We are now pleased to be offering clinics for routine boosters. These are currently on a priority basis, and we are calling those animals who are over due their vaccine from March/ April. If your pet falls into this category and you haven’t heard from us by the end of June please do not hesitate to get in touch. Unsurprisingly we have a fair few to
catch up on from the lockdown period, so if your pets vaccine were due in May/June please bear with us until we contact you. If you have any other concerns regarding your pets health (e.g. lumps, anal glands, lameness etc) please let the receptionist know when they call, so you can be booked in for an appropriate appointment. Remember, we are still not allowing clients in the building to adhere to social distancing rules; so please call/ ring the bell to let us know you have arrived for your appointment and a nurse will collect your animal.
Weobley Ash. Taking orders for beef, lamb and pork joints, steaks and bbq boxes. Veg & fruit boxes available from £20. For collection or delivery. Call 01544 598120 or email
BJ Roberts Garage. From Monday June 8th our forecourt opening hours will be changing, new hours will be: Monday - Friday, 9am-1pm (shut for lunch 1-1.30pm) 1.30pm-5pm. Saturday remains the same 9am - 12pm. Thank you
Presteigne Little Peoples Playgroup. Please could all parents who currently have children who attend sessions in either Danielle’s room or Sam’s room throughout the week please search and ask to join our new closed Facebook group ‘Presteigne Little People’s Closed Group’. Many Thanks.
The Royal Oak. Hello all, we hope you're well and keeping hydrated. We just wanted to keep you updated as much as we can during these tough times. There's a lot of speculation and rumour about when pubs will be allowed to open, but July 4th is looking like the earliest as it stands. Unfortunately, the likelihood of The Oak being able to open straight away is uncertain due to the size of the pub and being able to adhere to current government guidelines on social distancing safely. If we can't protect ourselves, staff and our customers then we will take the decision not to open our doors until safe to do so. Towards the end of the month, we are planning to do some takeaways once or twice a week, if there's enough interest? Sunday Roasts and Fish Fryday are on the agenda but we are open to ideas if anyone wants to suggest what they would like to see on offer? In the meantime stay safe all! We will be back to 'normal' one day.
PNCS. We are now selling Sweet Peas from our Office Doorway in Presteigne High Street. This is an annual fundraiser which supports our Community Transport Scheme (ed. which is still operating even in these Covid-19 times). The Sweet Peas are £2 a bunch - can you please pop the money through our letter box. Many thanks for your support.
Presteigne Barbers, Radnor Buildings. We hope to re-open when legally allowed to do so but currently we have no barber. Are there any Barbers out there looking for premises (already fitted out for barbering)? This could be a great opportunity considering likely demand at the end of lock down - email
Susan at Windsor Gray Antiques & Interiors. It is with sadness that I have decided to close the shop “Windsor Gray”....the business continues online @WindsorGrayAntiques on Instagram and other selling platforms. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of the lovely people who have called in the shop, customers and friends. I shall miss it have all been great fun and I have made some very dear friends....thank you all.
Victoria Fish Bar. We will be operating a one in one out system so we can adhere to social distancing therefore we ask you to please phone orders through so we can reduce the waiting time. Thank you. Phone number - 01544 260565
Weobley Ash. Please ORDER Bbq boxes in advance to avoid disappointment. This also helps us order correct levels of buns etc. £45 bbq boxes, £25 beef burger bbq box. Plus whole chicken 2 for £15 , grain fed, Red Tractor Assured, chicken oysters, fillet, spatchcock (oven or bbq). Plenty of great gammon joints and gammon steaks, all dry cured by ourselves from rare breed Welsh Pork. We have the eggs and potatoes too.. Working on the pineapple. Call 01544 598120 or email
The Stagg. Burgers are back! by popular demand - this time they’re with @haycharcuterie nduja and our bacon jam. Pork is also back on the Sunday lunch menu Email to order, or call 01544 230221 after 3pm on Friday!
Lorna’s Sandwich Shop. A polite note to all our customers - as we are opening today please note that we are only allowing one customer in the shop at a time. So to help us with waiting times we would appreciate if you could phone your order through first where possible. Our number is 01544 262727. Also we now except card payments.
Presteigne & Norton Community Support Fundraising . Sweet peas available daily from our doorway - only £2 a bunch. Please put the money through our letterbox. Many thanks for your continuing support.
ER Day Centre. See bric-a-brac table outside Day Centre. All items for sale. Please donate whatever you can. Help yourself and leave money in the honesty box. Thank you.
Lorna’s Sandwich Shop. We’re re-opening on Wednesday 3rd June ! Note. Change to opening times: Monday to Friday 9am - 2pm; Saturday closed. Thank you for your support. 01544 262727.
Victoria Fish Bar. We’re re-opening on Thursday 4th June. See our Facebook page for latest menu. Opening hours: Thursday to Saturday 12 - 2pm, 5 - 9pm. Sunday 5 - 9pm. 01544 260565.
Farmers Network. In a crisis, it's the farmers who are keeping us fed. By shopping local, you can support Wales' community farmers.
The Salty Dog. Hello Again Lovely Customers. We are counting down the time to when we don’t have to do this any more but until then here we go yet again…Do remember, those of you who are allowed out and would prefer to chose your own goodies, The Salty Dog is open from 9am until 2pm Monday to Saturday for ‘normal’ shopping and we will be VERY happy to see you.
Leon’s Food to Order: All our meals are made fresh to order by our chef, Ross McQueen & Leon. Order from the list below on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday by 5pm and collect between 1pm and 4pm on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday. PAELLAS £9.50; MOROCCAN TAGINE £7.50; SLOW COOKED SHORT PORK RIBS £7.50; ALBONDIGAS Beef & Iberico Pork Meatballs £6.50; GAMBAS PIL PIL £6.50 ;
HARRISA MARINATED CHICKEN SALAD £5.00; SIDES £2.50; DESSERTS £3.50 per portion. For a full menu or to order email Take Care. The Salty Dog Team x
Artisan Print. We are ready to start work again as soon as non-essential shops in Wales are permitted to reopen. Our Reception area is only 2m square so we will ask customers to enter the shop one at a time. We have a perspex screen on our countertop (to protect us and our customers) and there is hand sanitiser for customer’s use. We’re looking forward to seeing our customers again.
Amanda’s Breads. Dear Amanda's Bread customer, please order today Monday 1st June for delivery to Presteigne on Saturday 6th June. Various breads (email us for a full list), Cakes £1.50 - £2, Vegan pasties £2.90, Preserves £ 2 - £3. thank you. For info or to order email
Weobley Ash. New opening hours. From Monday 1st June we shall be closed on a Monday. Open from 9-4 Tuesday to Saturday. You can still place orders by email and Face Book for Tuesday delivery, Fresh vegetables and fruit will be in store Tuesday morning and we hope will keep fresher for the weekend trade. Call 01544 598120 or email to place your orders. Thank you, Weobley Ash Meats.
The Salty Dog. Good Afternoon Lovely Customers. Sorry about the lack of notice but we will be closed on Monday and Tuesday. The usual Tuesday Fruit & Veg deliveries will go out with the Wednesday deliveries on
Wednesday afternoon.
Leon’s Food to Order: All our meals are made fresh to order by our chef, Ross McQueen & Leon. Order on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday by 5pm and collect between 1pm and 4pm on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Paellas - various £8.50; Moroccan Tagine £6.50; Slow-cooked short pork ribs - various £6.50; Albondigas Romescu £6.50; Gambas Pil Pil £6.50; Harissa marinated chicken salad £5.00; plus various Salads, Sides & Deserts. Please e-mail to request full menu or to order.
Ian Wood at Presteigne Barbers. Changes ahead for my business - more details will follow soon. Watch this space!
Amanda's Bread. We have a full range of cakes, vegan pasties and preserves available this week. Please order today Monday 25th May for collection or delivery on Thursday 28th May and delivery on Saturday 30th May, thank you. Email to order.
Salty Dog. Freshly picked, delicious Moorcourt Farm strawberries ! Last day to order your fruit & veg for collection on Sunday 10 - 12 noon. If you’re ordering for delivery, please give us at least 3 days to put your order together - e-mail for our detailed order form (also for fish and Leon’s Food) - we deliver in Presteigne on Tuesday and Thursday, and to Norton on Wednesdays.
The Stagg. Visit our Facebook page to see our takeaway new menus for this weekend - email to order! Collection is available from 5-8.30 on Friday and Saturday and 12-3 on Sunday.
Presteigne Spar. We’ve lowered the prices of many essentials across our store. So think of us the next time the bread bin’s looking a bit bare or the fridge needs filling. We’re here for you and for lower prices.
Wegnalls Farm Butchery. Bank holiday weekend - Who's interested in our £25 BBQ deal!!! 2 Packs of Pork Sausages; 1 Pack of four Pork and Apple Burgers ; 1 Pack of four Beef Burgers; 1 Pack Tennesee Belly Bites, 1 Pack of Beef and Garlic Kebabs. Drop us a message with your order now!!!
Mark at Real Wine. It’s almost time for two more Friday Try-Days on Friday 29th May and Friday 5th June. A six-bottle Interim Case for £79. Price includes Two Friday nights of fun! Buy Case here. Check out the “Refer a Friend” link on the website for a £5 coupon for anyone new to The Real Wine Company when they buy, plus a £5 Thank You to you for the introduction. Refer a Friend here. Looking forward to raising a glass (or three!) with you, Mark. Email us:
Weobley Ash. **orders for the weekend **. We are closed bank holiday Monday, please order your pork, beef or chicken kebabs, bbq boxes, spatchcock chicken tomorrow or latest Friday morning for Friday pm collection or Sat delivery. Bbq box £45. Beefburger sausage bbq box £25. Sirloin steak 4 pcs £20. Beef, pork, lamb boxes £60 4 ppl (or a mix of all 3 meats) Breakfast box £15. Fresh in today strawberries and raspberries - Raspberries 2 for £3.50 - Strawberries 2 for £5 - or with cream £6.25. Peaches £1.95 punnet. Call 01544 598120 or email
Shepherds Icecream. We'll be back to Presteigne and Kington again next week with our latest specials, Elderflower Sorbet and Amarena Cherry Yoghurt. We will be driving from Hay-on-Wye via Eardisley on Friday 22nd May so if you're anywhere along that route get in touch and we can probably deliver to you too. £4.60 per 1/4 litre tub - minimum order 4 tubs for home delivery. 01497 821898.
Weobley Ash. Meat and veg boxes delivered. Beef box for 4 £60 for 5 £75. Includes roasting joint, mince, dice, steaks and burgers. Mixed meat box of beef, pork or lamb as above. Bbq box for 4 £45 Inc Chinese pork kebabs, plain pork sausage, burgers and peppered steaks. Veg and fruit boxes £20 and £30. Breakfast box, sausage, dry cured bacon, eggs, beans. All meat grass fed, native and butchered in store. To book your order call 01544 598120 or email PM on FaceBook.
