This page contains details of the Code of Conduct applying to Community Councillors and details of the declarations of interest made at Council Meetings in accordance with the Code.
Useful Documents are below. Please click on the title to download.
2008 Code of Conduct as amended 2016
Members Code of Conduct Quick Guide
Principles of Good Administration Ombudsman's Guide
Dispensations List, December 2022 (in force until 2027)
Declarations made may be classed as personal or prejudicial. If an interest is prejudicial a Councillor must leave the room for the discussion and vote on the Agenda item concerned.
Declarations Made each Month are listed below -
22nd January, 2025
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
15th January, 2025
Cllr. Edwards, member of Presteigne and Norton Community Trust re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Presteigne and Norton Community Trust. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. Edwards, Trustee East Radnorshire Care re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to East Radnorshire Care. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. Edwards, Memorial Hall Committee Member re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Presteigne & District Memorial Hall. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. Kirkby, member of Presteigne and Norton Community Trust re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Presteigne and Norton Community Trust. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. A. Ramsay, member of Sheep Music Committee re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Sheep Music. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. Ross, member of Sheep Music Committee re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Sheep Music. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. Van Huls, member of Presteigne and Norton Community Trust re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Presteigne and Norton Community Trust. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. Van Huls, Trustee East Radnorshire Care re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation East Radnorshire Care. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Bayham, employee of East Radnorshire Care, re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to East Radnorshire Care.
18th December, 2024
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Bayham, related to current toilet cleaner/possible contractor for 2025-26, re. quotes for toilet cleaning in 2025-26.
Cllr. F. Preece, related to resident who raised the complaint, re. possible change in traffic direction at Pound Lane.
27th November, 2024 Sites and Buildings Committee
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Bayham, related to current toilet cleaner/possible contractor for 2025-26, re. quotes for toilet cleaning in 2025-26.
20th November, 2024
Cllr. A. Ramsay, re proposal for cafe/bar/storage, Trustee of Sheep Music. NB Dispensation in place allowing full discussion and vote.
Cllr. C. Ross, re. proposal for cafe/bar/storage, Trustee of Sheep Music. NB Dispensation in place allowing full discussion and vote.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. A. Ramsay, re planning application 24/1455/LBC, owner of property and planning application 24/1359/TRE - related to neighbour of property.
Cllr. J. Ramsay, re. planning application 24/1455/LBC, related to owner of property and 24/1359/TRE - neighbour of property.
Cllr. C. Kirkby, re planning applications 24/1598/HH and 24/1455/HH, friend of both applicants.
Cllr. F. Preece, re. planning application 24/1598/HH - neighbour of property.
16th October, 2024
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. A. Ramsay, re planning application 24/1456/LBC, owner of property.
Cllr. J. Ramsay, re. planning application 24/1456/LBC, related to owner of property.
Cllr. C. Kirkby, re planning applications 24/1456/LBC and 24/1471/FUL, friend of applicants.
18th September 2024
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Preece, re. discussion of candidate sites in Local Development Plan, personal friend of landowner - site 247.
Cllr. Wilding, re. discussion of candidate sites in Local Development Plan, landowner - sites 233 and 290.
21st August, 2024
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Preece, re planning application 24/1106/HH, neighbour of applicant.
Cllr. Kirkby, re. planning application 24/1106/HH, friend of applicant.
Cllr. Ramsay, re. planning application 24/1106/HH, friend of applicant.
17th July, 2024
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
19th June 2024
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial
Cllr. Ramsay re. co-options to fill two vacancies, related to applicant for the Presteigne Ward.
16th May 2024 Annual and Ordinary Meetings
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
17th April 2024
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Ramsay re planning applications 24/0285/LBC and 24/0284/FUL, owner of land adjacent to application site therefore any decision made could affect his well being or financial position.
20th March, 2024
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Edwards re. school transport changes, employed by one of school bus contractors.
21st February, 2024
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
24th January 2024
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
17th January, 2024
Cllr. Edwards, member of Norton Community Hub Management Committee re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Norton Community Trust. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. Edwards, Trustee East Radnorshire Care re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to East Radnorshire Care. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. Van Huls, member of Norton Community Hub Management Committee re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Norton Community Trust. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. Van Huls, Trustee East Radnorshire Care re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation East Radnorshire Care. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. Wilding, member of Norton Community Hub Management Committee re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Norton Community Trust. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Cllr. M. Williams, Trustee of Sheep Music re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Sheep Music. (Blanket Dispensation applies)
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Bayham, employee of East Radnorshire Care, re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to East Radnorshire Care.
20th December 2023
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
15th November 2023
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
18th October 2023
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
27th September 2023
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
September, 2023
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. L. Firth, contractor on project re. planning application 23/1249/FUL.
