Planning Applications



Full details of planning applications, including layout plans,can be obtained from the Powys County Council planning portal.

 Please click on the link below and enter the planning reference exactly as shown (for example 18/0001/FUL)

Full details can be found on the County Council website planning pages -
Public comments can be emailed to the Town Council at Please note that comments made to the County Council are no longer posted on their website so should also be emailed to this address if you wish Town Councillors to be aware of your views.

Powys County Council has published a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to assist in relation to proposals, within the county, for Developments of National Significance. The guidance explains what a DNS is, how they are determined and how to engage with the process. The following website provides access to the published FAQs:


25/0420/FUL Grid Reference: E:331339 N: 263945 Proposal: Erection of two general industrial units and associated infrastructure Site Address: Plot 5 , Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne, LD8 2UH.

To be considered at the April meeting of the Town Council.


25/0011/FUL Grid Reference: E:331313 N: 264509 Proposal: Internal and external works to include, replacement windows and external ramp and steps (part retrospective) Site Address: Poste House, 32 High Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2BE.

To be considered at the April meeting of the Town Council.


25/0010/LBC Grid Reference: E:331313 N: 264509 Proposal: Internal and external works to include, replacement windows and external ramp and steps (part regularisation of works) Site Address: Poste House, 32 High Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2BE.

To be considered at the April meeting of the Town Council.


25/0359/HH Grid Reference: E:331570 N: 264494 Proposal: Erection of replacement garden shed Site Address: 3 Church View , Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved 

no objections to this application providing there is no development into accommodation at a later date.


25/0203/REM Grid Reference: E:332402 N: 263963 Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition 2 of planning permission 24/0871/FUL in relation to reduction in size of building following ground investigation Site Address: Unit 1 Presteigne Mill, Presteigne, LD8 2HG.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


25/0199/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331511 N: 264279 Proposal: Felling of a sycamore tree Location: Appletree Lodge , Hereford Street, Presteigne LD8 2AT.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


25/0110/FUL Grid Reference: E:331536 N: 264264 Proposal: Change of use of ancillary domestic summer house to holiday let Site Address: 43 Hereford Street, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to make the following comment - the application states that 'Having lived in Presteigne over the last summer we have noted that there is steady flow of tourists in the town but a shortage of short stay affordable accommodation in or close to the town centre.' Members were of the opinion that there is currently sufficient holiday accommodation. Other than this the Council had no comment to make.


24/1806/FUL Grid Reference: E:330958 N: 264912 Proposal: Erection of community building Site Address: Went's Meadow, Knighton Road, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2BW.

This is a Town Council application.


24/1682/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331565 N: 264492 Proposal: Works to mature Beech tree in a conservation area Location: St Andrews Church, Broad Street, Presteigne LD8 2AF.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to submit the following comment - 

Members were concerned that there appeared to be no professional opinion obtained on the need to remove the tree and felt that the applicant should commission such an opinion in order to confirm or otherwise that the work is necessary.


24/1598/HH Grid Reference: E:331825 N: 264037 Proposal: Two storey rear & side extension to existing dwelling Site Address: 4 Greenfield Road, Presteigne, LD8 2AY.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town  Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


24/1349/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331233 N: 264564 Proposal: Removal of a mixed species hedge Location: 1 Wherby Cottage, Presteigne, LD8 2DD.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town  Council. Reslved No objections be raised.


24/1568/LBC and 24/1567/FUL Grid Reference: E:331461 N: 264311 Proposal: Removal of Lloyds TSP facia signs and ATM Site Address: Lloyds Tsb Bank Plc , High Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AU.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town  Council. Resolved to object to the application until a replacement ATM is installed.


24/1504/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331379 N: 264626 Proposal: Removal of a boundary Laurel shrub and Holly tree, and the crown raise of a Yew tree and Dawn Redwood tree Location: The Rectory , St David's Street, Presteigne LD8 2BP.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town  Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


24/1455/HH Grid Reference: E:331476 N: 264421 Proposal: Demolition of existing lean-to utility and construction of single storey kitchen/dining room. Site Address: Hafod , Broad Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AD.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


24/1456/LBC Grid Reference: E:331476 N: 264421 Proposal: Demolition of existing lean-to utility and construction of single storey kitchen/dining room. Site Address: Hafod , Broad Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AD.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council.


24/1471/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331426 N: 264435 Proposal: Trimming and shaping tree within a conservation area Location: Craftsmans Mews , Broad Street, Presteigne LD8 2AA.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council.


24/1482/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331282 N: 264547 Proposal: Crowning of tree within a conservation area Location: Radnorshire Arms Hotel, High Street, Llanandras Powys LD8 2BE.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council.


24/1417/FUL Grid Reference: E:331285 N: 263921 Proposal: Extension to existing office Site Address: Western Way , Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne, LD8 2UH.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council.


24/1382/HH Grid Reference: E:331451 N: 267674 Proposal: Erection of a 4 bay garage and store Site Address: Fairview , Stonewall Hill, Presteigne, LD8 2HB.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council.


24/1196/TPO Grid Ref: E: 331718 N: 264017 Proposal: Removal of dead branches from Oak trees referenced within TPO 130 and T1 & T2 located on boundary of school playing field Location: John Beddoes Campus, Broadaxe, Presteigne LD8 2YT.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. No objections but work already believed to be complete.


24/1180/HH Grid Reference: E:331379 N: 264626 Proposal: Re-roofing of property Site Address: The Rectory , St David's Street, Presteigne, LD8 2BP.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


24/1106/HH Grid Reference: E:331825 N: 264037. Proposal: Erection of two storey side and rear extension to dwelling. Site Address: 4 Greenfield Road, Presteigne, LD8 2AY.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


24/1149/LBC Grid Reference: E:331503 N: 264466 Proposal: Listed building consent for internal and external alterations in connection with proposed conversion of 2 residential units to form a single residential unit (to include retention of works already carried out) Site Address: 11 & 12 Broad Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AB.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to this application but would draw thew attention of the Built Heritage Officer to the existence of Napoleonic friezes in the building and which need to be protected.


24/1148/FUL Grid Reference: E:331503 N: 264466 Proposal: internal and external alterations in connection with conversion of 2 residential units to form 1 no. single residential unit (part retrospective) Site Address: 11 &12 Broad Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AB.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to this application but would draw thew attention of the Built Heritage Officer to the existence of Napoleonic friezes in the building and which need to be protected.


24/0887/HH Grid Reference: E:331642 N: 264578 Proposal: Single story rear extension with demolition of outside sheds Site Address: 2 Fold Cottages, Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AG.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


24/0890/LBC Grid Reference: E:331642 N: 264578 Proposal: Single story rear extension with demolition of outside sheds Site Address: 2 Fold Cottages, Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AG

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


24/1049/DEM Grid Ref: E: 331718 N: 264017 Proposal: Former sixth form/rural studies teaching block. The building is detached and single storey. Steel framed with brick cladding externally under a profiled metal sheet roof. Floor area approx. 80m2. Location: John Beddoes Campus - Newtown High School , Broadaxe, Presteigne LD8 2YT.

Block demolished. No further comment.


24/0871/FUL Grid Reference: E:332402 N: 263963 Proposal: Erection of a building containing two workshop units (B1 & B8) over an existing concrete yard area Site Address: Unit 1 Presteigne Mill, Presteigne, LD8 2HG.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application but to request that any lighting on the site comply with the town's dark sky status - as per the lighting policy supplied to the County Council. In addition Members noted the concerns of Environmental Health as the site was currently served by a septic tank.


24/0767/HH Grid Reference: E:331192 N: 264446 Proposal: Single storey ground floor extension to create sitting room with cloakroom Site Address: 42 Castle Road, Presteigne, LD8 2EB.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


24/0689/HH Grid Reference: E:331549 N: 264609 Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory and extension to rear and change of the parking arrangement to the front Site Address: Garrison Cottage, Church Street, Presteigne, LD8 2BU.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


24/0285/LBC Grid Reference: E:331281 N: 264546 Proposal: Retention of the erection of a timber frame outbuilding and renovation of an existing outbuilding to form a manager’s cottage. Site Address: Radnorshire Arms Hotel , High Street, Presteigne, LD8 2BE.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to make the following comments - The application appears to relate to two developments and the Council feels it would have been clearer for two separate applications to be made. Members agreed the following -Timber Frame Outbuilding: the Council is disappointed that this has been applied for retrospectively; otherwise no objections.  Manager's Cottage: the Council is disappointed that this has been applied for retrospectively; the retrospective nature means no professional bat or reptile survey was carried out prior to development; application says no reptiles but area is known as a  slow worm site; the comments of Natural Resources Wales regarding the connection for foul flows from the development were noted. Other than the above comments the Council has no objections providing the Built Heritage Officer is satisfied.


24/0284/FUL Grid Reference: E:331281 N: 264546 Proposal: Retrospective application for the erection of a timber frame outbuilding and renovation of an existing outbuilding to form a manager’s cottage. Site Address: Radnorshire Arms Hotel, High Street, Presteigne, LD8 2BE.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to make the following comments - The application appears to relate to two developments and the Council feels it would have been clearer for two separate applications to be made. Members agreed the following -Timber Frame Outbuilding: the Council is disappointed that this has been applied for retrospectively; otherwise no objections.  Manager's Cottage: the Council is disappointed that this has been applied for retrospectively; the retrospective nature means no professional bat or reptile survey was carried out prior to development; application says no reptiles but area is known as a  slow worm site; the comments of Natural Resources Wales regarding the connection for foul flows from the development were noted. Other than the above comments the Council has no objections providing the Built Heritage Officer is satisfied.


24/0338/FUL Grid Reference: E:330723 N: 264464 Proposal: Erection of a holiday chalet, extension to drainage field and installation of new private treatment plant Site Address: Holiday Chalet At Harp Meadow , Warden Road, Presteigne, LD8 2NL.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. The Council notes that the application states it is not a new build although it is. It would like to draw your attention to the mature oak tree sited on the opposite side of the land but whose roots may reach across onto the site. Care should be taken to not damage the root system. Otherwise no objections.


24/0262/HH Grid Reference: E:331414 N: 264389 Proposal: Installation of an air source heat pump Site Address: Corner House (The Cottage), 53 High Street , Presteigne, Powys LD8 2BE.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


24/0079/FUL Grid Reference: E:332402 N: 263963 Proposal: Erection of a building containing two workshop units (B1 & B8 use) over an existing concrete yard area Site Address: Unit 1, Presteigne Mill, Presteigne, LD8 2HG.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application but with the comment that the Council feels that the development should comply with the most recent regulations regarding surface water drainage/SUDS.


23/1735/FUL Grid Reference: E:331285 N: 263921 Proposal: Proposed open fronted storage shed Site Address: Western Way , Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections but County Council to be reminded of the proximity of the site to the stream.


23/1420/HH Grid Reference: E:331434 N: 264351 Proposal: Installation of gas fired central heating and domestic plumbing. Rewiring of the house, and repair of damaged walls and ceilings. Site Address: Millfields, Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be made.


23/1421/LBC Grid Reference: E:331434 N: 264351 Proposal: Listed building consent for the installation of gas fired central heating and domestic plumbing. Rewiring of the house, and repair of damaged walls and ceilings. Site Address: Millfields , Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


Notification of Planning Appeal Reference: CAS-02710-M3B0F2 Appeal Starting Date: 12th September 2023 Appeal. Proposed Development: Proposed erection of a dwelling and all other associated works. Site Address: The Wood Yard , Broadaxe, Presteigne, LD8 2LA.


23/1342/REM Grid Reference: E:331249 N: 267628 Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition 2 of planning permission 22/1871/HH in relation to approved plans Site Address: Westering , Stonewall Hill, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to the application but the Council would not like to see it become a separate dwelling in the future.


23/1249/HH Grid Reference: E:331556 N: 264410 Proposal: Construction of a single storey garden studio Site Address: 9 Harper's Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections in principle to a garden studio but concerns regarding the proposed size and therefore the Council requests that it be restricted for use as an ancillary building tied to the main property thus ensuring it could not become a separate dwelling.


23/1277/FUL Grid Reference: E:331376 N: 264462 Proposal: Change of Use of Mixed Use Building to A3 Use Class (Part Retrospective) Site Address: 11 High Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


23/1306/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331415 N: 264589 Proposal: Works to trees within a conservation area Location: The Vine, St David's Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


23/1304/TPO Grid Ref: E: 329473 N: 266616 Proposal: Works to tree subject to a Tree Preservation order Location: Green Acres, Norton Manor Park, Norton Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


23/0984/LBC Grid Reference: E:331434 N: 264351 Proposal: Installation of gas fired central heating and domestic plumbing pipework, replacing rusted steel and lead pipes, a very old oil-fired Rayburn cooker and a couple of storage heaters that provided the heating Site Address: Millfields, Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


23/0983/HH Grid Reference: E:331434 N: 264351 Proposal: Installation of gas fired central heating and domestic plumbing pipework, replacing rusted steel and lead pipes, a very old oil-fired Rayburn cooker and a couple of storage heaters that provided the heating Site Address: Millfields, Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AT. Resolved no objections be raised.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


23/0938/FUL Grid Reference: E:331215 N: 264770 Proposal: Provision of 10 no iso containers for storage let purposes on existing concrete hardstanding Site Address: Presteigne Depot , Mill Lane, Presteigne, LD8 2DA.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to the application providing the containers are sited on the existing concrete hardstanding and that this is not disturbed and no groundworks are carried out given that the land is contaminated. It was noted that the site is in a residential area and so opening hours should be properly considered.