Salty Dog. Good Afternoon lovely Salty Dog Customers. Please contact us to be put on the mailing list for our order form for collection or delivery of fruit and veg, and Food to Order Menu. To order, email If you would like to talk to us regarding any dietary requirements, call us on 01544 267720.
Leon’s Food to Order - all our meals are made fresh to order by our resident chef, Ross Mc Queen. Order from the list below on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, and collect on Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
Albondigas (meatballs) £6.50 - Albondigas Romesco, Albondigas Bravas Paella - £8.50 (serves two as a main course or four as tapas) Chicken & Chorizo Paella, Seafood Paella, Vegetarian Paella, Salty Dog Special Paella. Plus....Thai Green Curry £5, Spicy Chicken Wings £5, Persian BBQ Ribs £6.50, Chicken Tikka Salad £5, plus Basmati Rice, and a selection of sides and salads.
Presteigne Spar. Job Alert - Calling all Self Employed Drivers. We need some help getting our food deliveries out to customers in the local area. So we’re still recruiting for Self Employed drivers with: a full driving licence and their own vehicle and Business Car Insurance who would be able to deliver food deliveries within our community. Hit the link to find out more and to apply now!
Amanda's Bread. We really appreciate your interest and support in our baking and delivery activities as it is enabling us to continue baking during these crazy times. We do feel very privileged that we can continue to work and to you offer this service. Please email me for a full product list, although nothing is set in stone and the variety of products available may vary each week. This is due to seasonal availability, the
unpredictability of getting hold of baking supplies at the moment and just to give everyone (including us) a bit of variety. Bread and other products are available on a first come, first served basis, so we recommend early ordering. Here is the list of cakes, pasties and preserves below are available to order this week. Order today, Monday 18th May for delivery on Thursday 21st May and Saturday 23rd May. If you miss the Monday
ordering deadline, please do still get in touch but be aware that we are less likely to be able to fulfil your order. To order, email Amanda at
Cakes: Cloister fruitcake (vegan, spelt, no sugar or fat), Brownie (no gluten), sticky pear and, ginger (spelt), lemon (spelt), dark chocolate (spelt), rosy rhubarb, fruity, seeded flapjack (vegan),walnut bars
Vegan Pasties: spiced sweet potato, aubergine, chickpea and pepper, spring green, green lentil, tomato, basil and walnut, sweet potato, peanut and lime Preserves: seville orange marmalade, grapefruit and bergamot marmalade, apricot and apple chutney, rhubarb and orange chutney, spiced pumpkin chutney, medlar jelly.
Message from County Council: Advisory notice - Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) Regulations 2020 - Use of second homes and holiday lets during coronavirus lockdown
The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) Regulations 2020, as amended, have established a range of measures in response to the serious and imminent threat to public health which is posed by the incidence and spread of COVID 19 disease (Coronavirus) in Wales. These measures are enforced in certain circumstances. Enforcement is generally seen as a last resort and compliance has largely been achieved by promoting public awareness of the restrictions and what as citizens we are expected to do to comply. The response from both the public and businesses has on the whole been exceptional, with the majority of people acting in the interests of our communities, notwithstanding the extreme challenges that this can present. We are therefore grateful for the commitment and sacrifices made.
However, over the period that the ‘lockdown measures’ have been in force we have received a significant number of reports of people arriving at various properties in the County to take up occupation – allegedly in contravention of the restrictions. If correct, this risks compromising disease control measures.
Owners of a second home/holiday property in the County must understand key requirements that may relate to the use of your property.
Fundamentally, the Regulations require that no person shall leave the place that they live without reasonable excuse (Regulation 8(1)). The Regulations provide a list of examples of where it would generally be appropriate for a person to leave the place that they live, although this is not exhaustive. Significantly, travel from the place where a person lives to a second home/ holiday property is not considered a reasonable excuse and where this occurs in contravention of the Regulations, individuals concerned may be subject to a fine (Fixed Penalty Notice).
Travelling to a second home/holiday property presents a number of risks/concerns.
The Regulations further prohibit the occupation of holiday accommodation as part of a business, other than where specific authorisation has been granted (see below). The Regulations specifically state that such properties must be closed (by virtue of Regulation 4(4)).
The occupation of holiday lets, contrary to this requirement, introduces further risks and concerns:
· The risk of spreading infection increases as the number of persons travelling to and from the property increases and with the increased turnover in guests.
· If any guests have symptoms of COVID 19 disease during their stay and the household needs to self-isolate, links and support within the community might be limited.
· If any guests have symptoms of COVID 19 disease during their stay, they may be unable to remain at the property for the required isolation period (14 days from the first case exhibiting symptoms). If forced to return home, there would be a serious risk of passing the infection on to others (household members and the public) on the journey home.
· There is a significant risk of infecting the environment, surfaces, bedding, linen etc. which are unlikely to be subject to cleansing and disinfection sufficient to eliminate the virus. Furthermore, infection may occur from cases with mild or no symptoms not recognised as COVID 19 disease. This would result in a disease risk to housekeeping staff and subsequent guests.
While summarising the position as it generally applies to holiday accommodation, it should be noted that the Regulations do make provision for the use of holiday accommodation for restricted and specific purposes, where requested and approved by Welsh Ministers or a local authority. For example, businesses have been authorised to provide temporary accommodation for defined key workers. Any business currently accommodating key workers that have not secured approval are requested to e-mail the Council at To assist in implementing this provision, business owners are requested to take all reasonable steps to check that people who are asserting they are key workers validly hold that status.
For further guidance on the position as it applies in Wales see…
Powys County Council and Dyfed Powys Police are working in partnership to protect our communities and ensuring that the above requirements are observed is an important part of this work.
We know these are difficult times. However, the single most important action to stop the infection spreading, to reduce the pressure on our stretched emergency services and ultimately to save lives is for everyone to stay at home. We are urging the public not to visit Powys at this time.
Tourism is of significant importance to the economy of Powys and it is acknowledged that tourism provides vital income for many residents. Powys County Council remains committed to supporting and safeguarding tourism in Powys and looks forward to welcoming back tourists once the threat from Covid-19 has receded. We appreciate the extreme challenges faced by many of our businesses and would encourage those facing difficulty to visit our web-site
for advice on financial support that you may be entitled to. Alternatively, you can call the dedicated Powys County Council Covid-19 Helpline on 01597 826345 to find out about Grants and Reliefs, Benefits and Awards, Managing your Money and Debt Advice, and other help and support. Lines are open 9am - 4pm Monday to Friday.
Powys County Council Bulletin:
First Minister Mark Drakeford has announced the stay-at-home regulations will remain in force in Wales until the next review period in three weeks’ time (29 May). Three small adjustments to the regulations have come into force today:
o Removing the once-a-day exercise restriction – exercise will have to start and end at home and stay local.
o Allowing garden centres to open, if they are able to comply with the workplace physical distancing duty.
o Enabling local authorities to begin to plan for the re-opening of libraries and municipal recycling centres.
Figures issued by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) on the number of deaths in Powys attributed, either wholly or in part to COVID-19, as at April 24 was 56 – 25 in hospital, 28 in a care home and three at home.
Public Health Wales has today reported a further 223 new confirmed cases of coronavirus in Wales, bringing the total number of cases to 11,334, with 204 cases in Powys although the figure is likely to be much higher. Sadly, there have been a further 12 deaths of people with 1,111 for Wales and nine for Powys during the outbreak as of 9 May 2020.
Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths has announced funding for Welsh dairy farmers hardest hit by the recent exceptional market conditions as a result of coronavirus. The dairy sector has felt the immediate impact of the global pandemic with the closure of the food service and hospitality sectors. To support the sector, eligible dairy farmers who have lost more than 25% of their income in April and in May will be entitled to up to £10,000, to cover 70% of their lost income. This will help ensure they can continue to operate without impacting animal welfare and the environment.…
Powys County Council Matters -
Service update: Libraries and Household Waste recycling Centres will not open in Powys until it is safe for residents and staff, the County Council has said. Following the First Minister’s announcement, the County Council is working towards re-opening some libraries and HWRCs. However, there is a great deal of work to be done before any service resumes in Powys – no operation will open until the council is confident that measures have been put in place to minimize the risk of infection and spread of covid-19 for both staff and customers.
Mobile testing: A fifth mobile testing unit will be operated by the Armed Forces travelling around Powys. The units form part of the UK-wide response to Coronavirus and will bring testing closer to home. These units will be based in the existing Community Testing Centres in Bronllys and Welshpool, but they will also travel to locations in Newtown, Llansantffraid-ym-Mechain, Llandrindod Wells and Ystradgynlais, with a fifth due to open in Machynlleth shortly.
Key actions taken:
Business support grants - over £500 million of support has reached 41,000 Welsh businesses so far during COVID19. As a council we've paid out £39.3m of this to 3,293 businesses across Powys. Read more -
Bounce Back Loans - UK Government’s new fast-track finance scheme will provide small businesses with loans of up to £50,000. Loans will be interest free for the first 12 months and applications open on Monday 4 May.
Economic Resilience Fund – This has been paused due to receiving 9,000+ applications. This will give Welsh Government an opportunity to consider what further support businesses, charities and social enterprises need
Weddings/civil ceremonies postponed.
New internal resource. A new COVID-19 intranet portal is now available for staff and councillors. It brings together in one co-ordinated area a wealth of internal corporate announcements, information and resources about COVID-19. Check your emails and the front page of the staff intranet for full details.
Temporary mortuary facility set up on the Wyeside Industrial Estate, Llanelwedd, near Builth Wells. The temporary facilities will mean that the county can be confident that it has the capacity to provide dignity in death for the people of Powys.
New bereavement support during the Covid-19 Pandemic launched.
Additional £181k housing benefit allowance to 1,200 households.
As per UK government advice, you must stay at home apart from essential travel or you may be fined.
Testing for key roles within social services
For previous actions visit:
Please note if you are not included please let us know and you can be added. We can only publish information we are given.
The Retreat. We have taken the incredibly difficult and sad decision to permanently close our doors at our current location. As touch-based therapists (mostly) we think it will be a considerable time before we are able to work in the same way and to the same extent as we were just a couple of months ago. We will be at our current location until early July, so if you would like herbal teas, fitness aids, skincare items, etc,
these can still be purchased for collection from The Retreat. Please contact me directly on or 07816 981454. Several of the practitioners (including myself) are trying as hard as we can to adapt to the situation by offering telephone and online support, please contact us directly (full details here: I am offering: A free 15-minute chat, we can talk through the problem and I can give you
some options. If you wish, you can then book a consultation at a time to suit. You can contact me on 07816 981454 or Thank you for your support and stay safe, Very best wishes, Marian Hardiman.