August, 2023
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
July, 2023
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejdicial:
Cllr. L. Firth, renting a property on the same site re. planning application 23/0398/FUL.
June, 2023
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejdicial: None.
May, 2023 Annual and Ordinary Meetings
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
April, 2023
Cllr. B. Baynham, employee of East Radnorshire Care, re. donation to East Radnorshire Care (previously precepted).
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. T. Owens, owner of adjacent property, re. planning Radnorshire Arms Hotel.
March, 2023
Cllr. F. Preece, Chairman of Presteigne Scouts, re request to erect patio shelter at Presteigne Scout Hut.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
February, 2023
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
25th January, 2023
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bamford, partner of potential contractor re. work for nature reserve.
Cllr. J. Gray, lives immediately adjacent to works re. update on High Street, Presteigne.
18th January, 2023
Cllr. R. Bamford, Chair of Presteigne and Norton Community Trust, re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to Presteigne and Norton Community Trust.
Cllr. D. Edwards, Trustee of East Radnorshire Care, Director of Presteigne and Norton Community Trust, Norton Community Trust and Committee Member Norton Sports Committee, re. setting of precept/budget relating to grant allocations for those organisations.
Cllr. A. Van Huls, Town Council Representative on East Radnorshire Care, re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to East Radnorshire Care.
Cllr. J. Wilding, Vice-Chairman, Presteigne Memorial Hall and member of Norton Sports Committee re. re. setting of precept/budget relating to grant allocations for those organisations.
Cllr. M. Williams, Trustee of Sheep Music (organiser of annual firework display), re. setting of precept/budget relating to grant allocation for that event.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Bayham, employee of East Radnorshire Care, re. setting of precept and budget relating to grant allocation to East Radnorshire Care.
December, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Baynham, friend of applicant re. Planning application reference 22/2057/TRE
related to contractor re. toilet cleaning contract.
Cllr. J. Wilding, owner of business quoting for path and entrance works, re. grant works at new Nature Reserve.
November, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. L. Abecasis, premises hosts a wfi unit re. consideration of free advert for wifi unit hosts.
October, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. L. Firth, builder on project re planning application 22/1347/FUL
September, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
August, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
26th July, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Bamford, close of friend of neighbour of property re. planning application 22/1104/HH.
15th June, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
18th May, 2022
Annual Meeting: None.
Ordinary Meeting:
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Baynham, applicant acted as polling and counting agent in May 2022 elections re. planning application 22/0685/HH, .
20th April, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Preece, friend and business associate of applicant, re. planning application 22/0592/HH.
Cllr. Owens, has an interest in a neighbouring property, re. planning concerns, Radnorshire Arms Hotel.
16th March, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
16th February, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
19th January, 2022
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
12th January, 2022
Cllr. Edwards, committee member, Norton Community Trust, re. precepting of donation to Trust, (dispensation applies),
Trustee East Radnor Care Ltd. Re. precepting of donation to East Radnor Care Ltd, (dispensation applies).
Cllr. Wilding, committee member, Norton Community Trust, re. precepting of donation to Trust, (dispensation applies).
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Bamford, neighbour of applicant, re. planning application 21/2146/FUL.
Cllr. Baynham, employee of East Radnor Care Ltd., re precepting of donation to East Radnor Care Ltd.
Cllr. Owens, friend of applicant, re. planning application 21/2146/FUL.
Friend of applicant, re. planning application 21/2205/FUL.
Cllr. Wilding, friend of applicant, re. planning application 21/2146/FUL.
Cllr. Van Den Ende, allotment tenant, re. budget discussions relating to allotments.
15th December, 2021
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Baynham: related to contractor, re. toilet cleaning contract for 2022-23.
Cllr. Bennett, close friend of applicant, re. Planning applications 21/1949/HH and 21/1950/CAC.
Cllr. Owens, family interest in property, re. Planning application 21/1992/TRE.
Cllr. N. Rogers, applicant re. Planning application 21/2068/FUL.
Cllr. K. Van Den Ende, allotment tenant, re. decisions on Allotment rent etc.
17th November, 2021
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Baynham, Cabinet Member at County Council and related to member of staff, re letter from Dolau School.
Cllr. Bennett, close friend of applicant, re. Planning applications 21/1910/FUL and 21/1911/LBC.
Cllr. Kirkby, close friend of applicant, re. Planning applications 21/1910/FUL and 21/1911/LBC.
close friend of one applicant, re. co-option.
Cllr. P. Smith, close friend of one applicant, re. co-option.
20th October, 2021
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
15th September, 2021
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. grants etc High Street due to Covid-19
17th August, 2021
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
21st July, 2021
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
16th June, 2021
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. grants etc High Street due to Covid-19 and friend of applicant re. planning application 21/0937/LBC.