23/0975/REM Grid Ref: E: 331360 N: 264502 Proposal: Section 73 application to remove condition no. 4 attached to planning approval PR309601 (RAD/1996/0177) (so that ancillary dwelling can be used as a separate dwelling from main house) Condition Number(s): 4 Conditions(s) Removal: Condition removed, so that the ancillary dwelling can be used as a dwelling in its own right and sold or let independently of Sutton House (Main Dwelling) condition request is for removal not varied. Location: Sutton Barn, High Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2BA.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to the application.


23/0859/FUL Grid Reference: E:331532 N: 264397 Proposal: Change of use from disused vacant doctors surgery to 4 one bedroom flats to rent Site Address: Surgery , Harper's Lane, Presteigne, LD8 2AN.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


RE: Environment Act 1995: Periodic Review of Mining Sites Application for Postponement of the Periodic Review for Gore Quarry, Walton, Presteigne, LD8 2PL.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to request that the periodic review proceed as planned for 31st March 2024 and not be postponed for a further fifteen years.


23/0789/FUL Grid Reference: E:331524 N: 263988 Proposal: Erection of 2.4m high perimeter fencing with 2 gates and erection of 2.4 m high new compound fencing together with installation of roof top anti-climb roller spikes to part north facing and to part west facing areas of building Site Address: Unit 1, Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


23/0790/FUL Grid Reference: E:331309 N: 264092 Proposal: Erection of 2.4m high perimeter fencing with 2 gates together with installation of roof top anti-climb roller spikes to part of west facing area of building Site Address: Unit 5 & 6, Presteigne Industrial Estate, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


23/0575/HH Grid Reference: E:329198 N: 265672 Proposal: Formation of new access (retrospective) Site Address: Lower Ackhill, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2ED.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


23/0302/FUL Grid Reference: E:330218 N: 267405 Proposal: Proposed demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of detached house including formation of access and associated works (resubmission of 22/1968/FUL) Site Address: Oxenbrook Cottage, Norton, Presteigne, LD8 2EN.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


23/0236/FUL Grid Reference: E:331636 N: 263551 Proposal: Proposed erection of a dwelling and all other associated works. Site Address: The Wood Yard , Broadaxe, Presteigne, LD8 2LA.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


22/2057/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331324 N: 264458 Proposal: Tree works application for removal of cypress tree Location: Castle Barn, 40A High Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2BE.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


22/1968/FUL Grid Reference: E:330218 N: 267405 Proposal: Erection of a dwelling, formation of vehicular access, demolition of existing outbuilding and all associated works Site Address: Land Adj. Oxenbrook , Norton, Presteigne, LD8 2EN.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to make the following comments - a need for more details and information to be provided by the applicant on the visibility splay and access;
agreement with the comments made by Highways generally; to stress the need for the upstairs windows, and particularly the balcony, are of sufficient distance away from neighbouring properties to protect their privacy. No further comments.


22/1920/HH Grid Reference: E:331556 N: 264410 Proposal: Demolition of outside toilet & shower; Construction of rear extension to accommodate disabled shower and toilet, cloakroom, utility room and kitchen extension Site Address: 9 Harper's Lane, Presteigne, LD8 2AN.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised. 


22/1871/HH Grid Reference: E:331249 N: 267628 Proposal: Proposed demolition of existing outbuilding and replacement with an ancillary domestic building. Site Address: Westering, Stonewall Hill, Presteigne, LD8 2HB.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to this application providing a condition is included that the building remains ancillary to the main property.


22/1775/DEM Grid Ref: E: 331081 N: 264211 Proposal: Demolition Notification for 1) Swimming Pool Building, Plant room & tiled swimming pool 2) Mobile Teaching Unit: Pre-fabricated mobile unit with flat roof. Location: Presteigne C P School , Slough Road, Presteigne LD8 2NH.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


22/1526/FUL Grid Reference: E:331215 N: 264770 Proposal: EXTENSION OF EXISTING BUILDING TO PROVIDE COMMERCIAL STORAGE UNITS & GARAGING FOR VINTAGE CARS Site Address: Presteigne Depot , Mill Lane, Presteigne, LD8 2DA.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that no decision be made until the necessary surveys regarding possible contaminated land and japanese knotweed are done and the information can be considered.

Further considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to object to the application until the concerns of Natural Resources Wales and the County Council Ecology Officer have been fully addressed and resolved.


22/1347/FUL Grid Reference: E:331556 N: 264410 Proposal: Change of use of part of ground floor from business to residential use Site Address: 9 Harper's Lane, Presteigne, Powys , LD8 2AN.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be made.


22/1323/HH Grid Reference: E:331399 N: 267686 Proposal: Erection of an extension Site Address: Fairview , Stonewall Hill, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2HB.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to make the following comments - passing bay requested as part of an earlier planning permission still not in place; no information on protected species. Otherwise no objections.


22/1172/HH Grid Reference: E:330477 N: 267125 Proposal: Replacement of existing porch with an enlarged porch and WC Site Address: Taylors Farmhouse , Norton, Presteigne, LD8 2EL.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised providing the Built Heritage Officer is satisfied with the proposals.


22/1173/LBC Grid Reference: E:330477 N: 267125 Proposal: Replace existing porch with an enlarged porch and WC Site Address: Taylors Farmhouse , Norton, Presteigne, LD8 2EL.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised providing the Built Heritage Officer is satisfied with the proposals.


22/1104/HH Grid Reference: E:331350 N: 264342 Proposal: Two storey extension to side of existing dwelling Site Address: 2 Woodyard , Green End, Presteigne, LD8 2DT.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no comment be made.


22/1063/HH Grid Reference: E:331469 N: 264169 Proposal: First floor extension to bungalow, and the installation of new pvc windows within the north eastern and south-western elevations. Site Address: 6 Appletree Meadow, Presteigne.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no comment be made.


22/0943/HH Grid Reference: E: 331479 N: 264300 Proposal: Replacement of four plastic first floor windows with new wooden sash windows and the widening of one window over the front door to the original width; addition of stone steps on existing concrete steps & masonry painting Site Address: The Oxford , Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AT Please be advised that amended particulars have been submitted which can now be viewed on the Council’s website (

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be made.


22/0936/HH Grid Reference: E:331556 N: 264410 Proposal: Demolition of outside toilet & shower and construction of rear extension to accommodate disabled shower and toilet, cloakroom, utility room and kitchen extension Site Address: 9 Harper's Lane, Presteigne, LD8 2AN.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be made.


22/0901/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331550 N: 264609 Proposal: Works to tree in a conservation area Location: Garrison Cottage, Church Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2BU.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


22/0685/HH Grid Reference: E:331324 N: 264458 Proposal: Erection of garden studio room Site Address: Castle Barn, 40A High Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2BE.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


22/0663/HH Grid Reference: E:330824 N: 265079 Proposal: Erection of a home office / garden store Site Address: Porthleven House , Presteigne, LD8 2ET.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections providing the proposed building does not impinge on the parking requirements for the property.


22/0643/HH Grid Reference: E:330368 N: 266732 Proposal: Single storey rear extension, together with internal and external alterations Site Address: 24 Caefelyn, Norton, Presteigne, LD8 2UB.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


22/0592/HH Grid Reference: E:331832 N: 264071 Proposal: Single storey extension to existing garage Site Address: The Garden House, Greenfield Road , Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AY.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


22/0233/FUL Grid Reference: E:331298 N: 264571 Proposal: Conversion of hotel garage to form letting rooms and managers accommodation Site Address: The Radnorshire Arms Garage, High Street, Presteigne, LD8 2BE.

Considered at the February 23rd meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections providing that consideration is given to the proximity of the property to a listed building and the Built Heritage Officer has no objections.


22/0109/REM Grid Reference: E:329622 N: 265350 Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition 4 of planning permission P/2011/1405 (period of each let) Site Address: Cottage, Wild Meadow, Discoed, Presteigne.

Considered at the February 23rd meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to object to the application this would set a precedent for similar holiday accommodation being changed to permanent residential properties. The potential for this issue was raised in the Council's comments on the initial planning application when it stressed that if planning permission was granted there should be no possibility of permanent occupation. Given the current climate in which the 'staycation' is so popular Members felt that holiday accommodation was very much needed and so the holiday letting of this property should be a viable business. 


22/0094/DIS Discharge of condition 11 of planning permission P/2011/1405 in relation to external lighting. Cottage Wild Meadow, Discoed, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2NQ. NB No official consultees.

Considered at the February 23rd meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to request that that any external lighting be dark sky compliant in order to facilitate the Council's application for Dark Sky status which is due to be submitted in the Spring.


22/0066/DIS | Application to discharge conditions 3 and 4 from application P/2014/0007 in relation to bat and bird boxes and hedgerow management | Wild Meadow, Discoed, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2NQ.

Considered at the February 23rd meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no comment be made.


22/0186/LBC Grid Reference: E:331582 N: 264503 Proposal: Listed building consent to renew rear facing timber and glass door, replace 2 no. rear facing Upvc windows with painted timber casements ; to alter and improve attic room Site Address: Ivy House , Broad Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AF.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to be raised providing the Built Heritage Officer has no concerns.


22/0112/HH Grid Reference: E:331161 N: 264256. Proposal: Erection of a conservatory Site Address: New Barn Bungalow, Slough Road , Presteigne.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


22/0108/FUL Grid Reference: E:329622 N: 265350 Proposal: Retrospective approval of window on southern elevation, lean to shed on northern elevation and balcony supports on western elevation Site Address: Cottage, Wild Meadow, Discoed.

Considered at the February Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


22/0045/HH Grid Reference: E:331724 N: 264129 Proposal: Single storey extension to front and side of existing bungalow dwelling Site Address: 22 Orchard Close, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2HF.

To be considered at the February meeting of the Town Council.


22/0027/LBC Grid Reference: E:331663 N: 264552 Proposal: Listed building consent for replacement windows on side elevation (South West facing)- 5 windows (W1-W5) and refurbishment of existing windows to front elevation (South-East facing) - 6 windows (W6-W11) Site Address: Breeze Cottage, 3 Fold Farm, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the 19th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


22/0026/HH Grid Reference: E:331663 N: 264552 Proposal: Replacement Windows on south side of Breeze Cottage - 5 windows (W1- W5) and Refurbishment Windows front of Breeze Cottage- 6 windows (W6-W11) Site Address: Breeze Cottage, 3 Fold Farm, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the 19th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/2306/FUL Grid Reference: E:331453 N: 263966 Proposal: Erection of 2 no. general industrial units and associated infrastructure Site Address: Plot 6 , Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne.

Considered at the 19th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections but the following comments be made in addition - hours of operation/opening are not stated and this should be established to avoid noise or other nuisance, suggestion that solar panels be installed on the roof and that boxes for swifts be added.


21/2228/LBC Grid Reference: E:331509 N: 264437 Proposal: Proposed conversion of the first floor into two holiday lets, the provision of a cafe on the ground floor with improved disabled access into the garden at rear, disabled parking spaces and additional outdoor space ancillary to the cafe. Site Address: The Judges Lodgings, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the 12th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application subject to the approval of the Built Heritage Officer but to acknowledge within the letter of support the comments of the neighbour regarding overlooking and suggest that this might be addressed as a condition within any planning permission issued.


21/2227/FUL Grid Reference: E:331509 N: 264437 Proposal: Proposed conversion of the first floor into two holiday lets, the provision of a cafe on the ground floor with improved disabled access into the garden at rear, disabled parking spaces and additional outdoor space ancillary to the cafe. Site Address: The Judges Lodgings, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the 12th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/2205/FUL Grid Reference: E:328743 N: 265752 Proposal: Change of use and conversation of Barn to two storey dwelling Site Address: Ackhill Barn, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2ED.

Considered at the 12th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/2146/FUL Grid Reference: E:331343 N: 264049 Proposal: Erection of a side extension to existing industrial building Site Address: Unit 2, Presteigne Industrial Estate, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2UF.

Considered at the 12th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/2123/HH Grid Reference: E:330766 N: 264695 Proposal: Garage conversion/ rear extension to form new bedroom & utility room. Addition windows to existing dwelling Site Address: 58 Warden Close, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2DH.

Considered at the December Town Council Meeting. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/2075/HH Grid Reference: E:331170 N: 264361 Proposal: Proposed creation of new access including a dropped kerb and three off-street parking spaces Site Address: 20 Castle Road, Presteigne, LD8 2EB.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/2046/FUL Grid Reference: E:330453 N: 267162 Proposal: Conversion of barn to form 3 dwellings, to include alterations to access and all associated works Site Address: The Old Granary, Norton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2EY.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections subject to the Built Heritage Officer being satisfied.


21/2047/LBC Grid Reference: E:330453 N: 267162 Proposal: Conversion of barn to form 3 dwellings and all associated works Site Address: The Old Granary, Norton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2EY.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections subject to the Built Heritage Officer being satisfied.