Lyonshall Nurseries. We are re-opening again today. Following the Governments green light for garden centres to re-open (not that they should have closed!) we have taken the decision to re-open. We are opening on Wednesday 13th May at 10 am - 4pm. We will, hopefully, staff permitting, offer Monday - Saturday opening 10am -4pm. Closed on Sunday. As you you know it's gardening season! Please allow extra time during your visit, we will be limiting customer numbers. I know everyone is keen to get going, so no fisticuffs please! We are hoping to offer an evening during the week from 6-8pm for NHS, carers and key workers very soon. Please let me know if you would like this. It will not be a free for all, we will check! I am so looking forward to seeing you very soon. All the best, and keep safe. Simon & the Lyonshall Team. tel. 01544 340
214, see full information at
Lloyds Bank. To keep everyone safe, please only visit us in branch if what you need to do is essential. For the latest information on what you can do in-branch and step-by-step guides to help you bank online visit:
Mid Border Arts. We are continuing to keep in touch with their newsletter subscribers, if you would like to sign up, here's the link
Presteigne Spar. It's #NationalVegetarianWeek so we're going to be sharing some of our best veggie recipes you can rustle up at home. Starting with this delicious Chickpea & Cauliflower Curry, tonight's dinner sorted!
Wild Thyme. Takeaway menu time again - see our Facebook page... new risotto dish this week with wonderful Herefordshire asparagus and pancetta. Fresh wild garlic
pesto also available to order £5. Orders to 07854 428668 before 10pm Wednesday and Thursdays, for collection the following day between 6 and 7pm.
The Stagg. See our Facebook page for our hew Takeaway Menu for Friday and Saturday evening - to order email or call 01544 230221 after 3pm on both days! The Sunday lunch menu will be on Facebook tomorrow!
Weobley Ash. Fresh in vegetables and fruit, New in red Cabbage and red onions. Beef, pork and lamb, meat boxes, veg boxes & dairy. 01544 598120, email
Tickle Tots who are looking for seamstresses to work from their office in the Presteigne area - two people with sewing experience (preferably industrial but not essential) to work part-time on a self-employed basis. Safe working conditions with social distancing procedures in place. Contact Sophia on 07970 338593 or email
Spar Presteigne. Nominate your Community Champion Winner. Over the last few weeks our community has needed each other like never before and so we want to take this opportunity to recognise those amongst us who have gone the extra mile, and to thank them. So now we're asking you to nominate your community champion to win this Fevertree gift set. Here’s how to enter:
GO TO OUR FACEBOOK PAGE...(1) Comment on this post and tell us who you are nominating and why. (2) Like your comment (3) Ask your family and friends to vote for your nomination by liking your comment. The x3 nomination comments that get the most likes will win a gift set each. Giveaway closes on 13.05.20. Our staff are amazing, but we want this prize to go to someone deserving in the community, so please don't
nominate our staff to win. For full terms and conditions:
Weobley Ash. South African Boerewors, in the shop, mix of grass fed Hereford beef and rare breed welsh pork. Call 01544 598120 or email to to order. We have been closed today for computer and till training, back tomorrow (Tuesday) with a shop full of fresh fruit and veg and great quality meats.
Barbara (Sew Presteigne). We have only 130 scrub bags left. See Presteigne Life posting - please share.
Reminder from PNCS. If you start to receive hospital appointments and need Community Transport. Please do not hesitate to contact us in the normal way.
Leon’s Food to Order. All our meals are made fresh to order by our resident chef, Ross McQueen. Order from the list below on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday by17.00 and collect between 09.00 and 14.00 on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Paellas £8.50; Albondigas(meatballs) £6.50; Spicy chicken wings £5.00; Persian BBQ Ribs £6.50; Thai Green Curry £5.00; Chicken Tikka Salad £5.00; Salads £3.50; Sides
Amanda’s Bread. This week's pasties and cakes available to order for Saturday delivery to Presteigne area - email Vegan pasties - Spiced sweet potato - Spring greens, green lentil, tomato, basil and walnut. Cakes - Sticky pear and ginger - Rosy rhubarb - Cloister fruitcake (vegan) - Brownie (no gluten) - Fruity, seedy flapjack (vegan) - Walnut bars - Dark chocolate - Lemon cake - Chocolate gingerbread animal biscuits.
Chilvers Country Store, Presteigne. Compost is back in stock and selling well! Plants of various descriptions being updated daily. The shop selling gardening supplies, pet and animal feeds as well as agricultural products is open daily and operating a strict limit to people in the shop. Free delivery available. For more information please feel free to ring Dan 07798928909.
Weobley Ash. Pepper corn steaks for the bbq, quick easy cooking, in store now. Order by calling 01544 598120 or email
Wegnall’s Butchery. Our current offer is a 10lb bag of our Fresh Traditional Pork Sausage for £25.00. We offer a wide range of fresh pork which can be ordered, is butchered weekly, and we can arrange collection or local delivery. To order or for information contact us: Wegnalls Farm Butchery, Presteigne LD8 2LD, telephone 07890 392132 or 01547 540253
Bring Site. Please note that the British Heart Foundation Book Bank at the Bring Site is closed until further notice, because it is full and cannot be emptied until lockdown is lifted.
Emily George. Stretch and tone class! Starting next week via the zoom app, Thursdays at 6:45-7:15, £2 per person, please let me know if you’d like to book on! email
Weobley Ash. Bbq boxes, from £45. Pork Chinese kebabs, sausages, burgers, steaks and bread rolls. Order only, 01544 598120 or PM us
Spar Presteigne. We're open as normal for essential shopping on VE Day bank holiday. Our opening hours (normally 0700 to 2200) can be found in the About section of our Facebook page. We hope everyone has a happy and safe day at home. Thank you for your continued support.
B W Roberts, Garage. CLOSED (Friday 8th May) for the VE Day bank holiday. Open again Saturday 9am-12pm. Have a lovely weekend.
Wegnals Farm Butchery. Traditional Pork Sausages available. 10lb bags £25.00 Freshly made. Available this week and taking orders for next week.
The Hat Shop. Friday lunch will be Chicken Kiev and Black Forest gateau!
The Salty Dog. Opening Hours (for now) - Monday to Saturday 9am until 2pm; Collection 10am until 12 on Sunday; We will be open this Bank Holiday Friday. e-mail for Fruit x Veg Orders and Leon's Ready Meals. Thank you for your support and patience. Take Care and Stay Safe Loads of love The Salty Dog Team x
Chilvers Country Supplies. Our new Presteigne store (next to the Radnorshire Arms car park on the bypass) is now open for shoppers. Please note and comply with the notices posted concerning number of customers in the store at any one time, and maintain social distancing. Deliveries available. Orders/enquiries - Dan 07798 928909.
Presteigne Freegle. We will re-open freegling (with suitable guidance and safeguards) once both Powys and Herefordshire Councils re-open the Household Waste Recycling Centres. Meanwhile you can still post your OFFERS or WANTEDS and they’ll be queued pending that decision. Not yet a member of Presteigne Freegle ? Go to
The Salty Dog. Leon’s Food to Order - all our meals are made fresh to order by our resident chef, Ross Mc Queen. Order from the list below on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, and collect on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. THIS WEEKS CHEF’S SPECIAL - £6.50 (portion). Ox Cheeks Slow Braised in Rioja CURRIES - £5.00 (serve one as a main course) - Chicken Tikka Masala, Yellow King Prawn Curry, Thai Green Chicken Curry, Beef Massaman, Thai Yellow Veg Curry STEAMED AROMATIC BASMATI RICE - £1.95 ALBONDIGAS ROMESCO - £6.50 (serves one as a main course) Beef and Iberico pork meatballs cooked in an almond saffron sauce. PAELLAS - £8.50 (serves two as a main course or four as tapas) Chicken & Chorizo Paella, Seafood Paella, Vegetarian Paella.
To order please email If you would like to talk to us regarding any dietary requirements, please call us on 01544 267720
Spar Presteigne. Trust us, this dish is a corker. Mix 12 cloves of finely chopped garlic with a little oil then in a pan. Add some pepper and one big tbsp of butter. Cook for
three minutes – just make sure you don’t let the garlic go brown. Add 750ml of red wine and reduce by about two thirds – it’ll take about 20 to 25 minutes. Meanwhile, cook your
pasta al dente, just short of what the packet says. Drain the pasta and mix with the wine, adding six tbsp of butter and cook till the sauce is thick, which should take about three minutes. Serve it up with parmesan – when the kids have gone to bed!
Presteigne Repair & Skill Share. Probably a lot of us are making do & mending at the present time. There have been some good programmes on the radio too about the
importance of the useful skills which encourage renewing & reusing. Whilst we cannot at present hold what have become regular and popular sessions, when it becomes possible we will be up and running again. Our last get together was at the John Beddoes eco day, in March, when years 7/8 had a go at fixing things too. Meanwhile Repair Cafe Wales (who supported us in starting up) are branching out into online virtual repairing. They have been asking for fixers to make videos showing how to mend some items, and for feedback from fixers on why they volunteer & what sort of items have been repaired. Some of this will soon be available on their Facebook page & in time on the Website. Also of course there are lots of ideas to help on You Tube & the iFixit site. From buttons to IT, it's all possible!
Wild Thyme. Our Takeaway menu for this week includes a new roasted Salmon dish - see our Facebook page for full menu and details. 01544 267177 / 07854 428668
Weobley Ash. Suited and booted for another week, weather should be good and so will our meat packs and veg packs. Beef boxes, beef joints, burgers, sausage, bacon,
chops, bbq food, salad and veg all in store or available for delivery. Raspberries and cream sir? Don't mind if I do sir ! £1.30 each or 2 for £2. 2 punnets & tub single cream
£3.50 - while stocks last. Call 01544 598120 or email
Reminder about Post Office hours. The Post Office in Premier is not open on Saturdays, but it is open 9 am through to 3 pm on weekdays. The volunteers are reporting that quite a few people are turning up on Saturdays with packages that need to be weighed or registered, and other people on weekdays saying they didn’t bring post because they thought the post office counter would be closed at lunchtime.
.The Hat Shop. Lunches available if pre ordered from hat shop or local day centre £6 or £6.50 if within walking distance delivered. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Phone for details 01544 260017.
PNCS Presteigne & Norton Community Support. If you start to receive hospital appointments and need Community Transport. Please do not hesitate to contact us in the normal way.01544 267961 or
Bryan’s Ground. Your last chance to get hold of their Hortus Journal at halfprice - see their hortusjournal Instagram page. This Special Offer of a one-year subscription to Hortus is still available at HALF PRICE (plus postage) but the offer ends midnight local time tomorrow, Sunday 3rd May. Go to and use promo (coupon) code ‘Mayday’. Discounted price is shown at final checkout stage. New subscriptions only —cannot be used to renew existing subs. Happy gardening, happy reading. Stay safe and during lockdown enjoy the pleasures of gardening through the printed word.
Older Information -
Presteigne Pharmacy. Please note that we’re going to be closed for an extra hour at lunchtime, from 12 to 2pm.