Cllr. Kirkby, friend of applicant re planning application 21/0881/RES and friend of applicant re. planning application 21/0852/HH.
Cllr. Owens, friend of applicant re. planning application 21/0881/RES.
Cllr. Wilding, applicant re. planning application 21/0881/RES.
19th May, 2021
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
21st April, 2021
Cllr. F. Preece, Chairman of Radnor Scouts, re. erection of pergola at Scout Hut.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. grants etc High Street due to Covid-19.
Cllr. D. Davies, friend of applicant, re. planning application 21/0675/HH.
17th March, 2021
Cllr. D. Edwards, Trustee of Norton Community Trust, re. re. planning application for Norton Community Trust
Cllr. J. Wilding, Trustee of Norton Community Trust, re. planning application for Norton Community Trust.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. grants etc High Street due to Covid-19.
17th February, 2021
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. grants etc High Street due to Covid-19.
Cllr. T. Owens, friend of applicant, re. planning application 21/0122/FUL
Cllr. T. Owens, friend of applicant, re. planning application 21/0083/FUL
Cllr. D. Davies, related to applicant, re. planning application 21/0122/FUL
20th January, 2021
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. grants etc High Street due to Covid-19.
13th January, 2021
Cllr. T. Owens, Trustee of East Radnorshire Day Centre (dispensation applies), re. proposed budget amount for Day Centre.
Cllr. D. Edwards, Trustee of East Radnorshire Day Centre (dispensation applies), re. proposed budget amount for Day Centre.
Cllr. D. Edwards, Trustee of Norton Community Trust, re. re. proposed budget amount for Norton Community Trust
Cllr. J. Wilding, Trustee of Norton Community Trust, re. proposed budget amount for Norton Community Trust.
Cllr. D. Edwards, member of Norton Sports Committee, re. proposed budget amount for Norton Sports Committee.
Cllr. J. Wilding, member of Norton Sports Committee, re. proposed budget amount for Norton Sports Committee.
Cllr. B. Baynham, Director of Judge’s Lodging Trust, re. proposed budget amount for Judge’s Lodging Trust.
Cllr. R. Bennett, member of Sheep Music, re. proposed budget for Sheep Music Fireworks event.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Baynham, employee of East Radnorshire Day Centre, re. proposed budget amount for Day Centre.
December, 2020
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. grants etc High Street due to Covid-19.
Cllr. B. Baynham, related to applicant, re. planning application 20/1927/TEL.
related to recommended contractor, re toilet cleaning contract.
Cllr. F. Preece, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/1927/TEL
November, 2020
Cllr. R. Bennett, friend of applicant for use of Meadow for adventure cinema, re. use of Meadow for Adventure Cinema.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. grants etc High Street due to Covid-19 and friend of applicant re planning application 20/1687/LBC.
October 2020
Cllr. R. Bennett, friend of applicant, re. planning applications 20/1427/FUL and 20/1428/LBC.
Cllr. C. Kirkby, former trustee responsible for application, re. planning applications 20/1427/FUL and 20/1428/LBC.
Cllr. B. Baynham, Director (trustee), Judge’s Lodging, re. planning applications 20/1427/FUL and 20/1428/LBC.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. proposed changes to High Street due to Covid-19.
September 2020
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. proposed changes to High Street due to Covid-19.
Cllr. P. Smith, related to applicant, re. planning application 20/1290/TRE.
August 2020
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. proposed changes to High Street due to Covid-19.
July 2020
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to residents and to a business owner in High Street, re. proposed changes to High Street due to Covid-19.
Cllr. T. Owens, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/1225/HH.
Cllr. D. Davies, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/1225/HH
July 8th 2020
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
June, 2020
Cllr. F. Preece, member of Sheep Music Committee, re donation to Sheep Music.
Chairman of Radnor Scouts, re. request to use Went’s Meadow.
Cllr. R. Bennett, member of Sheep Music Committee, re donation to Sheep Music.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. C. Kirkby, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/0898HH.
Cllr. R. Bennett, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/0898HH.
Cllr. R. Bamford, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/0898HH.
Cllr. B. Baynham, related to toilet cleaner, re. possible increased hours for cleaner.
May 2020
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. C. Kirkby, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/0723/TRE
Declarations made on items dealt wth by the Clerk under delegated powers and noted in May:
Cllr. C. Kirkby, Director of Trust, re. grant donation to Judges’ Lodging Trust.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. C. Kirkby, friend/neighbour of applicant, re. planning application 20/0458/FUL
Cllr. B. Baynham, related to applicant, re. planning application 20/0538/FUL
Cllr. B. Baynham, related to applicant, re. planning application 20/0537/FUL
Cllr. F. Preece, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/0538/FUL
Cllr. F. Preece, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/0537/FUL
April, 2020
No meeting held.