21/1949/HH Grid Reference: E:331301 N: 264590 Proposal: Removal of existing rear pitched roof dormer window and construction of larger flat roof dormer as replacement to existing dwelling Site Address: 2 Pound Lane, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2DB.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/2068/FUL Grid Reference: E:333946 N: 263259 Proposal: Erection of an agricultural building to cover an existing silage pit. Site Address: Broadheath Farm , Presteigne, LD8 2HG.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1950/CAC Grid Reference: E:331301 N: 264590 Proposal: Removal of existing rear pitched roof dormer window and construction of larger flat roof dormer as replacement to existing dwelling. Site Address: 2 Pound Lane, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2DB.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/2120/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331444 N: 264340 Proposal: Felling of 3 trees, an ash, cypress and sycamore, within the conservation area Location: Harford House, Hereford Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2AT.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/2098/REM Grid Reference: E:331696 N: 264492 Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition no. 2 attached to planning approval P/2018/0156 to allow an extension of time in which to submit a reserved matters application Site Address: Land At, Fold Farm, Broad Street, Llanandras.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1992/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331313 N: 264509 Proposal: Application to works to a tree in a conservation area namely to fell tree Location: Postings House, 32 High Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2BE.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1911/LBC Grid Reference: E:331414 N: 264389 Proposal: Listed building consent to renovate existing domestic accommodation including re-siting stairs; to provide a new external door opening; to replace an existing rooflight and add 2 additional rooflights; to enlarge proposed storage shed Site Address: Corner House, High Street, Presteigne, LD8 2BE.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised subject to the approval of the Built Heritage Officer.


21/1910/HH Grid Reference: E:331414 N: 264389 Proposal: Renovations to existing domestic accommodation including re[1]siting stairs; to provide a new external door opening; to replace an existing rooflight and add 2 additional rooflights; to enlarge proposed storage shed Site Address: Corner House, High Street, Presteigne, LD8 2BE.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised subject to the approval of the Built Heritage Officer.



21/1900/FUL Grid Reference: E:330707 N: 264485 Proposal: Erection of a holiday let chalet, connection to an existing package treatment plant and formation of internal access track Site Address: Holiday Chalet At Harp Meadow, Warden Road, Presteigne, LD8 2NL.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections subject to subject to the following - a suitable condition be placed on the dwelling to ensure it remains permanently as a holiday unit only; the chalet is no larger in size than the one already on site and given there will now be four chalets in close proximity that the Planning Department feels this is an acceptable density.


21/1864/REM Grid Reference: E:330425 N: 267326 Proposal: Section 73 application to remove condition 6 from planning approval 21/0389/HH in relation to archaeological contractors and groundworks Site Address: The Old Vicarage, Norton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2EN.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1839/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331282 N: 264547 Proposal: Lopping of branches that are low/diseased or threatening buildings, numbered on plan with species and action required Location: Radnorshire Arms Hotel, High Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2BE.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1385/HH Grid Reference: E:331305 N: 264381 Proposal: Installation of hand rail to flat roof area Site Address: 1 The Barn, Presteigne.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be made.


21/1370/RES Grid Reference: E:331758 N: 264485 Proposal: Reserved matters application following planning approval 19/0777/OUT in relation to appearance, access, landscaping, layout and scale. Site Address: Erection Of A Rural Enterprise Dwelling, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved as follows - to express concerns about - the location of the proposed garage, being too close to the adjacent property; the location of proposed sewage treatment works, again close the boundary with the adjacent property; the location of the sewage treatment plant given the proximity of the River Lugg. Subject to the satisfactory resolution of the above the Council has no other objections.


21/1592/HH Grid Reference: E:331205 N: 264501 Proposal: Erection of a two storey side extension to existing dwelling Site Address: 33 Castle Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections provided the neighbours have no concerns.


21/1487/LBC Grid Reference: E:331377 N: 264546 Proposal: Re pointing of listed wall (beginning to take place on the side facing Saint David's Street) Site Address: Court Cottage , 1 St David's Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1523/FUL Grid Reference: E:331399 N: 267686 Proposal: Change of use of holiday let to residential dwelling Site Address: Faraway, Stonewall Hill, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no comment be made.


21/1116/FUL Grid Reference: E:331463 N: 263902 Proposal: Erection of an extension to existing unit Site Address: Unit 4, Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


21/1442/FUL Grid Reference: E:329734 N: 265472 Proposal: Re-siting of two existing residential units to be nearer existing residential sites forming part of existing touring caravan park area, and replacing with two tourer units and all associated works Site Address: Rockbridge Park , Discoed, Presteigne.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1453/CAC Grid Reference: E:331637 N: 264197 Proposal: Change of use of shop to residential, partial removal of single storey extension and parking improvements. Site Address: Townsend House, 24 Hereford Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1334/FUL Grid Reference: E:331355 N: 264260 Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of two residential units with ancillary garages, car parking and garden space Site Address: W A P Mccolville Ltd, Presteigne.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1400/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331586 N: 264473 Proposal: Works to Trees in a conservation area - felling of 10 leylandii Location: Garden Cottage, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.



21/1095/HH Grid Reference: E:331152 N: 264466 Proposal: Creation of a dropped kerb Site Address: 52 Castle Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1217/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331380 N: 264626 Proposal: Proposed works to tree in a conservation area (removal of sycamore tree) Location: The Rectory, St David's Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0741/HH Grid Reference: E:330764 N: 264777 Proposal: Erection of an extension Site Address: 30 Warden Close, Presteigne.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to the application providing there is no impact on the neighbouring properties (due to being overlooked) and the neighbours have been consulted and have no objections.


21/1167/HH Grid Reference: E:331205 N: 264501 Proposal: Erection of an extension, to include some demolition Site Address: 33 Castle Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0987/FUL Grid Reference: E:331637 N: 264197 Proposal: Change of use of on existing shop to residential, partial removal of single storey extension and improvements to parking Site Address: Townsend House, 24 Hereford Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/1044/HH Grid Reference: E:330454 N: 268126 Proposal: Demolition of storage container and erection of a garage with storage over Site Address: Thistle Brook, Meeting House Lane, Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.



21/1058/LBC Grid Reference: E:331276 N: 264596 Proposal: Listed building consent for installation of an extractor fan to rear elevation Site Address: 3 Warden View, High Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.



21/0977/HH Grid Reference: E:330454 N: 268126 Proposal: Installation of a two bay stable with tack room Site Address: Thistle Brook, Meeting House Lane, Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0907/HH Grid Reference: E:331578 N: 264500 Proposal: Retrospective application for the rebuilding of a rear chimney stack Site Address: 1 Church View , Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0999/FUL Grid Reference: E:331348 N: 264155 Proposal: Extension to create a storage building Site Address: Seconds and Co, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0881/RES Grid Reference: E:330296 N: 266886 Proposal: Reserved matters application in respect of outline planning consent 20/0753/REM (P/2014/0067) for the erection of 10 dwellings and all associated works Site Address: Plots 13-22 Phase 2, Jacks View, Norton.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0937/LBC Grid Reference: E:331376 N: 264432 Proposal: Listed building consent for repairs and alterations: provision of new external door, 2 replacement windows, new internal stairway, installation of kitchen & sanitary ware, thermal insulation and rebuilding of section of garden wall Site Address: 45A High Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.



21/0852/HH Grid Reference: E:331961 N: 263827 Proposal: Conversion of garage into additional domestic living accommodation Site Address: 34 Kings Court, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0908/LBC Grid Reference: E:331578 N: 264500 Proposal: Listed building consent for retention of works undertaken namely rebuilding of a rear chimney stack Site Address: 1 Church View , Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.



21/0945/HH Grid Reference: E:331593 N: 264508 Proposal: Erection of a garden summer house Site Address: Roseland, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0702/FUL Grid Reference: E:331353 N: 263900 Proposal: Erection of a new workshop unit and all associated works Site Address: Plot 4 Broadaxe Business Park, Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0805/LBC Grid Reference: E:331544 N: 264469 Proposal: Installation of replacement boiler and flue. Site Address: Hall Cottage, 3 Oak Villas, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0693/LBC Grid Reference: E:331443 N: 264395 Proposal: Relocation of door to access second floor wardrobe Site Address: 1 London House , Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0557/LBC and 21/0556/FUL, Grid Reference: E:331362 N: 264478 Proposal: Replacement awning Site Address: Shop And Premises, 14 High Street, Llanandras, Powys LD8 2BA. 

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council and agreed to support the application. Comments confirmed May 2021.


21/0521/HH Grid Reference: E:331511 N: 264279 Proposal: Installation of flue Site Address: Appletree Lodge , Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0522/LBC Grid Reference: E:331511 N: 264279 Proposal: Install a twin-wall insulated Flue and woodburner Site Address: Appletree Lodge , Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0604/HH Grid Reference: E:331088 N: 264080 Proposal: Erection of Single Storey Garden Room to Replace Existing Conservatory Site Address: 44 Caenbrook Meadow, Presteigne.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0675/HH Grid Reference: E:331028 N: 264036 Proposal: Erection an extension, to replace an existing conservatory Site Address: 5 Silia Meadow, Presteigne.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0389/HH Grid Reference: E:330425 N: 267326 Proposal: Proposed rear single storey extension and minor alterations Site Address: Old Vicarage, Norton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2EN.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised providing the Built Heritage Officer has no concerns.


21/0390/LBC Grid Reference: E:330425 N: 267326 Proposal: Proposed rear single storey extension and minor alterations Site Address: The Old Vicarage, Norton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2EN.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised providing the Built Heritage Officer has no concerns.


21/0361/FUL Grid Reference: E:330456 N: 267257 Proposal: Change of use of redundant church to create a community hub including internal and external works and alterations Site Address: Former Church Of St Andrews, Norton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2EN.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


21/0362/LBC Grid Reference: E:330456 N: 267257 Proposal: Internal and external works and alterations in association with change of use of redundant church to create a community hub Site Address: Former Church Of St Andrew, Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


21/0272/HH Grid Reference: E:331507 N: 264121 Proposal: Erection of single storey side extension Site Address: 27 Townend, Presteigne.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


21/0122/FUL Grid Reference: E:330992 N: 264115 Proposal: Erection of two houses and associated works (part retrospective) Site Address: Plots 2 And 3 Silia Meadows , Slough Road, Presteigne, LD8 2NY.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to make no objections however Members asked that consideration be given to the street signs by the planned entrance and these being re-located as necessary. No other comments providing the Highways Department is in agreement with the proposed layout.


21/0047/FUL Grid Reference: E:330478 N: 267125 Proposal: Erection of dwelling house Site Address: Taylors Farmhouse, Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the following comments be made - Members pleased to see that the visibility splay at School Lane was being improved but need clarification on whether the stone wall will be replaced or if it was just a replacement hedge?; Noted that only two parking spaces were being provided for a three bedroom property and felt that three would have be the standard; Access to the property is via steps and thus it is not accessible to those with disabilities; The parking spaces are positioned to be difficult to access and it states that they would have to be reversed into - are Highways in agreement with this; Built Heritage Officer to be consulted; Archaeological investigations to take place.


21/0083/FUL Grid Reference: E:328743 N: 265752 Proposal: Change of use from Barn to a two storey dwelling Site Address: Barn At Ackhill Farm, Presteigne.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Application withdrawn prior to Meeting.


20/2052/FUL Grid Reference: E:330547 N: 266049 Proposal: Erection of steel frame/ clad outbuilding for general purpose agricultural building and store, creation of hardstanding area and erection of 3 metre high boundary fence Site Address: New Barn, Norton, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2EU .

Considered at the January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to object to the height of the fence at 3m high and suggest 2.4m. Also to question the designation being given as agricultural as in appearance it seemed industrial.


20/2135/FUL Grid Reference: E:331524 N: 263988 Proposal: Erection of 2.4m high palisade fence and gates Site Address: Unit 1, Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2UH.

Considered at the January Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/2134/FUL Grid Reference: E:331491 N: 264052 Proposal: Erection of fence and gates Site Address: Unit 5 Presteigne Industrial Estate, Presteigne, LD8 2UF.

Considered at the January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/1927/TEL Grid Ref: E: 329882 N: 266231 Proposal: Application for Prior notification for ESN 4G Communications Mast and associated development under part 24 of schedule 2 of the GPO 1995 Location: Land At Home Farm , Presteigne, LD8 2EF Notification by a Telecommunications Code System Operator, details above, as required by the above Order, Received on 24th November 2020.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/1867/HH Grid Reference: E:331567 N: 264266.  Proposal: Replace 2 no. windows on second floor and 1 no. external door to front elevation of dwelling Site Address: Ivy House, 10 Hereford Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/1861/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331380 N: 264567 Proposal: Application for works to a holly tree (to fell) in a conservation area Location: Land Rear Of Greystones, 2 St David's Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/1862/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331380 N: 264567 Proposal: Application for works to a tree ( yew tree) in a conservation area Location: Greystones, 2 St David's Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.



20/1687/LBC Grid Reference: E:331376 N: 264432 Proposal: Various repairs and alterations to include provision of an external door, lining and insulation of internal walls and installation of a simple serviceable timber staircase Site Address: 45A High Street, Presteigne, LD8 2BE.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/1600/FUL Grid Reference: E:330649 N: 266627 Proposal: Enhancement of the existing vehicle access to include a hardstanding splayed access with associated gates, access track widening and landscaping works Site Address: Norton Wastewater Treatment Works, Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised but that Welsh Water be asked to keep the temporary closure of the footpath as short as possible.