B W Roberts Garage. The garage - just the garage not the forecourt - will be closed from Tuesday March 31st. If your car breaks down and you are a key worker needing it for work please call 01544267365 or PM on facebook. Bryn will try his best to get you up and running again. This may not be easy as many of our parts suppliers are closing too - we can but try! The forecourt will remain open as normal tomorrow (8.30-1pm,2-6pm) Saturday 9-1pm and Monday 8.30-1pm, 2-6pm. We will then be running reduced hours from Tuesday 31st. These will be 10am-4pm weekdays and 9am-12pm Saturday. We will not be closing for lunch in the week. These times may be subject to change as this is a bit of a learning curve! Thank you everyone for your patience in these rapidly changing times. #staysafe #stayhome if you can.
Lloyds Bank. We are planning to open Lloyds Bank this Friday but it will be 10am - 2pm. We hope to continue to open each Monday and Friday 10am - 2pm where we are able to. Please note however that we are only allowing 1 person into the branch at a time to stick to the 2 metre recommendation from the Government - thanks to all customers for helping with this.
Rhos Market Garden. We are inundated with requests and because of this unprecedented demand, we are sorry that we cannot take on any new orders just at the moment. Watch this space for future updates.
The Salty Dog. We have a very high demand for on-line orders to collect, so we have decided that we need to close the shop in the afternoons to be able to prepare the orders. So the shop will only be open to the public from 9am to 2pm Monday to Saturday, and for collection only on Sunday from 10am to 2pm. . Please give us at least three days notice for orders. Some changes to collection and delivery times. At the moment: Delivery Tuesday and Thursday. Collect Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday between 10am and 2pm. Normal shopping 9am to 2pm Monday to Saturday, and then the orders are put together in the afternoon. Please order 3 days in advance.
Rose Cottage Flowers Café. The menu for each week is on the facebook page. Ready-to-heat delicious meals for delivery. See Facebook page for each week’s menu. Order before 11am on Thursday for delivery on Friday. £20 minimum for delivery within 5 miles of Presteigne. Order on Facebook, or email, or call 07548519714 or 01544 260453.
SAMPLE MENU - Cottage Pie £3.95; Chicken and bacon pie £4.75; Roasted Vegetable Lasagne £3.50; Beef Madras £4.75; Chicken and Cauliflower Korma £4.75; Chickpea, lentil and
Spinach Curry £3.75; Smoked Salmon and asparagus quiche £3.50; Sweet potato and lentil soup £3.00
EXTRAS - Bag of mixed vegetables £1.00; Potato, swede and carrot mash £1.50; Onion
Bhaji 50p each; Pilau rice £1.50; Mixed salad box £2.00
Weobley Ash. Call 01544 598120 or to order for collection or delivery.
New store opening times: Instore shopping 9-1 pm, Coll of orders 1-5pm, Monday to Saturday. No admittance to the shop will be allowed after 1pm. This is in order to protect you the shopper and us and our staff. For the foreseeable future shopping will be on a order and collection or delivery service. It's far safer for us and you to use our delivery service. Please call 01544 598120 or email for a price guide and delivery schedule.Please plan meals and shopping for at least 5 days if possible to help us with stock. Grass fed Hereford beef coming through, roasting chuck, brisket and rump joints, silverside, topside, ribeye, sirloin, fillet and more. Plenty available in store (2 ppl at a time) or call 01544 598120 to order delivery. Due to increasing demand in deliveries we are creating a rough time plan: Monday- Saturday= Presteigne, Lingen and Norton, Tuesday= Leominster (and nearby areas/ areas on route), Wednesday= Knighton (and nearby areas/ areas on route), Thursday= Kington (and nearby areas/ areas on route). We advise doing weekly orders and preparing at least 3 days beforehand to ensure we can gather all your items in time. Many thanks and keep safe!
Presteigne Tyres. Following the DVSA announcement today regarding MOT Testing and also Government advice, our workshop and MOT testing lane will remain open as normal until Friday 27th March but will then be CLOSED from Monday 30th March until further notice. However we will continue to support our local community so if you are a key worker doing vital journeys or a member of the public having to make an essential journey we will be available on our EMERGENCY NUMBER - 07831 615675 to help out with any urgent vehicle issues that you may have. Please be assured that we are following Government guidelines on cleaning and sanitising all our work areas and vehicle’s in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. We thank you for your support during the last few weeks and look forward to seeing you at Presteigne Tyres again soon. Keep safe…Keep smiling. Nigel & Jackie.
Lyonshall Nurseries. ...from Lyonshall Nurseries. We are able to make home deliveries. We are asking for your patience on this. If you have already emailed us PLEASE do not send again we will get back to you. We are working with very limited staff and we can only process so many orders in a day. Unfortunately we are unable to keep up with demand. Please give us a few days and systems will be in place to speed things up. If you are emailing us, please help us, by providing us with your requirements & requests together with a contact number. This will enable us to give you a quicker response. We are in the process of having a full on-line webshop, where our plants & gardening products will be able to be purchased on-line and be provide home delivery. This will be hopefully in place by mid-April. If you would like to know when it’s up and running please sign up to our newsletter at We have plenty of basic gardening items. Compost, seed trays, labels, pots & tools. We have some good quality plants including bulbs, herbs, vegetables( limited availability at the moment, but plenty growing on!) shrubs, perennials roses, trees climbing plants etc. We are still growing our veg & bedding container plants as usual .
Keep safe, Simon and the rest of the garden centre team
Chilvers Farm Supplies - As the ongoing situation is progressing we have taken several steps to ensure the health and welfare of us and our families. We are well aware that this is a busy time and most customers are in full swing of lambing. If you need anything we are still open but to reduce social contact please can you phone ahead with your orders and we will box them up and leave them outside the shop at The Cloggie. Dan is on the road and is delivering - please speak with him and he will leave your items in a safe place on your farm. Chilvers also have pet food, horse food and chicken food available at their new Presteigne store (for delivery only) Call Dan (see number below). We thank you for your Continued support in this difficult time. We wish you and your families all the best and please stay safe. Many Thanks.
Andy Tess and Dan . Shop 01547550121 Andy 07791096941 Dan 07798928909
Carini’s Butchers: Opening hours are - Mon-Thurs- 7am-5pm, Fri 7am-5.30pm & Sat 7am-2.45pm. They have someone who will do home deliveries to the older folk. Phone number is 01544 260026. They can do bank transfer or cash or cheque on delivery.
Alex Gooch : UPDATE 31ST MARCH - Alex Gooch baker, "Having discussed it at length and listened to feedback, we have taken the decision not to participate in our usual Presteigne Market tomorrow, nor at any other markets until further notice"
Mark at Real Wines. APC couriers have advised that they are still able to deliver wines, but other, more essential deliveries will take priority. In practice this means it may not be next working day delivery, but 2 or 3 days. Simply type freeshipping in the discount box at checkout and the delivery charge will be knocked-off your order. Place an order now. Thanks for being great customers and friends.
Emily George: Need to get the family up and dancing? Emily George, a local fitness instructor is posting videos etc on her facebook page – EG Fitness and Dance.
Premier. Please note new opening hours for the Post Office Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm (weekend closed). In the shop, please help us by - only 3 customers at any one time - restrict your visit to
7-10 minutes - avoid touching any items you are not buying - note we cannot accept any returns or exchanges in the current circumstances. Thank you for your support.
Presteigne Building Supplies. Closed 24th March until further notice.
The Workhouse Gallery & Café. After a week to catch our breath and fully take in the situation, we have decided to extend the closure of the Workhouse Gallery to our website sales. While not officially required to do this, we feel this is the responsible course of action: helping to slow the spread of the virus by not adding more pressure to the UK delivery network. How will this work? This means that for the time being, we will not be fulfilling any orders. You will still be able to place orders online and they will be processed as soon as we resume operations. If you need to get in touch: Please email -, which is being checked regularly. Unfortunately, we will not be able to answer phone calls during this time. For now: We hope all our customers can appreciate why we've done this, and we look forward to opening again in the near future. Going forward: The Workhouse Gallery is a family-owned business and part of the vibrant community of Presteigne. We are keeping our employee’s jobs safe; utilising the furlough offered by the government to help everyone get through this difficult time. We would like to reassure our customers that we are in a strong position come back fighting fit when this is all over and, in the meantime, we are using the time to think about the future and reinvigorate our creative process. Keep in touch: If you are not already receiving our email newsletters - make sure you sign up on our website: We wish you and your families well, The Workhouse Team.
Leominster Pet Centre: We are delivering in Presteigne area. Please tag anyone in surrounding villages or towns that may want something dropped to them. Take care all. #stayhome #keepsafe #leominster_uk #delivery #smallbusiness #hereforyou
Co-op Stores (Kington & Knighton). As always, we're committed to giving you the best possible service. With demand higher than ever, we need to give our colleagues time to replenish stock, so we can continue giving customers and the community everything they need when we reopen each morning. Additionally, we want to encourage members to stay at home as the government has suggested and only shop for essentials.Therefore our store opening hours are changing to 7am-8pm. However, our petrol stores will remain open until 11pm.
Wild Card Tattoos, High Street. Wild Card Tattoos is currently closed until further notice following government guidelines. All deposits that have been paid will be held until I am able to reopen again. Please message their fb page or call 07852111963 if you have any enquiries.
Wild Thyme. Hi everyone! Just updating the pre-order takeaway menu from Wild Thyme Italian, Presteigne with the addition of a tasty Fish Pie 07854 428668.
Presteigne Post Office. Please note our current opening hours are 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday (closed Saturday/Sunday).
The Retreat: Available for collection or local delivery from The Retreat. Exercise, training, yoga, pilates equipment- mats, resistance bands, foam rollers and massage balls.
Full range of Silvan Skincare - Cleanser, Face Oils, Creams, Body Oils and multi-purpose balms including, Mama’s, Muscle, Rescue, Sleep and Radiance. Muscle, Skin and Relax Bath Salts 1kg and 2kg sizes available. Locally produced soap, shaving balm, conditioners and shampoo bars from Wild Sage. Elsa’s natural deodorants. Please email - these can be ordered for collection or local delivery.Marian at The Retreat. You can now have Online consultations for aches and pains with massage therapist Marian Hardiman from The Retreat. After a period of adjustment, Marian is available for support with aches and pains again! It looks a bit different, but she can offer quite a bit on-line. Firstly we would have a free 15-minute chat, where we can talk through the problem and I can give you some options. If you wish, you can then book a consultation at a time to suit. This would take place via Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp. Cost £25 per session. (You don’t have to download software, just follow a link). During the consultation, I can refer to the notes that I have already for you or if you are a new client I can take a case history, make an assessment and offer a plan. I can then give: *Specific self-care advice *A home exercise routine via online videos or emailed instructions. *Self-treatment techniques. *Suggestions for adaptations to movements. You can contact me on 07816 981454 or Best wishes, Marian.