March, 2020
Cllr. D. Edwards, Trustee and Committee Member of Norton Community Trust re. planning application Norton Church (20/0367FUL).
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, related to applicant re. planning application 20/0368/TRE
February 2020
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. C. Kirkby, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/0130/FUL.
Cllr. T. Owens, friend of applicant, re. planning application 20/0130/FUL.
Cllr. J. Wilding, owner of site, re. planning application 20/0130/FUL
related to applicant, planning application 20/0116/OUT
January 22nd, 2020
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
January 15th, 2020
Cllr. R. Bennett, Trustee and Festival Director, Sheep Music, re. budget allocation to Sheep Music. Trustee, Presteigne Youth Project.
Cllr. C. Kirkby, Director of Judge’s Lodgings Trust, re budget allocation to Judge’s Lodging Trust.
NB Blanket Dispensation in force for membership etc of voluntary organisations.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Baynham, Employee and Trustee of East Radnorshire Day Centre re. budget allocation to East Radnorshire Day Centre.
Cllr. T. Owens, friend of applicant, re. planning application 19/1982/RES.
December 2019
Cllr. R. Bennett, Sheep Music Trustee, re. Meadow Use Request August 2020.
Installer of Christmas Lights, re Christmas Lights 2019.
Cllr. F. Preece, Sheep Music Committee Member, re. Meadow Use Request August 2020.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Baynham, related to current contract holder for toilet cleaning, re. awarding of contract for 2020-21.
Cllr. D. Edwards, Trustee of Norton Community Trust, re. planning application made by Trust.
Cllr. C. Ruby, Committee Member Norton Community Trust, re. planning application made by Trust.
Cllr. J. Wilding, Trustee of Norton Community Trust, re. planning application made by Trust.
November 2019
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, close friend of applicant re. planning application 19/1461/HH.
Cllr. R. Bamford, close friend of applicant re. planning application 19/1461/HH.
Cllr. T. Owens, related to applicant re. planning application 19/1486/LBC
Office holder and in receipt of honorarium from Football Club adjacent to site re. planning application 19/141652/REM
October 2019
Cllr. R. Bennett, involved in volunteers for erection of Xmas lights re. Xmas Lights 2019.
Cllr. D. Edwards, related to helper at Leg Club re. request for a donation, Knighton and Presteigne Leg Club.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Baynham, related to applicant re. planning application 19/1608/RES.
Cllr. F. Preece, close personal friend of applicant re. planning application 19/1608/RES.
September 2019
Cllr. F. Preece, fellow committee Member, Presteigne Carnival re. co-option of candidate for Norton Ward.
Cllr. L. Veary, fellow committee Member, Presteigne Carnival re. co-option of candidate for Norton Ward.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. T. Owens, Member of Football Club Committee and in receipt of honararium re. planning application 19/0963/FUL.
August 2019
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. C. Kirkby, friend of applicant re. planning application 19/1258.
Cllr. T. Owens, friend of applicant re. planning application 19/1258.
Cllr. J. Wilding, applicant re. planning application 19/1258 and related to applicant re pre planning consultation for Land South of Joe Deakins Road.
July 2019
Cllr. B. Baynham, Trustee of John Beddoes Trust Fund re. Silia Wood and request for land.
Cllr. J. Wilding, Member of Norton Community Development Group re. Donation for Norton Community Development Group.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. T. Owens, Member of Football Club Committee and in receipt of honararium re. planning application 19/0963/FUL.
Family neighbours of applicant, re. planning application 19/0912/FUL.
Cllr. J. Wilding, Related to applicant, re. planning application update18/0779/FUL
June 2019
Cllr. T. Owens, friend of applicant re. information only item Planning Application 18/0779, Old Impton.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. P. Linnett, close friend of applicant re. Planning Application 19/0843, Old Stores.
Cllr. N. Rogers, friend of applicant re. Planning Application 18/0779, Old Impton.
Cllr. J. Wilding, related to applicant re. planning application 18/0779, Old Impton.
May 2019 (Annual and Ordinary Meetings)
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
April, 2019
Cllr. B. Baynham, Trustee of Judge’s Lodgings and Employee of East Radnorshire Day Centre; re. precepted donations to Judge’s Lodgings and East Radnorshire Day Centre.
Cllr. F. Preece, Chairperson Scouts Committee re. donation request from Presteigne Scouts.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. R. Bennett, close family friend of applicant re. planning application 19/0515.
Cllr. J. Wilding, related to applicant re. planning application 19/051.