20/1407/TPO Grid Ref: E: 329372 N: 266482 Proposal: Application for works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order Location: Summer Cottage, Hillside Drive, Norton Manor Park Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to make the following comment - the Council wishes to object to the application due to concerns over the cumulative loss of screening at the site due to the siting of ever larger units, resulting in requests to remove trees previously planted to provide screening. This is leading to the site being increasingly visible and it was felt that the effect on the site should be considered overall in order to prevent the situation deteriorating further. It was also felt that the proposed reduction was excessive.

20/1598/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331567 N: 264266 Proposal: Removal of 12 leylandii trees Location: Ivy House, 10 Hereford Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2AR.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


20/1450/LBC Grid Reference: E:331663 N: 264552 Proposal: Listed building consent for replacement of 11 windows Site Address: 3 Fold Farm, Broad Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AG.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objection to the application providing the Built Heritage Officer is satisfied.


20/1427/FUL Grid Reference: E:331509 N: 264437 Proposal: Alterations including provision of cafe on ground floor and creation of 2 holiday let units on first floor, removal of garage building and provision of disabled car park space Site Address: The Judges Lodgings , Broad Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AD.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


20/1428/LBC Grid Reference: E:331509 N: 264437 Proposal: Listed building consent for Internal alterations including provision of cafe on ground floor, creation of 2 holiday let units on first floor, installation of new lift, new entrance lobby doors, upgrade existing doors, removal of external garage building and provision of disabled car park space Site Address: The Judges Lodgings , Broad Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AD

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


20/1449/HH Grid Reference: E: 331663 N: 264552 Proposal: Installation of 11 replacement windows Site Address: Breeze Cottage, 3 Fold Farm, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objection be raised providing the Built Heritage Officer was satisfied.


 20/1415/TPO Grid Ref: E: 329473 N: 266616 Proposal: Works to three trees Location: Green Acres, Norton Manor Park, Norton.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to make the following comment - the Council wishes to object to the application due to concerns over the cumulative loss of screening at the site due to the siting of ever larger units, resulting in requests to remove trees previously planted to provide screening. This is leading to the site being increasingly visible and it was felt that the effect on the site should be considered overall in order to prevent the situation deteriorating further. 


20/1345/FUL Grid Reference: E:331399 N: 267686 Proposal: Change of use of holiday let to a residential dwelling Site Address: Faraway, Stonewall Hill, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2HB.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised but that the County Council be asked to check the conditions placed on the previous planning application.


20/1375/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331621 N: 264587 Proposal: Application for works to trees in a conservation area Location: Bridge Inn, Broad Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2AB.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/1290/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331331 N: 264489 Proposal: Application for works to 5 trees within a conservation area Location: 39 High Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2BE.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/1159/FUL Grid Reference: E:331637 N: 264197 Proposal: Change of use from A1 (shop) To A3 (food and drink) and external alterations to include the installation of a fan duct Site Address: The Little Shop , Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the Council had no objections in principle but would like to raise the following concerns -
parking provision, noise problems if late night opening occurs which is very possible given the opening times stated and litter issues. The Town Council would like these matters to be borne in mind and addressed when considering the application.


20/1225/HH Grid Reference: E:331170 N: 264135 Proposal: Proposed Two Storey Side Extension Site Address: 21 Caenbrook Meadow, Presteigne.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/1158/HH Grid Reference: E:331612 N: 264187 Proposal: Erection of timber framed carport with workshop attached Site Address: 25 Hereford Street, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2AT 

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0982/HH Grid Reference: E:330873 N: 265073 Proposal: Erection of triple bay garage Site Address: Plot 1 Northwest Of Sunnydale , Knighton Road, Presteigne, LD8 2ET.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0957/HH Grid Reference: E:330331 N: 266737 Proposal: Erection of single storey extensions to provide disabled facilities Site Address: Tiburon, 13A Caefelyn, Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0860/CAC Grid Reference: E:331536 N: 264264 Proposal: Existing garage/ workshop removed & replaced with new timber frame summer house on the same footprint. Site Address: 43 Hereford Street, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0859/HH Grid Reference: E:331536 N: 264264 Proposal: Existing garage/ workshop removed & replaced with new timber frame summer house on the same footprint. Site Address: 43 Hereford Street, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.

20/0875/HH Grid Reference: E:331288 N: 264433 Proposal: Demolition of a single storey extension/garage and erection of replacement two storey extension Site Address: Trincomalee, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2DP.

Considered at the June Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the Town Council has no objections providing the neighbours are happy with all aspects of the proposals.


20/0876/CAC Grid Reference: E:331288 N: 264433 Proposal: Demolition of a single storey extension/ garage and erection of replacement two storey extension Site Address: Trincomalee, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2DP.

Considered at the June Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the Town Council has no objections providing the neighbours are happy with all aspects of the proposals.


20/0898/HH Grid Reference: E:331390 N: 264576 Proposal: Alterations to dwelling to include reroofing works, new door and windows to front elevation and erection of a rear extension together with demolition of existing rear extension (Resubmission). Site Address: 4 St David's Street, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2BP.

Considered at the June Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the Town Council has no objections to this application providing as long as any work fits in with the conservation area requirements.


20/0462/HH Grid Reference: E:331147 N: 264636 Proposal: Erection of storage shed. Site Address: 4 Castle Dyche , Scottleton Street, Presteigne, LD8 2BL.

Considered at the meeting of the Town Council held on 20th May (via video conferencing). Resolved no objections be made.


20/0723/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331324 N: 264458 Proposal: Works to trees in a Conservation Area - Tree numbers as per plan ref. S86- J1-P Location: The Studio Castle Barn, 40A High Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2BE.

Considered at the virtual (video conferencing) Council meeting to be held on 20th May 2020. Resolved to object to the application as no reasons given for the removal of the trees.


20/0609/FUL Grid Reference: E:332402 N: 263964 Proposal: Proposed change of use from combined retail, store & distribution (A1 and B8) to combined production, storage and distribution (B1 and B8). Site Address: Presteigne Mill, Prestiegne, Powys, LD8 2HN.

Considered at the virtual (video conferencing) Council meeting to be held on 20th May 2020. Resolved to make the following comments - Members were concerned at the proposed change of use without more detail and supporting information being provided. Members also asked for clarification on the proposed operating hours which are currently stated as 0.00 to 0.00, 24 hour working and include weekdays and weekends. There was no assessment of the potential environmental impact.


20/0537/FUL Grid Reference: E:329882 N: 266231 Proposal: Installation of a biomass boiler (retrospective) Site Address: Unit 2, Home Farm, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2EF.

Considered by Council under delegated powers on or after 28th April due to the current corona virus crisis. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0538/FUL Grid Reference: E:329882 N: 266231 Proposal: Installation of biomass boiler (retrospective) Site Address: Unit 1, Home Farm, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2EF.

Considered by Council under delegated powers on or after 21st April due to the current corona virus crisis. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0558/FUL Grid Reference: E:331443 N: 264395 Proposal: Demolition of rear single storey outbuildings, construction of new rear extension with roof terrace. Loss of 2 No. 1 bed flats and creation of 1 No. 2 bed dwelling. Site Address: 1 London House , Broad Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AD.

Considered by Council in April under delegated powers due to the current corona virus crisis. Resolved that no objections be raised but the Council requests that the development be carried out to the highest possible environmental standards.


20/0559/LBC Grid Reference: E:331443 N: 264395 Proposal: Demolition of rear single storey outbuildings, construction of new rear extension with roof terrace. Loss of 2 No. 1 bed flats and creation of 1 No. 2 bed dwelling. Site Address: 1 London House , Broad Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AD.

Considered by Council in April under delegated powers due to the current corona virus crisis. Resolved that no objections be raised but the Council requests that the development be carried out to the highest possible environmental standards.


20/0458/FUL. Grid Reference: E:331556 N: 264410. Proposal: Erection of artist's studio. Site Address: 9 Harper's Lane, Presteigne, LD8 2AN.

Considered by Council on 6th April via delegated powers/email due to the current corona virus crisis. Resolved that no objections be made to the application providing the neighbours have been consulted and that any highways requirements are met.


 20/0367/FUL Grid Reference: E:330456 N: 267257 Proposal: Change of use and internal alterations to create a community hub Site Address: St Andrew's Church, Norton, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2EN.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


 20/0368/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331366 N: 264473 Proposal: Application for works to two trees within a conservation area Location: Yew Tree House, 13 High Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2BA.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0197/HH Grid Reference: E:331418 N: 264471 Proposal: Erection of detached double garage Site Address: 4 Craftsmans Mews, Broad Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AA.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0218/FUL Grid Reference: E:331284 N: 264453 Proposal: Change of use from B1 to A1 (Country Store) Site Address: Workshops And Premises, High Street, Llanandras, Powys LD8 2DP.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0013/RES Grid Reference: E:332166 N: 263858 Proposal: Reserved matters application following outline consent P/2016/0819 for the erection of 36 dwellings and associated works Site Address: Land Opposite King's Court, Presteigne, Powys.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the following comments be submitted -  Outline permission was granted in 2018 and the forthcoming application is for reserved matters relating to 36 new dwellings of various sizes from two to four bedrooms. Thirty percent of these would be affordable (70% of those for sale and the remaining 30% as rent to buy etc). The Town Council's own housing need survey identified a need for affordable properties in the area and it is pleased to see provision is being made within the development.
The Town Council understands that developer discussions with Welsh Water have indicated that connection to the mains sewers would be permitted although work was required to widen the pipes along the B4362 road. The capacity of the sewage system prior to the intended Welsh Water upgrade was discussed with us and Mr. Hughes of Hughes Architects confirmed that he had been told that this would be possible. Members received a full presentation from the Architects in December 2019 as part of the pre planning process and at the time made a number of  comments. These are incorporated together with the comments made at the meeting and they are -

The need for adequate provision for parking.
Comprehensive alleviation of flood risk. 
hedge retention on the site boundary and if at all possible some hedging within the development. 
Connection to the mains sewage system.
The highest possible environmental standard for the homes, incorporating energy efficiency measures such as orientation of properties, solar panels and high BREEAM standards. The Town Council wishes to encourage sustainable development and the building of homes to be as energy efficient as possible. It was also noted that the intention was to use ground source heat pumps but that there would not be any underfloor heating. It was felt that without underfloor heating the heat pumps could prove to be expensive to run and that underfloor heating be re-considered. It also asks that the inclusion of solar panels to assist with running costs be considered as a way of reducing future running costs for occupants. The Town Council was happy that access would be from the B4362 and that the entrance be staggered from the existing Kings Court junction. Members asked that as part of the development a Section 106 agreement be made to provide a pedestrian crossing to give access to the recently completed active travel route and also that some play equipment be required, including, if possible, a fenced toddler area. It was noted that a length of the internal roadway (alongside properties 19-24) only had a pavement shown on one side - the Town Council would like to be assured that this would not be a bar to future adoption of the roadway by the County Council as it believes previous standards required a pavement on both sides. 

The Town Council would like to request that the street lighting is suitable and in line with the town's intention to apply for Dark Sky status.

Finally the Town Council has had one letter from a resident outlining concerns. The resident has been advised to submit those comments direct to the planning department but they are included below for your information -

1. Flooding, we are concerned that increased housing and hard standing/tarmac areas could increase the risk of flooding in this area, we have seen such examples recently as in Canon Pyon. 
2. Orientation, this would affect us in that we have our master bedroom and kitchen/dining room with windows towards this development. Our back garden could also potentially be visible therefore orientation is a concern due to privacy. 
3. The road. If this development were to go ahead we feel that the road should be changed from a 40mph speed limit to a 30mph speed limit due to the increased number of people/families using the pavements etc.
4. Water, can it be confirmed that the sewerage and water supply from Welsh Water is capable of handling this size of development and if work needs to be done is it financially viable?
5. Phosphate levels, I am unfamiliar with this issue and I have not been able to find anything on the Powys CC website. I have read the below information from Herefordshire and given that the development will be close to Clatterbrook which feeds into the Lugg, I wondered if this issue had been taken into consideration. Welsh Water are involved in the matter in the Arrow Ward and so I presume they could be contacted for information relating to this area of Powys.  It does state that it can affect developments


20/0122/FUL Grid Reference: E:331378 N: 263942 Proposal: Erection of a live/work unit, and a single storey workshop Site Address: Artisan Row, Plot B , Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne, LD8 2UH 

Considered at the February Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0130/FUL Grid Reference: E:329984 N: 266726 Proposal: Conversion of barn to dwelling, alterations to existing access, installation of septic tank & all associated works Site Address: Barn At Old Impton , Norton, Presteigne, LD8 2EN.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections but that the following comments be made - any development should follow sustainable principles given the current climate emergency and the existence of a public footpath to the rear of the property should be checked.