Marian at Silvan Skincare. Award-winning Presteigne based Silvan Skincare is offering free delivery and gift wrapping. We offer a range of nourishing and soothing products for face, lips and body including oils, creams and balms. Leaping Bunny certified cruelty free and Vegan Society registered balms. Silvan Skincare can be ordered online and delivered for free to UK addresses. We also offer gift wrapping for Easter presents or self-isolating treats. Order from the website here: or arrange collection in Presteigne by emailing
Message from Chief Constable Mark Collins. The pace at which the situation has unfolded has been unprecedented. Our communities arebeing asked to live in a way which they are likely never to have experienced before, and we hope the majority are complying with the Prime Minister's instruction to limit movement and time outof the house.We take pride as a service in the relationship we have with our communities and you as ourpartners who represent our communities in your local areas. You are very important conduitsbetween us and our communities.I am confident people will follow the stringent, but very necessary measures that the Government have put in place, but for those who will not follow themeasures, we will utilise the existing powers we have, as well as any additional powers as they become available to us. I am extremely proud of the work that has gone into the planning around this operation and the commitment shown by my staff.I ask our communities for their support too, and with that, I'm confident that together we can get through this. Now is the time for us all to pull together.
In response to the situation, we are adapting our current patrol plans, and targeting them in line with the UK Governmentguidelines. Daily patrols will be conducted and will include keylocations such as supermarkets, food shops, pharmacies, parks,GP surgeries, and petrol stations/shops. Obviously our staff andthe public's health is paramount, therefore they'll be practicing social distancing guidelines (2m rule) with people whereverpossible. Officers will also have their Personal Protective Equipment for use when appropriate. Dynamic patrols aimed at engaging with, and where appropriate challenging, gatherings of more than two people will also take place at areas known to be associated with ASB, and local parkswhere open etc.
Residents warned not to fall for scams amidst the Coronavirus pandemic
We are facing a time of unprecedented uncertainty, with many of us anxious about how the Coronavirus pandemic will affect us for the foreseeable future. It is at times like this, as we search for information and answers to our questions, that we can be vulnerable to scammers, who unfortunately look to take advantage of the situation for personal gain. Powys County Council would like to remind residents to remain vigilant against such behaviour. Here are just a few that you should be aware of. Although there is a huge amount of community spirit and camaraderie at this time, scammers have been known to take advantage of this and knock at your door claiming to offer help.
Some individuals are posing as door-to-door coronavirus testers or from the Centre Disease Control wanting to ask questions, in order to gain entry to people's homes. Nobody, and specifically not the NHS nor the police, are conducting such tests or questionnaire. If anyone attends your property and claims to be conducting such tests, please call the police on 999.
Other scams involve phishing emails from people pretending to be a trustworthy organisation. Pease be aware of various emails containing links which them prompt you to divulge personal information such as login details, bank details, etc - NEVER give these details out, however legitimate the email may seem.
-Don't click on links from email sources you don't know - this could result in a virus being download onto your computer or device.
-Watch out for emails claiming to be from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or experts saying they have information about the virus.
-Ignore online offers for vaccinations - these are false.
-Do your homework when it comes to giving donations, whether through charities or crowdfunding sites. Don't let anyone rush you into making a donation. If someone wants a donation in cash, by gift card, or by bank/money transfer, don't do it.
-Emails claiming to be from the government offering tax rebates to support people throughout these unprecedented times are doing the rounds, the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) has confirmed. The emails, which look official, inform the recipient of the rebate amount and request they click a link to receive it. Recipients are then asked personal details, including their credit card number and address. These details allow the scammer to take money directly from the recipient's bank account.
There are also reports of several 'coronavirus update' apps, which claim to provide updates on the virus. These fake apps contains a form of 'ransomware', named CovidLock, which upon downloading, locks the phone and displays a message demanding that the user pay a sum of money to unlock it. These apps are available to download from various unofficial websites. Phone users are advised to only download apps directly from the Apple Store, or Android Play Store as these are safety checked by the platforms.
If you would like to stay up to date with trusted news and advice on the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, check for updates from Public Health Wales, Welsh Government and the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Rogue traders have also been found to be selling counterfeit hand sanitiser and medical equipment, and, although not yet in the UK, other countries have reported illicit sellers offering counterfeit COVID-19 test kits. Please be weary and only by products from a reputable source.
Cllr James Evans, Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Housing and Regulatory Services said: "This is a worrying time for us all, and although our intention isn't to add to people's anxiety, we want to make sure our residents are fully informed of any potential scams doing the rounds at this difficult time.
"Unfortunately, there always seem to be a few people who look to take advantage of people at their most vulnerable, but thankfully these individuals are in the minority. It is heartening to see, that despite the uncertainty communities are rallying together to support one another through this crisis.
"All we ask is that you remain vigilant. Remember, if something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't, so don't take the risk."
If you require any advice or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the council's Trading Standards team on 01874 623420, 03454 040506 or
Given the announcement by the Prime Minister at 8.30pm on 23rd March the Town Council has made the decision to close the Hereford Street public toilets for the foreseeable future from tomorrow (24th). This decision has been made in order to protect both members of the public and contractor staff working on the premises from the risk of infection.
Went's Meadow will, in line with Government advice, remain open to allow residents to take exercise. Please do keep at least the required minimum distance of 2m apart. Do not meet friends there - it should be used for exercise only. Note the Multi Use Games Area and Outdoor Gym should not be used.
Powys County Council has issued information on help available, advice etc for those affected. For full information please click here.
Silia Wood - The Slough, Presteigne: Do you walk in Silia and appreciate the beauty of this local amenity? The site is run by the Woodland Trust and the Trust is happy to accept donations for benches on the site. If you are looking to site a bench in memory of a loved one please get in touch with them to discuss -
Congratulations to Cllr Deb. Davies who was co-opted on to the Council in January 2020.
Thanks to Cllr Bennett for converting the former information plinth at Lower Went's Meadow into a small seat.
New bin on site to help users reccyle whilst out and about at the Meadow. Thanks to Cllr. Baynham for arranging delivery of the bin and for getting the County Council to agree to empty it as needed.
The Council budget for the coming financial year has now been set at £70,888. This increases from £69634.33 in 2019-20. The Band D precept payment has increased from £54.14 to £55.00. The full budget can be found on the Council Accounts page.
Following the initial Climate Change Public Meeting on 9th October 2019 interested parties were invited to a follow up meeting arranged by the Town Council.
Thanks to all who were present for your time in attending the meeting.
Since the October meeting the Town Council climate action working group has done more research and taken guidance on how the town council can assist in tackling the climate emergency.
In our role as Town Council, we have drawn up an action plan. Part of this action plan is to ensure we put climate at the top of decision-making and actively communicate climate related matters to the community of Presteigne & Norton.
At the meeting the Town Council presented suggested climate action ‘headings’ and the current groups that are working under those heading. (please see attached list)
Following discussions during the meeting several ideas of community projects emerged which can now be taken forward by interested parties with support from the Climate Action Working Group.
These projects are:
Communication: Developing channels of communication to ensure the wider public are aware of projects that are going on and areas where they can get involved if they want to including actions they can personally take to help. This is something everyone could be thinking about and we can all feedback ideas. Sally Butler has created a Presteigne Climate Action Facebook page please join and share.
Education and liaising with schools: Cllr Lisa Veary to form a group to plan a day in schools on the 4th March centred around the environment.
Community Composting: A proposal has been put forward and is supported by Presteigne Plenty and PACDG
Tree planting: Cllr. Rose Bamford is looking for land to make a tree nursery as a starting point and talking to local land owners about land available for tree and hedgerow plating. She will invite anyone interested to a planning meeting in the next few weeks.
Hedgerows and verges: A group is working closely with the Town and County council on this. The County Council have provided the TC with a map of suggested areas that can be managed to increase biodiversity.
Community energy production: Cllrs. Kirkby and Smith are exploring the possibility of creating a town solar farm supplying energy for the town and raising revenue for further environmental projects.
Dark Skies: Dark Skies have been working with the Town Council, a local resident, the Spaceguard Observatory and lighting company, Dark Source to make Presteigne the first Dark Skies Community in England and Wales. Dark Skies lighting uses less energy than conventional street lighting. The intelligent lighting has been professionally designed to produce maximum amount of light where needed with the minimum number of lights. The next stage of the project is an initial trial to demonstrate the concept. A crowd funding site has been set up and a video made to explain the project. So far it has raised £1500 but needs to raise more to demonstrate the community commitment. If you or anyone you know, would like to contribute the address is…
Transport: A few people put down an interest in transport on the list maybe that is an area that people could investigate and come back to the next meeting with some ideas?
It would be useful for the next meeting each project could feedback where they are and come with specific ideas about what help/skills they may need and how others can get involved if needed.
The Working Group will then plan a day/weekend to present these projects to the town alongside actions and ideas that individuals can do themselves.
Please bring or e-mail ideas of things that we can communicate that individuals can do and what impact it could make.
Next meeting date: 12th February 6pm Assembly Rooms
At the meeting on 15th January, 2020 Members agreed a total budget of £70,888 up 1.6% from 2019-20. This will result in a precept of £55.00 per year for a Band D property. New projects for the year included Website Improvements £500.00, Climate Crisis Project Grants £1000.00, VE Day Anniversary Celebrations £500.00, Sheep Music Event £500.00, Wildflowers/Bulbs/Verges/Roundabouts £500.00, Street Lighting/Dark Skies Project £750.00.
Transport for Wales are currently managing the reissue of free bus passes across Wales.
Here’s an update on the renewal programme being managed on behalf of all 22 local councils in Wales.
There are currently around 750,000 bus passes in Wales and the current green coloured cards will all expire on 31 December 2019 and not be accepted on buses. Since September we’ve been raising awareness of the changes, and already we’ve received 450,000 applications. With the deadline now fast approaching we’re keen to promote the changes as much as possible to ensure we reach as many people as possible and provide time for people to reapply and receive their new-style cards before the end of the year.
Cardholders can either reapply online at or by paper, which they can download via our website or pick up a copy from their local council. They can also request a copy in the post by calling our helpline 0300 303 4240.
The new cards offer the same travel benefits for 60s and over and eligible disabled persons.
There are also ‘How to videos’ available (English) (Welsh)
English -
Welsh -
Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, Section 116
Notice of Co-Option
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Presteigne and Norton Town Council intends to Co-opt one member to fill the vacancy that exists in the office of Councillor for the Presteigne Town Ward of Presteigne and Norton Town Council.
Expressions of interest are being sought from members of the public who meet the following qualifications and are interested in representing their community on the aforementioned Community Council. You must be a British, Commonwealth, Irish or a European Union citizen and be 18 years of age or over; and meet at least one of the following criteria:
registered as a local government elector for the area named above; or
during the whole of the last 12 months occupied as owner or tenant land or other premises in the community named above; or
your principal or only place of work during the last 12 months has been in the community named above; or
you have during the whole of the last 12 months resided in the Community or within 4.8 kilometres of it.[1]
If you wish to be considered for co-option for the vacant seats(s) or want more information regarding the role of a Town Councillor please contact the Proper Officer, Tracey Price, Clerk to the Council on/at -
Telephone: 01547 528575 Email: by 31st December, 2019
[1] Certain people are disqualified from standing, and these include paid officers of the community council, anyone subject to bankruptcy restriction orders and those subject to recent sentences of imprisonment.