March 2019
Personal: Cllr. R. Bennett, Trustee Sheep Music re. arrangements for paying of invoices for new community barn/community barn update.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
February 2019
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
23rd January, 2019
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
16th January 2019
Cllr. R. Bennett, Trustee Sheep Music re. donation to Presteigne Fireworks Display (run by Sheep Music).
Cllr. S. Dixon, Member of Norton Sports Committee re donation to Norton Sports Committee and application for barbecue by Norton Sports Committee
Cllr. Ruby, Member of Norton Speedwatch, Member of Norton Sports Committee, Member of Norton Show Committee re. proposed new projects - radar equipment, new barbecue for Norton Sports Committee and replacement tent canopy for Norton Show and donation to Norton Sports Committee.
Cllr. J. Wilding, Member of Norton Sports Committee re donation to Norton Sports Committee and application for barbecue by Norton Sports Committee.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. B. Baynham, Employee at East Radnorshire Day Centre, Board Member of Judge’s Lodging Trust Ltd re. donations to East Radnorshire Day Centre and Judge’s Lodgings Trust.
Cllr. R. Bennett, Trustee Youth Project re. donation to Presteigne Youth Project.
Cllr. C. Kirkby, Director of Judge’s Lodging Trust Ltd re donation to Judge’s Lodging Trust.
Cllr. T. Owens, Board Member, East Radnorshire Day Centre, Town Council Representative on Presteigne Tourism Project (Presteigne and Norton Community Trust).re donations to East Radnorshire Day Centre and Presteigne Tourism Project.
December, 2018
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Bamford, related to applicant; re planning application 18/0930.
Cllr. Baynham, related to current and proposed contract holder for toilet cleaning; re awarding of cleaning contract for 2019/20.
Cllr. Kirkby, close personal friend of applicant, re. right of way diversion, Old Impton.
Cllr. Owens, close personal friend of applicant, re. right of way diversion, Old Impton.
Cllr. Rogers, close personal friend of applicant, re. right of way diversion, Old Impton.
Cllr. Veary, employed by applicant, re. planning application 18/0930.
Cllr. Wilding, related to applicant, re. right of way diversion, Old Impton.
November, 2018
Cllr. Bennett, Trustee of Sheep Music, re. donation towards annual fireworks display and community building project.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Bennett, close personal friend of applicant, re. planning application, 18/0952; close personal friend of applicant, re. planning application, 18/0864; close personal friend of applicant, re. planning application, 18/0893 and close personal friend of applicant, re. planning application, 18/0892.
Cllr. Kirkby, close personal friend of applicant, re. planning application, 18/0779; close personal friend of applicant, re. planning application, 18/0952; close personal friend of applicant, re. planning application, 18/0893 and close personal friend of applicant, re. planning application, 18/0892.
Cllr. Owens, close personal friend of applicant, re. planning application, 18/0779.
Cllr. Rogers, close personal friend of applicant, re. planning application, 18/0779.
Cllr. Wilding, related to applicant, re. planning application, 18/0779 and related to applicant, re. planning application, 18/0864.
October, 2018
Personal Interest
Cllr. Bennett, Trustee of Sheep Music, re. donation towards annual fireworks display and community building project.
Cllr. Wilding, Member of Norton Sports Committee, re. donation towards annual fireworks display.
Personal and Prejudicial Interests
Cllr. Kirkby, close friendship with applicant, Planning Application 18/0631/REM, Jacks View, Norton.
Cllr. Owens, close friendship with applicant, Planning Application 18/0631/REM, Jacks View, Norton.
Cllr. Wilding, applicant, Planning Application 18/0631/REM, Jacks View, Norton.
September, 2018
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial
Cllr. Kirkby, close friendship with father of applicant, Pre Planning Consultation for pullet rearing shed, Old Impton, Norton.
Cllr. Owens, close friendship with father of applicant, Pre Planning Consultation for pullet rearing shed, Old Impton, Norton.
Cllr. Wilding, father of applicant, Pre Planning Consultation for pullet rearing shed, Old Impton, Norton.
August, 2018
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest: None.
July, 2018
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: Cllr. Preece, former employee, Future of Radnorshire Arms, Presteigne.
June, 2018
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Kirkby, business association (mother of applicant is tenant of property), amended information for planning application P/2018/0343.
Cllr. Kirkby, close friendship with father of applicant, Pre Planning Consultation for pullet rearing shed, Old Impton, Norton.
Cllr. Bennett, supplier of service, Installation of Christmas Lights 2018, Norton
Cllr. Owens, close friendship with father of applicant, Pre Planning Consultation for pullet rearing shed, Old Impton, Norton.
Cllr. Preece, former employee, Future of Radnorshire Arms, Presteigne.