20/0116/OUT Grid Reference: E:331819 N: 263670 Proposal: Outline application (all matters reserved) for residential development of 35 dwellings and all associated works Site Address: Land At Broadaxe Farm, Broadaxe, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2LA.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the following comments be made - Further to the comments made to the pre-planning consultation the Town Council would like to stress the need for -
a section 106 agreement to provide a crossing and a full connection to the existing active travel route in the town;
the 30mph limit to be extended beyond the development (presently a 40mph limit);
properties to be built to the highest possible BREEAM standards in particular with regard to heating/insulation - orienting properties to achieve the maximum solar gain and using pv technology not fossil fuels to provide for energy needs.
For easy reference the comments made by the Town Council to the pre planning consultation are reproduced below - 

No issues with access on to the B4355 providing County Highways have no concerns.
Concern at the large number of properties proposed on the site which seemed a high density for this area.
The Council was pleased to see the number of affordable dwellings included in the proposal and felt it would be useful to try to incorporate the need for particular size properties illustrated in the Town Council's last housing survey. A copy is attached.
The Town Council believes the proposed access is outside the 30mph limit and suggests therefore that as part of the development the footway on that side of the road be widened and a crossing provided - adding to the current active travel route along the by pass, and that via the County Council an extension of the 30 mph, beyond the new site access be made.

The Town Council appreciates that this number of dwellings will increase the pressure on the town facilities and would ask that the consideration of some form of planning gain such as the provision of green space on the site, a financial contribution towards the town play areas or Went's Meadow park for example.   Dwellings to be constructed to at least BREEAM 4 standard.

The Town Council would like to request that the street lighting is suitable and in line with the town's intention to apply for Dark Sky status.

Subject to the comments above the Town Council has no objections to the application. 


20/0028/LBC Grid Reference: E:331324 N: 264458 Proposal: Alterations to studio for conversion to dwelling, to include the partial demolition of boundary wall to allow for a wider access Site Address: 40A High Street, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2BE.

Considered at the 22nd January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


20/0027/FUL Grid Reference: E:331324 N: 264458 Proposal: Change of use from an artist studio into an open market dwelling Site Address: 40A , High Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2BE.

Considered at the 22nd January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/2126/FUL Grid Reference: E:330466 N: 265963 Proposal: Installation of biomass boiler unit with 5m high chimney (retrospective) Site Address: Norton Poutry Site, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2EF .

Considered at the 22nd January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised providing the emissions are closely monitored.


19/1982/RES Grid Ref: E: 330026 N: 263265 Proposal: Application for reserved matters following the approval of P/2016/0468 for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling, installation of septic tank, improvements to access and all other works. Location: Hill Farm Road, Evenjobb, Presteigne Powys LD8 2NH.

Considered at the 15th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/1919/TRE, Grid Ref: E: 331576 N: 264559. Proposal: Application for works to five trees within a conservation area. Location: St Andrew's Church, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.

19/1771/LBC. Grid Reference: E:330456 N: 267257. Proposal: Internal alterations and installation of disabled ramp and toilet, kitchenette, heating and storage, to include connection to mains sewer.
Site Address: St Andrew's Church, Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised subject to the approval of CADW and the Built Heritage Officer and the agreement of Welsh Water to connect to the mains sewer.


19/1817/HH Grid Reference: E:331472 N: 264228 Proposal: Conversion of existing garage/workshop to ancillary accommodation Site Address: 2 Appletree Meadow, Presteigne, LD8 2DL.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.



19/1486/LBC Grid Reference: E:331504 N: 264466 Proposal: Application to cover internal flag stone floor Site Address: 12 Broad Street, Llanandras, Powys, LD8 2AB.

Considered at the November meeting of the Community Council. Resolved no objections be raised subject to the approval of the Built Heritage Officer.


19/1652/REM Grid Reference: E:332056 N: 264116 Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition no. 2 attached to outline planning permission P/2016/0128 to allow an extension of time in which to submit a reserved matters approval for Plot 2 Site Address: Land North Of Clatterbrune, Clatterbrune, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2LB.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council.  Resolved no comment be made.


19/1670/HH Grid Reference: E:331939 N: 263717 Proposal: Erection of an extension Site Address: 17 Kings Court, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2AJ.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/1461/HH Grid Reference: E:331390 N: 264576 Proposal: Alterations to dwelling to include reroofing works, new door and windows to front elevation and erection of a rear extension together with demolition of existing rear extension Site Address: 4 St David's Street, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2BP.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised subject to the approval of the Built Heritage Officer.


19/1608/RES Grid Reference: E:330459 N: 266566 Proposal: Reserved matters application following outline approval P/2014/0438 for all matters relating to the erection of 9 dwellings Site Address: Development South Of Wills View, Will's View, Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/1056/LBC Grid Reference: E:331650 N: 264586 Proposal: Removal of existing porch and erection of a canopy Site Address: Tan House, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


19/1142/HH Grid Reference: E:331482 N: 264373 Proposal: Erection of two sheds Site Address: Hitherback Cottage, 1 Harper's Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections but Council agreed with the recommendation of CPAT that an archaeologist be on site during excavations to record any archaeological features revealed.


19/1141/LBC Grid Reference: E:331482 N: 264373 Proposal: Internal and external works to dwelling Site Address: Hitherback Cottage, 1 Harper's Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to the application subject to any conditions felt necessary by the Built Heritage Officer.


19/1258/FUL, Grid Reference: E:330285 N: 266918, Proposal: Change of use of land to form additional domestic curtilage. Site Address: Land Rear Of 23 & 24 Jack's View, Norton, Presteigne.
Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


Pre-Application Consultation: Outline Application for the erection of 30 dwellings (9 to be affordable) at Land South of Joe Deakins Road, Presteigne. NOTE  A FULL PLANNING APPLICATION WILL NEED TO BE MADE IN DUE COURSE.

Considered at the August Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that to make the following comments - 

No issues with access on to the B4355 providing County Highways have no concerns.
Concern at the large number of properties proposed on the site which seemed a high density for this area.
The Council was pleased to see the number of affordable dwellings included in the proposal and felt it would be useful to try to incorporate the need for particular size properties illustrated in the Town Council's last housing survey. A copy is attached.
The Town Council believes the proposed access is outside the 30mph limit and suggests therefore that as part of the development the footway on that side of the road be widened and a crossing provided - adding to the current active travel route along the by pass, and that via the County Council an extension of the 30 mph, beyond the new site access be made.

The Town Council appreciates that this number of dwellings will increase the pressure on the town facilities and would ask that the consideration of some form of planning gain such as the provision of green space on the site, a financial contribution towards the town play areas or Went's Meadow park for example.   Dwellings to be constructed to at least BREEAM 4 standard.


19/0912/FUL Grid Reference: E:333946 N: 263259 Proposal: Erection of a building to cover a manure store Site Address: Broadheath Farm , Presteigne.

Considered at the July Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/1102/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331589 N: 264598 Proposal: To remove 2x conifer trees and branch trim of copper beech tree within a conservation area Location: River Cottage, Church Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised subject to the relevant authorities having been notified.


19/0963/FUL Grid Reference: E:332056 N: 264116 Proposal: Erection of a dwelling and all associated works Site Address: Land North Of Clatterbrune, Clatterbrune, Presteigne.


Considered at the July Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to object to the application. See full letter here. Amended Information considered at the September meeting and following comments submitted -

None of the issues raised in July have been addressed and in particular rotating the angle of the property (and so becoming closer to the fence line) has not changed the fundamental issues with the proposal. Noted that the plans still show footway/pavement along the sides of the access road and these do not exist. Pedestrians therefore have to walk in the road. Members also asked for a reply on the question of criminal damage raised in my July letter and again raised concerns about the removal of trees - feeling it could not be justified. Finally the Council asks why it was not formally consulted on the amended information. Had this not been raised by a resident it would not have been aware of any changes.


19/1034/FUL Grid Reference: E:331348 N: 264155 Proposal: Proposed open fronted storage building Site Address: Seconds And Co, Presteigne.

Considered at the July Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/0913/FUL Grid Reference: E:329438 N: 266844 Proposal: Landscaping works involving formation of paved area, replacement of existing gravel hardstanding and post and chain markers with proposed gravelled area together with erection of 1.8m high fence Site Address: The Coach House, Norton Manor Park, Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.

19/0843/HH, Grid Reference: E:329236 N: 265346, Proposal: Erection of extension to main dwelling and erection of new fence (part retrospective)
Site Address: The Old Stores, Disgoed, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2NP.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/0777/OUT Grid Reference: E:331758 N: 264485 Proposal: Erection of a rural enterprise dwelling, formation of vehicular access and all associated works (outline) with all matters reserved Site Address: Land At Fold Farm, Presteigne.

Considered at the June Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the following comments be made - 

Whilst having no objection in principle, Members felt that the site selected was not suitable and that the unit, (if a rural enterprise dwelling is justified), should be sited immediately adjacent to the farm buildings (to facilitate access to the livestock  concerned) not adjacent to the existing residential properties. 

To repeat that the site is presently situated behind a padlocked gate (blocking a long standing footpath currently subject to a DMMO application). 

The locked gate is of additional concern because of the lack of easy/urgent access for emergency services to this proposed residential unit sited beyond that gate and this needs to be addressed.


19/0835/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331469 N: 264445 Proposal: Works to 2 x trees in a conservation area - removal of decay through height reduction Location: Harley House, 7 Broad Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2AA

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/0619/RES Grid Reference: E:330848 N: 265075 Proposal: Reserved matters application for details of appearence, landscaping, layout and scale in relation to planning oermission P/2017/0498 Site Address: Land West Of Sunnydale, Knighton Road, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2ET.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/0620/FUL Grid Reference: E:330848 N: 265075 Proposal: Change of use of agricultural land to residential curtilage Site Address: Land North West Of Sunnydale, Knighton Road, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2ET.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/0761/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331614 N: 264213 Proposal: Application for works to trees within a Conservation Area Location: 27 Hereford Street, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2AT.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


19/0601/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331468 N: 264305 Proposal: Works to trees in a conservation area, to include pruning and crown reduction Location: Lloyds Bank, 52 Hereford Street, Presteigne Powys LD8 2AT.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to this application.


19/0502/LBC Grid Reference: E:331463 N: 264342 Proposal: Listed building consent for alterations to garage / outbuilding Site Address: 4 Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AW.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resovled to support this application.


19/0542/FUL Grid Reference: E:329706 N: 265402 Proposal: Extension to caravan site involving siting of 3 no. residential static caravans including reconfiguration of 2 existing residential plots on existing caravan site to form 2 no. touring plots, formation of hardstanding and all associated works Site Address: Land At Rockbridge Park, Discoed, Presteigne.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to this application.


19/0551/LBC Grid Reference: E:331468 N: 264305 Proposal: Installation of an external entrance ramp with hand rail, alterations to internal lobby door and all associated works Site Address: Lloyds Bank House, 52 Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support this application.


19/0550/FUL Grid Reference: E:331468 N: 264305 Proposal: Installation of an external entrance ramp with hand rail Site Address: Lloyds Bank House , 52 Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AT.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support this application.


19/0316/LBC Grid Reference: E:331224 N: 264640 Proposal: Internal alterations to include the installation of a suspended floor, removal of hearths, upgrading central heating. External alterations to fenestrations. Site Address: Bell Cottage, Scottleton Street, Presteigne LD8 2BG.

Considered at the April Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to this application.


19/0515/FUL Grid Reference: E:329482 N: 265279 Proposal: Erection of 4 holiday log cabins, formation of a new access road, installation of package treatment plant, and associated works (re-submission 18/0864/FUL) Site Address: Land Adjacent To B4356, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2NF.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the folllowing comments be made - 

Noted that the applicant had tried to address the issues raised on the earlier application but felt that the visual impact has not been reduced sufficiently to satisfy its concerns. On the issue of access the Council noted that this had been moved and that the safety of this will be assessed by the Highways Section prior to approval. Agreed to repeat the comments made on the previous application - these are below -
This application was discussed at the meeting of the Town Council held last night. Members noted that the applicant had tried to address the issues identified with the earlier application however they asked that I repeat their earlier concerns which were -

The Town Council has strong concerns about this application and would like to make the following comments -

Appropriateness of size/scale of the proposed cabins which seem too large for their setting and in comparison with nearby buildings.
Concern at the access onto a dangerous stretch of road, where the Town Council has for some time been pressing for the introduction of a lower speed limit (50mph). If the application is granted then the introduction of such a speed limit should be considered essential.
Linked to the access concerns, the Town Council also believes that the vehicle movement figures seem low and have been underestimated. 
Further development in this area will lead to the creation of a new settlement 'village' outside the town boundary.
If permission is given then use as permanent residential accommodation should not at any point be granted.

The Town Council would also like to point out that the DAS refers to residential accommodation adjacent -and would like to clarify that this is not permanent accommodation but holiday accommodation


19/0501/FUL Grid Reference: E:331463 N: 264342 Proposal: Alterations to garage/outbuilding Site Address: 4 Hereford Street, Presteigne, LD8 2AW. 

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support this application.


19/0235/FUL Grid Reference: E:331284 N: 264453, Proposal: Change of use of part of commercial building from B1 to C3 to form a dwelling, to include cladding the building and all other associated works.
Site Address: Warren Villa Garage, Wherby Lane, Presteigne, Powys LD8 2DP

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the following comments be made - insufficient information to consider the application, with particular concerns over the lack of clear height measurements and generally not enough detail on the plans provided. To request updated plans containing the necessary detail.  Concerns over the appropriateness of the design, materials and appearance given the location of the development but more detail is needed. Would also like to see the comments of the Built Heritage Officer on the proposals. To ask for more detail be provided on the effect of the development on both neighbours Trincomallee and 37 High Street.