Polling Information for General Election: Due to the Presteigne Pantomime in the Memorial Hall please note that the polling station for the general election will be the British Legion Club, Hereford Street.
The Town Council continues to work towards maintaining the current opening hours and services at Presteigne Library, stressing the need for budget cuts to be applied equitably across Powys libraries and resisting the possible closure of our branch library. It has also started a campaign to ask Welsh Government to remove business rating from library premises and this was recently taken forward by the body representing Town and Community Councils, One Voice Wales, which will now lobby Welsh Government for the change to be made. If successful this will provide sizeable savings on the budget for Presteigne Branch Library and help ensure its future.
The Town Council would like to encourage all residents to use the library - join so you can borrow books, download free e-books and e-magazines and free audio books. The better the usage and visitor figures the stronger the library position in the future. Latest book titles can be ordered in the branch or online and collected at the Branch when available and there is access to public computers and printing facilities too.
Link to the results of the consultation below -
Join us in stopping light pollution and helping transform Presteigne into the first Dark Sky Community in England and Wales!
The lighting industry has rapidly grown over the last century, bringing towns and cities to life, celebrating architecture and providing visibility at night. However, today we also need to face the impact of human-made lighting on the natural environment. Are we challenging ourselves enough and think creatively about how to tackle our contribution to light pollution? Are we are part of the problem or the solution? How can we take action?
This project aims to put lighting design at the forefront of transforming a town into the first Welsh Dark Sky Community using intelligent and sustainable lighting technology. Presteigne is ready to lead the way, now we need committed donors and innovative manufacturers to help deliver. You can make a real difference by showing your support to Presteigne.
There is currently a vacancy due to the resignation of Pam Linnett. See attached notice here.
Launched on 15th October - #UnderstandingWelshPlaces – a website that will tell you all about your town. It’s got data about employment, schools, shops and much more, all at town level. Check it out here:
Congratulation to the successful candidate Pete Smith from Stapleton.
Link below to the film made by the Project with current Mayor Trevor Owens. Both the Presteigne and Norton Memorials received funding from this project with the remaining balance being met by the Town Council. Thanks to the Project for it's assistance with the work carried out.
Update on Orchard Corner Dental Practice in Knighton
As you may be aware, Orchard Corner Dental Practice in Knighton has made the decision to close later this year.
Whilst this is primarily a private practice, they held a small contract for the provision of NHS services for children and we are currently assessing the options available to provide continuity of service for NHS patients.
Our most immediate priority is to ensure that patients continue to have access to an emergency dental service, and this is being established as a priority whilst options for a local routine dental service are identified and assessed.
In the first instance patients requiring urgent care will be offered treatment in one of the emergency general dental services clinics in across Powys. This includes our clinics in Newtown and Llandrindod Wells (please note that the Llandrindod Wells emergency general dental services clinic is temporarily located in Builth Wells).
Access to the emergency dental service will be through the existing emergency dental access pathway, by dialling 111.
The Town Council is delighted to announce that it has secured funding for a zip wire to site at the Wilson Terrace Play Area. Funding of almost £10,000 has been provided by National Lottery Awards for All. Town Councillor and former Mayor Colin Kirkby has for some time wanted to replace the previous aerial runway (zip wire) and Town Councillors agreed that this was their top project for which to secure funding this financial year. The aerial runway will be sited at Wilson Terrace with the kind permission of Powys County Council. Thanks go to Cllr. Beverley Baynham and officer Steve Gealy for their willingness to work with the Town Council on this.
At the September meeting Peter Smith was selected to fill the vacancy left by Simon Dixon. Five candidates put their names forward and the Council was pleased that there is interest in joining the Council. Cllr. Smith will attend his first meeting in October.
The Bracken Trust has secured Big Lottery funding to offer cancer support services in Knighton on the first Monday of each month. A large number of people from Presteigne have accessed their services in the past and they hope that by bringing them to Knighton this will make them more accessible to the people of Knighton, Presteigne and surrounding areas. The services at Knighton are based in the Community Centre and offer trained nurse, complementary and counselling therapy to anyone affected by cancer. Patients, carers or those who have experienced a cancer related bereavement are welcome to attend, free of charge. If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact Senior Nurse, Helen Davies. They will next visit Knighton on Monday 1st July 2019 from 12-4 .
Contact Helen Davies 01597 823646
Elected at the meeting held on 15th May 2019 were: Cllr Trevor Owens - Mayor and Cllr. Fiona Preece - Deputy Mayor.
Garden waste banks at community recycling sites in the county are to be removed over the next two weeks, Powys County Council has said.
The banks from 35 community recycling sites are being removed now that the council has introduced its fortnightly kerbside garden waste collection service.
To sign up to the new fortnightly garden waste collection service all you need to do is or call 01597 827 465.
Cllr Phyl Davies, Cabinet Member for Recycling and Waste, said: “Green waste banks at community recycling sites are unique to Powys but unfortunately they have been open to abuse by both fly-tippers and commercial gardeners. “We appreciate that the loss of the garden waste banks will require some adjustment from the community however we anticipate that the new kerbside service will increase the amount of compostable garden waste that we collect, provide a more convenient service for residents and also realise a saving to the authority.”
Those householders who do not wish to participate in the new service are able to continue to use the council’s household waste recycling centres or compost their green waste at home.
Pruning on Went's Meadow this Sunday 24th February at 10.30am. If you can spare an hour on Sunday morning (from 10.30am) it would be great to see you. We’ll be shown how to prune by Dani Davies of Skyborry Cider so no previous experience is necessary. If you have secateurs or a pruning saw bring them along. Look forward to seeing you there (Went’s Meadow trees down by the allotments).
At the meeting held on 16th January the budget for the coming financial year was set at £69630.00 an increase of £1621 from 2018-19. This will result in a Band D Council Tax resident payng £54.14 to the Council via their Council Tax. This is an increase of £1.09 per year from 2018-19.
Th outdoor gym installation was officially opened on 27th October by Town Mayor, Cllr. Kirkby. Thank you to all who attended and to Helen Bithell, Personal Trainer, who advised on the use of the equipment.
Outdoor Gym: The Town Council is delighted to announce that its application for funding for an outdoor gym on Went's Meadow has been successful. Thanks to the Big Lottery, #NationalLottery, for funding and to all those who voted to choose the items of equipment for the grant application.
A further site meeting will now take place with the contractor to agree a final location and the equipment will then be ordered.
Community Building, Went's Meadow, Capital Grant Success: The Town Council is pleased to announce that a recent application to the Powys County Council Community Regeneration & Development Fund has been successful and £15,000 has been awarded towards the cost of the new community building project on Went's Meadow.
PACDG have compiled a list of meeting places available in the area. Please click here for full list.
Welsh Government has appointed an independent panel to carry out a review of the Town and Community Council sector. Local Councils across Wales are being asked to host pop in sessions in their communities. The Town Council will be holding a session on Thursday 24th May from 2pm to 4.30pm in the Memorial Hall. Please call in to leave your comments or to chat to the Town Clerk and Councillors.
If you cannot make this session you can submit your comments direct to the Panel online at
For latest information please click here to see the newsletter from Powys Teaching Health Board.
Plans for some outdoor gym equipment on Went's Meadow are developing. The attached picture shows the possible equipment, four core items with a further four to be added from the choices given. Your views are important so please let us have your choices please comment with your choice (1b, 2a, 3b, 4a etc). Full details available in the town library from next Tuesday.
This project will be grant funded and will only go ahead if applications are successful.
Sunday March 4th from 10.30 AM - ‘Pruning Workshop’ on Went’s Meadow orchard. Bring your own pruning saws, loppers and secateurs. All welcome.
High Street Sewerage Problems: Update from Welsh Water 31st January, 2018 - the sewers have been cleaned and cctv cameras have not revealed any repairs needed. Odour loggers are now in place to record instances and will stay in place for three weeks to try to identify a pattern and from that what might be causing the problem. Welsh Water are keen to receive reports of any further instances - please phone 0800 085 3968 (24 hour line) to report.
Town Council budget set for 2018/19 at £68,009. This will mean an annual payment of £53.05 included within the Council Tax bill for a Band D property. An increase of £2.05 per year or slightly under 4p per week. This is an increase of 4% on 2017/18.
The Town Council has ben appraoched by Sheep Music to consider a Community Building on Went's Meadow and would like to seek your views on this.
Click here to view the full proposal and see the plan and designs.
This is a brief outline of what we are proposing as a possible Presteigne and Norton Town Council project with support from Sheep Music to build a permanent events venue on Went’s Meadow.
For years Went’s Meadow has been used as a location to hold community events such as Sheep Music and the Carnival as well as one off events and performances. On most occasions the group involved has had to rent marquees and other equipment such as staging and flooring to put on these events. Our proposal is to build a permanent structure to replace the need to rent some of this equipment and to encourage more community based events down on the field.
Since it's inception, the design of the barn has been changed and refined based on speaking with events organisers, builders and community leaders. We have discussed extensively the location, orientation, construction and aesthetic of the building to come up with what we feel is a well considered plan.
The proposed barn is a 15m x 14m space comprising of a 15m x 8m main structure modelled after old fashioned dutch barns commonly seen in the surrounding area with a 3.5m wide lean-to at the rear and 2.5m cantilevered lean-to on the front. We have tried to maintain the appearance of a traditional barn on the outside of the building with more of a sense of a theatre on the inside.
The idea is to provide a structure that will be open and exposed when not in use so as not to create a hideaway for loitering trouble makers and will be able to be closed up for events to keep the weather out. This will be essentially possible because of the sliding doors which will be locked open when the barn is not in use and closed up when it is.
The vast majority of the structure stands over 12ft high on columns to keep it out of reach of vandals and the lower down walls will be very solidly built and not provide purchase to climb higher up the structure.
The barn is oriented towards the play park to strike a balance between maintaining a connection with the existing small barn which would likely be used for catering, bars etc. at events, keeping the open side of the barn out of the prevailing wind from the west and pointing the event noise away from nearby houses I.E. aiming for a corridor between the houses on Wilson Terrace and the new development on Knighton Road.
We will also run a supply of electricity into the barn to power lights, sound systems and any other equipment needed for events.
There are more detailed drawings available if you would like to see them.
The plan is for the barn to be built by the community. We have talked to lots of people in the community willing to help, from experienced builders to enthusiastic amateurs.
We will organise a schedule of build days and rosters of volunteers to complete the project. We have already been offered some assistance with loans of tools and resources and will be able to get a better sense closer to the start of the build as to how much equipment we will need to rent or borrow.
This is still in its early stages but we are starting to put together a plan of how raise funds to pay for the barn. We will be asking local groups such as Sheep Music, The Carnival, Mid-Border Arts, Presteigne Festival, The Town Council Etc. for donations. We are also looking at grants and funding for this kind of project and are in the beginning stages of putting together a crowd funding scheme aimed at local people who will feel the community will benefit from the barn.