Cllr. Rogers, close friendship with applicant, Pre Planning Consultation for pullet rearing shed, Old Impton, Norton.
Cllr. Wilding, father of applicant, Pre Planning Consultation for pullet rearing shed, Old Impton, Norton.
MAY 2018 (Annual and Ordinary Meetings)
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
APRIL 2018
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Bamford, close friends with applicant, planning application P/2018/0365
Cllr. Kirkby, business association (mother of applicant is tenant of property), planning application P/2018/0343.
MARCH 2018
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest: Cllr. Wilding, related to applicant re. planning application, P/2018/0244.
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest: None.
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest: None.
Cllr. Bamford, connected to member of Sheep Music, re community barn proposal.
Presteigne Youth Project Director, re request for reinstatement of annual grant by Youth Project.
Cllr. Bennett, Trustee of Sheep Music re community barn proposal
Presteigne Youth Project Director, re request for reinstatement of annual grant by Youth Project.
Cllr. Dixon, member of Norton Sports Committee re donation towards annual fireworks display.
Cllr. Edwards, Town Council representative for Day Centre, re, annual grant to Day Centre.
Cllr. Kirkby MBE, Member of Judge’s Lodging Trust re annual donation to Judge’s Lodging Trust.
Cllr. Owens, member of Norton Sports Committee re donation towards annual fireworks display.
Cllr. Ruby, Town Council representative on PACDG re. request for increase in annual grant to PACDG.
Cllr. Veary, Vice-Chairman of Carnival Committee re possible grant to Town Carnival.
Member of Sheep Music re community barn proposal.
Cllr. Wilding, member of Norton Sports Committee re donation towards annual fireworks display.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Baynham, employee of East Radnorshire Day Centre re. annual grant to Day Centre.
Personal: None.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Baynham, related to contractor quoting for cleaning contract: re. awarding of cleaning contract for public toilets in 2018/19.
Cllr. Bennett, Director of Presteigne Youth Project (uses Old School) re. future of Old School Building.
Cllr. Bamford, Director of Presteigne Youth Project (uses Old School) re. Future of Old School Building.
NB Dispensation in force for members of societies/charities.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Wilding,owner of land re. planning applications, P/2017/1187 and 0125.
Cllr. Bennett, Director of Sheep Music re Sheep Music Proposal for Went's Meadow and precepted donation for Presteigne Fireworks.
Cllr. Bamford, personal connection to a Sheep Music Trustee re Sheep Music Proposal for Went's Meadow and precepted donation for Presteigne Fireworks.
Cllr. Kirkby, Trustee of Sheep Music re Sheep Music Proposal for Went's Meadow and precepted donation for Presteigne Fireworks.
Cllr. Wilding, Member of Norton Sports Committee, re precepted donation for Norton Fireworks.
NB Dispensation in force for members of societies/charities.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest: None.
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest: None.
JULY 2017
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest: None.
JUNE 2017
Cllr. Baynham, employee of East Radnorshire Day Centre re precepted donation to Day Centre.
Personal and Prejudicial
Cllr. Wilding, landowner of site in P/2017/0518.
Note: Cllr. Baynham took no part in the planning discussion and decision on P/2017/0518 as she had already stated her position as County Councillor.
Personal Interest: None
Prejudicial Interest: None
Personal Interest: None
Prejudicial Interest: None
APRIL 2017
Personal: None
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Wilding, landowner for mast site, re site for radio/mobile phone base station, Norton.
MARCH 2017
Cllr. Banks, position as County Councillor re. all County Council related matters.
Personal and Prejudicial: None.
Cllr. Banks, position as County Councillor re. all County Council related matters.
Cllr. B. Price, TC appointed School Governor re School Governing Body Legislation.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Wilding, relative lives close by re planning application P/2017/0067
applicant re planning application P/2017/0125
Personal: None
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Marchant, employee of Powys Library Service, re future of Presteigne Library.
Cllr. Owens, Trustee of Presteigne and Norton Community Support, re donation to Presteigne and Norton Community Support
related to treasurer of the Memorial Hall re donation to Memorial Hall.
Cllr. Preece, Scout Leader re Presteigne Scout Group
Cllr. Price, member of Norton Sports Committee re donation to Norton Sports Committee (fireworks)
Cllr. Robinson, Trustee of Presteigne and Norton Community Support, re donation to Presteigne and Norton Community Support
Cllr. Tennant-Eyles, Presteigne Chamber of Trade, Presteigne Area Community Group (TC representative), Presteigne Trust, Presteigne Youth Project.
NB Dispensation from February 2013 applies to all the above memberships of clubs and charities.