19/0089/HH Grid Reference: E:331612 N: 264187, Proposal: Proposed 2 storey extension with new boundary walls to roadside. Site Address: 25 Hereford Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised providing the Highways Section has no issues with the height of the proposed walls and is satisfied with the resulting visibility splay.

18/1131/FUL Grid Reference: E:331453 N: 263966 Proposal: New workshop and office building with associated parking areas Site Address: The Workshop , Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne, LD8 2UH

Considered at the 16th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


18/1133/TRE, Grid Ref: E: 331478 N: 264464, Proposal: Application for notification of proposed works to a tree within a conservation area, Location: Wychwood Cottage, Cannons Lane, Presteigne Powys LD8 2HE.

Considered at the 16th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the following comments be made - The Town Council has considered this application. The tree in question is the subject of a TPO and the Council is concerned that such a drastic reduction may have an adverse affect on the tree in the longer term. In addition it was felt that inadequate justification was given for the works stated.



18/0930/FUL Grid Reference: E:331411 N: 264032 Proposal: Change of use of part of the building from B1 (business) to D1 (holistic/sports massage) retrospective Site Address: Studio 2 East Of The Workhouse Gallery , Presteigne Industrial Estate, Presteigne, LD8 2UF.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


18/0892/FUL Grid Reference: E:331414 N: 264389 Proposal: Replacement of an external door with a window, and the erection of a rear storage shed Site Address: Corner House, High Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application providing the Built Heritage Officer had no concerns.


18/0893/LBC Grid Reference: E:331398 N: 264386 Proposal: Internal & external alterations to include removal of external staircase, replacement of a door with a window, erection of a rear storage shed and internal rearrangements Site Address: 1 Albert Square, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application providing the Built Heritage Officer had no concerns.


18/0864/FUL Grid Reference: E:329482 N: 265279 Proposal: Erection of 4 holiday log cabins, formation of a new access road, installation of package treatment plant and associated works Site Address: Land South Of B4356 , Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Community Council. 

Resolved that the Council had strong concerns about the application and to make the following comments - 

Inappropriateness of size/scale of the proposed cabins which seem too large for their setting and in comparison with nearby buildings.
Concern at the access onto a dangerous stretch of road, where the Town Council has for some time been pressing for the introduction of a lower speed limit (50mph). If the application is granted then the introduction of such a speed limit should be considered essential.
Linked to the access concerns, that the vehicle movement figures seem low and have been underestimated. 
Further development in this area would lead to the creation of a new settlement 'village' outside the town boundary.
If holiday use is permitted then use as permanent residential accommodation should not at any point be granted.
To point out that the DAS refers to residential accommodation adjacent and to clarify that this is not permanent accommodation but holiday accommodation.


18/0952/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331390 N: 264576 Proposal: Removal and replanting of 1 x laylandi hedge and 1 x hazel ina conservation area Location: 4 St David's Street, Llanandras, LD8 2BP

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


18/0848/TRE Grid Ref: E: 331479 N: 264451 Proposal: Raising crown, thinning crown by 20% and crown reduction by 2m on Beech tree near west boundary of garden.shown as T1 on plan. Location: 8 Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that no comment be made.


18/0779/FUL Grid Reference: E:329203 N: 267049 Proposal: Erection of a poultry unit and associated works Site Address: Old Impton Farm, Mynd Road, Norton.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. 

Resolved that no objections be raised but that the following comments be submitted –

Access: Residents had raised concerns about the width of the access along Mynd Road given that many park on the side of the road, particularly at evenings and weekends.
Private Water Supply to Norton Manor Park: The applicant appears to have addressed the concerns raised by both the Town Council and residents about contamination of the water supply. Nevertheless the Town Council wishes to stress the need for this supply to be protected and the revised manure management plan adhered to.


18/0818/REM, Grid Reference: E:329438 N: 266844, Proposal: Section 19A Application to Vary Condition 6 from planning permission PR128419 in relation to landscaping Site Address: The Coach House, Norton Manor Park, Norton.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be made.



18/0631/REM Grid Reference: E:330360 N: 266984 Proposal: Variation of condition 9 of permission P/2017/1187 to allow the occupancy of plots 5 & 6 (formally 1 & 2 of approved drawing 4601/SP/2 ) prior to the completion of highway works Site Address: Plots 5 & 6 Jacks View , Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the October Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be made.



18/0155/FUL Grid Reference: E:329197 N: 268205 Proposal: Formation of a menage / horse exercise area and associated works Site Address: The Elvins, Norton, Presteigne.

Considered at the September Town Council Meeting. Resolved no objections be raised.


Pre planning Consultation: Erection of a poultry pullet rearing unit and silos and associated works at Land at Old Impton Farm, Norton. NOTE THAT A FORMAL PLANNING APPLICATION WILL NEED TO BE MADE IN DUE COURSE. Amended documents - Manure Management, Manure Management Plan, Pre Application Consultation.

Considered at the September Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no additional comments be made and that the formal planning application will be considered in due course.


Town Council Response to LDP Supplementary Planning Guidance (July 2018) on Affordable Housing here and Planning Obligations here.


Town Council Response to Welsh Government Consultation on Planning Use Classes (July 2018) here.


Pre planning Consultation: Erection of a poultry pullet rearing unit and silos and associated works at Land at Old Impton Farm, Norton. NOTE THAT A FORMAL PLANNING APPLICATION WILL NEED TO BE MADE IN DUE COURSE.

Considered at the June Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to submit the following -

Concerns which the Town Council would like to see addressed and more detail provided were - 

  • A private water supply to Norton Manor Park runs from near to the applicant's land and close to where manure will be spread. Possible contamination is a concern that needs addressing. It may also be beneficial to contact Mr. Barr, the Park owner, to discuss how to alleviate these concerns.
  • As the site will be reached via a sharp right hand turn  into Mynd Lane in the centre of Norton village and the Town Council would like more detail on vehicle movements and implications for Norton village. The Knighton side of the village is reached via a dangerous pinch point at the crest of the bank and vehicle movements from this direction are therefore of particular concern.

Fact Sheet from Landowner here.


P/2018/0554, Grid Ref: 331776/264521 for Full: Change of use of land for the siting of a key worker residential mobile home and all associated work at The Fold, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the following comments be made - Whilst having no objection in principle to a temporary agricultural worker mobile home Members felt that the site selected was not suitable and that the unit should be sited immediately adjacent to the farm buildings (to facilitate access to the livestock  concerned) not adjacent to the existing residential properties. Members also asked that I make you aware that the site is presently situated behind a padlocked gate (blocking a footpath currently subject to a DMMO application). This is a concern to the Town Council because of the lack of easy/urgent access for emergency services to the proposed residential unit beyond that gate and needs to be addressed.


AMENDED PROPOSALS CONSULTATION, Ref: P/2018/0343, Grid Ref: 331271.88 263962.78 for Full: Erection of a warehouse and office building, construction of a boundary fence, and all associated works at Land at Broadaxe, Presteigne, Powys.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


AMENDED PLANS CONSULTATION: P2018 0297 Grid Ref: 331280.9 264447.98 for Full: Erection of a dwellinghouse (to include partial demolition of building - west bay of former garage) and all associated works at Former Warren Villa Garage Site, Wherby Lane, Presteigne. APPLICATION WITHDRAWN


P/2018/0343, Grid Ref: 331271.88/263962.78 for Full: Erection of a warehouse and office building, construction of a boundary fence, and all associated works at Land at Broadaxe, Presteigne.

Considered at the April Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised. County Council reminded of limited sewerage capacity in the town.


P2018 0227, Grid Ref: 330999 264671 for Outline - Erection of 2 affordable dwellings (all matters reserved) at Land off Joe Deakins Road, Presteigne. Application amended.

Considered at the April Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the following comments be made - 

The Town Council considered the amended description for the above application. It does however still wish to object to the application and repeats its earlier comments -

whilst car parking is provided for the new properties the development removes the parking from the existing properties
the site is outside the current development plan
the current sewerage system is reaching capacity and this should be borne in mind when granting permission.
It would also like it to be noted that the Town Council has a right of access across part of the land to enter the community field known as Eddie's Meadow.
The Council would like to point out that a covenant is in place on part of the land which prevents the building of structures. A copy of the County Council's own sale particulars indicating this is attached, together with a copy of the Land Registry entry. This should be noted for reference on submission of a full planning application. 

It also has concerns that building will take place at the Warden, an ancient monument site and asks that CADW be consulted (if this has not already been done).


P/2018/0365, Grid Ref: 331581.56/264220.95 for Householder: Demolition of lean-to and erection of an extension at   34 Hereford Street  Presteigne.

Considered at the April Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.  County Council reminded of limited sewerage capacity in the town.


P/2018/0301 Grid Ref: 331280.9/264447.98 for Conservation Area Consent for demolition of part of former garage building at Former Warren Villa Garage Site, Wherby Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2018/0297 Grid Ref: 331280.9/264447.98 for Full: Erection of a dwellinghouse (to include partial demolition of building - west bay of former garage) and all associated works at Former Warren Villa Garage Site, Wherby Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council.  

Resolved that whilst having no objection in principle to a dwelling on the site the Council would like to object to the present application on the following grounds -

overlooking of the adjacent property

detailed consultation with the Conservation Officer on the type of materials used and design given the site's prominent and visible position on the edge of the town conservation area

the need to assess the land for contamination from the diesel tanks previously on site

the issues surrounding sewerage capacity in the town generally.


P/2018/0156, Grid Ref: 331705.7/264523.8 for Outline: Erection of a dwelling and all associated works at Plot 1, Fold Farm Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to the application but would like the limited sewerage capacity in the town to be be borne in mind when granting permission.


P/2018/0295, Grid Ref: 0/0 for Full: Erection of a building for community events at  Went's Meadow, Knighton Road,  Presteigne.

This application was made by the Town Council itself. Comments from the public should be made to the County Council quoting reference P/2018/0295.


P/2018/0244, Grid Ref: 330323.95/266890.71 for Full: Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two detached dwellings and all associated works at Orchard End Norton

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2018/0227, Grid Ref: 330999/264671 for Outline - Erection of 2x dwellings (all matters reserved) at  Land off Joe Deakins Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to object to the application on the following grounds - whilst car parking is provided for the new properties the development removes the parking from the existing properties; the site is outside the current development plan; the current sewerage system is reaching capacity and this should be borne in mind when granting permission. Also to be noted that the Town Council has a right of access across part of the land to enter the community field known as Eddie's Meadow. Finally the Council would like to point out that a covenant is in place on part of the land which prevents the building of structures. 


TREE/2017/0054, TREE: Notification of proposed works to trees in a Conservation Area at Land at rear of , 12 Hereford Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised providing the landowner consented to the works.


TREE/2017/0051, TREE: Works to various trees in a TPO area at Tarn Hows, Norton Manor Park, Norton, Presteigne

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to object to the application, feeling that the problems are caused by the replacement of small units with larger ones that are therefore nearer to the existing trees. and to remind the County Council of the comments made on a previous application at Norton Manor - see below. Council representatives willing to attend a site meeting to discuss a best way forward if this could be arranged. 

TREE/2017/0020, Works to trees subject to a preservation order (TPO20): Crown reduction of 1 no. sycamore and complete removal of 3 no. sycamores at Ambers, Norton Manor Park, Norton. Resolved to object to the above application for the following reasons - over time trees have been continually removed from the site thus removing the screening of the properties generally, the Council feels that the problem with this site (and others in the past) is that units have been replaced with considerably larger ones which are then of course closer to the surrounding trees, the Council requests that the site owners carry out a full tree survey of the site to identify the wider picture and so that an overall replacement planting scheme and organised removal can be planned rather than the individual piecemeal approach currently employed.


P/2017/1373 Grid Ref: 331270.43/264150.72 for Full: Proposed open fronted storage building at Seconds & Co Unit 5 The Morgan Building Presteigne.

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/1290, Grid Ref: 331290.01/264579.54 for Householder: Replacement of front windows and all associated works at Globe House, High Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/1169, Grid Ref: 331507.11/264613.98 for LBC: Retention of the replacement of three windows at 11 Church Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0125, Grid Ref: 330270.6 266959.71 for Outline: Erection of 2 dwellings and associated worksat Land at Jacks View Norton.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/1187, Grid Ref: 330314.97/266940.42 for Reserved matters in respect of outline plannng consent P/2014/0067 (and supplementary condition on NMA/2017/0033) - Phase 1 - erection of 8 dwellings (4 affordable) at  Land at Jacks View & Orchards End,  Norton.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


 P/2017/1064 Grid Ref: 331512.41/264492.94 for Householder: Alterations to dwelling including installation of new windows together with erection of extension to rear garage/workshop to form new studio/guest room, construction of new living room to replace sunroom and associated works at Well Cottage Canon's Lane Broad Street Presteigne.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P2017 1063 Grid Ref: 331512.41/264492.94 for Listed Building Consent for internal and external alterations to include erection of extension to rear garage/workshop to form new studio/guest room, construction of new living room to replace sunroom, demolition works and installation of new windows at Well Cottage Canon's Lane Broad Street Presteigne

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


TREE/2017/0032, TREE: Works to trees in a conservation area at Wychwood, Cannon's Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to the application.