We would like to propose that funding for the barn is over seen by the Town Council as they seem to be the better equipped of the two organisations to deal with _the budget.
Details of the cost break down as it currently stands are detailed later on in _this document
The primary aim of the barn is to make putting on community events on Went's Meadow easier. We have a lot of experience of putting on events down on the field and have a good sense of what could be improved and made easier.
The barn should be made available to anyone wanting to put appropriate events on for the community and should be available to use essentially for free but if an event is a success and makes enough money we would encourage the organisers to donate to a fund for the barn's upkeep.
We would like to propose that the barn be adopted by The Town Council as part of the whole entity that is Went's Meadow. Again of the two organisations The Town Council seems better equipped, being the land owners and the more long running of the _two organisations.
The proposal was announced through the following channels
1. A promoted Facebook post on the Sheep Music Facebook page
2. On the Sheep Music website
3. Printed posters and architectural drawings put up at the proposed site
4. Direct email correspondence with local groups
5. The Community Groups Fair on 28th October
Sheep Music paid for a promoted post on Facebook
Which means that Facebook promoted the post to lots of people in and around the area for 3 days
The post was also viewed by people already friends with Sheep Music on Facebook
All in all the post has reached 7881 people and has been liked by 210 people
It has been shared 28 times
And received one comment of ‘This is such a fantastic idea!’
The detailed proposal and drawings are on the website and printed out and stuck up in the small existing barn.
Presteigne Festival Producer
“We at Presteigne Festival keenly support the proposal for a Community Barn on Went's Meadow. This would be a completely new type of venue for the town and area, not replicating any other available. It would offer us the chance to extend the type of event we could programme.
Presteigne Carnival Organiser
“We have our next carnival meeting in January, and I will take the plans, etc to the meeting. In the meantime, without having yet discussed with the committee, I think this is something we should get involved with, and thank you for including us.”
We took a model of the barn and a copy of the latest drawings to the fair on the 28th October and talked to lots of people all day.
The response to the barn was almost universally good. Of the comments collected in the comments book they were all good.
Especially positive response from Paul Newman who is a local Tai Chi teacher and would love to have a place like the barn to go to to practice Tai Chi.
One person (unfortunately didn’t catch his name) was worried about vagrancy but thought the design of very open sides worked well to mitigate those problems.
Two people have contacted Sheep Music to discuss the barn proposal.
They have both expressed a positive response to the proposal but have reservations about what it will mean for the field moving forward.
The main reservation they both have is of more use of the field for amplified music concerts. Sheep Music’s position on this is basically that we have no say about who gets to use the field and this is ultimately a Town Council issue so we would pass their concerns on. The question of how the maintenance of the barn will be funded was raised. We are proposing that any community group that uses the barn and makes a profit from their event donate money to a fund that will be held in trust until it is needed. It was also asked if there would be increased vehicle traffic on the field which we don’t envision being significant in any way.
And will Sheep Music be responsible for the barn after it is built which the answer for is no. This project started by some members of Sheep Music but the ultimate plan is for the project to be adopted by the Town Council. Sheep Music are more of a support group for the project.
There has also been some email correspondence with organisers who have put on events on the field before as well.
They have all been very positive about the proposal but some people had concerns regarding the position of the barn and felt it was too close to existing barn and the landscaped stage. They felt it should be further down the field and pointing directly west to open up the field for larger events. At the moment the position of the barn is still proposed to stay where it is but the position will be discussed again at future meetings.
We have had corresponded and collaborated on the design with lots of people who run events in the area and local builders that will hopefully help to build the barn if it goes ahead.
Outdoor Gym
The Town Council is considering applying for a grant to site several outdoor gym items near to the tennis court/scout hut. It has investigated possible items and layout and pictures are on the Town Council facebook page. The Council welcomes comments on this idea. Please email the Clerk at to make your views known. Note that if grant funding is not obtained the project is unlikely to go ahead - it is not at present intended to fund this direct from the Town Council budget.
Waste and recycling collection rounds to be improved -
Waste and recycling collection rounds in the county will be improved to make it a more efficient service, Powys County Council has announced.
The council’s Cabinet yesterday (Tuesday, October 10) gave the go-ahead to optimise the household waste and recycling collection routes to make them more efficient and to meet proposed savings targets.
Although the council will optimise the routes, it will continue to collect waste and recycling five days a week, maintaining the current working pattern. However, the improved routes will mean that collection days for the majority of householders will change.
The council will continue to collect recycling and food waste on a weekly basis and residual waste every three weeks from 7.30am on collection days.
Cllr Phyl Davies, Cabinet Member for Waste and Recycling, said: “Given the numerous service changes that have occurred since the existing rounds were rolled out, they are not considered now to be as efficient as they could be. It is only right that we look where we can make improvements.
“By using route optimisation software, we will be ensuring that the waste and recycling collections rounds are as efficient as they can be. This will also help us save £275,000 by making improvements to our collection rounds.
“However, by revising the collection rounds, it will mean that a large number of householders will see a change in their collection day. We will still continue to collect recycling and food waste on a weekly basis and residual waste every three weeks from 7.30am on collection days.
“This is a very significant project and a great deal of work has already been carried out to improve the collection arrangements that comprise of nearly 250 rounds to service nearly 70,000 properties. There is still some work left to be done before we roll out the new collection rounds early in the new year.
“We are planning to roll out the new collection rounds from February 2018 and all householders will be informed by post of their new collection day closer to the time.”
JULY 2017
Successful co-optees were - Norton Ward: Simon Dixon. Presteigne Ward: Fiona Preece, Lisa Veary.
There are presently three vacancies - one for the Norton Ward and one for the Presteigne Town Ward. These will be filled by co-option and applications for consideration should be with the Clerk by 30th June 2017.
Community Access Defibrillators - Training session arranged for Monday 3rd July at 7pm. East Radnorshire Day Centre. All welcome. Please make as many people as possible aware of the date.
MAY 2017
Presteigne’s Skateboard Park, designed and built by Richard Rimington in 2000 with a small band of volunteers, had been showing some signs of age. In January 2016 Cllr Colin Kirkby (the then Mayor) met Tony Rees, Group Managing Director of Harpers who were building the new houses on Knighton Road and he very generously agreed to resurface the tarmac path around the top of the bowl, which was sinking in places. And last week a new tarmac path was laid. The Town Council is very grateful for this help from Harper’s and pictured is the Mayor John Wilding thanking Rob Crossland, Contracts Manager at Harper’s who supervised the work, along with Cllr Colin Kirkby and the newly elected County Councillor Beverley Baynham. This work is very timely as it will help the Skateboard Park get through its imminent RoSPA inspection.
Name Candidate's description Votes
Banks, Garry Richard Independent 200
Baynham, Beverley Jane Independent 785 Elected
Toomey, Wendy Anne Independent 219
Bamford, Rose Lane 320 Elected
Banks, Garry Richard 299 Elected
Baynham, Beverley Jane 672 Elected
Bennett, Rory Jones 440 Elected
Hall Shipp, Sharon 128
Kirkby, Colin 520 Elected
Linnett, Pamela Mary 309 Elected
Owens, Trevor 452 Elected
Preece, Fiona Helen 291
Rimington, Owen Sinclair 257
Rogers, Nicholas Aaron 381 Elected
Taylor-Sanders, Margaret Ann 128
Toomey, Wendy Anne 312 Elected
Veary, Lisa Joanne 221
Williams, Mark Simon 111
Three candidates elected unopposed - Deb Edwards, Chris Ruby and John Wilding.
One vacancy for the Norton Ward. This will be filled by co-option. Please contact the Clerk for more information.
Car Springer ordered for Wilson Terrace Play Area today. 50% funded by Town Council grant from Tesco Bags of Help and 50% from the Playground mums. Contact Becky Barden for more information on the fund raising the mums are doing.
The Council currently has one vacancy for the Norton Ward which will be filled by co-option. If you are interested in being considered for this vacancy please contact the Clerk for more information.
In addition due to the resignations of Garry Banks and Wendy Toomey the Council also now has two vacancies on the Town Ward. Notices regarding these vacancies will be displayed from 17th May. Initially ten residents may request a formal election for each if they wish. If this does not happen then the Council will proceed to co-opt as above.
March 2017: Presteigne Safe Routes in the Community Scheme
The Town Council is delighted to announce that following some lengthy work and discussions with the County Council and through a grant application made by the County Travel Officers, the Presteigne Safe Routes in Community Network Scheme has just been awarded funding of £300,000 from Welsh Government to improve routes to the town schools and encourage safe cycling and walking to those schools. Further discussions and information sessions will be held by the Travel Officers in Presteigne over the coming weeks. Information will be on the town website shortly. Sincere thanks to the County Officers who have put such hard work into the application. Map here.
November 2016: Powys Local Development Plan: Further Focussed Changes
The Town Council made the following comments -
Proposed retail development in Presteigne: the Town Council is concerned that development such as proposed may have an adverse effect on the present High Street.
Renewable energy: the Town Council objects to the inclusion of the local search areas at the end of the LDP process when the policy and sites will not be subject to the scrutiny that they would have been if included earlier in the process. The Council also has concerns for the impact on tourism in the County given the inevitable impact on the landscape that such developments would cause.
The Town Council would like to request the right to speak before the inspector and would also like its submission to be treated as a written representation.
In addition it was noticed that whilst three sites are initially listed for housing allocations (focussed changes document page 81), Joe Deakins Road, Knighton Road and the former Kaye Foundry Site in the appendix (pages 130/131) only two are listed and Knighton Road does not appear.
For archived information on the Town Council's earlier work on the LDP please scroll down to the Archives page.
January 2017: Nicola Humphreys
The Town Council is very sad to report on the death of Nicola Humphreys on 5th January 2017. Nicola was an exceptional person who was involved in so many ways in the community she had adopted and lived in for the last 40+ years. As well as being a current and previous member of Presteigne & Norton Town Council, she represented Presteigne for several years on the former Radnorshire District Council. But she served the community in so many other ways as well - setting up and helping to run Sheep Music and Broad Sheep, the monthly listing magazine which still continues today, playing in the popular combo The Tango Band, helping backstage at Presteigne Players productions, jointly running the Hat Shop Restaurant - the list goes on. She loved the community of Presteigne and was popular amongst many diverse groups of people and she will be greatly missed by all of those whose lives she touched. Her close friend and fellow Cllr Colin Kirkby said "She was a very special person devoted to the community, and a wise councillor'.
December 2016: Mayor's Christmas Message:
2016 has been the usual eventful year in Presteigne with many popular community events such as the Street Party for the Queens Birthday in June, the wonderful Carnival and party on Went's Meadow in July, the internationally renowned Classic Music Festival in August, and the Vintage Sports Car Club Rally in October. The year was rounded off by a great Christmas Fair in the High Street in December. These events and the many other attractions in and around the Town mean that Presteigne is a wonderful place to live and visit. Accommodation providers report an excellent season.