Personal and Prejudicial:
Cllr. Baynham, employee of Day Centre re. donation to East Radnorshire Day Centre
Cllr. Marchant, employee of Library Service re. budget provision towards library service
employee of Presteigne Festival re donation to Presteigne Festival.
Cllr. Preece, related to current post holder, School Crossing Patrol
Personal Interest:
Cllr. Banks, position as County Councillor re. all County Council related matters.
Cllr. Baynham, employee of East Radnorshire Day Centre re future of Day Centres (information only item)
Personal and Prejudicial Interest:
Personal Interest:
Cllr. Tennant-Eyles, Presteigne Chamber of Trade re Christmas Lights. NB Dispensation from February 2013 applies to membership of clubs and charities.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest:
Cllr. Wilding, business connection, quoted for work re. Planning application P/2016/1114
Personal Interest:
Cllr. Kirkby, Sheep Music re donation for fireworks display.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest:
Cllr. Baynham, employee of East Radnorshire Day Centre re future of Day Centres.
Cllr. Marchant, employee of Powys Library Service, re future of Presteigne Library.
Personal Interest:
Cllr. Preece, position with 1st Presteigne Scouts re donation towards lighting for scout hut.
Cllr. H. Owens: member of Presteigne and Norton Community Support re. precept grant to PNCS.
Cllr. J. Wilding: Trustee, East Radnorshire Day Centre re future of Day Centres Consultation.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest:
Cllr. Marchant, employee of Powys Library Service, re future of Presteigne Library.
Cllr. Ms. B. Baynham, employee of East Radnorshire Day Centre re future of Day Centres Consultation.
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest: None.
JULY 2016
Personal Interest: None.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest:
Cllr. Preece, closely related to person submitting a quote for painting of kiosk re painting of Kiosk, Norton.
Personal Interest:
Cllr. Banks, position as County Councillor re. all County Council related matters.
Cllr. Preece, position with 1st Presteigne Scouts re donation towards lighting for scout hut
Prejudicial Interest:
Cllr. Humphreys, owner of potential site re Home Presteigne.
Cllr. Marchant, employee of Powys Library Service, re future of Presteigne Library.
Personal Interest: None
Prejudicial Interest: None
Personal Interest
Cllr. Preece, member of Presteigne Carnival Committee, re donation to Presteigne Carnival
Cllr. Kirkby MBE, member of Presteigne Carnival Committee, re donation to Presteigne Carnival
Prejudicial Interest
Cllr. Marchant, employee of Powys Library Service, re future of Presteigne Library.
Personal Interest
Cllr. Kirkby MBE, Company Secretary, Shirehall Museum Trust
Prejudicial Interest
Cllr. Owens, neighbour of applicant, re. Planning Application P/2016/0379
Cllr. Marchant, employee of Powys Library Service, re future of Presteigne Library.
Personal Interest : None.
Personal and Prejudicial Interest
Cllr. Ms. Marchant, employee of library service re. future of library services in Presteigne.
Personal Interest
Prejudicial Interest
Cllr. Ms. Baynham: Related to Objector/planning applicant for another current Norton planning application re. Planning Application P2014 0067
Cllr. Kirkby MBE: Friend of applicant re. Planning Application P2014 0067
Cllr. Owens: Friend of applicant re. Planning Application P2016 0033
Cllr. Wilding: Applicant re. Planning Application P2014 0067
Personal Interest
Cllr. Tennant-Eyles: Chairman of Presteigne Youth Project NB Dispensation from February 2013 applies to membership of clubs and charities
No declarations made.
Personal Interest:
Cllr. G. Banks: County Council Member re. County Council Matters
Cllr. H. Owens: member of Presteigne and Norton Community Support re. precept grant to PNCS
Cllr. B. Price: member of Norton Sports Committee re precept grant to Norton Sports Committee
Cllr. Tennant-Eyles: member of Chamber of Trade, Youth Project, Presteigne Trust, Community Plan re precept grants to these organisations.
Cllr. J. Wilding: Helper with Norton Sports Committee: re precept grant to Norton Sports Committee
NB Dispensation from February 2013 applies to membership of clubs and charities.
Prejudicial Interest:
Cllr. C. Kirkby MBE: friend of applicant re. Planning Application P/2015/1104
Cllr. H. Owens: neighbouring farmer, distant relation to applicant re. Planning Application P/2015/1240
Personal Interest
Cllr. J. Tennant-Eyles, Chairman, Presteigne Youth Project: re devolved services. NB Dispensation from February 2013 applies to membership of clubs and charities.
No declarations made.
Personal Interest
Cllr. Brian Price, member of Norton Sports Committee re. Adopted Telephone Kiosk in Norton (NB dispensation February 2013 applies) and Presteigne Primary TC appointed School Governor re. request for Council view on through school option.