P/2017/0788, Grid Ref: 331002.48/264119.19 for Reserved matters application in respect of outline planning permission P/2014/0049 for the erection of 2 dwellings and creation of shared access at Plots 2 & 3 Slough Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to the above application. The Council understood that there is a possible legal issue which has been already brought to the attention of the County Council by the affected resident though it s noted that this was not a planning consideration.

P/2017/0790, Grid Ref: 331025.14/264128.96 for Full: Erection of two storey dwelling and associated works at Plot 1 Silia Meadow Slough Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised in principle but did have two concerns it would wish to see addressed. These were - the site is very close to the junction and so the Council would ask that any requirements of the Highways Section are included in any permission and  there was some concern about the height of the proposed dwelling in relation to its surroundings.

P2017 0204, Grid Ref: 329460.97 266767.82 for Full - Repair and renovation of the west wing of Norton Manor and Change of Use from Hotel to Dwelling (retrospective)at West Wing Norton Manor Hotel Norton Manor Park Norton (amended particulars).

Considered at the August meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to fully support the application.


TREE/2017/0020, Works to trees subject to a preservation order (TPO20): Crown reduction of 1 no. sycamore and complete removal of 3 no. sycamores at Ambers, Norton Manor Park, Norton.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to object to the above application for the following reasons - over time trees have been continually removed from the site thus removing the screening of the properties generally, the Council feels that the problem with this site (and others in the past) is that units have been replaced with considerably larger ones which are then of course closer to the surrounding trees, the Council requests that the site owners carry out a full tree survey of the site to identify the wider picture and so that an overall replacement planting scheme and organised removal can be planned rather than the individual piecemeal approach currently employed.


P/2017/0459 Grid Ref: 331139.72/264643.93 for Listed building consent for replacement of roof tiles to properties 1,2 & 3 together with installation of 4 no. roof lights to rear roof of properties 2 & 3 and repair works to brickwork on chimney stack at 1,2 & 3 Castle Dyche Scottleton Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved  no objections be raised.


P/2017/0498, Grid Ref: 330903.98/265077.57 for Outline: Erection of 2 dwellings to include improvements to the existing access. Change of use of existing business to residential at Land to the rear of Sunnydale, Knighton Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the June Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that the following comments be raised; the site is outside the existing UDP boundary and compliance with exception policies on the UDP is a matter for the County Council. The Town Council would also like to raise concerns over the access although it has been improved from the earlier application and would ask that this be fully assessed by the Highways Department.


P/2017/0518 Grid Ref: 329842.05/266953.02 for Full: Application under the Telecommunications Act 1984 Schedule 2 for proposed installation of a telecommunications base station, 20m monopole supporting 3 no antennas, 2 no dishes with associated equipment cabinets and ancillary development at Land at Old Impton Farm Norton Presteigne.

Considered at the June Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support the application.


P/2017/0430 Grid Ref: 331142.31/264629.7 for LBC: Works to roof to include refurbish of roof using reclaimed welsh tile, replace facia boards, replace guttering, replace lead flashing around chimney, works to chimney and roof insulation at 4 Castle Dyche Scottleton Street Presteigne Powys

Considered at the June Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P2017 0422 Grid Ref: 328450.34/265416.22 for LBC: Replacement Window at Upper Dolley House, Dolley Green, Presteigne.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that no objections be raised subject to the Built Heritage Officer being fully consulted.


P/2017/0337 Grid Ref: 331386.53/264325.95 for Full: Erection of a dwelling house with integral garage, formation of vehicular access and associated works at Plot Adjacent The Laurels Green End Presteigne.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0321 Grid Ref: 331615.19/263921.31 for Change of use of premises from class B1 use to class B1 use and class A1 retail use at Unit 2 Broadaxe Business Park Presteigne.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0298, Grid Ref: 330831.24/264668.33 for Householder: Convert attic space into living space by removing existing roof and replace with steeper pitch roof at  Carreg Mwsged 21 Warden Close  Presteigne.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0204 (and 205 for LBC), Grid Ref: 329449.23/266766.41 for Full: Repair and renovation of west wing and change of use from hotel to dwelling (C1 to C3) at West Wing Norton Manor Hotel Norton Manor Park Norton Presteigne.

Considered at the April meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0228, Grid Ref: 331381.55/263936.7 for Section 73 application - variation of condition 2 of approved application P/2014/0295 at  Plot B Broadaxe Business Park  Presteigne.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0221 Grid Ref: 329613.17/263422.98 for Section 73 application for variation of condition 3 of P/2012/0019 in relation to occupancy at Northwood Slough Road Presteigne.

Considered at the March meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0125, Grid Ref: 330270.6/266959.71 for Outline: Erection of 3 dwellings and associated works at  Land at Jacks View  Norton Presteigne.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to support this application, feeling it enhances the living space of Jack's View.


TREE/2017/0004, TREE: Cutting back of a cherry tree within a conservation area at  The Manse, 10 Broad Street,  Presteigne.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0015, Grid Ref: 330464.67/263873.8 for Demolition of original barn and replacement with new barn for use as ancillary domestic accommodation (part retrospective) at  Sunshine Cottage Slough Road  Presteigne.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0067, Grid Ref: 330364.58/266939.8 for Householder: Erection of an attached garage at  3 Jacks View Norton 

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0028, Grid Ref: 331721.12/264124.17 for Householder: Erection of an extension and erection of a fence at   22 Orchard Close  Presteigne.

Considered at the February meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0046, Grid Ref: 330138.48/268821.18 for Replacement of dwelling with new passivhaus dwelling at  The Woodhouse  Norton Presteigne

Considered at the 18th January meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2017/0006, Application Ref: P/2017/0006 Grid Ref: 331487.95/264330.68 for LBC damp proofing and installation of wood burner at 7 Hereford Street Presteigne.

Considered at the 18th January Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/1286, Grid Ref: 329178.1/265326.08 for Erection of sun room extension and installation of domestic treatment plant (retrospective) at  Rock House  Discoyd Presteigne

Considered at the 11th January Meeting of the Town Council. No objections raised.


P/2016/1215, Grid Ref: 330350.55/266983.67 for Reserved Matters: Erection of 2 dwellings at  Land at Orchards End and Jacks View  Norton Presteigne.

Considered at the 11th January Meeting of the Town Council. No objections raised.


P/2016/1233, Grid Ref: 331494.09/264490.07 for Erection of summer house (retrospective) at Well House Broad Street Presteigne.

Considered at the 11th January Meeting of the Town Council. No objections raised.


P/2016/1258, Grid Ref: 331641.61/264467.87 for Ground floor side/rear extension at  Plot 7, Development Adjacent 6 Church Close, Presteigne

Considered at the 11th January Meeting of the Town Council. No objections raised.


P/2016/1210, Grid Ref: 331256.42/267629.55 for Erection of Sun Room to Westering at Westering  Stonewall Hill Presteigne

Considered at the December Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/1114, Grid Ref: 330364.44/266939.94 for Erection of a garage at  3 Jacks View  Norton Presteigne Powys

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/1042, Grid Ref: 331034.77/264719.67 for Division of 1 dwelling to 2 separate residential units and creation of separate access at  Westholme Knighton Road  Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections to this application but concern be raised that the neighbours have not been consulted on this application.


P/2016/1070, Grid Ref: 331386.53/264325.95 for New residential dwelling, garage and ancillary works at  Plot Adjacent The Laurels Green End  Presteigne .

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/1031 Grid Ref: 330912.02/265051.78 for Erection of 2 dwellings, alterations to existing vehicular access and all associated works (outline) at Land rear of Sunnydale Knighton Road Presteigne. 

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved to object to the application on the following grounds - the site is outside the boundary set in the UDP and proposed for the LDP and concerns over the poor access, The Town Council supports the concerns of the PCC Highways section over visibility


 P/2016/1027, Grid Ref: 331390.32/264033.75 for Erection of a building to serve as a workshop, studio and store (B2 & B8) at  The Workhouse Presteigne Industrial Estate  Presteigne

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


TREE/2016/0033, Application for works to 2 no. trees in a conservation area at Red House, 2, Court Gardens, St. David's Street Presteigne

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


TREE/2016/0028, works to trees within a conservation area at St. David's House, St. David's Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the September meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/0819, Grid Ref: 332156.74/263845.56 for Outline: Proposed residential development of 27 dwellings to include creation of new access at Land Opposite Kings Court, Presteigne.

Considered at the August Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that no objections be raised subject to the following -

the need to retain or replace existing hedgerows must be a condition of the application and fully enforced;
the Town Council would like to point out that it was consulted on the principle of development on the site but not on the actual application itself;
the Town Council assumes that Welsh Water will be fully consulted on the sewerage capacity in the town but would like to point out that there are serious capacity issues in the town;
Page 7 (2.1) of the Flood Risk Assessment refers to a different site completely - the Town Council would like the accompanying data to be checked and confirmed in case of further 'cut and paste' issues;
finally and most importantly the Town Council has sought clarification from Hughes Architects on the amount of affordable housing to be provided and has received an email confirming that 4 of the self builds shall be affordable via a Section 106 and that 5 other houses shall be provided by a Section 106 as affordable houses also. The Town Council would wish these to be provided and asks that this is ensured through a relevant Section 106 agreement.
Given the short time scale the Council may add to or amend these comments at a later date should it receive representations from the public.
Subject to the above the Town Council has no objections to the application.

P/2016/0758 Grid Ref: 331944.95/263669.89 for Erection of a first floor extension above existing living room and erection of a single storey extension at 10 Kings Court Presteigne Powys 

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/0723 Grid Ref: 331148.3/264421.66 for Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extension at   32 Castle Road  Presteigne Powys.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/0643, Grid Ref: 331386/264327 for New residential dwelling, garage and ancillary works at  Plot Adjacent The Laurels Green End  Presteigne Powys.

Considered at the July meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/0586, provision of office accommodation and new vehicular access at Broadaxe, Presteigne.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/0467, Grid Ref: 330091.92/263663.76 for Demolition of existing agricultural buildings and erection of a general purpose agricultural building and alterations to access at  Land at Hill Farm  Evenjobb Presteigne Powys.

Considered at the June meeting of the Town Council. No objections raised.


P/2016/0468 Grid Ref: 330113.97/263642.43 for Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling, installation of a septic tank, improvements to access and all other works at  Land at Hill Farm  Evenjobb Presteigne Powys.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised providing the application fulfills all relevant planning criteria for such a dwelling.


P/2016/0186 Grid Ref: 330859.88/264871.88 for Erection of Ground Floor Extension at Plot 1 Development Opposite Playing Field Knighton Road Development  Presteigne, Powys.

Considered at the May Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved that no objections be raised.


P/2016/0405, Grid Ref: 331426.14/263968.58 for Erection of a live work unit and all associated works at  Plot D Broadaxe Business Park Presteigne.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised but the County Council to be asked how it would monitor usage to make sure it complied.


P/2016/0393, erection of proposed dwelling and garage at Land adj. Green End, Presteigne.

Considered at the May meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


PLANNING APPLICATIONS UPDATE: Application Ref: P/2014/0067, Grid Ref: 330289.31266946.7 for Proposed development of residential dwellings, community facility provision and associated highway and other works at Land at Orchards End & Jacks View, Norton, Presteigne, Powys and Application Ref: P/2014/0438, Grid Ref: 330465.73266566.05 for Residential development (all matters reserved) at development land off Will's View, Norton, Presteigne, Powys. These two planning applications are to be considered at the County Planning, Taxi Licensing and Rights of Way Committee on 28/04/2016 in the Council Chamber of County Hall, Llandrindod Wells. Planning applications will be considered at this meeting from 11am.


P/2016/0379 Grid Ref: 333426.1/263245.69 for Erection of an agricultural building, an auxiliary workers office and installation of a septic tank at  Upper Heath Farm   Presteigne.

Considered at the April Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/0306, proposed single storey extension 2 Warden Terrace, Presteigne.

Considered at the April Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/0203, outline (some matters reserved) for 3 holiday chalets and installation of  septic tank at Silia Caravan Park, Warden Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the March 1st Meeting of the Town Council: Resolved no objections to the application providing suitable conditions were imposed to restrict the chalets to holiday use.


P/2016/0033, erection of an agricultural building for free range broiler production at  Gumma Farm, Discoyd.

Considered at the March 1st Meeting of the Town Council: Resolved  no objections be raised as long as the nearest neighbours are consulted and subject to the granting of the appropriate environmental permit in due course.


P/2016/0128 Outline (with all matters reserved) Development of four residential dwellings at Clatterbrune Presteigne‏.

Considered at the March 1st Meeting of the Town Council: Resolved to object to the application. Letter here.


P/2016/0137, outline (all matters reserved), erection of two dwellings at Clatterbrune House, Greenfield Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the March 1st Meeting of the Town Council: Resolved to object to the application. Letter here.


P/2014/0067, Grid Ref: 330289.31 266946.7 for Outline: Proposed development of residential dwellings, community facility provision and associated highway and other works at Land at Orchards End & Jacks View  Norton Presteigne Powys. Further Consultation.

Considered at the March 1st Meeting of the Town Council: Resolved to support the application.


P/2016/0139, erection of extensions and demolition of part of dwelling at Caenwood Rise, Presteigne.