Presteigne and Norton Town Council has been successful with a number of projects for the Community this year. It has part funded and taken over the new Multi Use Games Area and adjacent football field at Went's Meadow. It has successfully obtained grant funding to increase the size of the car park at the allotments, and install some new equipment at the playground. It has part funded the installation of a defibrillator in Norton and restored two of the benches in the village. It continues to support many organisations on the Town with annual grants.
Overshadowing all this good news there remains the very serious concern about the future of many of the assets and services in our community, and all across the country, due to impact of the government cutbacks. The Town Council is in ongoing negotiation with Powys County Council to try and find ways to take over assets and preserve services, such as the Day Centre, the Library, the Youth Club, Community Support, the Cemetary, and a host of other services and facilities. I remain hopeful that the County Council will support the Town Council in its efforts and that these services will be saved
I would like to take this opportunity of wishing all in Presteigne and Norton the very best for 2017
October 2016: NORTON FIREWORKS - Norton Sports Committee are holding Norton Halloween Fireworks display on Sunday 30th October 2016 staring at 6.00p.m (location is in centre of village - see signs). Admission : Adults £2.50 Children (U16) free. Big Bonfire / Bar B-Q / Bar / Fancy dress and best pumpkin competitions.
October 2016: LIBRARY SERVICE, Results of consultation now out and available at
September 2016: ALLOTMENT GARDENS: Went's Meadow Allotments: Do you enjoy fresh veg? Would you like to grow your own? Now is the time to get your name on the list for an allotment garden. Application forms are available on the main Town Council page of this website. Apply now to go on the waiting list. Renewals for existing tenants run from 25th March and this is usually a time when some plots fall vacant.
September 2016: GRANT SUCCESS:
NOTE: The customer voting has been delayed until 31 October to 13 November.
Grant Application, Play Area, Wilson Terrace - The Town Council is delighted to announce that its grant application for a new piece of equipment for the Wilson Terrace Play Area has reached the final three in the Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme. The project will now receive a minimum of £8000 with the possibility of £10,000 or £12,000 depending on the outcome of a public vote in stores. The equipment installed as a minimum will be the Hong Kong. Voting for the project will take place in the Tesco Store, Ludlow. Tokens will be handed out at the tills as you pay for your shopping - there is no minimum spend. Please encourage everyone you know to vote for the project. See more details on the bags of help scheme and a link to the website -
Tesco has teamed up with Groundwork on its Bags of Help initiative in hundreds of regions across England and Wales. The scheme will see three community groups and projects in each of these regions awarded grants of £12,000, £10,000 and £8,000 – all raised from the 5p bag charge.
Bags of Help offers community groups and projects in each of Tesco’s 416 regions across the UK a share of revenue generated from the 5p charge levied on single-use carrier bags. The public will now vote in store from 26 September to 9 October on who should receive the £12,000, £10,000 and £8,000 awards. In total, there is over £12.5 million up for grabs.
September 2016: LOCAL TRANSPORT GUIDE: A brief guide to local bus services and bus passes has been produced by Chris Lewis and will be available on the town website soon or by calling in at the library or Judge's Lodging.
The Town Council wishes to record the following statement. Residents from whatever nation are welcome in Presteigne and Norton and as a community we want to make everyone welcome. We will ensure that those residents from the EU and elsewhere in the world are welcome and we welcome the contribution they have made to the community.
At the annual meeting of the Town Council held last night Cllr. James Tennant-Eyles was elected Mayor and Cllr. Beverley Baynham was elected Deputy Mayor. Cllr. James Tennant-Eyles accepted the chain of office on Wednesday the 18th May for the coming Year. He said he was delighted to be taking over at such an important time for the Town. During the coming year he hoped that there would be satisfactory negotiations with Powys County Council for the takeover of an number of important assets in the Presteigne, thus securing the future of vital services in community such as the Youth Club, the Library, Community Support, the public toilets and the Cemetery.
He added that an important theme of his year as Mayor would be to address the issue of poor communication between the Town and the Town Council. He said he believed this was a matter of perception only as the Council already provides a full range of information about its activities on the Town Website, it puts printed information in the Library, it runs a Town Council Facebook page and it offers monthly Surgeries at the Farmers Market. In hopes of further improving communication the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor will attend all surgeries this year, there will be more frequent press releases, and the Council will work with the newly constituted Presteigne Area Community Development Group who will help the Town Council inform and consult the community on a range of important issues.
The survey is focusing on the 11 smaller branch libraries across Powys although there is space to give alternative ideas on the broader library situation. PCC is particularly keen to hear from those residents who use the 11 libraries or have ideas about how they could be sustained.
The closing date for comments is Sunday 3 July 2016. Paper copies are in the library or the survey can be completed online via the link below.
Easter collections: Message from County Council
Recycling and refuse collections will take place as normal over the Easter period, including Good Friday (25 March) and Easter Monday (28 March). Residents are being reminded to ensure that they place their recycling and refuse out by 7.30am on their usual collection day as the collection times may vary. The working arrangements were reviewed last year so that recycling and refuse collections will take place on bank holidays to minimise disruption to residents and traders. The only exception will be over the Christmas and New Year period when residents and traders will be notified of the alternative arrangements. It is important that residents recycle over the Easter period as this will help towards achieving the strict recycling targets set by Welsh Government. Cardboard packaging, envelopes and cards can be recycled in the blue paper and card box and hard plastic items and silver foil packaging usually found around Easter eggs can be recycled in the red plastic and cans box. Unfortunately we cannot accept plastic film (items such as carrier bags, bubble wrap, food bags, cling film) as it is very difficult to separate from the other material and very costly to recycle so this material should be placed in with your general refuse. Plastic film items and any incorrect items placed out for recycling will be left in the box with a card explaining why it has been left.
28th January 2016 SEARCH FACILITY
A new refuse and recycling collection search facility has been launched on the Powys council website which enables residents to enter their postcode, select their address and then be provided with a list of future refuse and recycling collection dates. This new search facility can be found on the ‘Bin Collection’ page at the following address:
Residents can use this facility to check and make a note of their future waste collection dates
Resource Efficient Wales, a Welsh Government service which offers free impartial energy advice to households is keen to increase uptake across Powys. They provide:
• Tailored advice on simple behaviour changes and low cost improvements, to improving insulation or heating systems.
• Assistance on how to lower your energy bills
• Information on what local and national funding resources are available for those considering renewable technologies. Along with advice on finding accredited installers.
If you’d like a chat about possible links just get in touch or you can find more information on the website
Alan Macnaughton, Project Worker, Asiantaeth Ynni Severn Wye Energy Agency
The Lindens, Spa Road Ffôn/Phone Number 01597 828 871
Llandrindod Wells Ffôn Symudol / Mobile Number – 07966 491819
Dilynwch Severn Wye ar Drydar/Follow Severn Wye on Twitter: @Severn_Wye
Recycling collections:
Usual collection day Revised collection day
Monday 21 December 2015 As normal
Tuesday 22 December 2015 As normal
Wednesday 23 December 2015 As normal
Thursday 24 December 2015 As normal
Friday 25 December 2015 (Christmas Day) Saturday 2 January 2016
Monday 28 December 2015 (bank holiday) As normal
Tuesday 29 December 2015 As normal
Wednesday 30 December 2015 As normal
Thursday 31 December 2015 As normal
Friday 1 January 2016 (New Year’s Day) Saturday 2 January 2016
Refuse collections (leftover non-recyclable waste):
Usual collection day Revised collection day
Monday 21 December 2015 As normal
Tuesday 22 December 2015 As normal
Wednesday 23 December 2015 As normal
Thursday 24 December 2015 As normal
Friday 25 December 2015 (Christmas Day) Saturday 2 January 2016
Monday 28 December 2015 (bank holiday) No planned refuse collections
Tuesday 29 December 2015 No planned refuse collections
Wednesday 30 December 2015 No planned refuse collections
Thursday 31 December 2015 No planned refuse collections
Friday 1 January 2016 (New Year’s Day) No planned refuse collections
21st November, 2015: THREE WEEKLY RUBBISH COLLECTIONS. The first three weekly waste collections will take place from next week, week beginning 23 November, for households whose last waste collection took place during the week beginning 2 November. Food waste and recycling collections will continue to be collected every week and the collection day will not change. PCC are urging residents to recycle as much of their waste as possible and minimise the amount going to landfill. With support from residents they can meet both their recycling and budget targets.
Households with six or more people living in the property, two or more children in nappies, producing incontinence waste or non-infectious clinical waste such as colostomy bags may be eligible for additional capacity. This can be requested by contacting the council and an assessment will be arranged. If residents find that they are over filling their recycling boxes each week, additional recycling boxes can also be requested by contacting the council on 0845 602 7035 or on the website
More information on three weekly rubbish collections is available on website
The Post Office has today confirmed that a home service will be provided to Norton residents. The service run from the Kington office will allow residents to telephone to request post office products and services including stamps, mails acceptance, travel money and manual bill payments. These services will be delivered to the door under a designated time slot. Please telephone 01544 230301 to register for this service. Demand will be used to assess the need for post office services in the village.
Changes will take place in November. A calendar of future collection dates can be downloaded here. Residents should all receive an information pack.
Programme: Formal Opening by Town Mayor, Cllr. Kirkby MBE 10.00 am
Tennis Court
Free Coaching Taster Sessions - 10.30 am - 11.30am Tennis Under 8s, 11.45 am - 12.45pm Over 8s
MUGA Court
Football Skills with Presteigne St. Andrews Colts - 10.30 am - 11.30 am Under 10s, 11.45 am -12.45 pm Over 10s
Grass Pitch
Football Fun with Presteigne St. Andrews Colts
10.30am to 12.00 pm
Free Security Marking for your child's bike on the day with Dyfed-Powys Police
Note: Numbers for free sessions will be limited. All Welcome.
The County Council recently reviewed its bank holiday working arrangements and it was agreed that recycling and rubbish collections will now take place on bank holidays to minimise the disruption to residents and traders. Therefore, collections that fall on a bank holiday will no longer be disrupted and will be collected as per normal, with the exception of Christmas and New Year. Collections will take place as normal over the May bank holidays. Householders are reminded to ensure that their recycling and rubbish is put out for collection by 7.30am as the collection times may vary.
At the meeting on 21st January the Council precept was set at £44 per band D property, an overall budget of £54,143.32. This represents an increase of £4 per Band D property. The new budget includes funding for the running of two additional toilet sites in the town as well as the running of the refurbished tennis courts, MUGA and adjacent football pitch.
These commence in late September and the nearest venue to Presteigne is Knighton Community Centre on 3rd October. There will be two sessions each day for pre-booked attendance or a drop in session from 6 to 8pm. Please contact Melanie Hardwick on 01597 826160 for more information or email
COMMEMORATION OF WORLD WAR 1 posted 31st July, 2014
Church Service to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of World War One, this Sunday 3rd August. Parade from Cenotaph 10.40am, Service start at 11 am.