Prejudicial Interest
No declarations made.
Personal Interest
Cllr. C. Kirkby, friend of applicant re. planning application P/2015/0655
Prejudicial Interest
Cllr. Ms. N. Humphreys, employed by and friend of applicant, re. planning application P/2015/0655
Cllr. J. Wilding, planning applicant for properties affected by Sewerage issues, re. Welsh Water reply re.capacity in Presteigne and Norton
Personal Interest
Cllr. B. Price, member of Norton Sports Committee re LDP in Norton, TC appointed School Governor Presteigne Primary School re LDP Presteigne.
Cllr. Ms. B. Baynham, employee of East Radnorshire Day Centre re precepted donation to Day Centre.
Cllr. Wilding, trustee East Radnorshire Day Centre re precepted donation to Day Centre.
Prejudicial Interest
Cllr. Ms. B. Baynham, related to landowner with candidate site re. LDP Norton.
Cllr. C. Kirkby, friend of landowner with candidate site re. LDP Norton.
Cllr. J. Wilding, landowner with candidate site re. LDP Norton.
Personal Interest
Cllr. B. Price, member of Norton Sports Committee re defibrillator, Norton
3RD JUNE 2015
Prejudicial Interest
Cllr. J. Wilding, developer, site owner, sites in Norton re. Local Development Plan (Norton)
No declarations made.
Personal Interest
Cllr. Ms. B. Baynham, Chairman of Presteigne Carnival Committee re precepted donation to Presteigne Carnival.
Cllr. C. Kirkby, Vice-Chairman of Presteigne Carnival Committee re precepted donation to Presteigne Carnival and Company Secretary of Presteigne Shirehall Museum Trust re precepted donation to Shirehall Museum Trust.
Cllr. Ms. H. Marchant, Employee of Presteigne Festival re precepted donation to Presteigne Festival.
Cllr. Ms. F. Preece, Member of Presteigne Carnival Committee re precepted donation to Presteigne Carnival.
Cllr. B. Price. Member of Norton Sports Committee re contribution to defibrillator in Norton.
Prejudicial Interest
Cllr. J. Wilding, neighbour of applicant and access road crosses his land re planning application P/2015/0290.
NB Dispensation from February 2013 applies to membership of clubs and charities.
APRIL 2015
Personal Interest
Cllr. G. Banks, Powys County Council Cabinet member, all planning business, on street parking review, transfer of public conveniences, Member of Radnorshire Committee re all County Council related matters.
Cllr. B. Price, member of Norton Sports Committee re use of adopted phone kiosk, Norton
Prejudicial Interest
Cllr. H. Owens, neighbour and relation of applicant in planning application for poultry units re planning appeal Upper Heath Farm
MARCH 2015
Personal Interest:
Cllr. B. Price, Committee Member Norton Sports: re. adopted phone kiosk, Norton
No declarations were made this month.
Personal Interests:
Cllr. G. Banks, Cabinet member of Powys County Council: re any County Council Matter
Cllr. Ms B. Baynham, related to current post holder toilets: re transfer of additional public conveniences, Presteigne Carnival Committee Member: re grant to Carnival
Cllr. C. Kirkby, company secretary Shirehall Museum Trust: re grant to Shirehall Museum Trust, Presteigne Carnival Committee Member: re grant to Carnival.
Cllr. H. Owens, trustee of Presteigne and Norton Community Support, trustee of Presteigne Shirehall Museum Trust: re grants to these two bodies.
Cllr. Ms. F. Preece, Presteigne Carnival Committee Member: re grant to Carnival.
Cllr. B. Price, Committee Member Norton Sports: re. precept item for community facility in Norton, grant to Norton Sports Committee (fireworks).
Cllr. J. Tennant-Eyles, Member of Chamber of Trade, Presteigne and Norton Community Trust and Presteigne Youth Project: re grants to these organisations.
Cllr. J. Wilding, Committee Member Norton Sports: re. precept item for community facility in Norton, grant to Norton Sports Committee (fireworks).
NB Dispensation from February 2013 applies to membership of clubs and charities
NB Dispensation dated September 2012 to speak not vote held by Cllr. Tennant-Eyles in respect of Chamber of Trade, Presteigne Festival, Presteigne Youth Project, Presteigne and Norton Community Trust.
Prejudicial Interests:
Cllr. Ms. B. Baynham: applicant for planning permission P2015/0049: consideration of planning application, employee of East Radnorshire Day Centre: re. grant to East Radnorshire Day Centre.
Cllr. Ms. H. Marchant: employee of Presteigne Festival: re grant to Presteigne Festival.
Cllr. Ms. F. Preece: related to school crossing patrol employee: re. grant to school for crossing patrol.