Considered at the February 17th Meeting of the Town Council. Resolved no objections be raised.


TREE/2016/004 Removal of conifer tree (within a conservation area) to ground level at rear of Lloyds TSB Bank, High Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the meeting of the Town Council on 4th February. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/0056, formation of 2 apartments on the first floor and internal alterations to the existing ground floor pharmacy at 2-3 High Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the meeting of the Town Council on 4th February. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/0057, listed building consent for internal alterations in connection with the   proposed works at 2-3 High Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the meeting of the Town Council on 4th February. Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2016/0052, relocation of residential unit (Plot 20) at 20 Rockbridge Park, Discoyd.

Considered at the meeting of the Town Council on 4th February. Resolved no objection to the re-location of plot 20, assuming the present plot 20 is therefore deleted as a site (i.e. not used for an additional unit).


P/2015/1257, erection of single storey dwelling, detached garage and all associated works at plot south of Clatterbrune Farmhouse, Presteigne.

Considered at the meeting of the Town Council on 4th February. Resolved that the Town Council would like the Highways Department to be consulted with regard to the access road now being brought up to an adoptable standard giving the number of dwellings now sited off the private road. Otherwise the Council has no objections.


P/2015/1240, erection of livestock building, Broadheath Farm, Presteigne.

Considered at the January 2016 meeting of the Town Council: Resolved no objections be raised.


TREE/2015/0043, 1 mature leaning conifer to be removed to ground level, remove self-set and dead vegetation to ground level and cut back branch endings to 1-2 m and          apply herbicide to the arising stumps and raise crowns of trees over footpaths to 3.5m from ground level at Lloyds TSB Bank, 52 Hereford Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the January 2016 meeting of the Town Council: Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2015/1104, erection of a three bay timber framed workshop (retrospective) at Golwg yr Eglwys, Canon's Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the January 2016 meeting of the Town Council: Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2015/1122, New residential dwelling, garage & ancillary works at Plot Adjacent The Laurels, Green End, Presteigne

Considered at the December meeting of the Town Council: Resolved that while there where no objections to a dwelling in principle it was felt that the non vernacular appearance of this dwelling was inappropriate within a conservation area.


Notification of Appeal to Planning Inspectorate, Wind Turbines, Reeves Hill, Reeves Lane, Near Knighton. (re. condition 14): 

Noted at the December 2015 Council Meeting.


TREE/2015/0037, works to and felling of trees in conservation area at Luggside House, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council: Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2015/ 0910, erection of car port and domestic workshop and store at the Old Mill, Mill Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council: Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2015/0976, listed building consent for minor alterations and restoration works in connection with the conversion of former doctor's surgery to form an annexe at Warden Court, St. David's Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the November meeting of the Town Council: Resolved no objections be raised.


P/2015/0924, removal of conditions 14 and 15 of planning permission P/2010/0343 to allow 10 of the approved holiday units to be occupied as full residential units at Rockbridge Park, Discoyd.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council: Resolved to support the application providing a condition was included to ensure permanent retention of the remaining units on permission P 2010 0343 as holiday lets.


 P/2015/0894, LBC, retention of internal works carried out at Clatterbrune West, Greenfield Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council: Resolved no objections be raised.


Planning Appeal, Upper Heath Farm (2 poultry buildings and associated works). The Planning Inspector has allowed this appeal and planning permission P/2013/0671 is granted. Full details of the decision can be found on the planning inspectorate website,…. The decision document is approx two thirds down the first page of documents.


P/2015/0783, erection of one hub height 31.5m and tip height 46m wind turbine with control box and all associated works at Ffoessidoes Farm, Cascob.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council: Resolved that no comment be made.


 P/2015/0696 for householder, demolition of rear porch and construction of rear porch/sun room and rain shelter at Old Oak House, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the October meeting of the Town Council: Resolved that no objections be raised.


P/2015/0828, Proposed side extension and rear conservatory extension at Harley Meadows, Warden Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the September 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


P/2015/0810 & 0808, construction of a car port at 2 Myrtle Cottage, Harpers Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the September 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


P/2015/0724, full erection of single one storey dwelling and detached garage with a new access driveway and alterations to the existing entrance at land south of Clatterbrune Farmhouse, Presteigne.

Considered at the September 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


P/2015/0737, full, erection of a new residential dwelling, garage and ancillary works at land adjacent to The Laurels, Green End, Presteigne.

Considered at the September 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


P/2015/0758 (LBC) and 0759, for householder, various internal and external alterations/refurbishment works to dwelling at Upper Dolley, Presteigne

Considered at the August 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised  providing all conditions issued on the necessary listed building consent are fully complied with.


P/2015/0655 full, erection of a dwelling house and associated works at land adjoining 11 Green End, Presteigne.

Considered at the August 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


P/2015/0663 (resubmission), full, erection of new two storey dwelling to replace existing bungalow, formation of new vehicular access (close up existing) and change of use of agricultural land to form additional residential curtilage at Corner Brook, Presteigne, Powys.

Considered at the July 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


P/2015/0554 full, extension of infrastructure proposals, Broadaxe Business Park, Presteigne

Considered at the June 2015 meeting of the Town Council . Resolved that the following comments be made:

The Town Council supports the application but asks that -
any tree planting required is carried out immediately to allow the plants to grow before units are actually placed on site thus ensuring that screening is already in place;
the drainage/sewerage arrangements for the site are fully and properly investigated and addressed given the problems already existing with flooding of the Clatterbrook and the view of Welsh Water that the sewerage capacity in the town has been reached.


P/2015/0478 for householder: erection of a single storey bedroom extension at Tan Y Bryn, Harpers Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the 3rd June 2015 Town Council Meeting. No objections raised.


P/2015/0414, Outline, residential development of 4 dwellings (all matters reserved) at Clatterbrune, Presteigne.

Considered at the May  2015 Town Council Meeting and resolved to object to the application. For a copy of the letter please click here


P/2015/0416, outline (all matters reserved), erection of two dwellings at Clatterbrune House, Greenfield Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the May  2015 Town Council Meeting and resolved to object to the application. For a copy of the letter please click here


P/2015/0290, application for lawful development certificate (section 191) for the existing siting of 67 residential caravans for permanent occupation at Norton Manor Caravan Park, Norton.

Considered at the May  2015 Town Council Meeting. Resolved that the following comments be made -

The Town Council feels that the opportunity should be taken to review the screening of the site. Trees planted for screening previously have one by one been removed for various reasons resulting in the site becoming more and more visible. The Town Council would like to suggest that a full tree survey is done so that a maintenance/replacement plan can be drawn up and adequate screening of the site be achieved. It was noted that sites 62-67 appear to be outside the boundary of the certificate requested. It is also strongly suggested that a habitat survey be carried out over the whole site but, particularly in the area of sites 62-67. The Town Council does not wish to comment on the legal issues involved in determining the application.


081479, (Herefordshire Council) discharge of conditions for wind turbine application, Reeves Hill, Reeves Lane, Nr Knighton. The document can be found under 'supporting documents' at the right hand side of the page. Link below -

Considered at the April  2015 Town Council Meeting: Resolved that a letter be written to Herefordshire Council asking that the conditions be dealt with properly and fully enforced. Particular mention to be made of the need for a Clerk of Works for Ecology to be appointed.


P/2013/0671, erection of two poultry buildings, to include a control room, feed bins,new access and hard standing at Upper Heath Farm, Presteigne. Notice of Planning Appeal.

Considered at the April 2015 Town Council Meeting: Comments to be sent to the Planning Inspectorate. For a copy of the letter please click here.


P/2014/0225, erection of one wind turbine, Hendregenny, Whitton. Additional Information Supplied.

Considered at the April 2015 Town Council meeting: No comment to be made


DEM/2015/0003, demolition notification for demolition of old derelict stone and timber barn building at land adjoining 11 Green End, Presteigne.

Considered at the March 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


TREE/2015/0008, application for the removal of trees T1,T2 and T5 works to trees T3 and T4 with the conservation area at Church Close, Cannon's Lane, Presteigne.

Considered at the March 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


TREE/2015/0009, proposed tree works to oak tree at 6 St. David's Street, Presteigne

Considered at the March 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


TREE/2015/0004, take down deodar (cedar) tree in conservation area at the Manor House, St. David's Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the February 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


P/2015/0124, full, erection of new two storey dwelling to replace existing bungalow, formation of new vehicular access (close up existing) and change of use of agricultural land to form additional residential curtilage at Corner Brook, Presteigne.

Considered at the February 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised


P/2015/0049 for householder, erection of two storey extension and associated works to existing house at 21 Kings Court, Presteigne

Considered at the January 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised


P/2014/1235, full, construction of an outdoor all weather horse exercise arena (personal use) at The Hill, Warden Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the January 2015 Town Council meeting. No objections raised


P2014 1144 for householder, remove section of stone boundary wall and form new vehicular access to Harper's Lane at the Red House, Broad Street, Presteigne. Also P2014 1145 LBC, removal of section of stone boundary wall.

Considered at the December 2014 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


P2014 1059 for householder, demolition of sub standard kitchen/bathroom lean-to and replacement with two storey extension (ground floor to be re-used brick skin largely and first floor in weatherboard). Re-submission of P2014/228 at Brooklyn, Slough Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the December 2014 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


Tree2014/0039, works to trees in conservation area, cut to base one oak tree and two willow trees at the Judge's Lodging, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the December 2014 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


TEL/2014/0027 Installation of an open reach broadband cabinet at land opp. Roseland, Broad Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the November 2014 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


 P/2014/0067 Grid Ref: 330289.31 266946.7 for Outline: Proposed development of residential dwellings, community facility provision and associated highway and other works at  Land at Orchards End & Jacks View  Norton Presteigne Powys. Consultation on additional/amended information.

Considered at the November 2014 Town Council meeting. Agreed to support the amended application.     


TREE/2014/0037, removal of a prunus avium tree within a conservation area at Warden Court, St. David's Street, Presteigne.

Considered at the September 2014 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


TEL/2014/0022, installation of single BT telecommunications cabinet opposite W. McColville Ltd, Station Road, Presteigne.

Considered at the September 2014 Town Council meeting. No objections raised.


P/2014/0794, removal of conditions 14 and 15 of planning permission P2010/0343 to allow units to be occupied as full residential units at Rockbridge Park, Discoyd. Considered at the August 2014 meeting of the Town Council and comments submitted were

The Town Council wishes to object to the removal of the conditions on the following grounds -
 the removal of the conditions would set a precedent for the removal of such conditions on other holiday properties in the area (properties that received the original planning permission because they were for holiday accommodation only and whose suitability was assessed accordingly);
the Council is concerned at the loss of available holiday accommodation in the area which it feels is very much needed locally;
the increased foot and vehicular traffic along the main road from the site into Presteigne  created by permanent residential use of the site.

P2014 0732 LBC, conversion of former doctors surgery and apartment to form an annex to include internal alterations at Warden Court, St. David's Street, Presteigne.  Considered at the August 2014 meeting of the Town Council. No objections raised.

P2012/0573 full, new site access road from A4113 to the Llanshay Lane and the creation of passing places to enable access to the consented Reeves Hill wind farm at agricultural land south of A4113, Knighton. Considered at the August 2014 meeting of the Town Council and comments submitted were

The Town Council wishes to object to the granting of permission for the access road for the following reasons -

The Council feels it is impossible to determine this application without reference to the impact of the whole development and it's effect on the area and indeed understands that had the development been sited wholly in Wales then both the access works and the site would have had to be submitted as one application and so would have been considered together.

The opposition to the wind farm itself, which is supported by the survey conducted by the Stonewall Hill Conservation Group which indicated 92% of Norton residents are opposed to all aspects of the proposed development. (Norton residents will be the most affected by sight and noise from the proposed wind farm).

Stonewall Hill is special place, unique on the Welsh/English border with the road and it's historical stone wall defining that boundary and from which extensive views of the Marches are available. The proposed access road will change the character of the whole area, presently a tranquil and beautiful spot appreciated by locals and visitors alike. The area is a haven for many forms of wildlife and indeed since the Town Council's letter of June 2012 red kites have been sited in the area.

The proposed road will impact on tourism and leisure uses for Stonewall Hill and thus destroy a much loved and well used local beauty spot. It would effectively industrialise the road and its surroundings and destroy the nature of the road and its setting in the rural countryside.

To incorporate the access road the ancient medieval stone wall will need to be breeched in four places, a clear destruction of such a historical landmark in the area. Indeed the wall is the historic boundary between England and Wales.

The damage, wear and tear to all local roads and especially Stonewall Hill/Llanshay Lane will be considerable and the impact to local flora and fauna severe and irreparable.

P/2014/0508, full, erection of a holiday chalet with new vehicular access at Harp Meadow, Warden Road, Presteigne. Considered at the July 2014 Council Meeting and comments submitted were

'The Town Council would wish to ensure that the chalet is retained for holiday use only as permanent residential use would constitute development in the open countryside. To this end it would wish to see the following conditions as part of the planning permission -
the chalet shall be occupied for no longer than 50 weeks per year
the chalet shall be used for holiday purposes only and should not be used as a sole residence
the period of each let shall be no longer than six weeks with no return by the same holiday maker within six weeks
a record of all lets should be maintained and be kept available for inspection by the local authority'